List of stumbling blocks in Berlin-Moabit

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The list of stumbling blocks in Berlin-Moabit contains the stumbling blocks in the Berlin district of Moabit in the Mitte district , which remind of the fate of the people who were murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during National Socialism. The table records a total of 406 stumbling blocks and is partially sortable; the basic sorting is done alphabetically according to the family name.

image Surname Location Laying date Life
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 9 (Moabi) Edmond Adout.jpg Edmond Adout Dortmunder Strasse 9 Aug 2010 Edmond Adout was born on December 13, 1889 in Adrianople (today: Edirne / Turkey). He came from the Jewish merchant family of Jacob and Mazalto Adout and was the second eldest son. Edmond Adout was officially single, but had lived with his secretary, lodger and partner since 1928 in a larger apartment at Dortmunder Str. 9. From 1935 onwards, the Nuremberg Laws prevented marriage. The trained businessman ran a flourishing business for goatskin and sponges here: the company supplied u. a. Chamois leather for the garages and building cleaning of the Reich Aviation Ministry. Edmont Adout tried to circumvent the increasing harassment of the Nazi regime against Jewish companies by converting from Judaism to Islam. However, the authorities in Istanbul delayed the required certification of the conversion for too long. In July 1942 Erdmond Adout was appointed to the Berlin Aliens Police, from which he never came back. The 17th transport to the east took him to the Auschwitz extermination camp on July 11, 1942. When it was liberated in January 1945, Edmond Adout was not among the survivors.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 20 (Moab) Margarete Alexander.jpg Margarete Alexander Elberfelder Strasse 20 March 6, 2009 Margarete Alexander, b. Fraenkel was born on February 9, 1861 in Berlin. She was a widow at the time of her deportation. In May 1939 she lived at Elberfelder Strasse 20 in Moabit. On January 15, 1940, she moved into the Jewish retirement home in Klopstockstrasse. 58 um, on January 12, 1942 to another home at Marburger Strasse 5. From there she was deported in July 1942 to the Theresienstadt ghetto, where she died on February 18, 1943.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Straße 13. Heinz Eugen Almus.0420.jpg Heinz Eugen Almus Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Born on September 30, 1925 in Berlin. Enrollment in April 1932 - Bochumer Str. 1936 to 1927 Menzel secondary school . Deported to Auschwitz on March 4, 1943 (see Oskar Almus), murdered there on June 5, 1943.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Straße 13.Margarete Almus.0425.jpg Margarete Almus Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Born as Margarete Feder on May 18, 1895 in Heřmanův Městec (Hermannstädtel). Deported to Auschwitz on March 4, 1943, murdered there (see Oskar Almus).
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Straße 13.Oskar Almus.0417.jpg Oskar Almus Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Born on December 16, 1885 in Hostinné (Arnau). Arrested in 1938: Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Deported to Auschwitz on March 4, 1943. Murdered there.
Stolperstein Essener Str 11 (Moabi) Else Frieda Arndt.jpg Else Frieda Arndt Essener Strasse 11 3rd June 2017 Born on November 11th, 1877 in Berlin, Borsigstr. 21 as the daughter of the businessman Gustav Arndt and his wife Anna Auguste Maria, b. Huhmann. Deported to Theresienstadt on September 8, 1942. Murdered there on August 27, 1944.
Stolperstein Essener Str 11 (Moabi) Martha Arndt.jpg Martha Arndt Essener Strasse 11 3rd June 2017 Born on January 5th, 1874 in Berlin. Deported to Theresienstadt on September 8, 1942. Murdered there on October 23, 1942.
Stolperstein Essener Str 11 (Moabi) Moritz Arndt.jpg Moritz Arndt Essener Strasse 11 3rd June 2017 Moritz Julius Arndt, b. on June 6, 1889 in Berlin, Kleine Hamburgerstrasse 19, as the son of the businessman Gustav Arndt and his wife Anna Auguste Maria, b. Huhmann. Imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1938. October 27, 1942 Escape to death in Berlin.
Stolperstein Essener Str 11 (Moabi) Walter Arndt.jpg Walter Arndt Essener Strasse 11 3rd June 2017 Walter Max Bernhard Arndt, b. born on January 26th, 1884 in Berlin. on June 6th, 1889 in Berlin, Unterbaumstr. 2, as the son of the businessman Gustav Arndt and his wife Anna Auguste Maria, b. Huhmann. Imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1938. October 27, 1942 Escape to death in Berlin.
Stolperstein Solinger Str 7 (Moabi) Luise Aronstein.jpg Luise Aronstein Solinger Strasse 7 Luise Aronstein, b. Scholtz, was born on July 26, 1879 as the daughter of a Jewish merchant in Katowice, Upper Silesia . In 1901 she married Dr. Philipp Aronstein. With the "59. Alterstransport ”on September 8, 1942, the Aronstein couple were deported to Theresienstadt. Luise Aronstein was deported from there on May 16, 1944 to the Auschwitz extermination camp and murdered.
Stolperstein Solinger Str 7 (Moabi) Philipp Aronstein.jpg Philipp Aronstein Solinger Strasse 7 Dr. Philipp Aronstein was a teacher, neophilologist and English specialist. He was born on December 4th, 1862 in Halver . From 1900 he worked as a teacher in the Upper Silesian Myslowitz ( Mysłowice ). There he married Luise Scholtz in 1901. In 1902 and 1904 the daughters Berta and Lotte were born, the sons Fritz and Hans followed in 1912 and 1916. From 1907 Philipp Aronstein worked as a teacher in Berlin in 1907. The family first lived in Kreuzberg, from 1913 they lived in the Tiergarten district, until 1933 in Elberfelder Str. 28, then in Tile-Wardenberg-Str. 11. After his early retirement in 1924, owed to government austerity measures, he accepted a teaching position at the Addass-Jisroel congregation in Berlin, where he taught English from 1928 to 1935. In addition to his job as a teacher, Philipp Aronstein devoted himself to research. He was a member of many scientific associations and developed a lively publication activity. The four children of the Aronstein family managed to emigrate in the years after 1933. The daughter Berta emigrated to England with her husband and children; Lotte and Fritz went to Palestine. The youngest son Hans escaped to Sweden in 1937 and later went to Palestine too. In 1938 the Aronsteins moved into their last apartment at Solinger Str. 7 in Moabit. In the meantime they had decided to emigrate, but despite all the efforts of the children, the rescue was no longer successful. With the "59. Alterstransport ”on September 8, 1942, the Aronstein couple were deported to Theresienstadt. The 79-year-old Philipp Aronstein died there after 14 days, on September 23, 1942. Luise Aronstein was deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp on May 16, 1944 and murdered.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Ellinor Asch.jpg Ellinor Asch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014 Born on February 26, 1927 in Ratzebuhr (Pomerania) / Okonek . Profession student. Deported from Berlin on September 26, 1942 to Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn). Murdered in Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn).
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Marta Asch.jpg Marta Asch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014 Born as Marta Caminer on April 13, 1882 in Bärwalde (West Pomerania) / Barwice . Deported from Berlin on September 26, 1942 to Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn). Murdered in Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn).
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Simon Asch.jpg Simon Asch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014 Born on December 29, 1878 in Labischin (Province of Posen) / Łabiszyn . Profession businessman. Forced labor as a worker at the metal goods factory Karl Berger, Dieffenbachstrasse, Berlin. Deported from Berlin on September 26, 1942 to Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn). Murdered in Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn).
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Editha Badasch.jpg Editha Badasch Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Born Editha Ester Schuber, December 24, 1902 in Berlin as the daughter of Philipp Schuber and his wife Johanna, geb. Wipe. Married on April 14, 1921 to the businessman Max Paul Badasch. (see Max Badasch)
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Max Badasch.jpg Max Badasch Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Max Paul Badasch was born in Berlin on November 8, 1890. His parents, the cigar worker Mordech Hirsch Badasch and his wife Mirjam, née Rippmann, had immigrated from Vilna. Max Badasch did a commercial apprenticeship in the Moritz Böhme factory for bandages in Berlin NW24, Oranienburger Straße 65. In the 20s and early 30s he worked temporarily as a traveler for this company, as a branch manager in Hamburg and between 1925 and 1929 as Co-owner. After 1933 he worked as a self-employed businessman.

On April 14, 1922, he married Editha Schuber in Berlin-Steglitz. The son Gerhard Manfred was born on February 27, 1924. The Badasch family lived on Flemmingstrasse and Arndtstrasse in Steglitz. In 1936, the Badasch couple sent their son to the USA on a Kindertransport, where he was taken in by a foster family in St. Louis. Probably from 1940 Max Badasch had to do forced labor, first in civil engineering, then in the Blaupunkt factory at Forckenbeckstrasse 9-13 in Wilmersdorf. In the spring of 1942 he and his wife moved from Rathstrasse 46 (until 1939 Arndtstrasse) in Steglitz to Thomasiusstrasse 26 in Moabit to a so-called Jewish apartment. From there, both were taken to a collection camp in February 1943, where on February 28 they were given the official order to confiscate their property. On March 1st, 1943, Max and Editha Badasch were deported to Auschwitz on the 31st Osttransport.

Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Anna Behrendt.jpg Anna Behrendt Old Moabit 86 Feb 9, 2016 Born Mühsam, July 20, 1862 in Berlin-Pankow as the daughter of Emanuel Mühsam and Emilie Gottschalk. Escape to death, Berlin 10.9.1942.
Stolperstein Bredowstr 49 (Moabi) Helene Behrendt.jpg Helene Behrendt Bredowstrasse 49 Helene Behrendt was born as Helene Richter on October 15, 1894 in Filehne in Posen (now Wieleń). Her husband Leopold Behrendt was born on March 27, 1885 in Junge in West Prussia. They married on January 17, 1922 and had a daughter who was able to emigrate to Palestine in time. Leopold Behrendt worked as a businessman for Dr. Kohlhorn in Niederschönhausen. His wife, whose trained profession was a stenographer, worked as a worker at Osram in Helmholtzstrasse. On November 13, 1941, the couple's property was confiscated. One day later, on November 14, 1941, they were deported to Minsk on the 5th "Eastern Transport". You did not survive the deportation.
Stolperstein Bredowstr 49 (Moabi) Leopold Behrendt.jpg Leopold Behrendt Bredowstrasse 49 (see Helene Behrendt)
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Karl Behrens.SAG.jpg Karl Behrens Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Growing up in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Karl Behrens is involved with the boy scouts. In 1929 he joined the SA and NSDAP. However , he resigned on the occasion of the Stennes Putsch in 1931. Afterwards Behrens sympathized with the KPD, but also with the Black Front. From 1932 to 1937, the trained locksmith attended the Berlin evening high school. Through his English teacher Mildred Harnack , Behrens joins the training circle led by Arvid Harnack . In 1934/35 he had talks with supporters of Ernst Niekisch . Behrens has been working as a tool designer at the AEG turbine factory since 1938. There he has loose connections to Nazi opponents. In March 1938, Behrens was charged with distributing leaflets, but acquitted for lack of evidence. In 1939 the National Socialists imprison him for a short time because of a forged baptismal certificate for his Jewish brother-in-law. In February 1939 he married Clara Sonnenschmidt; the marriage has three children. Arvid Harnack therefore decided in 1941 not to use Behrens as a radio operator for a planned connection with the Soviet Union. He is said to have forwarded encrypted messages from Arvid Harnack to Hans Coppi several times. Behrens was drafted in May 1942 and arrested on September 16, 1942 on the Eastern Front outside Leningrad. On January 20, 1943, he was sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial and murdered in Berlin-Plötzensee.
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 16 (Moabi) Simon Beiser.jpg Simon Beiser Levetzowstrasse 16 May 2004 Simon Beiser was born on December 9th, 1875 in Kolomea in Eastern Galicia in what is now Ukraine. By profession he was a businessman and, together with his brother Mechel, owner of the company Gebrüder Kassner in Bülowstrasse. 6 and the Robert Seelisch furniture factory at Rigaer Strasse 71–73a. On May 22, 1902, he married Clara Wronker. His son Herbert was born in 1903, followed by daughters Dora and Margot in 1904 and 1910. On April 1, 1936, the couple moved from Levetzowstrasse 16 to Klopstockstrasse 30. The marriage was divorced around 1940, and Clara Beiser last lived in Berlin-Grunewald in the Pension Ebstein at Gneiststrasse 8. She was deported to Riga on January 13, 1942, and murdered there. After the divorce, Simon Beiser had hired a housekeeper named Ottilie Boelter. On April 1, 1941, he signed a declaration of donation stating that Ottilie Boelter should receive part of the apartment inventory, food and 1,000 Reichsmarks in cash if he left the country. This promise of donation was not recognized by the Gestapo on the grounds that the necessary legal or notarial certification was lacking. Thus this part of his property was also confiscated “in favor of the empire”. Simon Beiser was allegedly deported to Trawniki in what was then the Lublin district on April 2, 1942. However, since it is known that the Trawniki camp, which served the SS as a “training camp” for concentration camp guards, was closed to arrivals in the spring of 1942, one can assume that Simon Beiser was probably deported to the Warsaw ghetto and from there to one of the extermination camps came. According to his daughter Margot, he died on July 1, 1942 in the Warsaw ghetto. Simon's son Herbert escaped annihilation by emigrating to Palestine. The daughters and their husbands were able to emigrate to England in good time.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 1 (Moabi) Ruth Berne.jpg Ruth Berne Wullenweberstrasse 1 July 25, 2012 Ruth Berne was born on May 13, 1922 in Chemnitz. She was the daughter of Paula Kronthal, b. Miner. After her mother's marriage to the chemist Heinz Ludwig Kronthal, she moved with her mother and stepfather into a shared apartment on Hansa-Ufer 8, today's Wullenweberstrasse 1, in Berlin-Mitte. From an unspecified point in time until shortly before the deportation, Ruth had to do forced labor in the small Siemens buildings in Siemensstadt. On December 9, 1942, the 20-year-old was born together with her parents with the “24. Osttransport ”deported to Auschwitz and murdered.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Emil Gustav Birnbaum.jpg Emil Gustav Birnbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015 Born on November 9th, 1890 in Kraków / Kraków. Owner of a shoe shop in Berlin. Deported from Berlin to Bentschen / Zbąszyń in 1938. Imprisoned from 1939 to 1943 in the Kraków / Kraków ghetto, from 1943 in the Płaszów concentration camp.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Jadwiga Hedwig Birnbaum.jpg Jadwiga Hedwig Birnbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015 Born Bader, August 2nd, 1898 in Kraków / Kraków. Pharmacy assistant. Deported from Berlin to Bentschen / Zbąszyń in 1938. Imprisoned from 1939 to 1943 in the Kraków / Kraków ghetto, from 1943 in the Płaszów concentration camp.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Ruth Birnbaum.jpg Ruth Birnbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015 Born July 31, 1932 in Berlin. 1939 by Kindertransport to England.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Ursula Birnbaum.jpg Ursula Birnbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015 Born October 21, 1926 in Berlin. 1939 by Kindertransport to England.
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 9 (Moabi) Anna Blankenstein.jpg Anna Blankenstein Turmstrasse 9 Sep 9 2017 Born on January 27, 1880 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on December 14, 1942. Murdered in Riga.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Leonore Blum.jpg Leonore Blum Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Born Blume, April 8th, 1860 in Berlin. Deportation on September 14, 1942 to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, on September 29, 1942 to the Treblinka extermination camp. Murdered on September 29, 1942 in Treblinka.

Little is known about Leonore Blum. Presumably she or her husband worked for the Reich Debt Administration in earlier years - from there Ms. Blum received a pension of 600 marks every six months. Leonore Blum had to leave her last freely chosen place of residence at Thomasiusstrasse 15 in 1942 when she was brought to the Jewish old people's home at Gerlachstrasse 18/21, near Alexanderplatz. Shortly before this, this old people's home had been converted into a collection camp for upcoming deportations. There Leonore Blum was brought by a bailiff on September 7, 1942, to confiscate her property in favor of the Reich. On September 14, 1942, the 82-year-old was deported to Theresienstadt on the Alterstransport I / 65. Leonore Blum was deported from Theresienstadt to the Treblinka extermination camp on September 29, 1942 and murdered there immediately upon arrival. In November 1942, their property was valued by the regional finance directorate based in Alt-Moabit and handed over to a dealer in March 1943. On June 23, 1943, she transferred 106.31 RM to the Oberfinanzkasse to take over Leonore Blum's last possessions. Two days earlier, the asset management office of the regional finance president Berlin-Brandenburg had reported to the main planning office of the Berlin mayor "for the purpose of subletting or (...) for confiscation" that Leonore Blum's apartment had been vacated.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Irene Blumenfeld Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born as Irene Evelyne on March 5, 1929 in Berlin.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Max Blumenthal Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Manasse Max Blumenthal was born on February 12, 1878 in Samotschin (today: Szamocin / Poland) to Heymann and Ernestine Blumenthal (née Kronheim). Like his father, he became a businessman and married Paula Henschel on December 18, 1906 in the West Prussian Culmsee ( Chełmża ). At that time Max Blumenthal lived in Graudenz ( Grudziądz ) on the Vistula. Three years later, on December 22, 1909, his daughter Ellen was born there, and his second child, Gerd, on February 24, 1915. Max Blumenthal lived with his family in Greifswald for a long time. There he ran the leather business Schlesinger & Co. together with his wife. Due to anti-Semitic persecution, Max and Paula Blumenthal had to close the business. From October 1937 he moved to Berlin-Mitte in Weydingerstraße, which was then called Horst-Wessel-Straße. From there he moved with his wife to Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 2 in Moabit (then Tiergarten district). Rosa Waller (née Blumenthal), born on January 14, 1889 in Szamocin, who was probably a sister or cousin of Max Blumenthal, also lived there at the time of the census on May 17, 1939. His son Gerd had already emigrated to Colombia at that time. The cost of the crossing was paid for by daughter Ellen from her dowry. Max and Paula Blumenthal were also financially supported by their daughter, as they had been completely destitute since moving to Berlin. In April 1941 they moved into a room at Solinger Strasse 10 to sublet.

On October 4, 1942, Max Blumenthal and his wife were awarded the “3. large Alterstransport ”to Theresienstadt and died there on July 18, 1943.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Paula Blumenthal Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born as Paula Henschel on January 4th, 1877 in Culmsee (West Prussia) / Chełmża. Deportation on October 3rd, 1942 together with her husband Max Blumenthal (see there) to Theresienstadt. Died there on October 29, 1943.
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Gertrud Bobert.jpg Gertrud Bobert Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013 Gertrud Amalie Bobert, b. Schafranek was born on July 7th, 1904 in Berlin as the daughter of master furrier Samuel Schafranek and his wife Johanna, nee. Wagner born. Her father had a hat factory in Prenzlauer Berg. Mrs. Bobert had been married to the bank clerk Bernhard Bobert since May 10, 1929. The marriage was divorced on October 13, 1934. This made Gertrude defenseless. In 1935 she lived in Prenzlauer Berg, later in Tannenbergallee in Charlottenburg. In the files she was listed as a "cutter". It is not known when she lived at Krefelder Straße 7. She was arrested as part of the so-called “ factory action ” - all Jews still living in Berlin who could be captured were abducted from their workplaces without prior notice - and on March 4, 1943, she was deported to Auschwitz and murdered.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Hulda Böhm.jpg Hulda Boehm Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015 Hulda Böhm was born on June 13th, 1874 as Hulda Levy in Schulitz near Thorn in West Prussia (today: Solec Kujawski / Poland). Her husband Max came from Beuthen. After the wedding, the Böhms moved to Berlin, where their daughter Käte was born in 1897 and their son Werner in 1906. In 1935, the Böhm parents left their home at 32 Calvinstrasse in Moab and moved into an apartment at 17 Thomasiusstrasse just around the corner.

On July 23 of the same year their daughter Käte, meanwhile married to a Mr. Zoegall, gave birth to their son Peter Julius. Kates brother, Werner Böhm, was born in November 1941, shortly after his 35th birthday, with the “6. Transport “to Lithuania to the ghetto of Kovno and murdered there in a mass shooting one week after arrival by Einsatzgruppe A in Fort IX.

