Teufenthal church

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Teufenthal church

The Teufenthal Church is the Reformed Church in the Aargau community of Teufenthal in Switzerland . It was built in 1978/79, inaugurated in 1980 and belongs to the parish of Kulm.

The Teufenthaler Reformed went to worship in Unterkulm for centuries . In the second half of the 20th century the desire for their own church arose and some parishioners collected money for it over many years. In April 1980 the bell lift took place and in May 1980 the church could finally be consecrated. The organ built by the Kuhn company dates back to 1993.

Web links

Commons : Church Teufenthal  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 19 '39.6 "  N , 8 ° 7' 7.2"  E ; CH1903:  651,406  /  242088