227 radicals

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A list of 227 radicals is used by some simplified Chinese character dictionaries , including A Chinese-English Dictionary (Beijing, 1982) and The New Chinese-German Dictionary (新 汉 德 词典, Beijing, 1996). It includes only 226 radicals and reserves the index 227 as a category for non-classifiable characters.


Radical is the name given to the root characters (Latin: radix , root) of the Chinese script , according to which Chinese characters are indexed in reference works. The radicals are arranged according to the number and shape of the lines. A traditional list of 214 radicals can be found in the Kangxi dictionary , for example, which is still used today.

Other radical lists are:

  • 186 radicals, Changyong gouci zidian (Beijing, 1982),
  • 189 Radicals, Xinhua Zidian (newer editions), and Xiandai Hanyu Cidian
  • 191 Radicals, Xinhua Zidian in the 1962 edition
  • 226 (actually 225) radicals, The Sino Chinese-English Dictionary , radical 207 of the A Chinese-English Dictionary has been left out here,
  • 250 radicals, Cihai (in a revised version)

The pronunciation characters are the Concise || Taken from English-Chinese-English Dictionary .


226 radicals
No. character Strokes meaning pronunciation Remarks valence frequency 214 radicals Examples
1 1 Point diǎn, zhǔ bound Rare 3 永 yŏng = eternal, 求 qiú = looking, 为 wéi, wèi = to do / do
2 1 one héng, yī free frequently 1 东 dōng = east, east, 万 wàn = 10,000, 世 shì = world
3 1 Vertical line shù bound very rare 2 丰 fēng = twist, 书 shū = book, 半 bàn = half
4th 丿 1 slash piě bound relatively often 4th 乃 nǎi = consequently, 久 jiŭ = long time, 乐 yuè, lè = music
5 1 hénggōu bound very rare 了 le = (particle), 也 yě = and / also, 买 mǎi = buy
6th ? 1 héngpiě bound very rare 习 xí = practice, 司 sī = manage
7th 1 2. Heavenly Tribe Spelling variant free very rare 5 九 jiŭ = nine, 飞 fēi = to fly
8th 2 Ice, ( two point water ) liǎngdiǎn shuǐ 两点 水 Short form of 40 水 (water) bound relatively often 15th 冰 bīng = ice, 冷 lěng = cold, 冬 dōng = winter
9 2 cover tóu compare 头 bound frequently 8th 六 liù = six, 市 shì = city, 京 jīng = capital
10 2 speak yán 言 字 旁 Short form of 185 言 bound very often 149 语 yǔ = language, 讲 jiǎng = speak, 让 ràng = let, allow
11 2 two he free Rare 7th 五 wǔ = five, 井 jǐng = well, 互 hù = each other
12 2 ten shí 十字 儿 free relatively often 24 千 qiān = 1,000, 古 gǔ = old, 升 shēng = to climb up
13 2 Hillside, factory cháng 厂 字 旁 free Rare 27 厅 tīng = office, 厕 cè = toilet, 厄 è = emergency
14th ? 2 toǒ bound very rare 5 友 yǒu = friend, 左 zuǒ = left
15th 2 frame fāng 三 框 儿 bound Rare 22nd 区 qū = district, 医 yī = doctor, 匠 jiàng = craftsman
16 2 Oracle, fortune telling free Rare 25th 占 zhān = prophesying, 下 xià = below, 上 shàng = above
