Carrie - Satan's youngest daughter

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German title Carrie - Satan's youngest daughter
Original title Carrie
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1976
length 94 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Brian De Palma
script Lawrence D. Cohen
production Brian De Palma
Paul Monash
music Pino Donaggio
camera Mario Tosi
cut Paul Hirsch

Successor  →
Carrie 2 - The Vengeance

Carrie - Des Satans youngest daughter (Original title: Carrie ) is an American horror film from 1976. The director led Brian De Palma , the writer wrote Lawrence D. Cohen based on the first novel Carrie by Stephen King . The main role played Sissy Spacek . It is the first film adaptation of a book by the writer Stephen King.


Sixteen year old Carrie White lives with her mother Margaret . She is inconspicuous, shy and teased at school. When Carrie is surprised by her menarche in the shower after gym class , she panics because she has not been informed about the process. Her classmates are amused and make her a most embarrassing and humiliating scene until the PE teacher intervenes. A conversation with the director of the school together with the sports teacher is unfortunately not very helpful for Carrie, because the director prefers to stick with the "popular" students.

Carrie's mother has fallen into an extreme religious mania since Carrie's father raped and abandoned her. She considers Carrie's menarche to be a result of the girl's “sinful” sexual fantasies and Carrie's entire physical development as a woman. Carrie's breasts, for example, consider them an expression of sin and shame and disparagingly refer to them as “pillows”. Margaret finally locks Carrie up in a small room for punishment. Poor Carrie will continue to be harassed by the other girls at school for the next few days. Only the classmate Sue Snell tries to defend Carrie. To build her up, Sue asks her boyfriend, the handsome Tommy Ross , to go to school prom with Carrie as a partner . The sports teacher also supports Carrie in becoming more self-confident and developing her femininity. In addition, she takes tough action against the humiliation: She lets the other girls compete and as a punishment they do tough, athletic punishment training after school. The student Chris Hargensen in particular increases her thirst for revenge against Carrie.

Carrie develops telekinetic skills the more she tries to shake off her shyness : she drops a young student who insults her from her bicycle. When the headmaster harshly dismisses Carrie during another conversation and mispronounces her name, Carrie sweeps his ashtray from the table and breaks it. Her mother, who tries everything to keep her away from the ball, uses her telekinetic powers to keep her at a distance. Notwithstanding the mother's imploring screams, Carrie sews a beautiful dress for the ball and takes care of a nicer hairstyle. In fact, Tommy keeps his promise and picks her up for the ball that evening.

During the school ball, Chris realizes her nasty plan to expose Carrie once and for all: She lets Carrie be elected Queen of the Ball by exchanging the ballot papers of her classmates with specially manipulated papers. At the moment of the coronation, Carrie is doused with pig's blood from a bucket that hangs high above the stage . Sue tries to pull Carrie aside, but the PE teacher holds Sue because she mistakenly believes the girl is trying to spoil Carrie's most beautiful moment. Tommy is hit by the falling bucket and collapses on stage, unconscious. Most of those present are shocked and speechless. But then some of them laugh along with the perpetrators , which causes Carrie to hallucinate . She thinks that everyone present is laughing at her because her mother said that evening: "They will all laugh at you!" In her shame, her anger and her pain, Carrie loses her temper and uses her telekinetic skills to hermetically seal the hall in which the festival takes place. Then she kills her teachers and most of her classmates in a variety of and sometimes brutal ways in a rampage in which the ballroom goes up in flames. Only Sue, who was kicked out of the hall by the sports teacher, escapes the disaster. Chris and her boyfriend then try to run Carrie over in revenge for what happened, but they are killed by Carrie using her telekinetic powers, when the girl crashes the car and rolls over several times.

Carrie returns home on foot covered in blood. Margaret, now convinced that her daughter is a witch , takes her in her arms to pray and stabs her in the back with a knife. In self-defense, Carrie literally executes her mother by throwing numerous knives and sharp objects at her with her psychic power of thought. Mother Margaret is crucified by the sharp knives on a door frame. Shortly afterwards the house catches fire and collapses. The badly injured Carrie, overwhelmed by contradicting and conflicting feelings, drags herself with her mother's body into a small room in the house and dies.