His mother, Hulda Böhm, and her husband Max had to leave their home on Thomasiusstrasse in the summer of 1942 to go to the collection point for Jews on Gerlachstrasse near Alexanderplatz. At that time they were 68 and 71 years old. A little later, the Böhms were deported from the Gerlachstrasse collection camp to the Theresienstadt camp. Just two weeks later, on September 29th, Hulda and Max Böhm, along with 2,000 other inmates (including their neighbors Selig Kroner and Leonore Blum), were abducted in cattle wagons to the Treblinka extermination camp, where they were all murdered.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Max Böhm.jpg Max Boehm Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015 Born February 10, 1871 in Bytom , Silesia (today Bytom , Poland), merchant. - see Hulda Boehm.
Stumbling stone Bundesratufer 4 (Moabi) Clara Borchardt.jpg Clara Borchardt Bundesratufer 4 23 Sep 2016 Born October 12, 1870 in Ratibor, Silesia. Deported to Theresienstadt on September 14, 1942. Murdered on January 31, 1943 in Theresienstadt.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Wilhelm Bösch.SAG.jpg Wilhelm Boesch Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Born 6.3.1897. Executed in Berlin on April 10, 1945.

Wilhelm Bösch works as a machine fitter at the AEG turbine factory in Moabit. There he joined an illegal communist company group during the war, which, among other things, collected money and food stamps for persecuted colleagues ( Walter Homann group ). The group was exposed by a spy in February 1945. Wilhelm Bösch was arrested by the Gestapo on February 24th in his apartment and taken to the Gestapo department of the cell prison in Lehrter Strasse 3. On March 21, he and his fellow campaigners were sentenced to death by the Berlin Higher Regional Court for “preparing for high treason” and “favoring the enemy”. His wife Johanna Bösch saw him for the last time during a visit on April 7th in the Plötzensee prison, where Wilhelm Bösch was murdered on April 10th, 1945.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Kirchstraße 22.Betty Brasch.6896.jpg Betty Brasch Kirchstrasse 22 6th June 2013 Betty Brasch, b. Mountain. Born on March 5, 1868 in Groß Strehlitz / Strzelce Opolskie . Mother of Frieda Brasch (see there). Deported to Theresienstadt on September 14, 1942. Dead on April 19, 1943 in Theresienstadt.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Kirchstrasse 22.Frieda Brasch.6899.jpg Frieda Brasch Kirchstrasse 22 6th June 2013 Frieda Nora Brasch was born on November 18, 1890 in Berlin as the daughter of the businessman Julius Adolf Brasch and his wife Betty, nee. Mountain born. Deported to Auschwitz on March 1, 1943, missing there. Declared dead in 1962.
Stumbling Stone Bochumer Str 14 (Moabi) Hedwig Braun.jpg Hedwig Braun Bochumer Strasse 14 Aug 2011 Hedwig (Hannchen) Braun, b. Kroh, was born on April 27 or 28, 1866 in Schwersenz / Swarzędz as the daughter of the businessman Abraham Kroh and his wife Ernestine, née. Spray. She was married to the businessman Wilhelm (Wolff) Braun, geb. 12/13/1850. The couple's three children (Hans Georg, born in 1886; Leo Friedrich, born in 1888 and Elsa Louisa, born in 1894) were all born in Posen. From when Hedwig Braun lived in Berlin is not known. Deported to Theresienstadt on March 17, 1943. Dead on September 9, 1943.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Carl Brenner.jpg Carl Brenner Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 The businessman Carl Callmann Brenner was born in 1870 and came from Schwetz on the Vistula, south of Danzig. He married Paula Nothmann, who came from the Silesian Neisse. In 1908 the Brenners started a family and their son Walter was born. The Brenner family moved to Thomasiusstraße 15 as tenants in 1911. At the same time, one of Carl Brenner's brothers lived diagonally across the street at Thomasiusstraße 7. Carl Brenner was a trained businessman and from 1903 ran the clothing wholesale business in the Nikolaiviertel at Poststraße 28 with a business partner ' Brenner & Nathan '. His company employed around 20 people. As Jews, the Brenners were forced by the authorities in 1937 to sell their business to non-Jews. In the same year her son Walter fled from Brandenburgstrasse in Kreuzberg, today's Lobeckstrasse, to the USA. From then on, the Brenner parents also tried to escape from Germany.

For the exit visas hoped for by the Brenners, new documents had to be obtained again and again and previous plans had to be discarded. However, the financial opportunities to flee rapidly dwindled due to many taxes imposed by the National Socialists - such as the so-called "Jewish property tax". In addition, the Brenners had to deposit the so-called 'Reich flight tax' amounting to 25% of the total assets. In 1941 - when the Brenner parents believed they could finally get to the USA via Cuba - "confirmation papers" were again requested. This made an escape from Germany impossible. On September 9, 1942, the Brenners were deported to Theresienstadt on the so-called 60th Age Transport, where Carl Brenner died a few weeks later. His wife Paula survived in the camp for two years until she was taken to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp on July 15, 1944, and murdered there. Son Walter started a family and later moved to Israel. A niece of the Brenners survived several concentration camps and was later able to get to the USA via Sweden, where she died in 1999.

Stolperstein Perleberger Str 33 (Moabi) Fanny Brenner.jpg Fanny Brenner Perleberger Strasse 33 Apr 25, 2014 Born on July 17, 1878 in Schwetz an der Weichsel / Świecie. Deported to Theresienstadt on June 26, 1942. Murdered on January 13, 1944 in Theresienstadt.
Stolperstein Perleberger Str 33 (Moabi) Paul Brenner.jpg Paul Brenner Perleberger Strasse 33 Apr 25, 2014 Born on January 13, 1872 in Schwetz an der Weichsel / Świecie. Deported to Theresienstadt on June 26, 1942. Further deportation to Treblinka on September 19, 1942. Murdered in Treblinka.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Paula Brenner.jpg Paula Brenner Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Born Nothmann, January 1, 1884 in Neisse (Silesia). Married to Carl Brenner (for detailed information see there). Deported on 9.9.1942 to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, on July 15, 1944 to Auschwitz-Birkenau, murdered there.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 2 (Moabi) Karl Bublitz2.jpg Karl Bublitz Dortmunder Strasse 2 3rd Sep 2018 Karl Bublitz was born on January 19th, 1882 in Poznan. In 1907 he married Klara Jacob, who was a sister of Mathilde Jacob, Rosa Luxemburg's secretary. The trained businessman became managing director of the Central Association of Employees in 1910. He joined the SPD before the First World War , switched to the USPD in 1917 and returned to the SPD in 1922. Karl Bublitz was a city councilor in 1921 on the city election proposal (USPD); 1922 city election proposal (USPD / SPD); 1923 - 1924 city election proposal (SPD); 1925 city election proposal (SPD) / constituency 2 Tiergarten (SPD); 1926 - 1933 constituency 2 Tiergarten (SPD). After the SPD ban in June and the ordinance on the security of state leadership of July 1933, his mandate was withdrawn and his work as a city and district councilor was prohibited. Bublitz also lost his position on the board of the AOK of the city of Berlin and his position as director of the employment office. First he went into business for himself and opened a timber shop on Gotzkowsky Bridge, which he had to give up in 1937. He then worked as an insurance clerk. As part of the “Gewitter” campaign , he was arrested on August 22, 1944 and taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he died in January 1945.

The stone was originally laid in July 2008 ( photo of the first stone ); on September 3, 2018, it was replaced by a corrected stone.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Alexander Bukofzer Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Leopold Alexander Bukofzer was born on January 21, 1885 in Bromberg (Posen) / Bydgoszcz . The trained butcher married Ella Gross on November 9, 1922 in Berlin, born on March 21, 1883 in Berlin as the daughter of the businessman Max Gross and his wife Emma, ​​née. Honest.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Gerhard Bukofzer Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on February 29, 1924 in Berlin.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Alice Buttermilch.jpg Alice buttermilk Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 The Lipski family (married Buttermilch and Freudenthal) lived on Bochumer Strasse in Berlin-Moabit in the 1930s. Margarete Lipski, b. Chone was born on May 16, 1870 in Punitz. She and her husband Avraham had four children: Alice, born on February 18, 1900, Frieda, born in 1903, Theodor, born on July 15, 1905, and Ruth, born on March 20, 1908. The family moved from Posen to Berlin after the First World War and had lived at Bochumer Str. 31 since 1931. Their daughter Alice was a teacher in Adass Jisroel's Jewish school in Sigmundshof on the Spree. She lived with her husband Leo Buttermilch on Küstriner Straße, but was driven out of the apartment as a result of the anti-Semitic legislation of the National Socialists and moved with her husband back into the apartment of her mother and siblings at Bochumer Straße 18. On September 4, 1942, Margarete became Lipski at the age of 72, Alice Buttermilch at the age of 42 and Leo Buttermilch at the age of 68 were deported to Theresienstadt and murdered in Treblinka after further deportation. Theodor Lipski and Ruth stayed in the apartment with their husband Heinz Hermann Freudenthal. Three months later, at the beginning of December 1942, Ruth and Heinz Hermann Freudenthal were asked to fill out their declaration of assets. Ruth Freudenthal, whose profession was beautician, had to do forced labor at the Petrix works in Schöneweide in recent years. Heinz Hermann Freudenthal was a forced laborer at the Deutsche Reichsbahn, construction team 6. They each received a minimal weekly wage that was barely enough to live on. Ruth and Heinz Hermann Freudenthal were deported to Auschwitz on December 9, 1942 at the age of 34 and 30 with the 24th "Osttransport" and murdered there.
Theodor Lipski had his sister Frieda, who was able to escape to England with her 15-year-old daughter Hannah in the summer of 1939 - they are the only survivors of the family - in September 1942 and December 1942 from the deportation of their mother, sisters and brother-in-law written in the allowed 25 words of the Red Cross letters. After that, they did not receive any more letters from him. Theodor Lipski, a teacher at the Jewish school on Große Hamburger Straße, was a forced laborer at the Warnecke and Böhm company in Weissensee after he was banned from working. On February 26, 1943, at the age of 38, he was deported to Auschwitz on the 30th "Osttransport" and murdered there. His sister Frieda only found out years later, when she was already living in Israel with her daughter, that her brother had been murdered in a concentration camp.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Leo Buttermilch.jpg Leo buttermilk Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 Born on December 27, 1874 in Schönlanke . Deported to Theresienstadt on September 4, 1942. Further deportation to Treblinka on September 29, 1942 (otherwise see Alice Buttermilch).
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 4 (Moabi) Philipp Cahn.jpg Philipp Cahn Wullenweberstrasse 4 Nov 16, 2009 Philipp Cahn was born on November 8, 1887 in Westhoven as the third child of the merchant Hermann Cahn and his wife Gudula. He studied at the Jewish teachers' seminar in Münster, which was part of the Marks-Haindorf Foundation, and in May 1912 he joined the Israelitische Taubmummenanstalt Weißensee (ITA). At the ITA he met his future wife Sophie Sawady (December 25, 1894 - Auschwitz October 1944), who worked there as an educator. They married on July 2, 1923 (?). Their daughter Gudula was born in 1926. He passed on his experience in education for the deaf in the journal "Blätter für Taubstummenbildung". After the marriage, the couple lived in different apartments in Weißensee. At the end of the 1930s, the Cahns moved to Wullenweberstrasse 5. This was the last apartment they had chosen themselves. In September 1940 the Cahns had to move out of Wullenweberstrasse. They lived in the ITA in Weißensee until the end of 1942. After the building was forcibly sold to the City of Berlin, they had to move to Landsberger Str. 179, probably a so-called Jewish house, where they lived until they were deported. From the end of 1939 until the ITA was annihilated by the Nazis in 1942, Philipp Cahn headed the ITA, as the director Felix Reich, who had accompanied several so-called Kindertransporte to Great Britain, was unable to return to Berlin because of the outbreak of war. However, Philipp Cahn's responsibility was soon no longer limited to looking after the deaf children. The deaf children had to be educated outside the ITA as early as 1941, as the building had also been used to house the old people's home for the Jewish deaf in Niederschönhausen as well as for around 30 Jewish women deported from Schneidemühl since 1940. As early as 1940 there were around 130 people living in the ITA. In October 1941, the residents of the Jewish asylum for the blind in the Steglitz Wrangelstrasse were added. The ITA as a school for Jewish deaf children was forcibly closed on June 26, 1942, like all Jewish schools in Berlin. Philipp Cahn then had to do forced labor in a paint factory. Although the Cahns had relatives in Palestine, like so many, they tried to emigrate to Palestine very late, around 1940. Philipp Cahn had already started brushing up on his Iwrith skills. However, the Cahns were unable to raise the $ 200 required for an exit permit. The Cahns were arrested on May 7, 1943 and taken to Große Hamburger Strasse, where they stayed for another 10 days. On May 17, 1943, they were deported to Theresienstadt. Philipp Cahn worked there as a carer for the deaf and hard of hearing, Sophie Cahn in the laundry. Philipp Cahn died of a heart attack on March 5, 1944 as a result of the prison conditions. Sophie Cahn was deported to Auschwitz on October 9, 1944 on one of the last liquidation transports and murdered there.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 4 (Moabi) Sophie Cahn.jpg Sophie Cahn Wullenweberstrasse 4 Nov 16, 2009 Born on December 25, 1894 in Ritschenwalde (Posen) / Ryczywół . Deported to Theresienstadt on May 17, 1943. Further deportation to Auschwitz on October 9, 1944
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Recha Caminer.jpg Recha Caminer Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014 Born on November 16, 1878 in Bärwalde (West Pomerania) / Barwice . Deported from Berlin on September 26, 1942 to Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn). Murdered in Raasiku near Reval (Tallinn)
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Anna Caspary.JPG Anna Caspary Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017 Born Hirsch, 3.2.1903 in Berlin as the daughter of the businessman Bernd Hirsch and his wife Klara, born Baumgarten. Deported to Auschwitz on October 23, 1944, murdered there.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Ruth Caspary.JPG Ruth Caspary Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017 Born June 7th, 1929 in Berlin. Deported to Theresienstadt on February 9, 1944, to Auschwitz on October 23, 1944, murdered there.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Benjamin Cassel.jpg Benjamin Cassel Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017 Born 3.9.1879. Deportation on December 9, 1942. Murdered in Auschwitz.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Berthold Cohen.jpg Berthold Cohen Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014 Born on February 28, 1880 in Soest . Deported to Piaski on March 28, 1942 . Murdered
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Else Cohen.jpg Else Cohen Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014 Born on December 27, 1886 in Hachen . Deported to Piaski on March 28, 1942 . Murdered
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 20 (Moabi) Else Cohn.jpg Else Cohn Krefelder Strasse 20 Oct 8, 2011 Born as Else Cohn on January 24th, 1879. Married to Paul Cohn, b. August 15, 1865. At the end of the 1930s, the widow Else Cohn lived with her daughter Gerda at Krefelder Str. 20 in Berlin-Moabit. On January 25, 1942, both were deported to Riga on the 10th Ostransport, where they were murdered.
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 14 (Moabi) Georg Cohn.jpg Georg Cohn Levetzowstrasse 14 Nov 17, 2015 Born June 15, 1884 in Lobsens / Łobżenica. Deported on September 2nd, 1942 to Theresienstadt, murdered there on March 29th, 1944.
Stumbling Stone Krefelder Str 20 (Moabi) Gerda Cohn.jpg Gerda Cohn Krefelder Strasse 20 Oct 8, 2011 Born June 6, 1905 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on January 25th 1942 (see Else Cohn).
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Julius Cohn.jpg Julius Cohn Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Born on October 20, 1876 in Potsdam. 1921 by profession businessman and married since June 2, 1921 to the accountant Margarete Lutze, then resident at Thomasiusstr. 16. The couple lived