17th 2 knife dāo 立 刀 旁 儿 Short form of 27 刀 (knife) bound frequently 18th 刻 kè = cut, 别 bié = separate, 刚 gāng = straight
18th 2 Lid, crown mì 秃 宝盖 儿 see. 45 宀 (roof) bound Rare 14th 写 xiě = to write, 军 jūn = army, 幂 mì = drape
19th 2 Limitation jiōng 同 字 匡 儿 bound Rare 13 丹 dān = cinnabar, 用 yòng = use, 同 tóng = together, equal
20th ? 2 - bound Rare 午 wǔ = noon, 年 nián = year
21st 2 Human ( single person ) dānrén páng 单 人 旁 儿 Short form of 23 bound very often 9 仁 rén = human, 仙 xiān = immortal, fairy, 们 mén = (plural particles)
22nd 2 - bound very rare 反 fǎn = food, 后 hòu = after
23 2 human rén Long form of 21 ⺅ free relatively often 9 入 rù = to go in, 个 gè = (counting unit word), 今 jīn = now, today
24 2 eight free relatively often 12 丷 (spelling variant), 分 fēn = share, 六 liù = six, 兵 bīng = soldier
25th 2 - bound very rare 义 yì = just, 杀 shā = to kill
26th 2 pack, ( frame of the character bao ) bāozi tóu 包 字 头儿 bound very rare 20th 包 bāo = to hug, 匈 xiōng = chest
27 2 Knife, sword dāo Long form of 17 刂 free Rare 18th 切 qiē = cut, 争 zhēng = fight
28 2 force free relatively often 19th 动 dòng = move, 加 jiā = add
29 2 Legs, kid he free very rare 10 兄 xiōng = older brother, 先 xiān = first
30th 2 Small table free Rare 16 凡 fán = common, 朵 duǒ = (ZEW)
31 2 - bound very rare 予 yǔ = give, 勇 yǒng = brave
32 2 seal jié bound very rare 26th 印 yìn = to print, 卫 wèi = to defend
33 2 Hill, ( left ear, always left ) zuǒ ěrduo 单 耳旁 儿 Traditional characters : 阜 bound frequently 170 队 duì = department
34 2 Village, city, ( right ear, always right ) yòu ěrduo 双 耳旁 儿 Traditional characters : 邑 bound frequently 163 邓 dèng = (family name), 邦 bāng = state, 那 nà = that / those / that
35 2 right hand; again yòu free Rare 29 叉 chā = fork, 欢 huàn = pleased
36 2 march, ( radical of the sign jian ) yín; 建 之 旁 儿 jiàn zì páng bound very rare 54 建 jiàn = to build up, 廷 tíng = yard
37 2 Cocoon, private, personal sī 私 字 儿 bound Rare 28 私 sī = private, 台 tái = terrace, 县 xiàn = district, 会 huì = can / meeting
38 2 Bowl, open mouth bound very rare 17th 画 huà = picture
39 2 spoon free very rare 21st 北 běi = north
40 3 Water ( 3-point water ) 三点水 儿 sāndiǎn shuǐ Short form of 125 水 bound very often 85 河 hé = river, 湖 hú = lake, 海 hǎi = sea
41 3 heart shù xīn páng 竖 心 旁 儿 = vertical heart Short form of 81 心 bound very often 61 忙 máng = busy, 怕 pà = fear
42 3 split bamboo, ( radical of the character jiang ) pán, 将 字 旁 儿 jiàng zì páng Short form of 爿 bound very rare 90 壮 zhuàng = strong, 将 jiāng = intend
43 3 die, flee, flee wáng free very rare 忘 wàng = forgotten, 盲 máng = blind
44 广 3 far, wide, extensive guǎng 广 字 旁 儿 see. 127 疒 (sick) free very rare 53 床 chuáng = bed, 店 diàn = shop
45 3 Roof, lid; ( Cover of the character bao ) mián, 宝盖 儿 bǎo gàir see. 139 龸 bound frequently 40 安 ān = peace, 字 zì = sign, 宝 bǎo = treasure
46 3 Door, gate men Traditional characters : 門 free frequently 169 问 wèn = to ask, 间 jiān = space in between, 闹 nào = to make noise
