Löcknitztal-Altlauf nature reserve

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Coordinates: 53 ° 7 ′ 10.1 ″  N , 11 ° 17 ′ 45 ″  E

Map: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Löcknitztal-Altlauf nature reserve
Löcknitz near Klein Schmölen. In the background the inland dunes
Flood (view from the north into the NSG)

The Löcknitztal-Altlauf nature reserve was a nature reserve in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , which was designated on September 25, 1980. It was located in the Mecklenburg Elbe Valley Nature Park between the towns of Dömitz and Polz . The area comprised part of the Löcknitz River with adjacent northern bank areas and wet meadows. The inland dunes nature reserve near Klein Schmölen bordered to the north.

Today the area is located in the UNESCO - Biosphere Reserve Riverine Landscape Elbe-Mecklenburg-Vorpommern . With the passing of the "Law on the Biosphere Reserve River Landscape of the Elbe Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania" on January 15, 2015, the large protected area was divided into core, maintenance and development zones in order to implement the national criteria for the recognition and review of UNESCO biosphere reserves in Germany (Section 6 BRElbeG MV). At the same time, with Article 7 of the law "Repeal of legal provisions", the national protected area ordinances and resolutions etc. a. to landscape and nature reserves as well as to the nature park "Mecklenburgisches Elbetal", so that these protected area categories no longer exist within the biosphere reserve. The areas of the nature reserve have been given the status of care zone in the UNESCO Elbe-Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania River Landscape Biosphere Reserve. According to EU law, the nature reserve is part of an FFH and bird protection area .

Entering the areas is not permitted. The viewpoints on the northern inland dune offer a good overview.


The area lies in the glacial valley of the Elbe . It is a natural flood plain and was only used for grazing, as can be seen on Wiebeking's map from 1786. It was not until the 1970s that the areas were diked with the construction of the Löcknitz polder .

Flora and fauna

Wetlands take up a large part of the area. Typical species are umbel , ragwort , mercury and small-flowered foam herb .

Numerous species of birds use the areas as resting places, including whistling , pintail , kinkle and shoveler , lapwing , curlew , green thigh , wood sandpiper and wood sandpiper . The reed warbler is an important breeding bird . The otter occurs.


  • Löcknitztal Altlauf 177 . In: Ministry of Environment Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Hrsg.): The nature reserves in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Demmler-Verlag, Schwerin 2003, ISBN 3-910150-52-7 , p. 644 f .

Web links

Commons : Former nature reserve Löcknitztal-Altlauf  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Standard data sheet FFH area Elbe valley landscape and Löcknitz lowlands near Dömitz (PDF; 59 kB)
  2. Standard data sheet EU bird sanctuary Mecklenburgisches Elbe Valley (PDF)
  3. Biotope arch large wetland north of the Löcknitz sw Polz (PDF; 24 kB)