The traumatized Sue is the only one in her class to survive. She has a nightmare in which she is at Carrie's grave laying flowers. Carrie's bloody hand reaches for her from the grave. When Sue's hand grabs Sue, she wakes up screaming in her mother's arms.


Roger Ebert wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times that the film would "leave you speechless". The end is the most shocking since the film Jaws . The film is also a study of human behavior, which makes it particularly good. Ebert particularly praised the portrayals of Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie.

In the lexicon of international film , the film is praised as a "effect-conscious, at times somewhat pretentious horror film" that plays with "depth psychological and sexual metaphors". He was "fascinatingly photographed and with a convincing leading actress". Katharina Stumm writes on that de Palma "skilfully plays with the manipulation techniques inherent in horror films" and "interweaves horror with Freudian metaphors into a pensive, pulverizing whole".


Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie were nominated for an Oscar in 1977 . Piper Laurie was nominated for the Golden Globe Award in 1977 . Sissy Spacek won the National Society of Film Critics Award in 1977 .

Lawrence D. Cohen was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award in 1977 . Brian De Palma won an Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival award in 1977 . The film was nominated for a prize from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films for Best Horror Film in 1977 .


  • The shooting took place in California . Production costs were approximately $ 1.8 million and box office income in US cinemas was approximately $ 33.8 million.
  • Sissy Spacek played the role of 16-year-old Carrie when she was 26 years old herself. Actress Melanie Griffith also auditioned for the leading role of Carrie .
  • In the film, there are numerous allusions to hide the thriller Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960: The school's Bates High School , both films deal with tyrannical mother figures, Carrie begins with a shower scene that its counterpart in some settings Psycho quotes, and finally heard in the scene, while Carrie is looking into a breaking mirror at home, the famous sharp squeaky strings in staccato by film music composer Bernard Herrmann from the aforementioned shower scene in the film Psycho . Such references to Hitchcock's films can be found regularly in Brian de Palma's works.
  • The cast cast for the film included what was important to director Brian De Palma, hitherto unknown and inexperienced actors, of whom John Travolta later became most successful with his early career as a Hollywood actor, for example with films like Saturday Night Fever ( 1977), Grease (1978) and Pulp Fiction (1994). In advance, the two directors Brian De Palma and George Lucas had held a joint audition, a so-called casting , in which De Palma was looking for actors for his horror film Carrie and Lucas for his science fiction film Star Wars . In an effort to land the lead role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars , blonde actor William Katt appeared in the casting, but instead got the role of high school student Tommy Ross . To stand out among the other applicants, Sissy Spacek smeared greasy petroleum jelly on her hair and didn't wash her face before Spacek attended the audition. In this way, Spacek wanted to appear neglected, terrible and abused as possible, as the obvious appearance of the lead role Carrie White. She also put on an old sailor suit made by her mother. The film team was enthusiastic about this appearance, which is why Sissy Spacek was accepted, although director De Palma had already provided another competitor. For the portrayal of the socially inhibited schoolgirl Carrie , actress Sissy Spacek was inspired by the Oscar-winning film Licht im Dunkel from 1962, in which actress Patty Duke embodies the youth of the deaf-blind writer Helen Keller .
  • In Carrie , two storylines are woven together, a story of a dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship and a high school teenage story.
  • With the famous shower room scene at the beginning of the film, in which the schoolgirls wash and change clothes after sports class, director Brian De Palma signals to the audience that the film Carrie crosses moral boundaries and breaks taboos in the following hour and a half. At the time the film was made, the offensive portrayal of naked femininity was a novelty in prudish America.
  • The blood in the bucket that doused Carrie at high school prom was syrup and red food coloring . In the documentary Acting Carrie , which can be found in the bonus material on Carrie's bluRay disc , actress Sissy Spacek recalls the fake blood : “ It was heated and it felt like a heavy, warm blanket. […] But when it dried it got sticky. My chin was stuck to my neck, my arms were stuck to my body. […] When I sat down, I was stuck to the chair. […] We didn't do it often, maybe two or three times. "
  • Actress PJ Soles , born in Frankfurt am Main , can be seen in the role of the devious student Norma Watson , who appeared in the 1978 horror film Halloween - The Night of Horror and in 1979 the leading role of the recalcitrant student Riff Randell in the music film Rock 'n' Roll High school where the punk rock band Ramones inspired an American school to rebel. In turn, the Ramones composed the pop rock song Pet Sematary for the 1989 Stephen King film adaptation, Friedhof der Kuscheltiere . While filming the high school prom, in which Carrie used her mental strength to wet visitors with a fire hose, a powerful jet of water hit actress PJ Soles' head, causing the eardrum in one of her ears to burst. In the novel by writer Stephen King , Carrie devastated the entire city in her desperate rage, which could not be realized cinematically for reasons of cost, so screenwriter Lawrence D. Cohen and director Brian De Palma limited themselves, as they were in the documentary Visualizing Carrie - From Words to Images depict the destruction of the high school.