47 3 stop, ( radical of the character zou ) chuò, 走 之 儿 zǒu zì páng Traditional characters : 辵 bound very often 162 边 biān = side, 这 zhè = this, 过 guò = to pass
48 3 Work, work gong free very rare 48 巧 qiǎo = skillful, 功 gōng =
49 3 earth

提 土 旁 儿

free very often 32 and 33 地 dì = earth, ground, 寺 sì = temple
50 3 Grass, ( head of the sign cao ) cǎo zì tóu 草字 头儿 Traditional characters : 艸 bound very often 140 草 cǎo = grass, 节 jié = festival, 蓝 lán = blue
51 3 hands raised, ( lower part of the character gong ) nòng zì dǐr 弄 字 底儿 resembles # 50 free very rare 55 开 kāi = open
52 3 big there free relatively often 37 央 yāng = center, 夫 fū = husband
53 3 lame yóu, wāng 尤 字 旁 儿 see. 29 (legs) bound very rare 43 无 wú = without, 尤 yóu = special
54 3 Thumb, inch cùn free very rare 41 寿 shòu = long life, 封 fēng = seal
55 3 Hand, ( radical hand ) tíshǒu páng Short form of 111 手 bound very often 64 打 dǎ = to hit, 拍 pāi =
56 3 Javelin, arrow with string see. 101 戈 (lance) free very rare 56 贰 er2 = two, 式 shì = kind
57 3 Cloth, scarf jīn free relatively often 50 币 bì = currency, 师 shī = master
58 3 Mouth, opening kǒu free very often 30th 吃 chī = to eat, 吹 chuī = to blow, 吗 ma = (question particle)
59 3 surrounded, ( frame of the sign white ) wéi, wéi zì kuāng bound relatively often 31 国 guó = country, state, 四 sì = four, 图 tù = map
60 3 Mountain, mountain range shān free frequently 46 岁 suì = year of life, 岗 gàng = hill, 岩 yán = cliff, rock
61 3 Shoot, shoot, young grass chè bound very rare 45 出 chū = to come out
62 3 Step, stroll, stroll chì 双人 旁 儿 see. 22 ⺅ (human) free frequently 60 行 xíng = to go, 很 hěn = very, 街 jiē = street
63 3 Strands of hair, ( three curved lines ) sān piě 三 撇 儿 see. 220 髟 (hair) bound Rare 59 形 xíng = shape, 影 yǐng = shadow
64 3 Twilight, sunset see. 117 月 (moon) free very rare 36 多 duō = a lot, 外 wài = outside, 名 míng = name, 梦 mèng = dream
65 3 pursue, slowly, ( head of the character tou ) zhǐ, dōng zì tóu 冬 字 头, 折 文 儿 bound very rare 34 处 chù = place, 冬 dōng = winter
66 3 Bullet, ball, pill wán free very rare 熟 shú = gar
67 3 body shī resembles 86 户 (door) free relatively often 44 尾 wěi = tail, 居 jū = live, 屎 shǐ = dung, excrement
68 3 Food, ( radical of the sign shi ) 食 字 旁 儿 shí zì páng Short form of 168 飠 or 食 (food) bound 38 characters 184 饭 fàn = food, 饱 bǎo = full
69 3 Dog, ( upside down dog ) fan quan pang 反 犬 旁 儿 Short form of 96 犬 (dog) bound 60 characters 94 猫 māo = cat, 狗 gǒu = dog
70 3 Pig snout 彑 spelling variant bound very rare 58 归 guī = back, 灵 líng = soul
71 3 arc gong free Rare 57 张 zhāng = leaf, 孤 gū = orphaned
72 3 himself, personally, already 已 yi 己 si 巳 free very rare 49 已 jǐ = self, 导 dǎo = lead
73 3 woman free frequently 38 妈 mā = mom, 姐 jiě = older sister, 妹 mèi = younger sister
