New Democrat Coalition

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The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) is an alliance of politically moderate members of the Democratic Party in the United States . In the House of Representatives , this group is organized as one of three large intra-party coalitions, alongside the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Blue Dog Coalition . On January 1, 2015, it comprised 46 members of the US Congress. In December 2016, Jim Himes (Connecticut) became chairman of the NDC.

Ron Kind is (as of January 2017) Chairman of the NDC.

The New Democrats and how they see themselves

The coalition was formed in 1997 as an alliance of congressmen affiliated with the centrist Democratic Leadership Council . From January 1993 to January 2001 Bill Clinton was US President; he was close to the NDC.

The New Democrat Coalition consists of moderate and centrist Democratic Congressmen. Politically, it is considered to be the middle of the Democratic Party between the rather conservative Blue Dog Coalition and the liberal-progressive Congressional Progressive Caucus .

Members (as of 2009)

Web links


  1. ^ Himes to head centrist Dem group