List of authors / P
- Gert von Paczensky (1925–2014), German journalist and writer
- Susanne von Paczensky (1923–2010), German non-fiction author
- Krzysztof Paczuski (1956-2004), Polish poet
- Elifius Paffrath (1942–2016), German theater scholar, playwright and radio play author
- Camille Paglia (* 1947), American cultural scientist and author
- Marcel Pagnol (1895–1974), French writer
- Boris Pahor (* 1913), Slovenian writer
- Teuvo Pakkala (1862-1925), Finnish writer
- Chuck Palahniuk (born 1962), American writer
- Josep Palau i Fabre (1917–2008), Spanish writer and art critic
- Aldo Palazzeschi (1885–1974), Italian writer and poet
- Grace Paley (1922–2007), American writer
- Reinhard Palm (1957–2014), Austrian author, translator and dramaturge
- Connie Palmen (* 1955), Dutch writer
- Lilli Palmer (1914–1986), German actress and author
- Orhan Pamuk (* 1952), Turkish writer
- Leif Panduro (1923–1977), Danish writer
- Oskar Panizza (1853–1921), German writer
- Wolfhart Pannenberg (1928–2014), German Protestant theologian and author
- Christopher Paolini (* 1983), American author
- Walter Papst (1924–2008), German designer and writer
- Sara Paretsky (* 1947), American writer
- Edith Pargeter (1913-1995), British writer ( Ellis Peters )
- Paul Parin (1916–2009), Swiss ethno-psychoanalyst and writer
- Goffredo Parise (1929–1986), Italian writer and journalist
- Park Kyung-ni (1926–2008), South Korean writer
- Park Min-gyu (* 1968), South Korean writer
- Robert B. Parker (1932-2010), American writer
- Stewart Parker (1941–1988), Northern Irish writer
- Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), French writer
- Viktor Paskow (1949–2009), Bulgarian writer
- Fernando del Paso (1935–2018), Mexican writer and poet
- Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922–1975), Italian writer and film director
- Boris Pasternak (1890–1960), Russian writer
- Oskar Pastior (1928–2006), German writer
- Susann Pásztor (* 1957), German writer and translator
- James Patterson (born 1947), American writer
- Kurt Pätzold (1930–2016), German historian and author
- Jean Paul , actually: Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825), German writer
- Steven Paulsen (born 1955), Australian writer
- Birgit Pausch (* 1942), German author
- Randy Pausch (1960-2008), American author
- Gudrun Pausewang (1928–2020), German writer
- Jean-Jacques Pauvert (1926-2014), French publisher and author
- Cesare Pavese (1908–1950), Italian writer
- Pavao Pavličić (* 1946), Croatian writer
- Miodrag Pavlović (1928–2014), Serbian poet, writer, dramaturge and editor
- Henning Pawel (* 1944), German writer
- Anna Pawełczyńska (1922–2014), Polish sociologist and author
- Philippa Pearce (1920-2006), British writer
- Christiern Pedersen (approx. 1480–1554), Danish writer
- Michael Peinkofer (* 1969), German author, film journalist and translator
- Ulrich Peltzer (* 1956), German writer
- Sandro Penna (1906–1977), Italian poet and storyteller
- Ernst Penzoldt (1892–1955), German writer
- Georges Perec (1936–1982), French writer
- Cristina Peri Rossi (* 1941), Uruguayan-Spanish writer
- Dieter Perlowski (* 1950), German writer
- Gilles Perrault (* 1931), French writer
- Stan Persky (* 1941), Canadian writer, media commentator and university lecturer
- Christer Persson (* 1943), Swedish writer
- Leo Perutz (1882–1957), Austrian writer
- Nossrat Peseschkian (1933–2010), Iranian-German psychotherapist and author
- Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827), German writer
- Žarko Petan (1929–2014), Slovenian writer
- Elizabeth Peters (1927–2013), American crime novelist
- Jochen Petersdorf (1934–2008), German satirist
- Jan Petersen (1906–1969), German writer
- Jens Petersen (* 1976), German writer
- Vladislav Petković Dis (1880–1917), Serbian poet
- Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), Italian writer
- Horst Petri (* 1936), German psychoanalyst and author
- Valery Petrov (1920–2014), Bulgarian writer and translator
- Rudolf Peyer (1929–2017), Swiss writer and translator
- Roger Peyrefitte (1907-2000), French writer
- William Pfaff (1928–2015), American author and publicist
- Justus Pfaue (1942–2014), German writer and screenwriter
- Erich Pfefferlen (* 1952), German writer
- Hans Pfeiffer (1925–1998), German writer
- Ferdinand Pfohl (1862–1949), German writer
- Peter Philipp (1971–2014), German writer and cabaret artist
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips (* 1948), American novelist
- Jean Piaget (1896–1980), Swiss developmental psychologist and author
- Felice Picano (born 1944), American writer
- Othmar Pickl (1927–2008), Austrian historian and author
- Jodi Picoult (* 1967), American writer
- Rosamunde Pilcher (1924–2019), British romance novelist