74 3 child free Rare 39 孩 hái = child, 孔 kǒng = hole, 孕 yùn = pregnant
75 3 horse Traditional characters : 馬 free frequently 187 驾 jià = to drive, 骂 mà = to scold, 骡 luó = mule
76 3 one yāo free very rare 52 幼 yòu = young, 约 yuē = agree
77 3 silk mì (sī) 绞 丝 旁 儿 Traditional traditional characters: 糸 糹 free very often 120 丝 sī = silk, 绸 chóu = silk fabric, 红 hóng = red
78 3 Stream, river, ( three dashes ) chuān, sān guài free very rare 47 川 chuān = river, stream; 甾 zāi = catastrophe
79 3 small Xiǎo ⺌ as a spelling variant free Rare 42 少 shǎo = little, 省 shěng = save
80 4th Fire biāo, huǒ 四 点儿 Sì diǎn as short form of 83 火 (fire) free Rare 86 热 rè = hot, 点 diǎn = point, 照 zhào = shine
81 4th heart xīn see. 41 忄 (heart) free frequently 61 必 bì = must, 忽 hū =, 恐 kǒng = fear, fearful
82 4th Bushel, measure of measure dòu free very rare 68 斜 xié = oblique
83 4th Fire, flame huǒ 火 字 旁 儿 Short form is 80 灬 (fire) free frequently 86 烟 yān = cigarette, 炎 yán = hot, 灭 miè = extinguish
84 4th Pattern, culture, font, text whom free very rare 67 刘 liú = (family name)
85 4th Square, cardinal direction fang free Rare 70 放 fàng =, 旁 páng =, 旅 lǚ = travel
86 4th Door leaf hù 户 字 旁 儿 resembles 67 尸 (corpse) free Rare 63 房 fáng =, 扁 biǎn =, 扇 shān = to fan, to instigate
87 4th Note, ( radical of the character shi ) shì zì páng 示 字 旁 儿 Short form of 132 示 free relatively often 113 祝 zhù =
88 4th king wáng 王 字 旁 儿 see. 131 玉 (jade) free frequently 96 弄 nòng =, 玻 bō = glass, 璃 lí = glass
89 4th Ruler, host zhǔ free very rare 表 biǎo =, 毒 dú = poison, 责 zé = task
90 4th Heaven, day tiān 夭 spelling variant free very rare 吞 tūn = swallow
91 4th leather wéi free very rare 韪 wěi = correct
92 4th old lǎo Traditional character: 老 (old) free very rare 125 老 lǎo = old, 考 kǎo = check, 孝 xiào = filial piety
93 廿 4th twenty niàn Two 十 (shí = ten), 龷 writing variant free very rare 共 gòng =, 黄 huáng = yellow
94 4th Tree, wood free very often 75 林 lin2 = forest, 森 sen1 = primeval forest, 本 ben3 = root
95 4th Not free very rare 否 fou3 =
96 4th dog quǎn Long form of 69 犭 (dog) free very rare 94 哭 ku1 = cry
97 4th bad dǎi free relatively often 78 死 si3 = die, 列 lie4 = list
98 4th brick free very rare 98 瓶 ping2 = bottle, 瓮 weng4 = earthenware bucket, 瓷 ci2 = porcelain
99 4th canine see. 206 齿 (molar) free very rare 92 雅 ya3 = elegant, elegant, 鸦 ya1 = crow, raven
100 4th Car, vehicle chē Traditional characters : 車 free frequently 159 轮 lun2 = wheel
101 4th Lance, ax see. 56 弋 (throwing spit) free Rare 62 我 wǒ = I, 划 huá = row, 战 zhàn = war
102 4th Toe, stop, pause zhǐ free very rare 77 正 zhèng = correct, 步 bù = step, 此 cǐ = this
103 4th Sun see. 118 月 (moon) free frequently 72 明 míng = bright, 早 zǎo = early, 时 shí = hour
104 4th speak, say yuē free very rare 73 曲 qū = song, 电 dian4 = electricity, 冒 mào = dare
105 4th center zhōng free very rare 忠 zho1ng = loyal, 贵 guì = expensive