  • In one scene, Carrie is walking along a sidewalk, while a little boy is riding around her on a bonanza bike and teasing her with the words Carrie is crazy! (in the English-language original: " Creepy Carrie! "), whereupon the shy girl with her psychic powers of mind brings the boy down on her bike. The boy on the bike is Cameron De Palma, the nephew of director Brian De Palma.
  • Regarding the house where Carrie lives with her tyrannical mother Margaret, the film crew used a building in the California city of Santa Paula as a location for filming. With a specially selected interior with lots of religious objects, the film team led by production designer Jack Fisk gave the rooms of the house the appearance of a Gothic church inside. The school scenes, however, were filmed at Palisades Charter High School in Los Angeles , California , which has been used for filming since then.
  • The film crew spent several nights shooting the scene in which John Travolta and Nancy Allen drive through the dark streets in the evening and meet another car with two friends in it. In the said scene, the humorous friends throw a can of beer through the open window of the moving car into the hands of driver John Travolta. In the course of the recording, the beer from the cans used for this purpose in the footwell of the car collected more and more and “ stank terribly ”, as actress Nancy Allen recalls in the documentary Acting Carrie (The Actors) , which is featured in the bonus material on the bluRay disc by Carrie is located. At the point of the plot with the crashing and overturning car, the stuntman Richard "Dick" Ziker sits behind the wheel. In order to make the car overturn, stunt coordinator Dick Ziker had installed an approximately 75 centimeter long piece of telephone pole under the car, which, at the push of a button on the steering wheel, blew up vertically and caused the car to take off.
  • In one scene, Carrie and Tommy Ross dance close together at school prom, with the camera slowly panning around the couple while actors Sissy Spacek and William Katt spin in the opposite direction. This rotating tracking shot is technically comparable to the famous Ballhaus spinning top , which the German cameraman Michael Ballhaus established as a cinematic stylistic device, for example in the films Martha from 1974 and The Fabulous Baker Boys from 1989.
  • For the final scene, in which Margaret and Carrie White's house goes up in flames at night, the film crew had put together a smaller model house that was about half the size of the real home. Originally, the script planned to let large stones rain down on the house during the fire and thus destroy them. However, on the night of filming, the assembly line for the boulder rain, towering high above the model house, jammed, so that director Brian De Palma had to improvise and gave his team the order to simply burn down the model house for this scene.
  • At the end of the film, Carrie's bossy mother Margaret is pierced by flying kitchen knives. Regarding this plot element, which also deviates from the novel, director De Palma was inspired by the Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa . During the shooting, the flying knives, strung on taut wires, slid towards the body of actress Piper Laurie, who wore a steel belt with wooden blocks under the white nightgown to protect her upper body. With the almost sexual groaning of the crucified mother, the screenwriter and director wanted to convey, at the suggestion of actress Piper Laurie, that the deeply religious Margaret White feels relieved happiness about her earthly death. Director De Palma came up with the idea of ​​the grave, from the black background of which the bloody arm of the dead Carrie emerges, through the film When everyone dies, from 1972, in which a hand emerges from a river at the end of the film.
  • Unusual for a horror film, the film received two Academy Award nominations in 1977 , in the categories of Best Actress for Sissy Spacek as Carrie and Best Supporting Actress for Piper Laurie as the fanatically religious mother Margaret White. It was one of the first horror films to receive this honor from the Academy . In the end, however, the awards went to actress Faye Dunaway ( Best Actress ) and actress Beatrice Straight ( Best Supporting Actress ) for their participation in the 1976 feature film Network . Before Carrie , Piper Laurie had not appeared in a feature film in 15 years. Eight years earlier, in 1969, the horror film Rosemary's Baby had also been nominated for two Academy Awards, with actress Ruth Gordon winning the Golden Boy as best supporting actress in the film by director Roman Polanski .
  • Director Brian De Palma was later married to supporting actress Nancy Allen , with Allen De Palma was married from 1979 to 1983. Nancy Allen plays the scheming blonde student Chris Hargensen in the horror film Carrie .
  • Actress Priscilla Pointer , who can be seen in the role of mother Mrs. Snell and who at the end of the film cradles daughter Sue Snell, who is awakening from a nightmare, is also the mother of actress Amy Irving in real life . Production designer Jack Fisk , who has been married to leading actress Sissy Spacek since 1974, was part of the film's staff as the artistic designer .