In the last years before the deportation at Thomasiusstraße 26 for sublet in a room with kitchen use with Kurt and Irma Marcus (see there). The married couple Marcus were the main tenants of the 6-room apartment, which had been converted into a so-called Jewish apartment. Julius Cohn had to do forced labor at Kodak from 1940 to 1943. On March 3, 1943, one day after his wife Margarete had been deported without him, Julius Cohn was also taken to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, where he died.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Margarete Cohn.jpg Margarete Cohn Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Born on December 4th, 1889 in Berlin as the daughter of the master tailor Abraham Lutze and his wife Franziska, born. Lion's Arch. Married since June 2, 1921 to the merchant Julius Cohn (see there). Accountant by profession. In the period from May 14, 1940 to February 27, 1943, she had to do forced labor at Siemens' Wernerwerk. On March 2, 1943, one day before her husband Julius, Margarete Cohn was deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp and later murdered.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 7 (Moai) Peter Arnold Collen.jpg Peter Arnold Collen Elberfelder Strasse 7 10 Apr 2019 Born on April 2nd 1922 in Berlin probably as the son of Bertha Lucie Hilda Meyer, née Lewinsky, divorced Cohn - called Collen (see under Bertha Meyer). In 1939 he fled to Palestine via Italy and returned to Berlin as a member of the British Army - described in his autobiography. The British Museum has works by Arnold. Died on 2009 in Aberystwyth , Wales. Painter and Writer - also known as Peter Arnold.
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Arthur Aron Conitzer.jpg Arthur Aron Conitzer Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013 Born on March 1, 1874 in Jeschewo / Jeżewo . Murdered in Auschwitz
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Gertrud Conitzer.jpg Gertrud Conitzer Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013 Born on May 19, 1892 in Schwetz / Swiecie . Deported to Auschwitz on January 12, 1943. Murdered in Auschwitz
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 6 (Moabi) Paula Cronheim.jpg Paula Cronheim Dortmunder Strasse 6 Aug 2011 Paula Cronheim was born on July 11, 1872 in Gleiwitz (Silesia) / Gliwice. She was the mother of Frieda Cronheim. She married the archive manager Ernst Kaeber, who was forced into retirement in 1937 without a salary because of his marriage to a Jewish woman. Paula Cronheim lived with the couple because of the premature death of her husband. After the forced release, the three of Cronheim's inheritance always lived in fear of deprivation of property. On January 25, 1942, she was deported to Riga and murdered.
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 13 (Moabi) Johanna Czollack.jpg Johanna Czollack Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 13 May 2011 Born on April 26, 1907 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on October 26, 1942. Murdered on October 29, 1942 in the Riga ghetto
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 13 (Moabi) Judith Czollack.jpg Judith Czollack Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 13 May 2011 Born on May 30, 1938 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on October 26, 1942. Murdered on October 29, 1942 in the Riga ghetto
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 13 (Moabi) Rahel Czollack.jpg Rahel Czollack Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 13 May 2011 Born on May 14, 1935 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on October 26, 1942. Murdered on October 29, 1942 in the Riga ghetto
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 13 (Moabi) Richard Czollack.jpg Richard Czollack Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 13 May 2011 Born on October 4, 1890 in Labischin (Posen) / Łabiszyn. Deported to Riga on October 26, 1942. Murdered on October 29, 1942 in the Riga ghetto
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Arthur Dannenbaum.jpg Arthur Dannenbaum Alt-Moabit 86
(today entrance to Turmstrasse underground station )
The Dannenbaum family lived in a 4-room apartment at 85 Alt Moabit Street in the 1930s. Arthur Dannenbaum was born on April 16, 1891 in Stieglitz in Posen. His wife Cäcilie, b. Lewin was born on December 2, 1891 in Müncheberg and gave birth to their daughter Ilse on April 5, 1920 and their second daughter Gerda on May 12, 1925 in Berlin. The family had to do forced labor in National Socialist Germany: Arthur Dannenbaum was a worker at the Schupke company in Reinickendorf; Daughter Gerda had to work for the German weapons and ammunition factory and the younger daughter worked for Siemens and Halske in the Wernerwerk in Charlottenburg. Although Arthur's relatives, who lived in the USA, tried to take in the Berlin family members in the USA, they did not succeed. On January 19, 1943, the family filled out a declaration of assets, on the basis of which the family's assets were confiscated “in favor of the German Reich” after their deportation. Arthur Dannenbaum was deported to Theresienstadt on January 26, 1943 on the 82nd “Alterstransport”. On September 28, 1944, he was deported to Auschwitz and murdered there. With the "27. Osttransport ”on January 29, 1943, the two daughters were deported to Auschwitz and murdered. Cäcilie Dannenbaum was deported to Thereseinstadt with her husband Arthur, but survived the camp and emigrated to the USA after the liberation. She died in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1988.
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Gerda Dannenbaum.jpg Gerda Dannenbaum Alt-Moabit 86
(today entrance to Turmstrasse underground station )
Born May 12, 1925 in Berlin, deported to Auschwitz on January 29, 1943, murdered there (see Arthur Dannebaum).
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Ilse Dannenbaum.jpg Ilse Dannenbaum Alt-Moabit 86
(today entrance to Turmstrasse underground station )
Born April 5, 1920 in Berlin, deported to Auschwitz on January 29, 1943, murdered there (see Arthur Dannebaum).
Stolperstein.Moabit.Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26.Harry Dannenberg.2055.jpg Harry Dannenberg Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
3rd Sep 2013 Harry Dannenberg, born on February 5, 1905 in Adelebsen; Son of Karl Selig Dannenberg and Paula Dannenberg, née Speyer; married to Rosalie Irene Cäcilie Wachtel; last lived at Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26a; deported to Auschwitz on March 6, 1943 on the 35th Osttransport; his parents were deported to Theresienstadt in 1942 and murdered in Treblinka
Stolperstein.Moabit.Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26.Rosalie Dannenberg.2050.jpg Rosalie Dannenberg Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
3rd Sep 2013 Rosalie Irene Cäcilie Wachtel, born December 25, 1902 in Posen; married to Harry Dannenberg; Deported on March 6, 1943 from the Levetzowstrasse collection point with the 35th Osttransport to Auschwitz
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 30 (Moabi) Jacob Degen.jpg Jacob sword Elberfelder Strasse 30 Born October 11, 1900. Imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp from September 13, 1939 to February 2, 1940. Died as a result of torture in April 1940. His wife Anna and son Michael Degen survived the Nazi era in hiding.
Heinz Dekuczynski Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019 Heinz Dekuczynski, b. December 13, 1909 in Berlin came from a Jewish merchant family. After the death of his mother in 1914 and his father in 1922, he grew up with three of his father's sisters in Wullenweberstrasse. 6 (see Rosa Dekuczynski). In 1928 he graduated from high school and then studied philosophy, mathematics and classical philology in Berlin. In 1936, as a non-Aryan, he was denied a doctoral degree for his completed doctorate . From June to August 1938 Heinz Dekuczynski was in the Buchenwald concentration camp. In October he fled to England, from there he went to the USA. There he changed his name to Henry Deku, joined the USA Army in 1943 and returned to Germany with the American troops. For many years he taught philosophy at the University of Munich, in the USA and in Austria. Henry Deku died on September 3, 1993 in Munich.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Rosa Dekuczynski.jpg Rosa Dekuczynski Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019 Rosa Dekuczynski was born on May 26th, 1872 in Rogasen / Rogoźno . From the 20s of the 20th century at the latest, she lived with two sisters and her nephew Heinz in Wullenweberstrasse. 6 (see Heinz Dekuczynski). She was on the 23.7. Deported to Theresienstadt in 1942 and from there to Treblinka on September 26, 1942, where she was murdered.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 16 (Moabi) Minna Ehrenwerth.jpg Minna Ehrenwerth Elberfelder Strasse 16 Born on May 22nd, 1892 in Schaulen , Lithuania, then Russia as Minna Lewitaz, married in Berlin on February 21st, 1921 to the businessman Adolf Ehrenwerth, b. on January 16, 1894 in Poznan. Deported to Auschwitz on January 29, 1943, murdered there.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Berta Ehrlich.jpg Berta Ehrlich Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Bertha Meyerhoff, b. on April 4th, 1877 in Medebach as the fourth of ten children of the married couple Raphael Meyerhoff (Medebach 1839 to 1916) and Caroline (Lina) Stern (Medebach 1852 to 1919). See Leopold Ehrlich.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Leopold Ehrlich.jpg Leopold Ehrlich Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Born June 30, 1886 in Preußisch Oldendorf in the Minden district, Leopold Ehrlich and his wife Berta lived in Eschwege in Hesse until 1941 . Their son Hans was born in 1904. In 1941 they moved to Berlin. Her son lived in the neighboring Kirchstrasse 25; he emigrated to America in 1941. On July 23, 1942, the 76-year-old Leopold Ehrlich and his wife were “28. Alterstransport “deported to Theresienstadt. Two months later, the couple were taken to the Treblinka extermination camp, where they were both murdered as soon as they arrived.
Stolperstein Agricolastr 33A (Moabi) Max Ehrlich.jpg Max Ehrlich Agricolastrasse 33A 3rd Sep 2018
Stolperstein Agricolastr 33A (Moabi) Margarete Ehrlich.jpg Margarete Ehrlich Agricolastrasse 33A 3rd Sep 2018
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Straße 13.Else Eisemann.0436.jpg Else Eisemann Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Born June 15, 1908 in Eschwege as Elsa Katz, daughter of Simon Katz, master baker (1880 to 1943, murdered in Auschwitz) and Nannchen, b. Hess (1879 to 1943, murdered in Auschwitz). Deported to Riga on October 26th, 1942, murdered there on October 29th, 1942.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Strasse 13.Karl Eisemann.0429.jpg Karl Eisemann Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Dr. phil. Karl Eisemann, b. 4.6.1895 in Westheim (Hammelburg) as the son of Salomon Eisemann and Bertha, b. Green tree. Deported to Riga on October 26th, 1942, murdered there on October 29th, 1942.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Straße 13.Noemi Eisemann.0431.jpg Noemi Eisemann Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 20 2013 Born on December 27, 1937 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on October 26th, 1942, murdered there on October 29th, 1942.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Joseph Emanuel.jpg Josef Emanuel Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Fritz Essinger.jpg Fritz Essinger Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Käte Essinger.jpg Kate Essinger Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Klaus Essinger.jpg Klaus Essinger Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Siegmund Essinger.jpg Siegmund Essinger Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Ursula Essinger.jpg Ursula Essinger Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Berta Falkenstein.jpg Berta Falkenstein Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Birkenstrasse 8 (Moabi) Raimund Faller.jpg Raimund Faller Birkenstrasse 8 Feb 9, 2016 On March 27, 1944, the crane operator Raimund Faller, who was born in Unadingen on August 30, 1876 and lives in Berlin, was executed in the Brandenburg prison for degrading military strength with the guillotine. Faller had heard enemy radio stations and had told a former comrade this without hesitation. In 1943 he reported to the Gestapo. After Raimund Faller was sentenced to two years in prison in 1937 for distributing illegal magazines, a minor offense now led to the death penalty.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Bundesratufer 12. Georg Feige.6767.jpg Georg Feige Bundesratufer 12 6th June 2013 Born October 2, 1877 in Rawitsche / Rawicz. Deported to Theresienstadt on November 5, 1942. Murdered on May 14, 1943 in Theresienstadt.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Bundesratufer 12.Margarete Feige.6771.jpg Margarete Feige Bundesratufer 12 6th June 2013 Born Israelzik on December 11th, 1881 in Berlin. Deported to Theresienstadt on November 5, 1942. Further deportation to Auschwitz on May 16, 1944. Murdered in Auschwitz.
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Rosa Ernestine Fränkel.jpg Rosa Ernestine Frankel Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013 Born April 1st, 1873 in Leipzig. Deported to Theresienstadt on November 20th, 1942. Murdered on February 25, 1943 in Theresienstadt.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Erna Freimann.jpg Erna Freimann Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017 Born 10.10.1889 in Baldenburg (West Prussia). Deported to Riga on October 19, 1942. Murdered on October 22nd, 1942 in Riga.
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Siegfried Freimann.jpg Siegfried Freimann Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017 Born October 19, 1885 in Schwetz (West Prussia). Deported to Riga on October 19, 1942. Murdered on October 22nd, 1942 in Riga.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Heinz Hermann Freudenthal.jpg Heinz Hermann Freudenthal Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 Born March 4th, 1912 in Berlin. Deported to Auschwitz on December 9, 1942, murdered there. See also Ruth Freudenthal.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Ruth Freudenthal.jpg Ruth Freudenthal Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 The Lipski family (married Buttermilch and Freudenthal ) lived on Bochumer Strasse in Berlin-Moabit in the 1930s. Ruth Freudenthal, b. Lipski was born on March 20th, 1908 in Poznan. By profession a beautician, she had to do forced labor at the Petrix works in Schöneweide in the last few years before the deportation. Heinz Hermann Freudenthal was a forced laborer at the Deutsche Reichsbahn, construction team 6. They each received a minimal weekly wage that was barely enough to live on. Ruth and Heinz Hermann Freudenthal were deported to Auschwitz on December 9, 1942 at the age of 34 and 30 with the 24th "Osttransport" and murdered there. (see also Alice Buttermilch)
Stumbling Stone Kirchstrasse 7 (Moabi) Alexander Fromm.jpg Alexander Fromm Kirchstrasse 7 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 25 (Moabi) Eva Fulder.jpg Eva Fulder Bochumer Strasse 25 Aug 2010 Eva Sophie Fulder. Born May 13, 1935 in Breslau. Deported to Auschwitz on March 12, 1943, murdered there. (see also Gustav and Ida Fulder)
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 25 (Moabi) Fritz Fulder.jpg Fritz Fulder Bochumer Strasse 25 Aug 2010 Fritz Moses Fulder, b. May 2, 1929 in Breslau. Deported on March 12, 1943 from Berlin to Auschwitz. (see also Gustav and Ida Fulder).
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 25 (Moabi) Gustav Fulder.jpg Gustav Fulder Bochumer Strasse 25 Aug 2010 Born January 18, 1901 in Diespeck , Franconia as the son of Bernhardt Baruch Fulder (1866 to 1940) and his wife Ida Vita. Husband of Ida Naumburg (see there), father of Eva, Ruth and Fritz. Deported on March 12, 1943 from Berlin to Auschwitz, murdered there.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 25 (Moabi) Ida Fulder.jpg Ida Fulder Bochumer Strasse 25 Aug 2010 Ida Naumburg. Born March 30, 1901 in Treuchtlingen as the daughter of Jecheskel Heinrich Naumburg (1859 to 1942) and Babette Hubert (1864 to 1935). Mother of Fritz Moses (born 1929 - see there) and Eva Sophie (born 1935 - see there) as well as Ruth Clara-Sarah, born. in Breslau on December 30th, 1930, rescued by Kindertransport to England, married Gruenebaum. Deported on March 12, 1943 from Berlin to Auschwitz, murdered there.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 14 (Moabi) Recha Gerechter.jpg Recha righteous Elberfelder Strasse 14 May 2004 Recha Gerechter was born as Recher Blum on May 5, 1882. According to her step-granddaughter, Recha Gerechter was born in Emden and was the sister of the local rabbi, Dr. Blum. In the Berlin Memorial Book of the Jewish Victims of National Socialism, however, the place of birth of Mrs. Gerechter Halberstadt is given. Recha Gerechter had no children of her own and lived alone in Berlin at Elberfelder Strasse 14. Even during the difficult time of her deportation, she had no one to lean on. According to her granddaughter, the last sign of life from Recha Gerechter was a postcard dated October 14, 1940 and addressed to her stepson Siegbert Gerechter. Among other things, she wrote on this postcard that she would soon be going on a long journey and then not be heard from again. Ms. Neumann remembered her step-grandmother as a “dear and warm woman”. Recha Gerechter was deported to Minsk on November 14, 1941 on the 5th transport from the east. Since then it has been considered lost.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Hertha Giballe.jpg Hertha Giballe Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Born on February 5, 1887 as Hertha Rothkugel in Schneidemühl (West Prussia). Deported on October 3rd, 1942 to Theresienstadt and on January 23rd, 1942 to Auschwitz-Birkenau, murdered there.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Siegfried Giballe.jpg Siegfried Giballe Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015 Born 2.3.1890 in Murowana-Goslin (West Prussia) / Murowana Goślina. Profession: pharmacist. Forced labor at