106 4th Cowrie shell bèi Traditional characters : 貝 free frequently 154 财 cái =, 货 huò = goods, 贸 mào = trade
107 4th see jiàn Traditional characters : 見 free Rare 147 觉 jué = feel, 览 lǎn = look at sth
108 4th father free very rare 88 爷 yé = grandpa, 爸 bà = papa
109 4th Steam, gas, air free relatively often 84 氛 fēn = atmosphere, mood, 氦 hài = helium, 氢 qīng = hydrogen
110 4th Beef niú 牜 is a spelling variant free Rare 93 牧 mù = herding cattle, 犊 dú = calf
111 4th hand shǒu see. 55 扌 free Rare 64 拿 ná = to take, 拜 bài = to show respect
112 4th Hair, bristle máo free Rare 82 毯 tǎn = duvet, 毫 háo = tiny
113 4th beat in traditional characters also 攴 bound Rare 66 收 shōu = to receive, 攻 gōng = to attack
114 4th Disk, plate piàn free very rare 91 版 bǎn = pressure plate, 牌 pái = shield
115 4th Ax, pound jīn free very rare 69 所 suǒ = that, 断 duàn = section, 新 xīn = new
116 4th claw zhuā see. 151 瓜, 爫 spelling variant free Rare 87 爬 pá = climb, 爱 ài = love
117 4th Foot (length) chǐ see. 67 尸 free very rare 尽 jǐn = if possible, 昼 zhòu = time of day
118 4th Moon, month, flesh yuè Traditional characters : 肉 free very often 74 朋 péng = friend, 肝 gān = liver, 背 bèi = back
119 4th Club, lance made of bamboo shu free very rare 79 段 duàn =, 殴 ōu = to hit
120 4th yawn, owe, lack qiàn see. 128 穴 (cave) free 76 欧 ōu = Europe, 歌 gē = song, 歇 xiē = rest
121 4th wind fēng Traditional characters : 風 free very rare 182 飘 piāo = blow, 飓 jù = hurricane
122 4th Clan, family shì see. 227 民 (people) free very rare 83 昏 hūn = dusk, confused
123 4th to compare see. 39 匕 (spoon) free very rare 81 毕 bì = end, 琵 pí = sounds, 毙 bì = die
124 4th Brush, ( head of the character yu ) yù zì tóu ⺻ is a spelling variant free very rare 肃 sù = respectful, 肆 sì = reckless
125 4th water shuǐ Short form is 氵 free very rare 85 沓 dá or tà = pile, 浆 jiàng = jelly, 淼 miǎo = infinite
126 5 stand, straighten up free Rare 117 站 zhàn = station, 产 chǎn = give birth, produce, 亲 qīn = parent
127 5 Disease, ( radical of the sign bing ) nè, chuáng, bìng zì páng free frequently 104 病 bìng = sick, 症 zhèng = illness, 疼 téng = pain
128 5 cave xuè see. 120 欠 (yawn) free frequently 116 空 kōng = empty, 穿 chuān = drill, tighten, 窗 chuāng = window
129 5 dress see. 161 衣 bound frequently 145 衬 chèn = shirt, 衫 shān = shirt, 裤 kù = pants
130 ? 5 - bound very rare 春 chūn = spring, 秦 qín = ash, Qin dynasty
131 5 jade see. 88 王 (king) free very rare 96 璧 bì = wall, 玺 xǐ = imperial seal
132 5 Note, sign shì Short form of 87 礻 free very rare 113 禁 jìn = forbid
133 5 go away free very rare 丢 diù = to throw, 却 què = s. withdraw
134 ? 5 róng zì tóu 荣 字 头 ? would be the traditional symbol, not the short symbol bound Rare 劳 láo = work, 蒙 mēng = deceive, cheat
135 5 sweet gān see. 93 廿 (twenty) free very rare 99 某 mǒu = certain, certain
