Reformed Church Strengelbach
The Reformed Church Strengelbach is the Reformed village church in the Aargau municipality of Strengelbach in Switzerland . It is one of the three churches of the Reformed parish of Zofingen .
The church was built in 1968 according to plans by the architectural firm Dubach & Gloor . It is a concrete building and, in addition to the sacred space, also includes parish rooms. The lower part of the facade is walled with white painted bricks, the part above is made of exposed concrete, which also encloses the church windows. The free-standing bell tower is a few meters from the building.
- Art guide through Switzerland. Volume 1. Society for Swiss Art History GSK, Bern 2005, p. 36.
Web links
Commons : Reformierte Kirche Strengelbach - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Coordinates: 47 ° 16 '48.1 " N , 7 ° 55' 38.6" E ; CH1903: 636979 / two hundred thirty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-six