Pertrix-Werke, Berlin-Niederschöneweide. Deported on October 3rd, 1942 to Theresienstadt and on January 23rd, 1942 to Auschwitz-Birkenau, murdered there.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Charlotte Glass.jpg Charlotte Glass Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Clara Glass.jpg Clara Glass Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 7 (Moab) Helene Goldberg.jpg Helene Goldberg Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Charlotte Gottfeld.jpg Charlotte Gottfeld Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Ruth Mina Gottfeld.jpg Ruth Mina Gottfeld Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Selma Gottfeld.jpg Selma Gottfeld Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Tobias Gottfeld.jpg Tobias Gottfeld Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Ursula Freda Gottfeld.jpg Ursula Freda Gottfeld Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Flora Lola Goldschmidt.jpg Flora Lola Goldschmidt Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Josef Goldschmidt.jpg Josef Goldschmidt Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Julie Goldstein.jpg Julie Goldstein Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Siegbert Goldstein.jpg Siegbert Goldstein Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Feldzeugmeisterstr 5 (Moabi) Herbert Gollnow.jpg Herbert Gollnow Feldzeugmeisterstraße 5 May 10, 2011 The stumbling block was laid on the initiative of the Berlin Railway and Transport Union (EVG).
Stolperstein.Moabit.Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 10.Selma Gomma.0374.jpg Selma Gomma Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 10 Sep 20 2013
Stolperstein.Moabit.Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 10.Walter Gomma.0372.jpg Walter Gomma Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 10 Sep 20 2013
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Alfred Gottfeld.jpg Alfred Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Emma Gottfeld.jpg Emma Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Fritz Gottfeld.jpg Fritz Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Ingrid Gottfeld.jpg Ingrid Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Johanna Gottfeld.jpg Johanna Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Mathilde Gottfeld.jpg Mathilde Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 3 (Moabi) Sally Gottfeld.jpg Sally Gottfeld Dortmunder Strasse 3 Apr 21, 2016
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Elisabeth Grünbaum Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Georg Grünbaum Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 21 (Moabi) Heinrich Grunwald.jpg Heinrich Grunwald Thomasiusstrasse 21 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 21 (Moabi) Lucie Grunwald.jpg Lucie Grunwald Thomasiusstrasse 21 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 6 (Moabi) Charlotte Güldenstein.jpg Charlotte Güldenstein Wullenweberstrasse 6 Feb 22, 2019
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Gerd Gundermann.jpg Gerd Gundermann Essener Strasse 20 3rd June 2017
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Helga Gundermann.jpg Helga Gundermann Essener Strasse 20 3rd June 2017
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Ursel Gundermann.jpg Ursel Gundermann Essener Strasse 20 3rd June 2017
Stolperstein Jagowstr 2 (Moabi) Rosa Halberstadt.jpg Rosa Halberstadt Jagowstrasse 2 Nov 2008
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Charlotte Hartwich Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Erwin Hartwich Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Alfred Heidenfeld.jpg Alfred Heidenfeld Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Cilly Calima Heidenfeld.jpg Cilly Calima Heidenfeld Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Dorothea Henschel Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Eduard Henschel Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stumbling Stone Thomasiusstrasse 14 (Moabi) Dagobert Herrnberg.jpg Dagobert Herrnberg Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 21 (Moabi) Joseph Herzog.jpg Joseph Duke Thomasiusstrasse 21 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 18 (Moab) Lieschen Lea Herzog.jpg Lieschen Lea Herzog Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 21 (Moabi) Martha Herzog.jpg Martha Herzog Thomasiusstrasse 21 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 18 (Moab) Max Herzog.jpg Max Duke Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Emanuel Hiller.jpg Emanuel Hiller Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014 Born on December 23, 1895 in Kolberg (Pomerania) as the son of the businessman Emil Hiller and his wife Käthe, b. Bernhard. Imprisoned from September to October 1942 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp, then deported to Auschwitz. Murdered there on November 5th, 1942.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 20 (Moabi) Elias Hirsch.jpg Elias Hirsch Jagowstrasse 20 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Stephan Hirsch.jpg Stephan Hirsch Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Jagowstr 20 (Moabi) Therese Hirsch.jpg Therese Hirsch Jagowstrasse 20 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Elly Hirschberg.jpg Elly Hirschberg Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Max Hirschberg.jpg Max Hirschberg Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Werner Georg Hirschberg.jpg Werner Georg Hirschberg Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Jagowstr 9 (Moabi) Werner Martin Hirschmann.jpg Werner Martin Hirschmann Jagowstrasse 9 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Hans Hoffmann.jpg Hans Hoffmann Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Margarete Hoffmann.jpg Margarete Hoffmann Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Rosalie Hoffmann.jpg Rosalie Hoffmann Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Channa Anna Holländer.jpg Channa Anna Dutch Thomasiusstrasse 11 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Golda Rachela Holländer.jpg Golda Rachela Dutch Thomasiusstrasse 11 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 11 (Moabi) Hertha Holzmann.jpg Hertha Holzmann Dortmunder Strasse 11 July 25, 2012
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Walter Homann.SAG.jpg Walter Homann Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Walter Homann was born on January 15th, 1906 in Berlin as the son of a shoemaker. After elementary school, he trained as a locksmith at Schwartzkopff in Berlin and also attended evening school. From 1927 to 1933 he was unemployed or employed as a laborer. In 1928 he joined the KPD and the Red Aid. Since 1933 he has been working as a fitter for the domestic and foreign service of the AEG Turbinenfarik in Berlin-Moabit, where he joined a company resistance group in 1935. The group supports relatives of politically persecuted people with money and food. At the beginning of 1945 the group was betrayed by a spy. Walter Homann was arrested on February 28, 1945 and imprisoned in the Gestapo department of the 3 Lehrter Strasse cell prison. He was sentenced to death on March 21, 1945 by the Berlin Superior Court. Walter Homann was murdered on April 10, 1945 in Plötzensee prison.
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 40 (Moabi) Herta Hurwitz.jpg Herta Hurwitz Turmstrasse 40
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 40 (Moabi) Marga Rita Hurwitz.jpg Marga Rita Hurwitz Turmstrasse 40
Stolperstein Turmstr 40 (Moabi) Richard Hurwitz.jpg Richard Hurwitz Turmstrasse 40
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Dorothea Isaacsohn.jpg Dorothea Isaacsohn Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Gertrud Isaacsohn.jpg Gertrud Isaacsohn Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Julius Isaacsohn.jpg Julius Isaacsohn Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Anna Israel.jpg Anna Israel Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Aron Israel.jpg Aron Israel Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 22 (Moab) Betty Israelski.jpg Betty Israelski Thomasiusstrasse 22 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 22 (Moab) Sally Israelski.jpg Sally Israelski Thomasiusstrasse 22 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Margarete Jacob.jpg Margarete Jacob Essener Strasse 20 May 2004
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Moritz Jacob.jpg Moritz Jacob Essener Strasse 20 May 2004
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Johanna Jacobsthal Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein Jagowstr 3 (Moabi) Jakob Jaffa.jpg Jacob Jaffa Jagowstrasse 3 22nd March 2017
Stolperstein Jagowstr 3 (Moabi) Rosa Jaffa.jpg Rosa Jaffa Jagowstrasse 3 22nd March 2017
Stolperstein Jagowstr 3 (Moabi) Ruth Helene Jaffa.jpg Ruth Helene Jaffa Jagowstrasse 3 22nd March 2017
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 16 (Moabi) Edith Jakob.jpg Edith Jakob Elberfelder Strasse 16
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 16 (Moabi) Ludwig Jakob.jpg Ludwig Jakob Elberfelder Strasse 16
Stolperstein Calvinstrasse 27 (Moabi) Herta Jalowitz2.jpg Herta Jalowitz Calvinstrasse 27 May 11, 2016 On May 11, 2016, the stumbling block was exchanged for a corrected version ( photo of the stone laid at the time ).
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 85 (Moabi) Alexander Jastrow.jpg Alexander Jastrow Old Moabit 85 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 3 (Moabi) Auguste Kadisch.jpg Auguste Kadisch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Berthold Kadisch.jpg Berthold Kadisch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Horst Joachim Kadisch.jpg Horst Joachim Kadisch Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Adolf Kahn.jpg Adolf Kahn Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Rosa Kahn.jpg Pink boat Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Jagowstr 16 (Moabi) Ruth Kantor.jpg Ruth Cantor Jagowstrasse 16 Aug 2010 Another stone is located in Steglitz at Stirnerstraße 1, there labeled “Ruth Kantor Fabian”.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Georg Karger.jpg Georg Karger Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015 Born on June 10th, 1886 in Schönlanke . Wounded off Verdun in World War I. Bank clerk, then until 1938 securities broker in Kassel. Based in Düsseldorf from 1931 to 1938. After the Reich Progrom Night, she fled to relatives in Berlin. From 1940 forced labor as a street sweeper in Berlin. Deportation on October 3rd, 1942 to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, from there on January 23rd, 1943 to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Murdered there.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Martha Katz.jpg Martha Katz Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Nanchen Katz.jpg Nanchen Katz Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Simon Katz.jpg Simon Katz Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Helgoländer Ufer 6 (Moabi) Siegfried Katzenstein.jpg Siegfried Katzenstein Heligoland shore 6 Nov 17, 2015 Born on January 12th, 1875 in Rothenburg an der Wümme as one of 12 children of the businessman Salomon Katzenstein, whose business he took over. 1905 marriage to Wilhelmine (called Wyla) Grimmer from Erfurt. The couple had 3 children (Ruth, born in 1906, Rolf, born in 1909 and Ester, born in 1913). Member of the German Democratic Party, elected to the Rotenburg magistrate in 1919. Military service in France from 1915 to 1918. After abuse in the context of Nazi mass riots on April 1, 1933, he fled to Berlin to see his eldest daughter. There suicide on October 11, 1936. Buried in the Jewish cemetery in Berlin Weißensee.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Dagobert Kaufmann.jpg Dagobert Kaufmann Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Rosa Kaufmann.jpg Pink businessman Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Wilhelmshavener Str 34 (Moabi) Elfriede Kessler.jpg Elfriede Kessler Wilhelmshavener Strasse 34 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Wilhelmshavener Str 34 (Moabi) Martin Kessler.jpg Martin Kessler Wilhelmshavener Strasse 34 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Feibusch Klag.jpg Feibusch complaint Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Karoline Klag.jpg Karoline Klag Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Daisy Klein.jpg Daisy small Essener Strasse 20 May 2004
Stolperstein Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Leo Klein.jpg Leo Klein Essener Strasse 20 May 2004
Stumbling Stone Essener Str 20 (Moabi) Rita Klein.jpg Rita Klein Essener Strasse 20 May 2004
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Sigmund Klein.jpg Sigmund Klein Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Gotzkowskystr 35 (Moabi) Friedrich Klemstein.jpg Friedrich Klemstein Gotzkowskystrasse 35 June 2008
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Richard Klotzbücher.SAG.jpg Richard Klotz Books Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Born on May 23, 1902 as the son of an innkeeper, Richard Klotzbücher attends the community school and initially helps in his parents' inn. After 1920 he worked as an unskilled worker in a rolling mill in Düsseldorf, later he moved to Berlin to live with his parents, who now live here. He becomes a laborer at the AEG in Huttenstrasse. Before 1933 he was a member and cashier of the Red Aid. He can improve his knowledge through self-study and becomes an employee of the personnel department at AEG Turbine, where he becomes a member of an illegal company cell ( Walter Homann group ), which is connected to the resistance group led by Anton Saefkow . Richard Klotzbücher was arrested on February 22, 1945, probably sentenced to death by the Berlin Superior Court for preparation for high treason and murdered on April 10, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Adolf Kohn Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Edith Kohn Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 14 (Moabi) Elfriede Kopp.jpg Elfriede Kopp Bochumer Strasse 14 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Margarete Koppel.jpg Margarete Koppel Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein.Moabit.Zinzendorfstrasse 8.Ella Krause.2649.jpg Ella Krause Zinzendorfstrasse 8 May 2004
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 19 (Moabi) Martha Kroner.jpg Martha Kroner Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 19 (Moabi) Selig Kroner.jpg Blessed Kroner Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 1 (Moabi) Heinz Ludwig Kronthal.jpg Heinz Ludwig Kronthal Wullenweberstrasse 1 July 25, 2012 Heinz Ludwig Kronthal was born on May 17, 1906. He was a chemist and was living at Schweidnitzer Strasse 7 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf at the time of the census in May 1939. In September 1939 he moved with his wife Paula, nee Bergmann and their daughter, Ruth Berne, to Hansa-Ufer 8 (today: Wullenweberstrasse 1). At an unknown point in time, Heinz Ludwig was forced to work in the Berlin parcel shipping company Spedition und Lagerhaus AG in Ritterstrasse 98/99. Here he was forced to work until shortly before his deportation. On December 9, 1942, the family was named “24. Osttransport ”deported to Auschwitz and murdered.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 1 (Moabi) Paula Kronthal.jpg Paula Kronthal Wullenweberstrasse 1 July 25, 2012 Paula Kronthal, née Bergmann, was born on November 1st, 1894 in Annen. Their daughter Ruth Berne was born in Chemnitz on May 13, 1922. After marrying the chemist Heinz Ludwig Kronthal, she and her daughter moved into the shared apartment on Hansa-Ufer 8, today's Wullenweberstrasse. 1, in Berlin-Mitte. Paula was a photographer by profession. She obviously worked from home too. In the inventory and valuation list, which was used to estimate the family's property for sale shortly after the deportation to the abandoned apartment, it says succinctly: "The chest of drawers is full of photo material, of which there is still a pile behind the desk." On December 9, 1942, the family was named “24. Osttransport ”deported to Auschwitz and murdered.
Stolperstein Oldenburger Str 46 (Moabi) Norbert M Kubiak.jpg Norbert Kubiak Oldenburger Strasse 46 May 2004
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Otto Lang.SAG.jpg Otto Lang Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Otto Lang, b. 7/27/1890, joins the SPD after the First World War. He is an umbrella maker by profession and from 1924 to 1933 employed in the municipal institution for the blind on Oranienstrasse. There he also worked as a works council, but was dismissed in 1933 because of his political views. Since 1935 he has been employed in the AEG turbine factory in Huttenstrasse. There he worked as a member of an illegal resistance group that distributed foreign news and leaflets, supported families of those persecuted by National Socialism and maintained contacts with forced laborers ( Walter Homann group ). Otto Lang was arrested on February 21, 1945 and imprisoned in the Gestapo department of the cell prison in Lehrter Strasse 3. He was sentenced to death on March 21, 1945 at the trial before the Berlin Superior Court. Shortly before the end of the war, Otto Lang was murdered on April 10, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee.
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Ella Lazarus.jpg Ella Lazarus Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Essener Str 9 (Moabi) Hans Louis Lehmann.jpg Hans Louis Lehmann Essener Strasse 9 3rd June 2017
Stolperstein Essener Str 9 (Moabi) Dora Leibke.jpg Dora Leibke Essener Strasse 9 3rd June 2017
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Wilhelm Leist.SAG.jpg Wilhelm Leist Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Wilhelm Leist was born in Berlin on January 2, 1899. After elementary school he begins an apprenticeship as a lathe operator and then works as a journeyman. During the First World War he was taken prisoner of war, from which he was not released until September 1919. In 1920 he married Anna Rittig and the marriage had three children. Wilhelm Leist, who belonged to the KPD before 1933 and is a union member of the German Metalworkers' Association, is a declared opponent of National Socialism. Arrested temporarily as early as 1933, after his release from prison he founded a company resistance group at his place of work, the AEG turbine factory in Huttenstrasse ( Walter Homann group ). He was arrested as one of the first in the company group in November 1944, and statements about his colleagues were probably extorted from him through abuse by the Gestapo. On March 7, 1945, Wilhelm Leist was admitted to the Gestapo department of the Lehrter Strasse 3 cell prison, where many of his colleagues were already waiting for their trial, which took place on March 20 and 21 before the Berlin Superior Court. Wilhelm Leist was sentenced to death and murdered on April 10, 1945 in Plötzensee.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Bertha Leven Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Josef Leven Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on November 5th, 1879 in Krefeld.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Bella Levy Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born July 28, 1893 in Külsheim . Deported to Auschwitz on March 2nd, 1943, murdered there.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 19 (Moabi) Denny Levy.jpg Denny Levy Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014 Born on August 10, 1941 in Berlin. Deported to Auschwitz on March 3, 1943. Murdered in Auschwitz. See Clara Marcus.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 19 (Moabi) Felix Levy.jpg Felix Levy Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014 Born on September 14, 1902 in Dortmund Dorstfeld. Deported on March 3, 1943 from Berlin to Auschwitz. Murdered in Auschwitz. See Clara Marcus.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 19 (Moabi) Hildegard Levy.jpg Hildegard Levy Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014 Born on July 12, 1903 in Berlin as Hildegard Marcus. Deported to Auschwitz on March 3, 1943. Murdered in Auschwitz. See Clara Marcus.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 19 (Moabi) Jona Levy.jpg Jonah Levy Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014 Born on October 18, 1904 in Berlin. Deported to Auschwitz on March 3, 1943. Murdered in Auschwitz. See Clara Marcus.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Louise Levy.jpg Louise Levy Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Hans Lewin Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on December 21, 1925 in Berlin.
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 53 (Moabi) Ingolf Lewin.jpg Ingolf Lewin Turmstrasse 53 3rd Sep 2018 Born on July 19, 1933 in Berlin. Deported on November 27th 1941 to Riga. Murdered on November 30, 1941 (see Walter Lewin)
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 53 (Moabi) Jutta Lewin.jpg Jutta Lewin Turmstrasse 53 3rd Sep 2018 Born on February 14th, 1935 in Berlin. Deported on November 27th 1941 to Riga. Murdered on November 30, 1941 (see Walter Lewin)
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 53 (Moabi) Walter Lewin.jpg Walter Lewin Turmstrasse 53 3rd Sep 2018 Born on December 20th, 1902 in Seehorst (Trlong) in the Mogilno district ( Powiat Mogileński ) as the fourth of nine children of Isidor Lewin and Jenny, née. Fabian. Dentist in Moabit with a practice in Turmstr. His parents and almost all of his siblings also lived in Moabit - Zwinglistr, 15. Walter Lewin was married to Henriette (Henny), born in the 20s and 30s. March 16, 1912 in Bromberg ) as the daughter of Gustav Heidemann and Hulda Gerber. The couple had two children - Ingolf and Julia. The marriage ended in divorce. Walter Lewin was deported to Riga with his two children on November 27, 1941 and murdered with them on November 30, 1941 in the mass shooting in the Rumbula forest .
Stolperstein Jagowstr 38 (Moabi) Julius Lewkowitz.jpg Julius Lewkowitz Jagowstrasse 38 Dr. Julius Lewkowitz, born on December 2, 1876 in Georgenberg / Silesia, was a rabbi at the Levetzowstrasse synagogue . On March 12, 1943, he was deported with his wife Selma Lewkowitz to the Auschwitz extermination camp on the "36th Osttransport" and murdered there.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 38 (Moabi) Selma Lewkowitz.jpg Selma Lewkowitz Jagowstrasse 38 Selma Lewkowitz was born as Selma Abraham on May 30, 1880 in Pinne / Posen (today Pniewy). She was married to Dr. Julius Lewkowitz, who worked as a rabbi in the synagogue on Levetzowstrasse. The couple lived at Jagowstrasse 38 in Moabit; Most recently they had several Jewish lodgers, all of whom were also deported. With the "36. Osttransport ”on March 12, 1943, the couple were deported to Auschwitz and have since been considered missing.
Stolperstein Bredowstr 14 (Moabi) Ridia Lewy.jpg Ridia Lewy Bredowstrasse 14 Sep 2008
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 18 (Moab) Helena Leyde.jpg Helena Leyde Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 18 (Moab) Saly Leyde.jpg Saly Leyde Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Helgoländer Ufer 6 (Moabi) Walter Lichtenstein.jpg Walter Lichtenstein Heligoland shore 6 Nov 17, 2015 Born June 19, 1890 in Berlin. Suicide in 1935. Businessman in the umbrella industry. Walter Lichtenstein was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Berlin Weißensee.
Stolperstein Perleberger Str 52 (Moabit) Else Lieber.jpg Else dear Perleberger Strasse 52 23 Oct 2017
Stolperstein Perleberger Str 52 (Moabit) Heinz-Günther Lieber.jpg Heinz-Günther Lieber Perleberger Strasse 52 23 Oct 2017
Stolperstein Perleberger Str 52 (Moabit) Jacques Lieber.jpg Jacques Dear Perleberger Strasse 52 23 Oct 2017
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 28 (Moabi) Pauline Liebmann.jpg Paulina Liebmann Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 28 May 2004
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 14 (Moabi) Paula Liebrecht.jpg Paula Liebrecht Bochumer Strasse 14 Aug 2011 Paula Adelheid Frommet Ittl Engel, married Liebrecht, was born on November 17th, 1895 in Berlin as the youngest of eight children of the businessman Samuel Engel and his wife Jenny, née. Alexander, born. On December 23, 1920 she married the general practitioner Dr. Julius Jechiel Liebrecht (February 2, 1883 to November 10, 1937).

Julius Engel chose suicide. Paula Engel was deported to Auschwitz on March 4th, 1943 and was murdered there.

Stolperstein Turmstrasse 76a (Moabi) Alfred Lipkowitz.jpg Alfred Lipkowitz Turmstrasse 76a
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 76a (Moabi) Bela Lipkowitz.jpg Bela Lipkowitz Turmstrasse 76a
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 76a (Moabi) Gertrud Lipkowitz.jpg Gertrud Lipkowitz Turmstrasse 76a
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 76a (Moabi) Ralf Robert Lipkowitz.jpg Ralf Robert Lipkowitz Turmstrasse 76a
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 36 (Moabi) Ernestine Lippmann.jpg Ernestine Lippmann Turmstrasse 36 Feb 9, 2016
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 36 (Moabi) Georg Lippmann.jpg Georg Lippmann Turmstrasse 36 Nov 14, 2016
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Margarete Lipski.jpg Margarete Lipski Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 The Lipski family (married Buttermilch and Freudenthal) lived on Bochumer Strasse in Berlin-Moabit in the 1930s. Margarete Lipski, b. Chone was born on May 16, 1870 in Punitz. She and her husband Avraham had four children: Alice, born on February 18, 1900, Frieda, born in 1903, Theodor, born on July 15, 1905, and Ruth, born on March 20, 1908. The family moved from Posen to Berlin after the First World War and had lived at Bochumer Str. 31 since 1931. Their daughter Alice was a teacher in Adass Jisroel's Jewish school in Sigmundshof on the Spree. She lived with her husband Leo Buttermilch in Küstriner Straße, but was driven out of the apartment as a result of the anti-Semitic legislation of the National Socialists and moved with her husband back into the apartment of her mother and siblings at Bochumer Straße 18. On September 4, 1942, Margarete became Lipski at the age of 72, Alice Buttermilch at the age of 42 and Leo Buttermilch at the age of 68 were deported to Theresienstadt and murdered in Treblinka after further deportation. Theodor Lipski had his sister Frieda, who was able to save herself to England with her 15-year-old daughter Hannah in the summer of 1939 - they are the only survivors of the family - in September 1942 and December 1942 from the deportation of their mother, sisters and brother-in-law written in the allowed 25 words of the Red Cross letters. After that, they did not receive any more letters from him. Theodor Lipski, a teacher at the Jewish school on Große Hamburger Straße, was a forced laborer at the Warnecke and Böhm company in Weissensee after he was banned from working. On February 26, 1943, at the age of 38, he was deported to Auschwitz on the 30th "Osttransport" and murdered there. His sister Frieda only found out years later, when she was already living in Israel with her daughter, that her brother had been murdered in a concentration camp. (see also Alice Buttermilch).
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Theodor Lipski.jpg Theodor Lipski Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 see Margarete Lipski
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Selma Lipsky.jpg Selma Lipsky Jagowstrasse 44 March 30, 2013
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 104a (Moabi) Herbert Littauer.jpg Herbert Littauer Old Moabit 104a June 15, 2018
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 104a (Moabi) Paula Littauer.jpg Paula Littauer Old Moabit 104a June 15, 2018
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Henriette Loewenstein Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Henriette Loewenstein, b. Lewkowicz was born on February 26th, 1903 in London. On May 26th, 1922 she married the doctor Dr. Ernst Witold Loewenstein, b. May 23, 1896 as the son of the businessman Louis Loewenstein and his wife Theodora, b. Golden ring. The marriage between Henriette and Ernst was divorced on July 27, 1937. The divorced husband was a doctor in London in 1948.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Karoline Loewenstein Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Karolina Löwenstein was born on June 12th, 1895 in Hochheim am Main as the daughter of master butcher Martin Löwenstein and his wife Regina, nee. Cap.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Steffi Loewenstein Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born January 5th, 1932 in Berlin. Driven to death
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Erna Esther Löw.jpg Erna Esther Loew Thomasiusstrasse 11 March 25, 2015 Born Erna Esther Rimalt, February 1897 in Lesko (Poland). Forced labor at AEG. Deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on May 17, 1943, murdered there.

Erna Löw was the daughter of Zwi and Yenta Rimalt, nee Kaner. Erna Rimalt's ancestors had been rabbis and Torah scholars since 1742. Erna came to Vienna during the First World War, where she married Nuchem Löw in 1921. A year later she gave birth to her son Willy, and in 1927 her daughter Liane. On May 17, 1943, Erna Löw with her husband and daughter Liane was deported to Auschwitz on the 38th Transport Ost. It is one of the last transports from Berlin. She was officially declared dead on May 8, 1945.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Liane Lea Löw1.jpg Liane Lea Löw Thomasiusstrasse 11 June 24, 2015 Born March 31, 1927 in Vienna as the daughter of Nuchem Löw and his wife Erna Esther (see there). Deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on May 17, 1943, murdered there.

Liane is the youngest child of Nuchem and Erna Löw. In 1934 she moved to Berlin with her parents and her brother Willy, who was five years her senior. After the Pogrom Night in 1938, the parents decide to take their children to safety abroad. Liane comes to live with relatives in Brussels and, after the attack on Belgium, flees via Paris. to Arcachon, France. In January 1941 Liane is back in Berlin. The relatives have a visa to the US and cannot take them with them. Liane and her parents are deported to Auschwitz on the 38th Transport Ost. At the end of the war on May 8, 1945, she and her parents were officially declared dead. A first version of the Stolperstein was moved on March 25, 2015 ( photo of the old Stolperstein ). On June 24, 2015, it was replaced with a corrected stone.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Nuchem Löw.jpg Nuchem Loew Thomasiusstrasse 11 March 25, 2015 Born September 18, 1888 in Sędziszów (Galicia, today Poland). Deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on May 17, 1943, murdered there.

The place of birth of Nuchem Löw belonged to Austria until World War I. During the war he was a soldier and fought on the Austrian side. Then he settled in Vienna. There he married Erna Rimalt in 1921, the following year his son Willy (see there) was born and in 1927 his daughter Liane (see there). Nuchem Löw was a property manager by profession. According to the address books, the Löw family has been registered at Thomasiusstraße 11 since 1937 at the latest. On November 9, 1938, on Pogrom Night, the Gestapo banged on the door of the apartment. She wants to arrest Nuchem Löw, but he is not at home. The Gestapo does not come back, but Nuchem Löw has to cede his work as a caretaker to an Aryan. With that he loses his income. Nuchem and his wife Erna decide to send the meanwhile 16 year old Willy and the 11 year old Liane abroad. Willy Löw comes to England with the help of a child transport, Liane to relatives in Belgium. Liane returned to Berlin in early 1941. In 1940 the family had to hand over all remaining valuables and was practically destitute. From 1941 Nuchem Löw had to do forced labor. The letters that were written to Willy, first to England, then to Canada, show that he was trying to get his family to leave for the USA. Finally, one fragment of a letter also mentions an attempt to travel to Cuba. All attempts remain unsuccessful. Allegedly, the family also tried to flee to Switzerland with the help of a smuggler, but in the end they don't trust him. At the end of 1942 and beginning of 1943, postcards were written to a friend in Switzerland, in which Nuchem Löw tried to get some groceries, including matzo for the holidays. He thanks "for the friendliness". On May 17, 1943, Nuchem Löw was deported to Auschwitz with his wife and daughter Liane. "A German national comrade" moves into the Löw family's apartment and takes over the furniture, which, as it has now become apparent, will remain in the apartment until the tenants' death in the 1990s.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 11 (Moabi) Willy Löw.jpg Willy Loew Thomasiusstrasse 11 March 25, 2015 Born April 26, 1922 in Vienna as the son of Nuchem and Erna Esther Löw. 1939 Kindertransport via England to Canada. Died as Ze'ev Lev on October 3rd, 2004 in Israel.

Willy lived with his family in Berlin from 1934. He attended the Adass Yisroel School on Siegmunds Hof in the Hansaviertel. In 1939 the parents decide to send Willy to England on one of the last Kindertransportes. He comes to Newcastle and is accepted into a Yeschiwe - a Torah school. When the war breaks out, Willy is interned as a German citizen in a POW camp on the Isle of Man. From there he is taken to a POW camp in Canada near Ottawa. He studied physics there and later in the USA. In 1950 he emigrated to Israel with his wife, Dvora Lederer, and took the name Ze'ev Lev. There he was one of the founders of the Jerusalem College of Technology - Lev Academic Center (JCT).

