ISO 3166-2: TR

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The list of ISO-3166-2 codes for Turkey contains the codes for the 81 provinces of Turkey .

The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for Turkey TR), the second the code for the province.

The current country code was last updated in Newsletter II-3 of December 13, 2011 ( PDF ).

The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: TR . The digits of the codes also correspond to the license plate number of the respective province.

The provinces of Turkey with their respective license plates
province code
Adana TR-01
Adıyaman TR-02
Afyonkarahisar TR-03
Ağrı TR-04
Amasya TR-05
Ankara TR-06
Antalya TR-07
Artvin TR-08
Aydın TR-09
Balikesir TR-10
Bilecik TR-11
Bing oil TR-12
Bitlis TR-13
Bolu TR-14
Burdur TR-15
Bursa TR-16
Çanakkale TR-17
Çankırı TR-18
Çorum TR-19
Denizli TR-20
Diyarbakır TR-21
Edirne TR-22
Elazığ TR-23
Erzincan TR-24
Erzurum TR-25
Eskişehir TR-26
Gaziantep TR-27
Giresun TR-28
Gümüşhane TR-29
Hakkari TR-30
Hatay TR-31
Isparta TR-32
Mersin TR-33
Istanbul TR-34
İzmir TR-35
Kars TR-36
Kastamonu TR-37
Kayseri TR-38
Kırklareli TR-39
Kırşehir TR-40
Kocaeli TR-41
Konya TR-42
Kutahya TR-43
Malatya TR-44
Manisa TR-45
Kahramanmaraş TR-46
Mardin TR-47
Muğla TR-48
Must TR-49
Nevşehir TR-50
Niğde TR-51
Ordu TR-52
Rize TR-53
Sakarya TR-54
Samsun TR-55
Siirt TR-56
Sinop TR-57
Sivas TR-58
Tekirdağ TR-59
Tokat TR-60
Trabzon TR-61
Tunceli TR-62
Şanlıurfa TR-63
Usak TR-64
Van TR-65
Yozgat TR-66
Zonguldak TR-67
Aksaray TR-68
Bayburt TR-69
Karaman TR-70
Kırıkkale TR-71
Batman TR-72
Şırnak TR-73
Bartın TR-74
Ardahan TR-75
Iğdır TR-76
Yalova TR-77
Karabuk TR-78
Kilis TR-79
Osmaniye TR-80
Düzce TR-81

Individual evidence

  1. Changes to the ISO codes (English)

See also

  • NUTS: TR (EU statistical regions)
  • ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
  • ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes as used in domain names.