- Doris Pilkington (1937–2014), Aboriginal writer from Australia
- Pindar (522/518 - around 442 BC), Greek writer
- Claudia Piñeiro (* 1960), Argentine writer
- Ramiro Pinilla (1923-2014), Spanish writer
- Harold Pinter (1930-2008), British writer, Nobel Prize 2005
- Heinz Piontek (1925–2003), German writer
- Luigi Pirandello (1867–1936), Italian writer, Nobel Prize in 1934
- Akif Pirinçci (* 1959), Turkish-German writer
- Liaty Pisani (* 1950), Italian writer
- Pitigrilli (d. I. Dino Segre; 1893–1975), Italian writer
- Siegfried Pitschmann (1930–2002), German writer
- Ruth Pitter (1897–1992), British poet
- Hermann Peter Piwitt (* 1935), German writer
- Arno Plack (1930–2012), German philosopher and writer
- Hermann Plahn (1865–?), German writer
- Belva Plain (1915-2010), American writer
- Richard Plant (1910–1998), German-American writer
- August Graf von Platen (1796–1835), German writer
- Alan Plater (1935-2010), British writer
- Sylvia Plath (1932–1963), American poet and prose writer
- Plato (427–347 BC), Greek writer
- Titus Maccius Plautus (250–184 BC), Roman writer
- Ulrich Plenzdorf (1934–2007), German writer
- Thomas Pletzinger (* 1975), German writer
- Peter Plichta (* 1939), German chemist and writer
- Gaius Secundus Plinius, also: Pliny the Elder (23–79), Roman writer
- Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, also: Pliny the Younger (61–113), Roman writer
- Jürgen Ploog (1935–2020), German writer and publicist
- Plotinus (around 205 – around 270), Greek writer
- Benno Pludra (1925–2014), German author of children's and young people's books
- Erika Pluhar (* 1939), Austrian writer and performing artist
- Plutarch (around 45– after 120), Greek writer
- Erich Friedrich Podach (1894–1967), Hungarian-German literary scholar and ethnologist
- Norbert Podewin (1935–2014), German historian, biographer and essayist
- Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), American writer
- Otto Pöggeler (1928–2014), German philosopher and author
- Frederik Pohl (1919–2013), American science fiction author
- Ilse Pohl (1907-2010), German writer
- Wolfgang Pohrt (1945–2018), German political publicist
- Alfred Polgar (1873–1955), Austrian writer
- Anna Politkowskaja (1958–2006), Russian essayist
- Wolfgang Pollanz (* 1954), Austrian writer
- Jean-Bertrand Pontalis (1924–2013), French psychoanalyst and writer
- Claude Ponti (* 1948), French children's book illustrator and writer
- Giuseppe Pontiggia (1934-2003), Italian writer
- Alexander Pope (1688–1744), English writer
- Yevgeny Popov (* 1946), Russian writer
- Steffen Popp (* 1978), German poet, writer and translator
- Bernhard Pörksen (* 1969), German media scientist and author
- Katherine Anne Porter (1890–1980), American writer
- Peter Porter (1929-2010), British poet of Australian descent
- Alan Posener (* 1949), British-German journalist and biographer
- Julius Posener (1904–1996), German architectural historian and critic
- Karl Postl, known as Charles Sealsfield (1793–1864), German writer
- Neil Postman (1931-2003), American essayist
- Ezra Pound (1885–1972), American poet
- Anthony Powell (1905-2000), British writer
- Peter Prange (* 1955), German writer
- Heribert Prantl (* 1953), German journalist and essayist
- Terry Pratchett (1948-2015), British writer
- Vasco Pratolini (1913–1991), Italian writer
- Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1927-2013), British writer
- Albert Precht (1947–2015), Austrian non-fiction author
- Richard David Precht (* 1964), German writer and philosopher
- François Maher Presley (* 1961), German author
- Mirjam Pressler (1940–2019), German writer and translator
- Andreas Pretzel (* 1961), German cultural historian and author
- Otfried Preußler (1923–2013), German writer
- Costanzo Preve (1943–2013), Italian philosopher and author
- Anthony Price (1928-2019), British writer
- Gerhard Priesemann (1925–2011), German poet
- John Boynton Priestley (1894-1984), English writer
- Anatoly Pristavkin (1931-2008), Russian writer
- Gert Prokop (1932–1994), German writer
- Rüdiger Proske (1916–2010), German journalist and book author
- Annie Proulx (* 1935), Canadian-American writer
- Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French writer
- Alexander Pschera (* 1964), German author, publicist and translator
- Hermann von Pückler-Muskau (1785–1871), German writer
- Manuel Puig (1932–1990), Argentine writer
- James Purdy (1914–2009), American writer
- Alexander Sergejewitsch Pushkin (1799–1837), Russian writer
- Hilary Putnam (1926–2016), American philosopher and author
- Jesco von Puttkamer (1933–2012), author of German descent
- Reiner Putzger (* 1940), German writer and speech educator
- Mario Puzo (1920–1999), American writer
- Thomas Pynchon (* 1937), American writer