Stolperstein Jagowstr 8 (Moabi) Ida Lurje.jpg Ida Lurje Jagowstrasse 8 Apr 25, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Eva Manasse.jpg Eva Manasse Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 9 (Moabi) Max Mann.jpg Max Mann Turmstrasse 9 Sep 9 2017
Stolperstein Turmstrasse 9 (Moabi) Margarete Regina Mann.jpg Margarete Regina Mann Turmstrasse 9 Sep 9 2017
Stolperstein Calvinstr 15 (Moabi) Frida Mannheim.jpg Frida Mannheim Calvinstrasse 15 March 2010
Stolperstein Calvinstr 15 (Moabi) Max Mannheim.jpg Max Mannheim Calvinstrasse 15 March 2010
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 19 (Moabi) Clara Marcus.jpg Clara Marcus Thomasiusstrasse 19 Aug 8, 2014 Born May 26th, 1872 in Krotoschin (Posen) / Krotoszyn. Deportation on September 4th, 1942 from Berlin, Thomasiusstrasse 19 to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Murdered September 28, 1942 in Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Caroline Grund, called Clara, was born in Krotoschin near Posen as the daughter of a building contractor. After graduating from the Lyceum, she moved to Berlin and in 1895 married the Berlin plumber and pipe-laying master Isaac Marcus, with whom she had two children: in 1897, son Bernhard was born, in 1903 daughter Hanna Hildegard was born. Clara and Isaak Marcus ran a plumbing business at Karlstrasse 17 in Mitte, where Clara kept the accounts until her son Bernhard returned from World War I and took over the business at her husband's side in her place. At the time, the Markus family's apartment was just around the corner at Alexanderufer 6, right on Humboldt Harbor. At the end of the 30 years the Marcus left their home in Mitte and moved to Thomasiusstraße 19 in 1939, where they moved into an apartment on the 4th floor in the front building. At this point in time, the pressure from the racist hostility against Jews was so strong that Clara's husband Isaac became seriously ill and died on December 9, 1940 at the age of 72. At that time, daughter Hildegard, who was called Hilde, was living with her. A little later Hilde married Felix Levy and continued to live with her husband in their parents' apartment. In September 1942, when daughter Hilde was heavily pregnant with a second son, Clara Marcus was picked up by the Gestapo and deported to Theresienstadt. Hildegard and Felix Levy stayed with their baby Jona and one-year-old Denny for a few months at 19 Thomasiusstrasse. They had to leave the apartment in the front building because Clara Marcus' property was seized by the state. Hilde and Felix moved into an apartment on the ground floor of the side wing with the lodgers. At that time, 40-year-old Felix Levy was doing forced labor at the Berlin company Ernst Röderstein in Wusterhauserstraße in Mitte, where capacitors for radio sets were manufactured. On February 28, 1943, the Levys with one-year-old Denny and five-month-old Jona were picked up by the Gestapo and taken to the assembly camp in the Levetzowstrasse synagogue. Here on March 1, the two sons of Felix and Hilde were brought by the bailiff of the Gestapo, according to which they were considered enemies of the Reich and their property was confiscated by the Reich. Two days later, on March 3, 1943, Hilde and Felix Levy and their children were deported from the Moabit freight yard in cattle wagons on the 33rd Osttransport to Auschwitz, where Hilde and her sons were probably murdered in the gas chamber as soon as they arrived. When and where Felix Levy was killed is not known. After the Levy's apartment had been assessed by the bailiff and the inventory that could be sold was listed, the apartment was declared "defurnished" on October 27, 1943 and the family's household including a "cot with duvet" was sold for 565 RM in favor of the Reich.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Irma Marcus.jpg Irma Marcus Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Born Irma Scheinberger on March 26th, 1907 in Duesseldorf. Deported to Riga on September 5th, 1942. Murdered on September 8, 1942 in Riga.

Irma Marcus was born as the daughter of Alois Scheinberger. She and her husband Kurt initially lived as sub-tenants in a large 6-room apartment at Thomasiusstrasse 26. After the main tenant, Louise Levy, had been deported in 1941, the Marcus took over the large apartment. During these years of lawlessness for Jews, however, their home was quickly converted into a so-called Jewish apartment; Irma and her husband were forced to rent several rooms in their apartment to those Jews who had to cede their own homes to non-Jews. At that time, Irma Marcus had to do forced labor. When it became apparent in 1942 that Irma and Kurt Marcus were also to be deported, Irma's husband went into hiding. It has been considered lost ever since. Irma Marcus was deported to Riga on September 5, 1942, at the age of 35, and murdered there as soon as she arrived.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Kurt Marcus.jpg Kurt Marcus Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014 Born on August 26th, 1896 in Danzug. Submerged on September 21, 1943. See Irma Marcus
Stumbling block Bundesratufer 4 (Moabi) Martin Maretzki.jpg Martin Maretzki Bundesratufer 4
Stolperstein.Moabit.Bochumer Strasse 10.Margarete Markus.6788.jpg Margarete Markus Bochumer Strasse 10 6th June 2013
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86b (Moabi) Efim Meckauer.jpg Efim Meckauer Alt-Moabit 86b
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86b (Moabi) Erna Meckauer.jpg Erna Meckauer Alt-Moabit 86b
Stumbling Stone Alt-Moabit 86b (Moabi) Kurt Meckauer.jpg Kurt Meckauer Alt-Moabit 86b
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 24 (Moabi) Belsora Mendelsohn.jpg Belsora Mendelsohn Thomasiusstrasse 24 March 30, 2013 Belsora Mendelsohn, b. Becker, was born in Berlin on June 24, 1888. She marries the Berlin businessman Leo Mendelsohn. The marriage resulted in son Erwin in 1914 and daughter Liselotte in 1924. The family initially lived in the house at Kirchstrasse 21 in Moabit. After graduating from the Royal Luisengymnasium in Wilsnackerstrasse, Belsora's son Erwin emigrated to Palestine in 1933. A little later, Belsora, who is called Bella, moves one street further with her husband and daughter Liselotte to Thomasiusstraße 24. There the family moves into a 3-room rented apartment in the garden house, 1st floor. The Mendelsohn couple ran an initially thriving leather goods and umbrella shop in Turmstrasse. 10 / corner of Wilsnackerstrasse, so that Bella can even afford a trip to Palestine to visit son Erwin. But the harassment and disenfranchisement of Jewish companies, which has been increasing steadily since 1933, finally also affects the Mendelsohns' business: In June 1938 they are officially banned from doing business. The Mendelsohns still try to make a living from selling their goods for a few more months. When her husband Leo was arrested in connection with the so-called “Reichkristallnacht” and taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Belsora had to run the business alone. Shortly after Leo Mendelsohn was released from the concentration camp in December 1938, her business had to close permanently by order of the authorities. This destroys the family's economic livelihood. On November 12, 1939, Leo, who had been imprisoned in the camp, died of heart failure in his apartment at the age of 54. Belsora has her husband buried in the Weissensee Jewish cemetery.

On November 9, 1941, Belsora and Liselotte Mendelsohn were taken to the nearby synagogue building at Levetzowstrasse 7, which was used as a collection point for the incoming deportations. After handing over her property declaration, the higher court bailiff handed over the usual official order two days later that all property had been “confiscated in favor of the Reich”. The later determined value of savings and confiscated property is over RM 41,000. On November 14, 1941, mother and daughter Mendelsohn were deported from the Grunewald train station to the ghetto in Minsk on the 5th “Osttransport”. Of the approximately 950 passengers on the train from Berlin, only a few survived - Belsora and Liselotte Mendelsohn were not among them.

Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Erna Mendelsohn.jpg Erna Mendelsohn Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 18 (Moabi) Jenny Mendelsohn.jpg Jenny Mendelsohn Bochumer Strasse 18 Sep 14 2009 Jenny Mendelsohn was born on July 5, 1862 in Hohenstein (today Olsztynek in Poland) in the Osterode district in East Prussia as Jenny Domnauer. She was married to Georg Mendelsohn, who was born in Königsberg in 1859. After moving to Berlin, the couple lived in an apartment at Bochumer Str. 18 in Berlin-Moabit from 1912. The marriage remained childless. Her husband Georg died on September 4th, 1937. Jenny had several siblings and nieces and nephews, but they had already emigrated to different countries. a. to Palestine, Holland, Sweden and Australia, and so could no longer help the older, now single woman. On July 27, 1942, the 80-year-old Jenny Mendelsohn was deported to Theresienstadt on the 30th old-age transport. She survived the terrible living conditions of the ghetto for only about a month.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 24 (Moabi) Leo Mendelsohn.jpg Leo Mendelsohn Thomasiusstrasse 24 Aug 8, 2014 Born on January 12th, 1885 in Mewe ( Gniew ). Imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp, October 11. until 2.12. 1938. Died as a result of imprisonment and torture on November 26, 1939 in Thomasiusstrasse. 24. See also Belsora and Liselotte Mendelsohn.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 24 (Moabi) Liselotte Mendelsohn.jpg Liselotte Mendelsohn Thomasiusstrasse 24 March 30, 2013 Liselotte Mendelsohn was born on November 24, 1924 in Berlin. From the parents Leo and Belsora Mendelsohn (see thereI as well as from her older brother Erwin Liselotte is called 'Lilo'. After brother Erwin emigrated to Palestine in 1933, the family left the old apartment at Kirchstrasse 21 in Moabit and moved one street further on Thomasiusstrasse 24. At the time of her father's death, in November 1939, Liselotte was already doing forced labor in the Spinnstofffabrik AG in Berlin-Zehlendorf; her weekly wage was 14 RM. On November 14, 1941, Liselotte and Belsora were transferred to the 5th "Osttransport" Mendelsohn was deported from the Grunewald train station to the ghetto in Minsk.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Martin Mendelsohn.jpg Martin Mendelsohn Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Feodora Mendheim Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Feodora Mendheim was born as Feodora Weishaus on November 8, 1891 in Berlin. Her mother Laura Lea, née Halpern, came from Bolechau (Bolechiw) , her father Moritz Moses from Stanislau ( Ivano-Frankiwsk ). She grew up with her older brother Siegfried Maximilian in Prenzlauer Berg, where her father ran a whalebone factory. She attended the Lyceum up to upper secondary school, i.e. up to 11th grade, and then trained as an office clerk. She worked in this profession until her wedding in 1918.

She married Sally Mendheim, a textile merchant 14 years her senior, who was born in Kolmar in Posen (Chodzież) . He was the owner of a shop for women's clothing at Turmstrasse 66 in Moabit, in which Feodora Mendheim also worked. Her apartment was not very far away at Jagowstrasse 5. Their daughter Doris Elisabeth was born on March 14, 1920, their son Hans Moritz on May 24, 1924. The family moved to Bundesratufer 12 and in the early 1930s to Solingen Street 10, corner of Agricolastrasse. There they moved into a 7-room apartment with a roof garden, which stretched over the fourth and fifth floors. At around the same time Sally Mendheim became the main partner in the wholesale business for women's clothing Robert Kuesell & Co. Feodora Mendheim took over the commercial management of the company, whose office and sales rooms were located at Markgrafenstraße 37. Business was very good, which enabled the Mendheim family to enjoy a high standard of living. They employed several domestic workers and could afford regular vacation trips; they spent their winter holidays in St. Moritz. On September 13, 1937, the daughter Doris gave birth to her son Ernst Eduard. His father Ludwig Lesser had married the then 17-year-old before.

During the November pogrom in 1938, the day after Feodora Mendheim's 47th birthday, the shop on Turmstrasse was devastated and looted. Due to the anti-Semitic legislation, the Mendheim couple were forced to sell the business a short time later. The buyer only paid them a fraction of the real value. The company Robert Kuesell & Co. was also "Aryanized". The couple also had to sell two apartment buildings that belonged to Sally Mendheim. From that point on they were without any income. At least their children should be able to live in freedom and it was possible to get the necessary papers for their escape to America. In April 1939, the just 19-year-old Doris and her almost 15-year-old brother Hans traveled by train to Hamburg and boarded the SS Manhattan to New York. Doris' son Ernst stayed with his grandparents in Berlin. In the USA, Hans, who changed his name to John, attended high school in Chicago from September 1939 and later studied there at university. Doris settled in New York and after her divorce married her second husband Fred Schott, with whom she had two children in the 1940s.

A few months after Doris and Hans escaped, Feodora Mendheim's mother moved into the apartment on Solinger Strasse. Laura Lea Weishaus, widowed since 1915, had previously lived in Charlottenburg with her son Siegfried, who had emigrated to Brussels. Siegfried Weishaus could not save himself by fleeing to Belgium. He was one of several thousand refugees from the Nazi persecution whom Belgium extradited to France from May 1940. The Vichy regime interned him first in Saint Cyprien. In October he was deported to the Gurs camp, where he died on December 5, 1940.

With the support of their daughter Doris from the USA, the Mendheim couple made several attempts to prepare for an escape to South or Central America. But all efforts failed. In August 1942, Feodora and Sally Mendheim had to give their apartment in favor of NSDAP member Dr. Evacuate Manstein. They were assigned a 2-room apartment at Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 19, where they moved with their grandson and Feodora Mendheim's mother. Much of their home furnishings were confiscated. A short time later, on October 3, 1942, Laura Lea Weishaus was deported to Theresienstadt. She died on New Year's Eve of the same year, allegedly of heart failure. On February 1, 1943, the Nazi authorities ordered the Mendheims to confiscate all their property. In the years before, they had already had to pay compulsory levies (“Jewish property tax” and “Reich flight tax”) of around 30,000 Reichsmarks. On March 6, 1943 Feodora Mendheim was deported to Auschwitz together with her husband and five-year-old grandson and murdered there. Her date of death was set as March 31, 1943 by order of the Tiergarten District Court.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Sally Mendheim Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Sally Mendheim was born on May 4, 1877 (in many sources his year of birth is stated differently as 1876) in the small town of Kolmar (today: Chodzież / Poland) in Posen. His parents Eduard and Sarah ran a farm that Sally worked on during his childhood and adolescence. Up to the age of 14 he attended elementary school in Kolmar and then completed a commercial apprenticeship in Schneidemühl (Piła).

He moved to Berlin and was employed there from 1894 to 1905 in the Hermann Tietz department store. Most recently he worked as a buyer. In 1905 he started the company “S. Mendheim, a specialist in modern women's clothing “independently. From 1910, his shop was located at Turmstrasse 66, on the corner of Gotzkowskystrasse in Moabit. He lived on Essener Strasse until around 1914 and then moved to Jagowstrasse 5. In 1918 he married the clerk Feodora Weishaus, who subsequently worked in his business. The couple had two children, Doris Elisabeth (born March 14, 1920) and Hans Moritz (born May 24, 1924). Around 1924 the family moved to Bundesratufer 12 and in the early 1930s to Solinger Straße 10 in a 7-room apartment with a roof garden.

Sally Mendheim owned a tenement house at Emser Strasse 130/131 in Neukölln. Another house at Kniprodestrasse 13 (Prenzlauer Berg) belonged to him together with his brother David. At the beginning of the 1930s, he became the main partner in the wholesale business Robert Kuesell & Co., a manufacturing company for women's coats with around 60 employees. In the workshop at Schönhauser Allee 140, around 800 to 1000 coats were produced every week. His wife took over the commercial management of the office and sales rooms at Markgrafenstrasse 37. On September 13, 1937, the 17-year-old daughter Doris gave birth to her son Ernst Eduard. She had married his father Ludwig Lesser before.

The shop in Turmstrasse was devastated and looted during the November pogroms in 1938. Shortly thereafter, Sally Mendheim was forced to sell it well below its value due to the “Ordinance to Eliminate Jews from German Economic Life”. He also had to sell his property and the shares in the Kuesell company. From that point on, the family had no more income. She also had to hand over her valuables and pay the tax office a “Jewish property tax” and “Reich flight tax” of around 30,000 Reichsmarks.

In April 1939, Sally Mendheim's children Doris and Hans emigrated to the USA. Doris' son Ernst stayed with his grandparents in Berlin. She herself settled in New York, remarried after her divorce and had two children with her second husband Fred Schott in the 1940s. Hans, who changed his first name to John, went to Chicago, where he graduated from high school and went to college.

Shortly after the children's escape, Sally Mendheim took his mother-in-law Laura Lea Weishaus into her house. Since there was a rumor that Jews with property in South America could legally emigrate, he bought a property in Paraguay. On December 8, 1941, he called on Mohrenstrasse at the Consul of Paraguay and swore that he had supported his father in the management of his farm in Kolmar and thus had the necessary knowledge to work in agriculture again . At the same time, his daughter Doris also tried to get the necessary papers for emigration from the USA. In November 1941 she had paid the Atlantic Tours travel agency a sum of $ 430 to obtain and obtain a Cuba visa. A telegram from Cuban All American Cables dated December 5, 1941, signed by a Minister of State from Havana, certified that all the legal requirements for a tourist visa to be granted to Sally Mendheim had been met. But all efforts to escape to America were in vain.

His niece Johanna Liebmann (née Rosenthal) and her husband Walter, with whom the Mendheims were in close contact, later stated that Sally Mendheim made numerous attempts to prevent an impending deportation. Their report can be found in the compensation application that his children made in the 1950s: “Among other things, he reported to us at the time when the deportations from Berlin started on the basis of a file kept by the Jewish community that he was there with two I made contact with people and thereby achieved that when he looked through the file, his card and that of his wife and grandson Ernst Lasser were not available. According to his statements, he has paid these liaison officers several times RM 3,000. [...] If he should be picked up unprepared, he had an amount of around RM 10,000, - wrapped in larger bills in a roll of toilet paper in such a way that it could be concealed inconspicuously. He wanted to have the effect of being able to buy himself out and had the specific intention of taking the roll of toilet paper with him for deportation. "

In the summer of 1942, the Mendheims were expelled from their apartment on Solinger Strasse. With Sally Mendheim's mother-in-law and their five-year-old grandson, they moved into a two-room apartment at Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 19. From there, Laura Lea Weishaus was deported to Theresienstadt on October 3, 1942. She died there on December 31 of the same year. Sally Mendheim's brother David had already been deported to Łódź on November 1, 1941. He was murdered on May 9, 1942 in the Chełmno extermination camp.

Sally Mendheim was born on March 6, 1943 together with his wife and grandson with the “35. Osttransport ”was deported to Auschwitz and murdered there. His date of death was set as March 31, 1943 by order of the Tiergarten district court.

Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 7 (Moabi) Bertha Meyer.jpg Bertha Meyer Elberfelder Strasse 7 10 Apr 2019 Bertha Lucie Hilda Meyer, nee Lewinsky, divorced Collen was born on February 11, 1897 in Berlin as the daughter of Arnold Lewinsky and his wife Hedwig Wally, nee. Coehn born. On May 24, 1921, she married the painter and etcher Julius Cohn, 8th August 1881. The marriage was divorced on December 6, 1924. Bertha Cohn received official permission to change her surname to Collen in 1928. On August 20, 1935 she married the second marriage to the commercial employee Josef Meyer, born February 3, 1877 in Krone an der Brahe . The couple were deported to Riga on January 25, 1942 and murdered there. Bertha Meyer is probably the mother of Peter Arnold Collen (see there).
Stumbling Stone Elberfelder Str 7 (Moabi) Josef Meyer.jpg Josef Meyer Elberfelder Strasse 7 10 Apr 2019 Born on February 3rd, 1877 in Krone an der Brahe. Deported with his wife Bertha (see there) to Riga on January 24th, 1942 and murdered there.
Stumbling block Bundesratufer 4 (Moabi) Jacob Michalowski.jpg Jacob Julius Michalowski Bundesratufer 4 May 2004
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Chaja Moses.jpg Chaja Moses Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Bundesratufer 9 (Moabi) Julius Moses.jpg Julius Moses Bundesratufer 9 March 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Karl Müller.SAG.jpg Karl Muller Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Karl Müller was a resistance fighter against National Socialism and was organized in the KPD and the RGO. From 1935 he worked in the AEG turbine plant in Berlin-Moabit. He was also active during the National Socialist era, but was arrested and tortured on February 24, 1945. Under the pressure of interrogation he testified against several comrades and was sentenced to death in a trial with six colleagues ( Walter Homann group ). Instead he chose to commit suicide and hanged himself the night after his trial (March 20, 1945) in his cell in the Lehrter Strasse cell prison .
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Eva Nawratzki.jpg Eva Nawratzki Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 12a (Moabi) Helmut Nawratzki.jpg Helmut Nawratzki Levetzowstrasse 12a Nov 26, 2018
Stolperstein Jagowstr 16 (Moabi) Alfons Neumann.jpg Alfons Neumann Jagowstrasse 16 Aug 2010 Alfons Neumann was born on December 18, 1879 in Berlin, his parents were Martin Michaelis Neumann (born approx. 1849/1850 in Grätz; died on May 25, 1918 in Berlin) and Emilie Neumann (née Jablonsky or Jablonski approx. 1851 / 1852 in Grätz, died on January 13, 1913 in Berlin-Charlottenburg). He had at least one sister Else (born on February 23, 1885 in Berlin) and a brother, Georg (born on September 3, 1886 in Berlin). He was a businessman by profession and married Käthchen Liepmann in Berlin on December 23, 1909. At the time of the 1939 census, his sister Else Nelken (married on July 9, 1908 to Jakob Nelken, born on March 7, 1874 in Graetz , died in 1928 in Berlin-Schöneberg) also lived in Jagowstr. 16. She committed suicide on November 18, 1941, possibly because of an imminent deportation. Your last address was in Bleibtreustr. 17 Berlin-Charlottenburg, where 16 stumbling blocks have already been laid for people who used to live there. Their two children Gerda Pauline (born on September 6, 1909 in Berlin; married Goldmann; died on July 9, 1988 in Marion, Indiana ) and Henry James Nelken (born on December 9, 1910 in Berlin; died on October 14, 1986 in New York) managed to escape in time, Gerda Pauline emigrated at the end of August 1939 with her husband Walter Goldmann (born on May 14, 1903 in Dresden; died on July 1, 1973 in Marion, Indiana) and their son Frank Joachim (born on January 18 1938 in Dresden; died on July 3, 1946 in Shanghai) from Dresden to Shanghai and Henry James to New York in July 1938. In 1959 they both filed a lawsuit for reparations for their mother's household effects from the USA. On March 3, 1943, Alfons Neumann was deported to Auschwitz on the 33rd Osttransport, where he was murdered at an unknown time.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 16 (Moabi) Gerhard Neumann.jpg Gerhard Neumann Jagowstrasse 16 Aug 2010 Gerhard Neumann was born on October 1, 1910 in Berlin. On March 2, 1943, he and his mother were deported to Auschwitz on the 32nd Osttransport, where they were murdered at an unknown date.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 16 (Moabi) Käte Neumann.jpg Kate Neumann Jagowstrasse 16 Aug 2010 Käte (Käthchen) Neumann (née Liepmann) was born on October 4, 1887 in Eberswalde, her parents were Gustav Liepmann and Jenny Liepmann (née Steinert). She married the businessman Alfons Neumann on December 23, 1909 in Berlin. Together they had two children, Gerhard (born October 1, 1910) and Irene (born May 4, 1915, married Löwenthal). Her daughter Irene, who at the time of the 1939 census was also in Jagowstr. 16 lived, was deported to Riga on November 27, 1941. Her last address was Wilhelm-Stolze-Str. 39 in Berlin-Friedrichshain, where Theobald Löwenthal (born May 6, 1915) also lived, who was also deported and murdered on November 27, 1941, probably her husband. Their names are listed in the Book of Remembrance The German, Austrian and Czechoslovak Jews Deported to the Baltic States . On March 2, 1943, Käte Neumann was deported together with her son Gerhard on the 32nd Osttransport to Auschwitz and murdered there at an unknown date.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Willi Neumann.jpg Willi Neumann Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Hansa Ufer 5 (Moabi) Henni Noack.jpg Henni Noack Hansa-Ufer 5 Dec 2007
Stolperstein Hansa Ufer 5 (Moabi) Sophie Noack.jpg Sophie Noack Hansa-Ufer 5 Dec 2007
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Berthold Nordon.jpg Berthold Nordon Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Henriette Nordon.jpg Henriette Nordon Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Gisela Nussbaum.jpg Gisela Nussbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 14 (Moabi) Siegmund Nussbaum.jpg Siegmund Nussbaum Thomasiusstrasse 14 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein.Moabit.Stendaler Straße 14.Hertha Nussbaum.4031.jpg Hertha Nussbaum Stendaler Strasse 14 Oct. 2012
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Else Oppler.jpg Else Oppler Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 7 (Moabi) Erich Moritz Oppler.jpg Erich Moritz Oppler Krefelder Strasse 7 Nov 30, 2013
Stolperstein Hansa Ufer 5 (Moabi) Hans Otto.jpg Hans Otto Hansa-Ufer 5
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 6 (Moabi) Erich Pese.jpg Erich Pese Levetzowstrasse 6 Nov 2009
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 6 (Moabi) Erna Pese.jpg Erna Pese Levetzowstrasse 6 Nov 2009
Stolperstein Spenerstr 14 (Moabi) Marianne Peuckert.jpg Marianne Peuckert Spenerstraße 14
(corner of Melanchthonstraße)
Sep 2008
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Chaja Pfeffer.jpg Chaja pepper Wullenweberstrasse 11
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Erna Pfeffer.jpg Erna pepper Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Salomon Pfeffer.jpg Salomon pepper Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Bundesratufer 9 (Moabi) Hedwig Pfeffermann.jpg Hedwig Pfeffermann Bundesratufer 9 23 Sep 2016
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 20 (Moabi) Hedwig Pinkus.jpg Hedwig Pinkus Thomasiusstrasse 20 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 20 (Moabi) Joachim Pinkus.jpg Joachim Pinkus Thomasiusstrasse 20 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 20 (Moabi) Otto Pinkus.jpg Otto Pinkus Thomasiusstrasse 20 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Bredowstr 39 (Moabi) Martha Prinz.jpg Martha Prince Bredowstrasse 39 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Bredowstr 39 (Moabi) Selma Prinz.jpg Selma Prince Bredowstrasse 39 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Bremer Str 61 (Moabi) Hermann Reichmann.jpg Hermann Reichmann Bremer Strasse 61 Oct 25, 2012
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Wally Reimann Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on May 21, 1895 in Berlin as Wally Rewald.
Stolperstein Lübecker Str 15 (Moabi) Franz Xaver Reinold.jpg Franz Xaver Reinold Lübecker Strasse 15 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabi) Leo Rittler.jpg Leo Rittler Dortmunder Strasse 13 May 20, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 7 (Moab) Lucie Rittler.jpg Lucie Rittler Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 7 (Moab) Marie Rittler.jpg Marie Rittler Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 7 (Moab) Richard Rittler.jpg Richard Rittler Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Charlotte Rosenthal.jpg Charlotte Rosenthal Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 20 (Moabi) James Rosenthal.jpg James Rosenthal Krefelder Strasse 20 Oct 8, 2011
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 6 (Moabit) Käthe Rosenthal.jpg Kathe Rosenthal Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 6 17 Sep 2019
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 6 (Moabit) Willy Rosenthal.jpg Willy Rosenthal Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 6 17 Sep 2019
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Martin Rosenthal.jpg Martin Rosenthal Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 10 (Moabi) Elisabeth Rosenwasser.jpg Elisabeth Rosenwasser Thomasiusstrasse 10 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Max Mejer Rosenwasser.jpg Max Mejer Rosenwasser Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Ryfka Regina Rosenwasser.jpg Ryfka Regina Rosenwasser Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 15 (Moabi) Käte Rothkugel.jpg Kate Rothkugel Thomasiusstrasse 15 June 24, 2015
Stolperstein Stromstr 52 (Moabi) Karlheinz Rothschild.jpg Karlheinz Rothschild Stromstrasse 52 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Stromstr 52 (Moabi) Marianne Rothschild.jpg Marianne Rothschild Stromstrasse 52 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Stromstr 52 (Moabi) Max Rothschild.jpg Max Rothschild Stromstrasse 52 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Stromstr 52 (Moabi) Paula Rothschild.jpg Paula Rothschild Stromstrasse 52 Sep 2009
Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Walter Ruppin.jpg Walter Ruppin Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Josef Rynarzewski.jpg Josef Rynarzewski Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Martha Rynarzewski.jpg Martha Rynarzewski Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Gustav Sadranowski.SAG.jpg Gustav Sadranowski Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Gustav Sadranowski, b. August 19, 1898, trained as a lathe operator. In 1925 he married Luise Hagelmann. Before 1933 Sadranowski was a member of the SPD. During the National Socialist regime, he worked in the AEG turbine factory in Berlin's Huttenstrasse, where he joined the company resistance group led by Wilhelm Leist and Walter Homann , which supported the families of those politically persecuted with money and food stamps, passed on leaflets and distributed foreign news. When the group was discovered because of an informant at the beginning of 1945, Gustav Sadranowski also fell into the hands of the Gestapo. After he was arrested at work, he was taken to the 3 Lehrter Strasse cell prison. Sadranowski was sentenced to death in the trial of “Leist and Comrades” before the Berlin Higher Regional Court and murdered on April 10, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 9 (Moabi) Gertrud Sadunischker.jpg Gertrud Sadunischker Bochumer Strasse 9 July 2007 Born April 20, 1893 in Memel / Klaipeda as Gertrud Lewy. Deported to Auschwitz on February 19, 1943
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 9 (Moabi) Mark Sadunischker.jpg Mark Sadunischker Bochumer Strasse 9 July 2007 Mark Alfred Sadunischker. Born June 8th, 1927 in Berlin. Deported to Auschwitz on February 3, 1943.
Stolperstein Bochumer Str 9 (Moabi) Martin Sadunischker.jpg Martin Sadunischker Bochumer Strasse 9 July 2007 Martin Meier Sadunischker. Born on June 22nd, 1884 in Wilna / Vilnius. Deported to Auschwitz on February 19, 1943
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 9 (Moabi) Auguste Salomon.jpg Auguste Salomon Elberfelder Strasse 9 March 25, 2015
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Meta Salomonsohn.jpg Meta Solomon's son Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 16 (Moabi) Georg Samolewitz.jpg Georg Samolewitz Levetzowstrasse 16 June 2009 Georg Samolewitz was born on July 1, 1870 in Berlin. He was born the second son of the businessman Moritz Samolewitz and his wife Rahel. The eldest son Isidor, b. 1867, died at the age of 23. Two children born after Georg died in infancy, and his brother Leopold was born as a straggler in 1883.

The father Moritz (Moshe) Samolewitz (1840-1912) came from the West Prussian Gollub (today: Golub-Dobrzyń / Poland), at that time located directly on the Russian border, and grew up in a religious-Orthodox family. His family became impoverished after the early death of their father and Moritz Samolewitz traveled through East and West Prussia as a traveling salesman at a young age. Around 1863 he married the then 16-year-old Rahel Hirschfeld (approx. 1849–1928) from Thorn. The young family moved from place to place without staying anywhere for long, until they finally settled in Berlin, probably shortly before the founding of the Reich in 1871. For the first time a “trader” by the name of M. Samolewitz is listed in the Berlin address book that year , in Klosterstr. 16, III. Floor. The father started out as a used clothes dealer, but later switched to trading in shoes. The family had lived at Fehrbelliner Str. 28 since 1879, where Moritz Samolewitz finally opened a shoe store in 1885, which he soon expanded into a flourishing business. Another line of business for the family remained in the clothing trade in the first few years. Georg Samolewitz probably, like his brother Leopold later, attended the school of the Adass-Jisroel congregation. His father, an Orthodox Jew, had joined the community founded by Rabbi Hildesheimer. Georg Samolewitz received his commercial training in his father's shop, where he first worked as a businessman and later as an authorized signatory. In 1889, the father bought the neighboring building at Fehrbelliner Str. 30. The Samolewitz family lived on the first floor, while the shop was still in neighboring building No. 28. It was not until ten years later that the shoe store was moved to No. 30. Georg Samolewitz married in 1897. His wife Rosalie Jacobis, born on July 16, 1869 in Berlin, came from a poor family and supported herself and her widowed mother as a saleswoman in a shop for lace goods. Georg Samolewitz now founded his own household; he lived with his wife and mother-in-law on the first floor of the house at Fehrbelliner Str. 30. In 1905 Moritz Samolewitz apparently withdrew from the business and moved into another apartment with his wife and youngest son Leopold . Georg Samolewitz has been listed in the Berlin address books as the owner of the shoe store since this year. Georg Samolewitz, like his father Moritz, was a member of the Odd Fellow Order in Berlin and, according to his brother Leopold, acquired a respected position there. He was a very active member and in 1902/1903 and 1912/1913 Obermeister (first chairman) of the Immanuel Kant Lodge. Georg Samolewitz was also politically active; from 1919 to 1920 he was a city councilor of the SPD. In the 1920s, the consequences of inflation and the economic crisis apparently hit Georg Samolewitz hard. He had to give up the shoe shop in 1922 and sell the house at Fehrbelliner Str. 30 the following year. However, he now opened a shirt store at the same address, which he ran until 1927. After that Georg Samolewitz is simply noted with the entry Kaufmann in the Berlin address books; he has lived in Levetzowstrasse since 1927. 16 in Moabit. It was last performed there in 1936. Presumably, the then 66-year-old and his wife Rosalie retired to the Jewish old people's home at Berkaer Str. 33-35 in Wilmersdorf. The Samolewitzs were born in this home on August 17, 1942 with the “1. large age transport ”, together with 1000 other Berlin Jews, deported to Theresienstadt. Like all residents of old people's homes, they probably had to sign a so-called “home purchase contract”, which supposedly ensured accommodation and meals in the “old people's ghetto” Theresienstadt. Georg Samolewitz died after 14 days in the ghetto on August 30, 1942. His wife Rosalie was deported to the Treblinka extermination camp on September 19, 1942 and murdered. Georg's brother Leopold Samolewitz, who has a doctorate in law and has two sons, emigrated to Palestine with his wife Else in 1939, where his son Kurt lived. His second son, Hans-Werner, emigrated to England. After the war, Leopold Samolewitz worked as a lawyer in redress proceedings and died in Israel in 1959. He left his grandchildren with records of his childhood and youth in Germany, which later made them available to the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. In these notes, Leopold Samolewitz describes his brother Georg as follows: “He was always in a good mood and had a wonderful sense of humor. He liked to have fun with people, but never got mean, he always remained friendly. "

Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 12 (Moabit) Else Sando-Mirsky.jpg Else Sando-Mirsky Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 12 Feb 21, 2020 Else Sando-Mirsky (née Cohn) was born on January 30th, 1872 in Kornowatz (Silesia) / Kornowac . Deportation on July 28, 1842 to Theresienstadt, further on September 26, 1942 to Treblinka, murdered there.
Stolperstein Huttenstr 71 (Moabi) Margarete Schattner.jpg Margarete Schattner Huttenstrasse 71 June 2012 Margarete Schattner, née Born, was born on November 23, 1911 in Berlin. She was the daughter of Johanna Born, geb. Gottfeld. Margarete lived with her husband, Markus Schattner, in Berlin-Tiergarten at Huttenstrasse 41. In the autumn of 1937, the family with their son Siegfried grew and their daughter Regina followed a year later. The family broke up when Markus Schattner was arrested on September 13, 1939 (see there). Margarete Schattner was born on December 9, 1942 with the “24. Osttransport ”together with her four-year-old daughter and her five-year-old son were deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp and murdered.
Stolperstein Huttenstr 71 (Moabi) Markus Schattner.jpg Markus Schattner Huttenstrasse 71 June 2012 Markus Schattner was born on March 16, 1901 in Solotwina (Solotwyno) in Galicia. He lived with his wife Margarete, geb. Born, at Huttenstrasse 71 in Berlin-Tiergarten, today part of Moabit. In the autumn of 1937 the family with the son Siegfried grew and a year later the daughter Regina was born. The family broke up when Markus Schattner was arrested in 1939. He was imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp from September 13, 1939 to September 2, 1940 and then in the Dachau concentration camp from September 3, 1940 to February 26, 1942. On May 26, 1942, he was murdered in the Hartheim killing center , probably as part of “ Aktion14f13 ”, the systematic killing of sick, old and no longer able to work concentration camp inmates in “Eunthanasie” institutions. His wife and two children only survived a few months. They were deported together to Auschwitz in December 1943 and murdered there.
Stolperstein Huttenstr 71 (Moabi) Regina Schattner.jpg Regina Schattner Huttenstrasse 71 June 2012 Regina Schattner was born in Berlin on November 9, 1938. On December 9, 1942, the four-year-old girl was deported to Auschwitz together with her five-year-old brother Siegfried and mother Margarete Schattner and murdered.
Stolperstein Huttenstr 71 (Moabi) Siegfried Schattner.jpg Siegfried Schattner Huttenstrasse 71 June 2012 Siegfried Schattner was born on September 17, 1937 in Berlin. The family lived in Huttenstrasse. 71 in Berlin-Tiergarten - today Moabit. On December 9, 1942, the five-year-old boy was deported to Auschwitz together with his four-year-old sister Regina and his mother Margarete and murdered.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 1.2720.jpg Martha Schlomer Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on August 5th, 1862 in Posen as Martha Schwerin. Deportation to Theresienstadt on September 14, 1942. Dead in the Theresienstadt ghetto. See also Paul Schwerin.
Stolperstein Bundesratufer 4 (Moabi) Fritz Schmoller.jpg Fritz Schmoller Bundesratufer 4 Feb 9, 2016 Born November 28, 1880 in Berlin. Deported to Riga on October 19, 1942, murdered there on October 22, 1942.
Stumbling Stone Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Hans Schmoller.jpg Hans Schmoller Old Moabit 86 Feb 9, 2016
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Marie Elisabeth Schmoller.jpg Marie Elisabeth Schmoller Old Moabit 86 Feb 9, 2016
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 86 (Moabi) Marie Minna Schmoller.jpg Marie Minna Schmoller Old Moabit 86 Feb 9, 2016
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 12 (Moabit) Anna Schneider.jpg Anna Schneider Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 12 Feb 21, 2020 Rosa Anna, b. on March 1st, 1892 in Berlin as the daughter of the cigar dealer Sally Samuel Schneider and his wife Mathilde, born. Brohn / Brohm. Deported to Riga on October 19, 1942. Murdered on October 22, 1942.
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 12 (Moabit) Ludwig Schneider.jpg Ludwig Schneider Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 12 Feb 21, 2020 Born on January 7th, 1890 in Berlin as the son of the cigar dealer Sally Samuel Schneider and his wife Mathilde, geb. Brohn / Brohm. Escape to death on March 25, 1942.
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 12 (Moabit) Martha Schneider.jpg Martha Schneider Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 12 Feb 21, 2020 Born on March 29, 1895 in Berlin as the daughter of the cigar dealer Sally Samuel Schneider and his wife Mathilde, b. Brohn / Brohm. Escape to death on November 10, 1941.
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 12 (Moabit) Max Schneider.jpg Max Schneider Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 12 Feb 21, 2020 Born on April 24th, 1886 in Flatow / Złotów as the son of the cigar dealer Sally Samuel Schneider and his wife Mathilde, born. Brohn / Brohm. A businessman by profession. Deported to Riga on October 19, 1942. Murdered on October 22nd, 1942 in Riga.
Stolperstein Flemingstr 14 (Moabi) Martha Schönberg.jpg Martha Schoenberg Flemingstrasse 14 Sep 9 2017
Stolperstein Flemingstr 14 (Moabi) Max Schönberg.jpg Max Schoenberg Flemingstrasse 14 Sep 9 2017
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 22 (Moab) Babette Schragenheim.jpg Babette Schragenheim Thomasiusstrasse 22 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 22 (Moab) Siegfried Schragenheim.jpg Siegfried Schragenheim Thomasiusstrasse 22 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Melanchthonstr 27 (Moabi) Clara Schüler.jpg Clara pupil Melanchthonstrasse 27 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Melanchthonstr 27 (Moabi) Rudolf Schüler.jpg Rudolf student Melanchthonstrasse 27 4th Dec 2017
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Gustav Ludwig Schwabe.jpg Gustav Ludwig Schwabe Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstrasse 3 (Moabi) Margarethe Schwabe.jpg Margarethe Schwabe Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Alfred Schwerin Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Dr. med. Alfred Schwerin was born on July 5, 1895 in Aachen. He was the son of the urologist and medical councilor Dr. Paul Schwerin and his wife Martha, née List, both of whom originally came from Posen (today's Poznań). The year after Alfred was born, the family moved to Berlin. From around 1913 the Schwerin family lived at Barbarossastraße 44 in Schöneberg for around twenty years. During this time Alfred studied medicine at the Berlin University and, like his father, became a urologist. During the First World War, Alfred Schwerin had to interrupt his training. He was recruited or volunteered as a field doctor and was slightly wounded in the final year of the war. After the end of the war he resumed his studies in Berlin, received his license to practice medicine in 1920 and practiced in a group practice with his father. In 1921 he received his doctorate in Berlin with a thesis on shingles with the title: "About herpes zoster after nerve injuries". In the 1930s, Paul Schwerin moved his practice from Prinzenstrasse 82 to Oranienstrasse 66 and Alfred opened his own practice at Brunnenstrasse 46.

