List of Latin prefixes

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This list offers prefixes from the Latin language, which appear in many German and foreign language words . Most of these prefixes are based on independent Latin vocabulary , mostly on prepositions ; some, like bi- or re-, only appear as prefixes in Latin.

Ending the prefix to a consonant , can he by assimilation vary: From the difficult to pronounce * Sub-fix so was the suffix from which * Konlateral- of collateral damage . The table provides the prefix, the Latin word from which it was derived, its meaning in the German foreign word and some examples.

Jump list: A  - B  - C  - D  - E  - I  - L  - M  - N  - O  - P  - R  - S  - T  - U  - V
prefix Vocabulary meaning Derivatives
ab- (a-, abs-) a, from away, away High school graduation , ablative , absolute , graduate , abstraction , abscess
ad- (ac-, af-, ag-, ap-, at-, as-) ad approach, add, take part Adaptation , addition , adhesion , adjective , adoption , adoration , adsorption , advocate , affinity , affix , aggregate , acquisition , acceptance , acceptor , excise , apposition , assimilation , association , attraction
ambi- (amb-) amb around, from two / more sides Ambidexter , ambience , ambigram , ambiguity , ambition , ambivalence
ante- (anti-) ante ahead, ahead Antecedent , anticipation
equi- aequus equal Equidistance , equifinality , equilibration / equilibration , equimolar , equipartition , equipollence , equipotential , equivalence , equivariant , equivocation
bi- to two-, both- Biathlon , bigamy , biconcave , biconvex , bilateral , bimetal , bipolar , bisexual , biceps
circum- circum all around Circumpolar , circumcision
cis- cis this side Cisalpine (this side of the Alps), Cisdanubia , Cisjordania , Cisleithania , Cispadan Republic , Cisrhenan Republic , Cis-trans-Isomerism , Cisuralium
con (co-, col-, com, cor-) cum with, together, completely Coalition , co-author , coincidence , college , fellow student , communism , capacitor , conference , constant , contraction , corrosion , corruption
contra- contra against Contraindication , counterproductive, counterpoint ; see also Contra / Contra and Counter
de- de down, away, down Deduction , definition , deficit , deflation , defloration , depression
dextro dexter right Dextrocardia , dextrose
dis- (di-, dif-, dir-) - apart, un-, dis- Difference , diffusion , distance , distribution , division
ex- (e-, ef-) e, ex out, out, up, he, very, quite, Edition , efficiency , emission , exam , copy , retreat , exclusion
extra- extra outside extragalactic , extrapolation
in-¹ (il-, im-, ir-) in in, on, on, in illuminate , illusion , implant , implicit , index , inclusion , inspection , instance , institute , instruction , intention , intonation , invasion , inventory , inventory , investment , irritation
in-² (il-, im-, ir-) - not, without, un- illegal , illegitimate , disloyal , real estate , imperfect , impotence , inexact, inexistence, informal , inconsistent , incorrect, irrational , unreal , irregular, irrelevance
infra- infra below Infrared , infrasound , infrastructure
inter- inter between, middle Interaction , intercity , interdependence , interdisciplinary , intercontinental , international , internet , punctuation , interregnum , intersexuality , intersubjectivity , interval , intervention , interview
intra- intra within intracutaneous , intramuscular , intrauterine , intracellular
iuxta- (later also juxta-) iuxta (close) by, next to Juxtaglomerular Apparatus , Juxtaoral Organ , Juxtaposition
laevo- laevus Left Levocardiogram
multi- multi many, many multifactorial, multimillionaire , multiplication , multivitamin juice
non- non not, un- Nonsense , non-stop , non-verbal
ob- (of-, op-) if contrary to Autopsy , object , oblate , obligation , obliteration , observation , obsession , constipation , obstruction , offensive , opposition
omni- omnis everything, everyone, whole Omnipotence , omnipresence
paen- (pen-) paene almost Paenibazillus , Paenultima , Paenungulata , Peninsula , Penumbra
by- by through, around Perfect , permanence , perforation , permeability
post Office- post Office after, behind post in fact , post-feminism , Postfix , postglacial , postkarbonisch , post-colonialism , post-communism , postkulmisch , Post Marxism , post-materialism , postmodernism , post-mortem , post-natal , post-operative , post position , after puberty , post-socialism , post tertiary , post-traumatic , postvariszisch
pre- pre before, prematurely Preference , prefix , prelude , premise , preparation , preposition , presentation , condom , president , prevalence , prevention , precedence , precession
praeter- praeter past Preterism , past tense
pro- (prod-) Per forwards, forwards, forwards instead of for Product , profession , profit , progression , prohibition , project , promiscuity , promotion , pronoun , propeller , proportion , prostitution , protest , commission , provocation , procedure , procedure , percent , process
re (red-) - back again Redaction , redundant , reflex , reflection , reflexive , reflux , refraction , regress , convalescent , recruit , revolver , prescription , recite
sē- sē (sēd) without; aside, away security , secretion , selection , separation , secession
semi- - half semi analytical, semi-finals , semi-colon , semilunar valve , semi-opera , semi-permeability , semipräsidentiell , semi-probabilistic, semi-professional , semi-vowel , hemihydrate
sesqui- sesqui half times larger / more, in compositions one and a half Sesquialter , sesquilinear , sesquioxide , sesquiterpene
sub- (suf-, sug-, sur-, su-, sus-) sub under Subdominant , subject , subjectivity , subculture , subsidiarity , suffix , suggestion , surrogate , suspect, suspension
great- great over Superintendent , superlative , supernova , superposition , superstrat , supervision
supra- supra above, above Suprafacial , superfluidity , superconductor , supranationality
trans- (tra-, tran-) trans over, over, beyond, to the other side Traject , transfer , transformation , transgender , transgression , transhimalaya , transidentity , transistor , transit , transcription , transculture , transmission , transpiration , transport , transsexuality , transuran , transylvania , transversal , transcendence
ultra- ultra beyond, beyond ... beyond ultrabornological , ultrafilter , ultramarine , ultramontane , ultrasound , ultraviolet
vē- (vae-) - bad bad vēpallidus (vaepallidus; German dead pale )

See also