136 5 stone shí free frequently 112 码 mǎ = number, 砚 yàn = ink stone, 碰 pèng = touch, meet
137 5 Dragons lóng Traditional characters : 龍 free very rare 212 砻 lóng = rice peeler, 聋 lóng = deaf, 垄 lǒng = raised field strip
138 5 5. Heavenly Trunk free very rare 成 chéng = to become, 或 huò = or
139 5 cháng zì tóu 常 字 頭 see. 46 宀 (roof) bound very rare 常 cháng = often, 掌 zhǎng = palm, 堂 táng = hall
140 5 Business, branch free very rare 黹 zhǐ = sewing work, 凿 záo = chisel
141 5 eye see. 145 罒 free frequently 109 看 kàn = see, 眠 mián = sleep, 睡 shuì = sleep
142 5 field tián free relatively often 102 男 nán = man, 思 sī = think, 界 jiè = limit
143 5 Reason, cause, through yóu free very rare 由 yóu = as a result of, through, 邮 yóu = send by post
144 5 explain, 9th branch of the earth shēn free very rare 畅 chàng = unhindered
145 5 network wǎng 皿 字 头 Traditional characters : 网 bound Rare 122 罗 luó = bird catching net, collect, 罪 zuì = error, guilt, sin, 罢 bà = stop working
146 5 Bowl, dishes mǐn 皿 字 底 resembles 181 血 (blood) free Rare 108 盆 pén = pot, 盟 méng = team up, 孟 mèng = first month of a season
147 5 Gold, metal jīn Traditional characters : 釒 as short form of 209 金 free very often 167 针 zhēn = needle, 铁 tiě = iron, 铜 tóng = copper
148 5 arrow shǐ free very rare 111 知 zhī = to know, 短 duǎn = short
149 5 Grain see. 94 木 (tree) free frequently 115 利 lì = sharp, pointed, profit, 和 hé = harmony, 季 jì = season
150 5 White bái see. 103 日 (sun) free Rare 106 百 bǎi = 100, 的 de (genetic particle), 皇 huáng = emperor
151 5 melon guā resembles 116 爪 (claw) free very rare 97 瓢 piāo = ladle
152 5 bird niǎo Traditional characters : 鳥 free frequently 196 鸡 jī = chicken, 鸭 yā = duck, 鸥 ōu = seagull
153 5 Skin, leather pi free very rare 107 颇 pó = inclined, one-sided, 皱 zhòu = wrinkle
154 5 move bound very rare 105 登 deng1 = rise, 癸 guǐ = last of the ten heavenly tribes
155 5 Spear, lance máo free very rare 110 柔 róu = soft, 蟊 máo = pest
156 5 Roll of fabric shū, pǐ is similar to 189 走 (to walk) free very rare 103 楚 chǔ = clear, pure, 蛋 dàn = egg
157 6th Goat sheep yáng ⺷ is a spelling variant free 21 characters 123 美 měi = beautiful, 群 qún = herd, crowd
158 6th role Quán zì tóu 拳 字 头 bound very rare 卷 juàn = book, volume, 拳 quán = fist
159 6th rice free frequently 119 粉 fěn = powder, 粮 liáng = grains, cereals, 糖 táng = sugar
160 6th line up, neatly, evenly Traditional characters : 齊 free very rare 210 剂 jì = preparation
161 6th Clothes, dress Long form of 129 衤 free Rare 145 袋 dài = bag, pouch, 装 zhuang1 = decorate, disguise
162 6th also, likewise free Rare 变 biàn = become, 孪 luán = twin, 挛 luán = cramp
163 6th ear he free Rare 128 取 qǔ = fetch, pick up, receive, 联 lián = s. unite, 聪 cōng = clairaudient, clever
164 6th Servant; minister chén free very rare 131 卧 wò = s. lie down
165 ? 6th - bound very rare 载 zǎi = year, 载 zài = load, 栽 zai = plant, 哉 zāi = O woe!
