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Zihlschlacht coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of ThurgauCanton of Thurgau Thurgau (TG)
District : Weinfelden
Political community : Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorfi2
Postal code : 8588
former BFS no. : 4518
Coordinates : 737 194  /  265.21 thousand coordinates: 47 ° 31 '24 "  N , 9 ° 15' 37"  O ; CH1903:  737194  /  two hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and ten
Height : 528  m above sea level M.
Area : 5.06  km²  (local
parish ) 12.21 km² (municipality)
Residents: 2017 (1990)
Population density : 399 inhabitants per km²


Zihlschlacht (Switzerland)
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Zihlschlacht is a former local and municipal municipality and a village in the municipality of Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf in the Weinfelden district of the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland . Zihlschlacht is on the road from Bischofszell to Amriswil .

On January 1, 1997 , Zihlschlacht merged to form the political municipality of Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf. The municipal community Zihlschlacht consisted from 1803 to 1996 from the local communities Schocherswil , Sitterdorf and Zihlschlacht.


Former court house
Aerial photo (1954)
Parish before the merger in 1997

Zihlschlacht was 817 as Zilleslata first mentioned in documents as the monastery of St. Gall by Emperor Louis the Pious two Huben received. In the late Middle Ages , both the Bishop of Constance and the Abbey of St. Gallen owned goods and rights in Zihlschlacht. In 1955, Blidegg , Sitterdorf and Zihlschlacht merged to form the first final year community of the Canton of Thurgau. Zihlschlacht was part of the small jurisdiction of Blidegg, to which Hauptwil and Degenau also belonged. Blidegg belonged to the Ryff from the 14th to the 16th century, from 1561 to the von Hallwyl family and from 1769 to 1798 to the city ​​of Zurich . Zihlschlacht was part of the Bischofszell district from 1803 to 2010 . From 1529 the reformed pastor of Sitterdorf preached in Zihlschlacht. From 1712 there was a branch . The St. Afra chapel, mentioned in 1352, was expanded into a church. The school from 1650 was a comprehensive school until 1879 .

In addition to grain, fruit, meadow and flax cultivation, dairy and livestock farming - a cheese dairy was established around 1900 - linen and cotton weaving were also operated and peat was cut. In the 19th century there was a paper mill, and from 1880 to 1931 there was a mechanical or ship embroidery. The Friedheim mental hospital, founded in 1891, was converted into a rehabilitation clinic.

On January 1, 1997 , the local community Sitterdorf and Zihlschlacht merged with the municipal community Zihlschlacht to form the political community Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf. At the same time, the local community of Schocherswil merged with the unitary community of Amriswil. As early as 1874, the hamlet of Hummelberg (1900: 24 inhabitants) was separated from the local community of Sitterdorf and assigned to the local community of Hohentannen .

coat of arms


Blazon : in yellow a soaring black ibex .

The ibex comes from the coat of arms of the Welter von Blidegg , the yellow color refers to the monastery of St. Gallen .


Population development of Zihlschlacht
1850 1900 1950 1970 1990 1996 2000 2010 2018
Municipal parish 1380 1468 1722 1567 2017 2267
Local parish 485 506 618 551 745
Locality 878 960 1311

Of the total of 1311 inhabitants in the village of Zihlschlacht in 2018, 170 or 13.0% were foreign nationals. 597 (45.5%) were Protestant Reformed and 348 (26.5%) were Roman Catholic.

Sons and daughters of the church

  • Johann Georg Kreis (born September 2, 1803 in Zihlschlacht; † May 24, 1863 ibid), politician (National Council) and judge
  • Bernhard Koch (born January 16, 1949 in Zihlschlacht), politician, councilor in the canton of Thurgau


→ see also the list of cultural assets in Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf
→ see also the
Hudelmoos nature reserve

The village of Zihlschlacht is listed in the inventory of places worth protecting in Switzerland .


Web links

Commons : Zihlschlacht  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Swiss land use statistics. Completed on July 1, 1912. Published by the Federal Statistical Bureau. ( Memento from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Thurgau in figures 2019 . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF file; 1.8 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  3. a b c d e f g h i Erich Trösch: Zihlschlacht. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
    These sections are largely based on the entry in the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS), which, according to the HLS's usage information, is under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - Share under the same conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  4. StiASG , document EE5 E15a. Online at e-chartae , accessed June 12, 2020.
  5. a b History and Visions. On the website of the municipality of Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf, accessed on November 1, 2019
  6. The story of Hauptwil-Gottshaus, on the website of the municipality of Hauptwil-Gottshaus, accessed on November 22, 2019
  7. Population development of the municipalities. Canton of Thurgau, 1850-2000. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel table; 0.1 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  8. a b municipal coat of arms . On the website of the State Archives of the Canton of Thurgau, accessed on December 8, 2019
  9. Locations and Settlements Directory. Canton of Thurgau, 2005 edition . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF; 1.7 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  10. Locations and Settlements Directory. Canton of Thurgau, 2012 edition. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF; 3.4 MB), accessed on May 11, 2020.
  11. Localities and their resident population. Edition 2019 . On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel table; 0.1 MB), accessed on April 28, 2020.


  1. with outside courtyards