Reformed Church Mellingen

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Reformed Church Mellingen

The Reformed Church Mellingen is the Reformed Church in Mellingen in the Swiss canton of Aargau . It was inaugurated in 1910 and belongs to the Mellingen parish.


After a short reformatory period between 1529 and the lost Second Kappel War in 1531, the population of the small town of Mellingen was completely Roman Catholic until the 19th century. It was only through industrialization that Reformed people came to Mellingen in the course of the 19th century, who founded a Reformed church cooperative in 1894. The Reformed believers from the neighboring communities of Nieder- and Oberrohrdorf , Stetten , Niederwil , Wohlenschwil and Büblikon also joined the cooperative, which in April 1907 had made the decision both for a building site and for a specific project to build a church. With the support of the Reformation collection of 1908, through which the parish received over 37,000 francs, construction work began at the end of 1909. On September 4, 1910, the church built by the Ennetbaden architect Eugen Schneider was inaugurated.

Web links

Commons : Reformierte Kirche Mellingen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 24 '55.59 "  N , 8 ° 16' 16.09"  O ; CH1903:  662 826  /  251959