166 西 6th cover, west resembles 193 酉 (amphora), 覀 spelling variant free very rare 146 要 yào = want, 票 piào = card, note
167 6th mandrel resembles 192 束 (bundle) bound very rare 棘 jí = wild jujube
168 6th inferior, secondary, Asia Traditional characters : 亞 free very rare 严 yán = strict, 恶 wù = detest
169 6th Beard, and he free very rare 126 耐 nài = to be able to endure, 耍 shuǎ = to play
170 6th Head, side Traditional characters : 頁 free frequently 181 顶 dǐng = highest point, 烦 fán = annoyed, annoyed
171 6th reach until, after zhì free very rare 133 到 dào = to arrive, 致 zhì = to send
172 6th Shine, light, ray guāng free very rare 辉 huī = shine
173 6th Tiger, ( head of the sign tiger ) hǔ, hǔ zì tóu free very rare 141 虎 hǔ = tiger, 虐 nüè = cruel
174 6th Insect, worm chóng free very often 142 蚂 mǎ = ant, 蚁 yǐ = ant, 蚊 wén = mosquito
175 6th Jug, amphora fǒu free very rare 121 缸 gāng = clay vessel, 缺 quē = lack
176 6th Plow, drawbar lěi see. 94 木 (wood) free Rare 127 耙 bā = harrow, 耕 gēng = plow, till the field, 耗 hào = consume
177 6th tongue shé free very rare 135 乱 luàn = confusion, chaos, 甜 tián = sweet
178 6th bamboo zhú ⺮ is a spelling variant free very often 118 笔 bǐ = brush, 笆 bā = basket
179 6th mortar jiù free very rare 134 舅 jiù = brother of the mother
180 6th little nose, yourself see. 226 鼻 (nose) free very rare 132 息 xī = hold your breath, rest, 臭 chòu = stink
181 6th blood xuè resembles 146 皿 (bowl) free very rare 143 衄 nǜ = nosebleed, 衅 xìn = argument
182 6th Boat, boat zhōu free relatively often 137 航 háng = to sail, 帆 fán = sail, 船 chuán = ship
183 6th wing free Rare 124 翁 wēng = old man, 翠 cuì = emerald green
184 6th stubborn, sincere gene free very rare 138 良 liáng = good, fine, 既 jì = already, already
185 7th Word, speak yán Long form of 10 讠 (speaking) free very rare 149 誉 yù = reputation, praise, 警 jǐng = warn
186 7th bitter, hot, laborious xīn free very rare 160 辩 biàn = defend, 辟 bì = monarch
187 7th Dawn, 5th branch of the earth chén free very rare 161 辱 rǔ = shame, 蜃 shèn = shell
188 7th Wheat, grain May free very rare 199 麴 qū = yeast, 麸 fū = wheat bran
189 7th go zǒu see. 196 足 (feet) free Rare 156 超 chāo = overtake, 起 qǐ = stand up, 赶 gǎn = catch up to catch up
190 7th vermilion, red, faithful, naked chì free very rare 155 赫 hè = prominent
191 7th Bean dòu free very rare 151 豌 wān = pea
192 7th Bundle, lace shù resembles 167 朿 (bundle) free very rare 柬 jiǎn = card, letter
193 7th Amphora, 10th branch of the earth yǒu resembles 166 西 (west) free frequently 164 酸 suān = angry
194 7th pig shǐ free very rare 152 豨 xī = classic pig
195 7th Village, mile, inside free very rare 166 野 yě = wild
196 7th foot to see. 189 走 (go) free frequently 157 跟 gēn = together with, 路 lù = way, road, 跨 kuà = (over) cross
197 7th pick, remove cǎi free very rare 165 翻 fān = to reverse
198 7th Snake, worm zhì free very rare 153 豹 bào = panther