  • USA 3rd November 1976
  • Germany April 22nd 1977

Continuation and remake

In 1999, the sequel, Carrie 2 - Revenge, hit theaters. In 2002, the first remake for US television, Carrie , was produced. In 2013, Kimberly Peirce released a remake . The script by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is based more on the novel of the same name . The roles of fundamentalist mother Margaret White and the Carrie were taken on by Julianne Moore and Chloë Moretz . On March 27, 2012, Moretz tweeted her thanks to MGM and director Peirce and thus announced the acceptance for the role of Carrie earlier than the production company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer . In the USA the film was released in cinemas on October 7, 2013, and in Germany it was released on December 5.


  • The great Stephen King movie book. Carrie, Shining, Cujo, Dead zone, Talisman, Kinder des Zorns, Cat's eye, The incredibly crazy witching hour, Firestarter, Burning must Salem, Trucks, Silver bullet, It . Bastei-Verlag Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1986, 283 pages, ISBN 3-404-28144-6

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Release for Carrie - Satan's Youngest Daughter . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , October 2004 (PDF; test number: 48 757 V / DVD).
  2. ^ Film review by Roger Ebert
  3. Carrie - Satan's Youngest Daughter. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Short review on
  9. Video interview with actress Sissy Spacek in the documentary Acting Carrie (Die Darsteller) , 43 minutes, included as a featurette in the bonus material of bluRay Disc Carrie , 2018, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Deutschland GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, + Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM ) . The featurette was shot by director Laurent Bouzereau, 2001, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment Inc.
  10. Documentary Visualizing Carrie - From Words to Images (Vom Buch zum Film) , 42 minutes, included as a featurette in the bonus material of bluRay Disc Carrie , 2018, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Deutschland GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, + Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ( MGM) . The featurette was shot by director Laurent Bouzereau, 2001, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment Inc.
  11. Video interview with actress PJ Soles in the documentary Acting Carrie (Die Darsteller) , 43 minutes, included as a featurette in the bonus material of bluRay Disc Carrie , 2018, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Deutschland GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, + Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM ) . The featurette was shot by director Laurent Bouzereau, 2001, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment Inc.
  12. Video interview with production designer Jack Fisk and editor Paul Hirsch in the documentary Visualizing Carrie - From Words to Images (Vom Buch zum Film) , 42 minutes, included as a featurette in the bonus material of bluRay Disc Carrie , 2018, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Deutschland GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, + Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) . The featurette was shot by director Laurent Bouzereau, 2001, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment Inc.
  13. Documentary Visualizing Carrie - From Words to Images (Vom Buch zum Film) , 42 minutes, included as a featurette in the bonus material of bluRay Disc Carrie , 2018, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Deutschland GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, + Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ( MGM)
  14. Chloe Moretz and Haley Bennett Being Considered for Carrie
  15. We Hear the Top Candidates for the Carrie Remake Are ...
  16. Julianne Moore Offered the Part of Carrie's Mom; Will the Remake Have Found Footage Elements? , Accessed April 28, 2012
  17. Never been so happy in my life! Thank you Kim Pierce and thank u MGM for the chance of a lifetime i will never forget!
  18. Chloë Grace Moretz is the new “CARRIE” ( Memento from May 22, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  19. IMDb start dates