With the gradual disenfranchisement and persecution of Jews since 1933 - or of all persons who were considered Jews under the Nuremberg Laws in the Nazi state - coercive measures began against Alfred Schwerin and his relatives. This included numerous measures of discrimination and social exclusion, the deprivation of civil rights and displacement from work and business life. Apart from boycott measures, official harassment and arrests, the noose for Jewish doctors was gradually tightened by a flood of ordinances and laws: For example, "non-Aryan" doctors were excluded from the public health system with the "Law to Restore the Professional Civil Service" of April 7, 1933 " , between 1933 and 1937 their health insurance licenses were successively withdrawn with a total of seven ordinances; with the ordinance of November 20, 1933, they were no longer allowed to attend medical training courses and were excluded from medical on-call duty. Alfred and Paul Schwerin lost many of their patients due to the anti-Semitic boycott calls. When a general ban on the occupation of Jewish doctors was issued in July 1938, father Paul Schwerin had to close his practice. After 1938, Alfred Schwerin was still able to work in the field of welfare medical care for those in need of Jewish care and until 1941 treated Jewish patients as a "medical practitioner" for urinary, bladder and kidney diseases, but in 1938 he moved into his parents' apartment on Solinger Strasse. In June 1941 he managed to leave Germany and emigrate to the USA via Spain. His parents were picked up by the Gestapo on October 2, 1942. On that day they committed suicide together on the way to the collection point in Grosse Hamburger Strasse. Alfred Schwerin survived in exile in the USA. He later worked as a resident at the District Tuberculosis Hospital in Lima, Ohio.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Martha Schwerin Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Martha List (light different in some sources) was born on August 17, 1872 as the daughter of the Jewish couple Isidor and Amalie List in Posen. On January 14, 1894, at the age of 21, she married the urologist Paul Schwerin, who was also a native of Poznan and had studied medicine in Berlin. The couple lived for a short time in Aachen, where their only child Alfred was born on July 5, 1895. The following year the family moved to Berlin. From around 1913 the Schwerin family lived at Barbarossastraße 44 in Schöneberg for around twenty years. During this time, Alfred studied medicine at Berlin University, became a urologist like his father and joined his practice after gaining his license to practice medicine in 1920. In the 1930s, Paul Schwerin moved his practice from Prinzenstrasse 82 to Oranienstrasse 66 and Alfred opened his own practice at Brunnenstrasse 46. The apartment of Martha and Paul Schwerin was probably also located at Oranienstrasse 66, at least this is in the Berlin address book from 1933 to 1935 the only address given. In the mid-1930s they moved to Solinger Strasse 10. After a general ban on Jewish doctors was issued in the summer of 1938, Paul Schwerin had to close his practice. Their son Alfred lived with them again on Solinger Strasse until he emigrated to the USA via Spain in June 1941. Martha Schlomer (née Schwerin) also lived with them, presumably Martha Schwerin's sister-in-law. She was deported to Theresienstadt on September 14, 1942, where she died a few days later. On October 2, 1942, Martha and Paul Schwerin were picked up by the Gestapo. They committed suicide together on the way to the collection point on Grosse Hamburger Strasse.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Paul Schwerin Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Dr. med. Paul Schwerin was born on December 26, 1866 in Posen as the son of Rosalie and Adolf Schwerin. He attended grammar school there and studied medicine at the University of Berlin. In 1891 he received his license to practice medicine. On January 14, 1894, at the age of 27, he married Martha List, who was also from Poznan. For a short time he ran a practice in Aachen. His son Alfred, the only child of the Schwerin couple, was born there on July 5, 1895.

In 1896 Paul Schwerin returned to Berlin with his family. He specialized in urinary and bladder problems and had his practice in Kreuzberg at different locations (Kommandantenstrasse 28, Oranienstrasse 140, Prinzenstrasse 82, Oranienstrasse 66). He was a member of the Berlin Medical Society and the Urological Society. After many years of professional activity, he was awarded the title of medical councilor. Alfred Schwerin followed his father's example and, after studying medicine, also became a specialist in urology. After his license to practice medicine in 1920, father and son practiced together for ten years before Alfred Schwerin opened his own practice in Brunnenstrasse in the early 1930s. On April 22, 1933, Jewish doctors were withdrawn from health insurance and Paul Schwerin lost many of his patients due to calls for an anti-Semitic boycott. When a general ban on Jewish doctors was issued in July 1938, he had to close his practice. His son Alfred moved into the apartment at Solinger Strasse 10, where Paul and Martha Schwerin had lived since the mid-1930s. In June 1941 Alfred Schwerin emigrated to the USA via Spain. Martha Schlomer (née Schwerin), who was probably Paul Schwerin's older sister, also lived at Solinger Strasse 10. She was deported to Theresienstadt on September 14, 1942, and died there ten days later. Shortly afterwards, on October 2, 1942, the Schwerin couple were also arrested. Paul and Martha Schwerin committed suicide on the way to the collection point. They were found dead in the transport vehicle on arrival in Grosse Hamburger Strasse.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Elsbeth Seckelson.jpg Elsbeth Seckelson Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Martha Silbermann.jpg Martha Silbermann Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Salomon Silbermann.jpg Salomon Silbermann Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Walter Simund.SAG.jpg Walter Siemund Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 Walter Siemund was born on May 20th, 1896 in Ladeburg near Bernau. Profession industrial master. Since 1919 he belonged to the KPD , in which he took over tasks as political director in Pankow .

During the Second World War, Siemund was involved as a member of the Uhrig group in the resistance against National Socialism. Among other things, he was involved in setting up an illegal operating group at the AEG turbine plant in Wedding. On March 26, 1942, Siemund was arrested and in April 1942 sent to the Wuhlheide labor education camp with 17 other members of the Uhrig group .
Executed on November 27, 1944 in Brandenburg prison.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Benno Simon Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Benno Simon was born on December 13, 1882 in Labiau, East Prussia (today: Polessk / Russia). He attended elementary school in the small town northeast of Königsberg before moving to Berlin with his parents and siblings. His sister Gertrud was born in Berlin in August 1895.

In 1911 he married Lina Schwarz. Born in Berlin, she was six months older than him and also Jewish. Since the company was founded in 1912, Benno Simon was employed as a commercial manager at the laundry rental company and large steam laundry "Apollo" on Tempelhofer Ufer 17. In the company with around 200 employees, he was primarily responsible for billing the drivers and managing the warehouse. He and his wife had two sons, one each born before and after the First World War. Julius was born on August 16, 1912, Rolf Samuel on May 2, 1921. The family lived in Prenzlauer Berg; when her eldest son was born at Raumerstraße 35, then at Prenzlauer Allee, for many years at number 49, from around 1932 to 1934 at number 41. From there she moved into a 4-room apartment at Grellstraße 62 A short time later, in 1935, the older son Julius emigrated to Argentina. At the end of 1938, the Jewish owner of the "Apollo" laundry, Julius Moser, had to leave his business due to the "Ordinance on the Elimination of Jews from German Economic Life". After the complete "Aryanization" of the business in March 1939, Benno Simon was also fired. Around the same time he moved with his wife and the almost 18-year-old Rolf Samuel to Solinger Straße 10 in a ground floor apartment in the backyard. His two unmarried sisters Ella and Gertrud also moved in there. In October of the same year Rolf Samuel emigrated to Palestine. He settled in Kiyat Haim near Haifa and worked there as a dock worker. Benno Simon, who had been unemployed since his release, was committed to forced labor at the railway construction company Adolf Saxen at Lynarstrasse 8 in Berlin-Grunewald. His wife was also forced to do labor. On August 31, 1942, his sisters Ella and Gertrud were given the (often dated September 5) “19. Osttransport ”to Riga and murdered shortly after their arrival. Benno Simon and his wife were born on February 26, 1943 with the “30. Osttransport ”was deported to Auschwitz and murdered there. The date of his death is unknown.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Ella Simon Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on January 22nd, 1881 in Memel (East Prussia), now Klaipeda. At Solinger Str. 10 around 1939 (see Benno Simon). Deported to Riga on September 5th, 1942, murdered there.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Gertrud Simon Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on August 23, 1895 in Berlin as the daughter of the tailor Julius Simon and his wife Elise, b. Adam. At Solinger Str. 10 around 1939 (see Benno Simon). Deported to Riga on September 5th, 1942, murdered there.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Lina Simon Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Lina Simon was born as Lina Schwarz on May 31, 1882 in Berlin as the daughter of the businessman Julius Simon and his wife Elise, née Adam. On April 1st, 1911 she married the businessman Benno Simon (see there). Lina Simon was not employed. The year after their marriage, her husband started working as a manager of a large laundry. The couple lived at Raumerstraße 35 in Prenzlauer Berg, where Lina Simon gave birth to her eldest son Julius on August 16, 1912. Their second son Rolf Samuel was born on May 2, 1921.

Lina Simon and her family lived for many years in Prenzlauer Allee, for a long time at number 49, then at 41. Around 1934 they moved to a 4-room apartment at 62 Grellstrasse. The older son Julius emigrated to Argentina in the mid-1930s. He lived as Julio Simon in Buenos Aires and worked there as a chauffeur. Her husband was fired in March 1939 after the Jewish owner was forced to sell the business. Also in the spring of 1939, the family had to hand over their valuables to the municipal pawn shop due to the ordinance issued throughout the Reich on the compulsory surrender of jewelery and precious metal goods from Jewish property. Around the same time, the family moved to Solinger Strasse 10. In October of the same year, their second son, Rolf Samuel, emigrated to Palestine. He later lived as a dockworker in Kiryat Haim, a suburb of Haifa, and took Israeli citizenship.

Lina Simon was committed to forced labor in the Osram light bulb factory at Rotherstraße 23. Her husband also had to do forced labor. At the end of August 1942, her sisters-in-law were deported to Riga and murdered. A last message from his parents on January 28, 1943 reached Rolf Samuel Simon via the Red Cross. A short time later, on February 26, 1943, Lina Simon and her husband were “30. Osttransport ”deported to Auschwitz. Both were murdered, their death dates are not known.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Essener Strasse 24.Adele Singer.6855.jpg Adele Singer Essener Strasse 24 6th June 2013
Stolperstein.Moabit.Essener Strasse 24.Ferdinand Singer.6850.jpg Ferdinand Singer Essener Strasse 24 6th June 2013
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 26 (Moabi) Farkas Sonnenwirth.jpg Farkas Sonnenwirth Thomasiusstrasse 26 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Chaim sparrow Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on December 4th, 1904 in Salzberg / Bochnia.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Mendel Sparrow Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on April 2nd, 1874 in Gorlin.
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 85 (Moabi) Clara Stargardt.jpg Clara Stargardt Old Moabit 85 Clara Stargardt, b. Lindenfeld was born on September 25, 1871 in Kassel. (see Jacob Stargardt)
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 85 (Moabi) Dorothea Stargardt.jpg Dorothea Stargardt Old Moabit 85 Dorothea Stargardt was born on November 17, 1896 in Berlin. She was the daughter of the married couple Jacob Stargardt and Clara, geb. Lindenfeld. Her brother was born in August 1898. (see Jacob Stargardt)
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 85 (Moabi) Erich Stargardt.jpg Erich Stargardt Old Moabit 85 Erich Stargardt came on August 12, 1898 as the son of Jacob Stargardt and his wife Clara, nee. Lindenfeld, in Berlin to the world. He had a sister, Dorothea, who was two years older than him. Erich Stargardt earned his living from 1935 to 1938 as a representative. (see Jacob Stargardt)
Stolperstein Alt-Moabit 85 (Moabi) Jacob Stargardt.jpg Jacob Stargardt Old Moabit 85 The businessman Jacob Stargardt was born on January 2, 1860 in Schwerin an der Warthe (now Skwierzyna ) as the son of the businessman Isaac Stargardt and his wife Dorothea, née Friedländer. His wife Clara, b. Lindenfeld, was born in Kassel in 1871. The couple had two children, the daughter Dorothea (born 1896) and the son Erich (born 1898). The family lived at 85a Alt-Moabit Street in the 1930s.

The family's property declarations show that the Stargardt couple's last place of residence was the old people's home at Iranische Strasse 2, which they probably moved into in 1941. For an amount over RM 6,250, Jacob and Clara Stargardt finally had to sign a so-called home purchase contract for Theresienstadt, which supposedly secured their accommodation and food until they were 85. On January 29, 1943 Jacob and Clara Stargardt were awarded the “84. Alterstransport ”deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto. After 16 days, on February 14, 1943, Jacob Stargardt died, his wife Clara only a few days later. After the parents moved into the old people's home on Iranische Straße, their children Erich and Dorothea probably had to move out of the old apartment and live as a sublet. Erich Stargardt was - probably as a forced laborer - employed by Kurt Seydel in Berlin on Bülowstrasse. As part of the “factory campaign”, the siblings Dorothea and Erich Stargard were awarded the “31st Osttransport ”deported to Auschwitz in March 1943 and murdered there.

Stolperstein Wullenweberstr 11 (Moabi) Auguste Stern.jpg Auguste Stern Wullenweberstrasse 11 Aug 2011
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 18 (Moab) Anna Strauss.jpg Anna Strauss Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 18 (Moab) Else Strauss.jpg Else Strauss Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 18 (Moab) Moses Strauss.jpg Moses Strauss Thomasiusstrasse 18 Nov 13, 2015
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Joel Tarnowski Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Born on October 8th, 1873 in Samter (Posen) / Szamotuły . Deported to Theresienstadt on July 23, 1942. Death in Auschwitz.
Stolperstein Stephanstr 17 (Moabi) Auguste Teller.jpg Auguste Teller Stephanstrasse 17 June 15, 2018
Stolperstein Stephanstr 17 (Moabi) Isidor Teller.jpg Isidore Teller Stephanstrasse 17 June 15, 2018
Stolperstein Essener Str 19 (Moabi) Sophie Tischler.jpg Sophie Carpenter Essener Strasse 19 Aug 2010
Stumbling Stone Bochumer Str 14 (Moabi) Hedwig Tuchler.jpg Hedwig Tuchler Bochumer Strasse 14 Aug 2011 Born July 3, 1888 as the daughter of Abraham and Friedrike in Drausnitz ( Droździenica ). Her brother Hugo Tuchler, b. 1886 also lived in Berlin. Deported to Auschwitz on March 3, 1943, murdered there.
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 1.2720.jpg Else Ury
and 38 other Jewish citizens
(stone 1)
Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 2.2715.jpg Else Ury
and 38 other Jewish citizens
(stone 2)
Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Else Ury
and 38 other Jewish citizens
(stone 3)
Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Else Ury was one of the best-known authors of books for young people in the 1920s. She was born on November 1, 1877 in Berlin-Mitte, near Alexanderplatz, on Heiligegeiststrasse. The Ury family was based in Berlin in the third generation. The father, Emil Ury, was a tobacco manufacturer, the mother Franziska, geb. Schlesinger, ran the household. The brothers, Ludwig (1870–1963) and Hans (1873–1937), became lawyers and doctors. Her sister Käthe (1881–1943) - the “baby boy” of the Ury family - trained as a gymnastics teacher and married the building supervisor Hugo Heymann. Else Ury attended a girls' college, the Luisenschule. Traditionally, she expected marriage after graduating from school. However, Else Ury did not get married - she began to write. In 1905 her first book “Was das Sonntagskind erlauscht”, written in the style of modern fairy tales, was published by Globusverlag. In the same year the family moved to Savignyplatz. Around 1913 the first two books in the successful series "Nesthäkchen" came out. During the First World War, Else Ury wrote patriotically-minded novels, which she published as serial stories in the magazine “Das Kränzchen”. In a few later novels she admitted to the ideals of the German women's movement. By 1925, the ten-volume story of the “baby boy” Annemarie Braun had been written and became one of the most famous children's book series of the 20th century. The stories were read on the radio, and the number of women readers grew by the millions. As a recognized author, Else Ury continued to live in her parents' house and had no contact with Berlin's literary avant-garde. On the other hand, she bought a holiday home as a retreat in Krummhübel in Silesia (today Karpacz), which became known as "House Nesthäkchen". With “Professor's Twins” she presented another series. In 1933 she published her last book: "Youth ahead."

After the National Socialists came to power, the invisible walls of persecution grew for Else Ury too, the family was disenfranchised and its existence was threatened. The brother Hans committed suicide in 1937, the siblings were taken abroad by their children after the November pogrom in 1938, Dr. Ludwig Ury to London, Käthe Heimann with husband Hugo to Amsterdam. Else Ury was forced to move into a “Jewish house” on Solinger Strasse. She took care of her 90-year-old mother here, who died in 1940. On January 6, 1943, Else Ury was taken to the assembly camp at Grosse Hamburger Strasse 26 by the Gestapo. On January 12, she was deported to Auschwitz together with 1,100 Berlin Jews in a cattle wagon, the 26th “Osttransport”, and there on January 13, 1943, driven to the gas chamber. Her sister Käthe was deported from Amsterdam with her husband Hugo, daughter, son-in-law and a grandson and murdered. Her nephew, who lives in London, was later able to inherit her and see that her books reappear. With her 38 books in total, Else Ury gave countless generations of girls and boys who were enthusiastic about reading and who survived the war and the post-war period and whose fascination for readers has remained unbroken to this day. Her work was aimed at all children, regardless of their denomination. Your work, especially the Nesthäckchen series, has become part of our literary culture.

Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Franziska Ury Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Franziska Ury was born as Franziska Schlesinger on March 16, 1847 in Berlin. She was married to Emil Ury, who owned a tobacco factory in Berlin. The Ury family was based in Berlin in the third generation. The grandfather, Levin Elias Ury, received city citizenship in Berlin in 1828 as a Jewish immigrant from Tangermünde. He became head of the large Jewish community. The couple Franziska and Emil Ury had four children, Ludwig, Hans, Käthe and Else. Ludwig (1870–1963) became a lawyer, Hans (1873–1937) became a doctor, Käthe (1881–1943) trained as a gymnastics teacher and later married the building supervisor Hugo Heymann. Else Ury started writing after finishing school. She became - above all with the Nesthäkchen series - one of the best-known authors of books for children and young people of the 20th century. In 1905 the family moved to Savignyplatz. Emil Ury died in 1920. After the National Socialists came to power, the family was disenfranchised and its existence was threatened. In 1937 the son Franz fled to suicide, the siblings Ludwig and Käthe were taken abroad by Franziska's grandchildren after the November pogrom in 1938, Dr. Ludwig Ury to London, Käthe Heimann with husband Hugo to Amsterdam. As an old woman, Franziska Ury was forced to move into a “Jewish house”. There the 90-year-old was cared for by her daughter Else. Franziska died in 1940 - not in her home in familiar surroundings - but in the cramped conditions of the forced quarters. Her two daughters, Käthe and Else Ury, were deported to concentration camps in 1943 and murdered there. Käthe together with her husband Hugo, her daughter, her son-in-law and a grandson.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Liselotte Voss.jpg Liselotte Voss Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 5 (Moabi) Werner Willy Voss.jpg Werner Willy Voss Thomasiusstrasse 5 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Ellen Edith Wahrburg.jpg Ellen Edith Wahrburg Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 13 (Moabit) Ernst David Wahrburg.jpg Ernst David Wahrburg Dortmunder Strasse 13 Sep 11 2017
Stolperstein Jagowstr 8 (Moabi) Bertha Walk.jpg Bertha Walk Jagowstrasse 8 Apr 25, 2014
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 11a (Moabi) Benno Walter.jpg Benno Walter Levetzowstrasse 11a
Stolperstein Levetzowstr 11a (Moabi) Gertrud Walter.jpg Gertrud Walter Levetzowstrasse 11a
Stolperstein Bundesratufer 2 (Moabi) Sara Warszawski.jpg Sara Warszawski Bundesratufer 2 May 2004
Stolperstein.Moabit.Solinger Straße 10.Else Ury and 38 others.Stein 3.2718.jpg Laura Weishaus Solinger Strasse 10 Sep 2003 Laura Weishaus, b. Halpern. Born on August 5th, 1860 in Bolechau (Galicia) / Bolechiw . Deported to Theresienstadt on October 3rd, 1942, died there.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Lotte Weisstein.jpg Lotte Weisstein Thomasiusstrasse 3 Aug 8, 2014
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 3 (Moabi) Walter Wolfgang Weisstein.jpg Walter Wolfgang Weisstein Thomasiusstrasse 3 July 25, 2012
Stolperstein.Moabit.Huttenstrasse 12.Richard Weller.SAG.jpg Richard Weller Huttenstrasse 12
(Siemens AG Gas Turbine Plant Berlin)
Apr. 2003 The machine fitter Richard Weller, b. March 23, 1914, works at AEG in Berlin-Reinickendorf, Drontheimerstraße at the end of the war. There he belongs to a resistance group that also sabotages armaments and tries to establish connections with other operational resistance groups and Soviet forced laborers. Weller and his fellow combatants are betrayed and arrested by the Gestapo on February 22, 1945. On March 19, 1945, Richard Weller was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court. The verdict will be carried out in Plötzensee a few weeks before the end of the war and liberation from National Socialism on April 13th.
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 29 (Moabit) Helene Weltmann.jpg Helene Weltmann Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 29 5th Dec 2019
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 29 (Moabit) Itzig Julius Weltmann.jpg Itzig Julius Weltmann Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 29 5th Dec 2019
Stolperstein Spenerstr 25a (Moabi) Heinrich Werner.jpg Heinrich Werner Spenerstrasse 25a March 2008 Born on May 5th, 1906 in Lennep . Teacher in Berlin. In 1940 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht and used in the intelligence service. At the beginning of 1944 he became a clerk for Soviet propaganda and the German countermeasures in the Wehrmacht Propaganda Office of the Wehrmacht High Command. In 1944 he met his former students, who introduced him to the resistance group around Anton Saefkow . He informed the group about events at the front and handed them official documents for the resistance work. He was arrested on July 8, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Report Court on September 18, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison on January 15, 1945.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 7 (Moab) Julius Wiener.jpg Julius Wiener Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015 Born February 3, 1880 in Löwenberg (Silesia) / Lwówek Śląski . Active in Berlin as a businessman. Deported to Riga on October 16, 1942, murdered there on January 29, 1942 - together with his wife Martha.
Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 7 (Moab) Martha Wiener.jpg Martha Wiener Thomasiusstrasse 7 Nov 13, 2015 Martha Wiener born Schachian, b. January 15, 1883 in Berlin. In 1911 she moved to Thomasiusstrasse 7 with her husband Julius.

On 10/26 In 1942 she and her husband were deported to Riga and murdered there on October 29, 1942.

Stumbling Stone Elberfelder Str 20 (Moab) Ernst Witt.jpg Ernst Witt Elberfelder Strasse 20 March 6, 2009 Ernst Witt was born on December 2nd, 1883 in Samter (Posen) / Szamotuły as the son of the glazier Jascel Witt and his wife Eva. He married Hedwig Baum on November 28, 1913 in Berlin, daughter of Hermann Baum and Johanna geb. Lewinsohn, from Berlin. The couple ran a shoe shop together at Frankfurter Allee 24/25 in Berlin-Friedrichshain, where they employed two saleswomen and one apprentice girl. As a result of the boycott of Jewish shops by the National Socialists, the family had to downsize their company from 1933. The business was repeatedly exposed to anti-Semitic attacks. In 1937 the windows were smeared with anti-Semitic slogans and Ernst Witt was beaten up in the street. A year later, during the November pogrom, the National Socialist mob devastated the shop and smashed the inventory. The son Kurt Witt was arrested in the same month. For fear of also being arrested, Ernst Witt no longer dared to enter his own shop. The family business had to be closed shortly afterwards and the couple were deported to Minsk on November 14, 1941, where they were murdered in the ghetto.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 20 (Moab) Hedwig Witt.jpg Hedwig Witt Elberfelder Strasse 20 March 6, 2009 Hedwig Witt was born on July 12, 1887 as the daughter of Hermann Baum and Johanna. Lewinsohn was born in Buk (Posen) and murdered in Minsk in 1941 (see Ernst Witt)
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 20 (Moab) Kurt Witt.jpg Kurt Witt Elberfelder Strasse 20 March 6, 2009 Born on December 8th, 1916 in Berlin as the son of Ernst and Hedwig Witt. Watchmaker by profession. Deportations: February 24, 1940 Sachsenhausen, September 5, 1940 Dachau, December 11, 1940 Buchenwald. Murdered on November 14, 1942, Dachau. His urn was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Berlin-Weißensee the following spring. It is not known who had the urn buried at the time. The parents Ernst and Hedwig Witt had already been deported to Minsk in November 1941. The younger sister Johanna Neustadt was the only survivor of the Witt family of four. She had emigrated to England in July 1939 at the age of 21, probably in response to her brother's disappearance. In London in the same year she married Alfred Neustadt, who was also from Berlin.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Hertha Witkowski.jpg Hertha Witkowski Jagowstrasse 44 Nov 30, 2013 Hertha Witkowski was born in Kolberg on October 6th, 1866 as the daughter of Rudolf Reppen and his wife Helene, nee. Gold man. Further information: Siegfried Witkowski.
Stolperstein Jagowstr 44 (Moabi) Siegfried Witkowski.jpg Siegfried Witkowski Jagowstrasse 44 Nov 30, 2013 Samuel Siegfried Witkowski was born on February 28, 1868 in Gnesen as the son of Isaak Witkowski and his wife Cäcilie, nee. Blessed son, born. He was married to Hertha, b. Reppen, geb .. The couple was in May 1939 in Berlin-Tiergarten, Jagowstr. 44 reported. On January 14, 1943, both were found in their apartment on Wullenweberstr. 3 found dead. You had chosen to commit suicide by poisoning with gas.
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 26 (Moabi) Erich Wohl.jpg Erich Wohl Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
May 2006 Lawyer and notary Dr. Erich Wohl, born March 4, 1893 in Berlin, was admitted to the Freemason Lodge Friedrich Ludwig Schröder on May 30, 1922 . Ernst Wohl left Nazi Germany to study law in France and start a new life. His wife Erna and his sons Frank and Ernst initially stayed with relatives in Upper Silesia . In 1934 he brought his family to Paris, where he had established himself as a lawyer. After the occupation of France, the Gestapo took the family to the Pithiviers assembly camp. From there, Ernst Wohl was deported to Auschwitz on July 31 , 1942 and murdered on August 16, 1942. He was followed on other transports by his wife with their son Frank, then the last of the family was the almost 12-year-old son Ernst.
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 26 (Moabi) Erna Wohl.jpg Erna Wohl Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
May 2006 Born Süßbach, 1.12.1896 in Botzanowitz / Bodzanowice. Deported to Auschwitz on August 3rd, 1942, murdered there on August 6th, 1942.
Stumbling Stone Tile-Wardenberg-Str 26 (Moabi) Ernst Wohl.jpg Ernst Wohl Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
May 2006 Born September 2, 1930 in Berlin. Escape to France. Deported on August 24, 1942 from Drancy to Auschwitz, murdered there.
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 26 (Moabi) Frank Wohl.jpg Frank Wohl Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 26
(Jagowstrasse 4c)
May 2006 Born on November 14, 1927 in Berlin. Escape to France. Deported on August 3rd, 1942 to Auschwitz, murdered there.
Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 28 (Moabi) Agnes Wolff.jpg Agnes Wolff Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 28 May 2004 Agnes Samuel grew up as the third of five siblings around the turn of the century in Stolp / Pomerania (today: Słupsk / Poland). Agnes' parents Günther and Bertha Samuel, b. Simon, belonged to the respected and affluent circles of the city. The family lived at 10 Goldstrasse, near the market, and ran the kosher household.

Agnes Samuel attended the secondary school for girls in Stolp for ten years. Afterwards, like all her siblings, she was trained in languages ​​and general knowledge at home by teachers. She also learned to play the piano and violin as well as sewing and handicraft. Agnes Samuel later attended the commercial school in Stettin, about 200 kilometers away. After graduating, she presumably moved to Berlin, where she met Bruno Harry Wolff from Strasburg in West Prussia. In April 1926 she married him in her hometown of Stolp. Thanks to the generous cash dowry, a joint apartment in Berlin was furnished and the joint company, a business for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, was expanded. Bruno Wolff had attended grammar school, completed a commercial apprenticeship and apprenticeship as a chemist and later trained as an orthopedic mechanic. Before his marriage to Agnes Samuel, he was already living in Berlin, probably with Alice Wolff, nee. Rosenberg, married. Since the early 1920s, he had owned the "Ali" novelty distributor, which, according to the commercial register files, had to move several times and had to be closed at the end of the 1920s due to the economic crisis. Together with Agnes, Bruno Wolff now worked in their own chemical factory, which was registered and known under Agnes' name. The couple patented and manufactured many of their own pharmaceutical products, such as the "Wolani" skin cream, which sold well. The marriage of Agnes and Bruno Wolff remained childless. From 1940, Bruno Wolff tried to earn money as an orthopedic mechanic before he finally had to do forced labor in the Wehrmacht department of Werner Pause & Co at Wallstrasse 11-12. At this point in time Agnes' sisters Klara Spies, Lucie Fürstenberg and Else Spies were probably already abroad, because all of them survived the Shoah and built a new life for themselves in the USA and Chile. The brother Siegfried Samuel, who ran a fur shop in Stolp, died in his hometown in 1931. Agnes' mother Bertha Samuel also passed away there in 1938. Like many Jews, Bruno and Agnes Wolff also made preparations for emigration. Agnes fell ill from the exertions and strains associated with this, and Bruno even feared her suicide at times. The endeavors were ultimately unsuccessful and there was no more emigration to save. On November 14, 1941, they were deported to Minsk, where they are lost.

Stolperstein Tile-Wardenberg-Str 28 (Moabi) Bruno H Wolff.jpg Bruno H. Wolff Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse 28 May 2004 Bruno Harry Wolff was born on January 3, 1893 in Strasburg / West Prussia (today: Brodnica / Poland). He was married to Agnes Samuel. (see Agnes Wolff)
Stumbling Stone Krefelder Str 21 (Moabi) Dora Wolff.jpg Dora Wolff Krefelder Strasse 21 23 Sep 2016 Born Caro. see Marcus Wolff
Stolperstein Krefelder Str 21 (Moabi) Marcus Wolff.jpg Marcus Wolff Krefelder Strasse 21 23 Sep 2016 Marcus Wolff was born on September 19th, 1879 in Schubin, Province of Posen in what is now Poland. His wife, Dora Wolff, b. Caro, was born on June 6th, 1880 in Gromaden. Marcus and Dora were married on November 12th, 1904 in Gromaden, Province of Poznan. They had three children: Martha (born August 4, 1905), Hilde (born April 17, 1907), Selma (born April 27, 1909). In 1921 the Wolff family moved to Berlin. Marcus Wolff was a butcher by profession. He opened a butcher shop on Krefelder Straße and a sales stand in the Arminiusmarkthalle in Moabit.

On November 14, 1941, the parents Dora and Marcus Wolff were deported to Minsk and murdered. Martha, the eldest daughter, was able to flee to England with her husband in 1939. There she gave birth to her son Philip on July 28, 1945. The second daughter Hilde was deported to Auschwitz with her husband and 7 year old son Joachim in 1943 and murdered there. The youngest daughter Selma survived the Nazi era in Berlin with her son Wolfgang.

Stumbling block Bundesratufer 1 (Moabi) Elisabeth Sophie Wolff.jpg Elisabeth Sophie Wolff Bundesratufer 1 May 2004 see Hans Wolff
Stolperstein Bundesratufer 1 (Moabi) Hans Wolff.jpg Hans Wolff Bundesratufer 1 May 2004 Dr. Hans Georg Wolff was born in Berlin on December 11, 1879. With his wife Henriette he had a daughter, Elisabeth, who was born in Berlin in 1926. The doctor of chemistry worked in Berlin as a sworn expert for paints and varnishes. a. for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The family only lived in Philippstr. 3 in Berlin-Mitte, moved to Waidmannslust in 1926, but moved back to the center of Berlin in 1930, to Luisenstrasse. 21. In 1934 the family moved again, this time to Moabit, Bundesratufer 1. Hans Georg Wolff set up a laboratory for his work in Luisenstrasse. The daughter Elisabeth Wolff attended the Jewish private school Zickel, later the Jewish elementary school at Klopstockstrasse 58, until all Jewish schools were closed in June 1942. Dr. Hans Georg Wolff, who had to test anti-rust paint for submarines in his laboratory from 1937 onwards, was employed as a forced laborer in 1942 at the Warnecke und Böhm company in Weißensee. The entire family was born on October 19, 1942 with the “21. Osttransport ”was deported to Riga and has since been considered lost.

Stumbling block Bundesratufer 1 (Moabi) Henriette Wolff.jpg Henriette Wolff Bundesratufer 1 May 2004 see Hans Wolff
Stolperstein.Moabit.Dortmunder Strasse 6.Josef Wolkenheim.0463.jpg Josef Wolkenheim Dortmunder Strasse 6 Sep 20 2013 Born 16.1.1864 in Prezeworsk (Galicia). Deported on October 28, 1938 to Bentschen / Zbąszyń ("Poland Action"). Deported from Bielsko Biala to Auschwitz in 1942. Murdered in Auschwitz in 1942.
Stolperstein Elberfelder Str 20 (Moab) Samuel Wolkenheim.jpg Samuel Wolkenheim Elberfelder Strasse 20 March 6, 2009 Samuel Wolkenheim was born on November 4, 1892 in Bielitz-Biala (today: Bielsko-Biała / Poland) to a Jewish family. He had Polish citizenship. His parents were the businessman Josef Wolkenheim and his wife Yehudit (also: Gitl, Yeti). He was the oldest of four children. His two brothers were named Siegmund and Leopold, his sister Adele.

Probably in 1914 Samuel Wolkenheim went to Berlin with his family. In Berlin he worked as a textile merchant. He lived with his father and one of the brothers in a 3-room apartment in the garden house at Dortmunder Straße 6, Berlin-Moabit. In June 1935, Samuel Wolkenheim married Selma Orlow from Berlin, who moved in with him on Dortmunder Strasse after the wedding. According to her, the mother of Samuel Wolkenheim died in 1937. The father, Josef Wolkenheim, was arrested by the Gestapo on October 28, 1938 and deported to Zbąszyń / Bentschen on the Polish border as part of the so-called Poland campaign. From Zbąszyń / Bentschen he came to the Bielsko Biala ghetto and was then deported to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. Presumably the two brothers Siegmund and Leopold Wolkenheim were expelled along with their father. For them, too, information can be found that they were in the Bielsko Biala ghetto and died in Auschwitz. Samuel Wolkenheim's wife Selma emigrated to her brother in Paris in January 1939. She later reported that her husband had stayed behind in Berlin. He had intended to cross the border illegally in order to be able to take away the valuable family jewelry that would otherwise have been confiscated. She remained in correspondence with her husband until the outbreak of war in September 1939. He told her repeatedly about his attempts to leave Germany. Three of his attempts to cross the German-Belgian border have failed. He saw that fleeing Jews had been caught and arrested and finally lost heart. Samuel Wolkenheim's sister Adele managed to emigrate to England together with her husband Ferdinand Singer in 1939. So he remained as the only member of the family in Berlin. According to his wife, he was forced to work at a linen factory called "Hansa". He probably moved out of the apartment on Dortmunder Strasse in early 1939. At the time of the census in May 1939, he was registered at Elberfelder Strasse 20. According to the reparation and compensation files, Samuel Wolkenheim's last residence before his deportation was a room on Holsteiner Ufer 4 in Berlin-Tiergarten, which he sublet. On November 1, 1941, Samuel Wolkenheim was awarded the “IV. Transport ”from the Grunewald train station. The transport with around 1030 Berlin Jews reached Łódź (Ghetto Litzmannstadt) on November 2, 1941. Samuel Wolkenheim died there on October 25, 1942.

Stolperstein Dortmunder Str 11 (Moabi) Salomon Wollsteiner.jpg Salomon Wollsteiner Dortmunder Strasse 11 July 25, 2012 Salomon Wollsteiner was born on June 22, 1879 in Berlin. He was a merchant and lived at 11 Dortmunder Strasse in the old Hansaviertel. On November 14, 1941, the 62-year-old Salomon was awarded the “V. Transport “was deported to the Minsk ghetto. Nothing is known about his fate in the ghetto. He wasn't one of the survivors.
Stolperstein Sickingenstrasse 5 (Moabi) Herbert Zobel.jpg Herbert Zobel Sickingenstrasse 5 May 10, 2011 Herbert Zobel was born in Berlin on April 21, 1911. He worked in the administrative service at the Deutsche Reichsbahn and was a member of the Berlin resistance group Robert Uhrig. The Uhrig group, named after the Schöneberg metal worker and resister Robert Uhrig , was exposed in 1942 by the Gestapo spies Hans Kurz and Willi Becker and almost completely destroyed in early 1942. Over 170 resistance members were arrested, 78 of them sentenced to death and executed. At the moment it is impossible to say whether Zobel was sentenced to death. What is certain, however, is that Herbert Zobel died on October 7, 1942 in the Gestapo camp in Wuhlheide.

The stumbling block was laid on the initiative of the Berlin Railway and Transport Union (EVG).

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Käte Zoegall.jpg Kate Zoegall Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015 Käte Zoegall was born on October 5th, 1897 in Berlin as the daughter of Max and Hulda Boehm. By the 1940s at the latest, she had to do around 10 hours of forced labor a day at Siemens-Schuckert for a monthly wage of RM 23. Her son Peter started school in the 8th Jewish elementary school in the spring of 1941. In the autumn of the same year, Kaete's brother, Werner Böhm, was deported to Lithuania to the Kovno ghetto at the age of 35, where he was murdered in a mass shooting in Fort IX one week after his arrival by Einsatzgruppe A.

Kate's parents, Max and Hulda Böhm, had to leave their common home on Thomasiusstrasse in the summer of 1942 to go to the collection point for Jews on Gerlachstrasse near Alexanderplatz. From there, the two were deported to the Theresienstadt camp a little later. Just two weeks later, Käte Zoegall's parents were taken to the Treblinka extermination camp in a cattle wagon and gassed as soon as they arrived. At the same time, Käte Zoegall was still doing forced labor - until she too was found on February 3, 1943 at the age of 45, together with her seven-year-old Son Peter deported to Auschwitz on the 28th Osttransport. Of the 952 people on this transport, 181 men and 106 women were found fit to work at the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Only five of them saw the end of the war. All other displaced persons, including 82 children up to 12 years of age, like Käte Zoegall and her son Peter, were murdered in the gas chamber immediately after their arrival.

Stolperstein Thomasiusstr 17 (Moabi) Peter Julius Zoegall.jpg Peter Julius Zoegall Thomasiusstrasse 17 Sep 24 2015 Peter Julius Zoegall was born on July 23, 1935 in Berlin. His mother, Kate Zoegall, was widowed shortly after Peter's birth. When and what Peter's father died is just as unknown as his first name. In 1937, Peter's mother moved with the now two-year-old to their parents Max and Hulda Böhm at Thomasiusstrasse 17. Peter Zoegall was seven years old when he and his mother were deported to Auschwitz on February 3, 1943 on the 28th Osttransport. Of the 952 people on this transport, 181 men and 106 women were found fit to work at the ramp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Only five of them saw the end of the war. All other deportees, including 82 children up to the age of 12, were, like Julius Zoegall and his mother, murdered in the gas chamber immediately after their arrival in Auschwitz.

Web links

Individual evidence

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  236. Dr. Hans Georg Wolff. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  237. Josef Wolkenheim. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Retrieved August 25, 2020 .
  238. ^ Samuel Wolkenheim. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Retrieved August 22, 2020 .
  239. List of those deported from Berlin to the Minsk ghetto - Berlin. Retrieved August 22, 2020 .
  240. ^ Salomon Wollsteiner. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Retrieved August 22, 2020 .
  241. Herbert Zobel. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Retrieved August 22, 2020 .
  242. Kate Zoegall (b Böhm). In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  243. Peter Julius Zoegall. In: Stolpersteine ​​in Berlin. Accessed August 21, 2020 .