199 7th Valley, gorge free very rare 150 欲 yù = desire, desire
200 7th Trunk, body shēn free very rare 158 射 shè = to shoot
201 7th horn jiǎo free very rare 148 触 chù = to touch
202 8th blue green qīng free 3 characters 174 静 jìng = quiet, calm
203 8th - bound very rare 朝 cháo = morning, 乾 qián = male
204 8th rain free relatively often 173 雪 xuě = snow, 雷 léi = thunder, 零 líng = zero
205 8th wrong, mistake, wrong, no fēi free very rare 175 靠 kào =, 悲 bēi = sadness, 韭 jiǔ = chives
206 齿 8th molar tooth chǐ Traditional characters : 齒, cf. 99 牙 (canine tooth) free Rare 211 龄 líng = age, year of life
207 8th Toad, turtle mǐn Traditional characters : 黽 free very rare 213 鼋 yuán = softshell turtle
208 8th little bird zhuī bound Rare 172 售 shòu = sell, 雀 què = sparrow, 焦 jiāo = to burn, burned
209 8th Gold, metal jīn Long form of 钅 (metal) free very rare 167 鑫 xīn = growing wealth
210 8th fish Traditional characters : 魚 free frequently 195 鲁 lǔ = stupid, 鲤 lǐ = river carp
211 9 Sound, loud yīn free very rare 180 章 zhāng = capital, stamp, 意 yì = meaning
212 9 Leather, change free Rare 177 鞭 biān = whip, 鞍 àn = saddle
213 9 be, right, correct shì free very rare 匙 chí = spoon, ladle, 题 tí = topic
214 9 bone see. 118 月 (meat) free Rare 188 骸 hái = skeleton
215 9 Fragrance, fragrant xiāng see. 149 禾 (grain) free very rare 186 馨 xīn = intense fragrance
216 9 Ghost, ghost guǐ free Rare 194 魂 hún = soul
217 9 Food, food shí Long form of 68 飠 (food) free very rare 184 餐 cān = Zew. for meals
218 10 high gāo 髙 spelling variant free very rare 189 髝 láo = unbearable (temperature) high appearance
219 10 Kettle, tripod free very rare 193 鬶 guī = tripod jug
220 10 hair biāo see. 63 彡 (strand of hair) bound Rare 190 髥 rán = whiskers, 髦 máo = modern
221 11 hemp free very rare 200 磨 mó = to grind, 摩 mó = to rub, 魔 mó = devil, demon
222 鹿 11 deer free very rare 198 麒 qí = Qilin
223 12 black hēi 黒 spelling variant free Rare 203 墨 mò = Indian ink, 黚 qiàn = black
224 13 drum free very rare 207 鼟 tēng = bum!
225 13 Mouse, rat shǔ free Rare 208 鼧 tuó = marmot (鼧 鼥 ~ bá)
226 13 nose bi free very rare 209 鼾 hān = snore, 齆 wèng = nasal (~~ 鼻 bí)

Non-classifiable characters

Some of the unclassifiable characters are classified under one of the radicals above in some dictionaries.

7 non-classifiable characters
No. character meaning pronunciation radical Traditional sign and radical
227 zero líng 1 零: 173 (雨)
227 homeland xiāng 76 郷: 163 (邑)
227 decide pàn 17th 判: 18 (力)
227 Spawn, egg luǎn 32 卵: 26 (卩)
227 convex 38 凸: 17 (凵)
227 1. Heavenly Tribe jiǎ 142 甲: 102 (田)
227 people min 民: 83 (氏)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John DeFrancis: The Chinese language - Facts and Fantasy . Page 291, University of Hawaii Press, 1984, ISBN 0-8248-0866-5 .
  2. Concise: Concise || English-Chinese-English Dictionary. The Commercial Press Oxford University Press, 1992, ISBN 7-100-03933-9 .