Wlašim judicial district

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Former judicial district of Wlašim
( Czech : soudní okres Vlašim )
Basic data
Crown land Bohemia
district Beneschau
Seat of the court Wlašim (Vlašim)
Template: Infobox judicial district / maintenance / no code number
competent regional court  Tabor
surface 353.48 km 2  (1910)
Residents 25,943  (1910)
Dissolved 1919
Assigned to Czechoslovakia

The judicial district Wlašim (also Wlaschim , Czech : soudní okres Vlašim ) was a judicial district subordinate to the district court Wlašim in the crown land of Bohemia . It included areas in the Central Bohemian Region . The center and seat of the court in the judicial district was the city of Wlašim (Vlašim). The area has belonged to the newly founded Czechoslovakia since 1918 and has been part of the Czech Republic since 1991 .


The original patrimonial jurisdiction was abolished in the Austrian Empire after the revolutionary years of 1848/49 . They were replaced by the district, regional and higher regional courts, which were planned according to the principles of the Minister of Justice and whose creation was approved by Emperor Franz Joseph I on July 6, 1849 . The judicial district of Wlašim initially belonged to the Tabor district and in 1854 included the 59 cadastral communities Beikowic, Bolina, Bořkowic, Čenowic, Chlum, Chotěschan, Ctiboř, Dalov, Daměnic, Diwischau, Domaschin, Drahowic, Dub, Dubejowic, Hražena Lhota, Hražena Lhota, Hražena , Kondrac, Křeschic, Křižow, Labi, Lauňowic, Lbosin, Libež, Liboun, Městečko, Mněchnov, Načeradec, Nemíž, Nesper, Nesper Lhota, Pawlowic, Prawětic, Psař, Radoschowic, Snošanj, Slovenian Souschic, Stěbusowes, Stěpanow, Sternberg, Střechow, Střemoschnitz, Swětla, Takenin, Tichonic, Třebeschic, Welisch, Wlaschim, Woleschna, Wostrow, Wračkowic, Wrazowic and Zdislawic.

The judicial district Wlašim formed in the course of the separation of the political from the judicial administration from 1868 together with the judicial districts of Beneschau (Benešov) and Neweklau (Neveklov) the district of Beneschau .

In the judicial district of Wlašim there were 27,251 people in 1869, in 1890 there were 26,648 people.

The judicial district of Wlašim had a population of 25,943 in 1910, of which 21 gave German and 25,873 Czech as the colloquial language. There were also 49 foreign speakers or foreigners living in the judicial district.

Due to the border regulations of the Treaty of Saint-Germain , which was concluded on September 10, 1919 , the judicial district of Wlašim came completely to the newly founded Czechoslovakia , with the court division essentially remaining in place until 1938. On August 15, 1937, the Okres Vlašim / Wlaschim district was formed from the judicial district. After the Munich Agreement , the area was added to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia .

After the territorial reform of 1960, the area belonged to the Okres Benešov , whose authorities, however, lost their administrative powers in the course of an administrative reform in 2003. Since then, these have been perceived by the municipalities or the Středočeský kraj , and the area around Wlašim has belonged to the beginning of the 21st century.


The circuit court included 1910 50 communities Býkovice (Bejkowitz) Chlum (Chlum), Chotěschan (Chotyschan) Ctiboř , Dalov , Divišov (Diwischau) Domašín (Domaschin) Drahňovice (Drahňowitz) Dubějovice (Dubějowitz) Vekaá Bolina (Großbolina ) Hražená Lhota (Hražena Lhota) Javorník (Jawornik) Kladruby (Kladrub) Kondrac (Kondratz) Kíižov (Kíižow) Lbosín (Lbosin) Nesperská Lhota (Lhota Nesper) Libež , Libouň , Litichovice (Litichowitz) Louňovice (Louňowitz) Městečko , Mněchnov (Mněchnow) Načeradec , Nemíž (Nemiž), Ostrov (Wostrow) Pavlovice (Pawlowitz) Pravětice (Prawětitz) Psáře (pSAR) Radošovice (Radoschowitz) Rataje (Rataj) Řimovice (Rimowitz), Sedmpány (Sedumpan), Slověnice (Slovenitz), Soušice (Souschitz), Soutice (Soutitz), Stebuzeves (Stebusowes), Český Šternberk (Sternberg), Střechov (Střechow), Takonín (Takonin), Tichonice (Tichonitz) Třeběšnice (Třeběschitz), Třemošnice (Třemoschnitz), Trhový Stěpánov (Trhowy Stěpanow), Veliš (Welisch), Vlašim (Wlašim), V olešná (Weoleschna), Vračkovice (Wračkowitz), Vracovice (Wracowitz) and Zdislavice (Zdislawitz).

Individual evidence

  1. State Law and Government Gazette for the Crown Land of Bohemia (Third Section of the Supplementary Volume) 1849, No. 110: "Organization of the Courts in the Crown Land of Bohemia."
  2. State Government Gazette for the Kingdom of Bohemia 1854, Division I, XLVII. Piece, No. 277: "Ordinance of the Ministries of the Interior, Justice and Finance of October 9, 1854, Concerning the Political and Judicial Organization of the Kingdom of Bohemia"
  3. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Empire of Austria. Born in 1868, XVII. Piece, No. 44. "Act of May 19, 1868 on the establishment of political administrative authorities in the kingdoms ..."
  4. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Empire of Austria. Born in 1868, XLI. Item, No. 101: Ordinance of July 10th, 1868, the implementation of the law of May 19th, 1868 (Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt Nr. 44) in Bohemia, Dalmatia, Austria under and above the Enns, Styria, Carinthia, Bukowina, Concerning Moravia, Silesia, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, Istria, Gorizia and Gradiska.
  5. ^ Bohemian kk Lieutenancy (ed.): Local repertory of the Kingdom of Bohemia. With the use of the k .k. Statistical Central Commission compiled results of the census of December 31, 1869 published. Prague 1872, p. 6
  6. Ck místodržitelství (ed.): Seznam míst v Království českém. K rozkazu ck místodržitelství na základě úřadních udání sestaven. Prague 1907, p. 18
  7. In the census people with Bohemian, Moravian and Slovak colloquial language were combined
  8. kk Central Statistical Commission (Ed.): Spezialortsrepertorium von Böhmen. Edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1910. Vienna 1915, p. 17


  • kk Central Statistical Commission (Ed.): Spezialortsrepertorium von Böhmen. Edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1910. Vienna 1915 (special location repertories of the Austrian states)