Radical 174

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靑 青
173 ⾬ ◄ 174 ► ⾮ 175
Pinyin : qīng (= blue-green)
Zhuyin : ㄑ ㄧ ㄥ
Hiragana : あ お ao
Kanji : ao (= blue-green)
Hangul : 푸를
Sinocorean : 청 (= blue-green)
Codepoint : U + 9751 9752
Stroke sequence : 靑 青

Radical 174 , meaning “ blue-green ”, is one of 9 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with eight strokes.

With 6 character combinations in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are very few characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

The radical teal takes only in the traditional characters - list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals, the 174th position. It can be found in a completely different place in modern abbreviation dictionaries.

The seal character revealed as lower component丹(= red) and not (= month or ⺼ /肉 = meat). At the top is the component , which acts as a loudspeaker here.

Green, blue, black (and all with the original meaning red): 青草 (= green grass), 青天 (= blue sky), 青 布 (= black fabric).

The variant 青 is used in the compound symbol, it often plays the role of the sound carrier:

  • 清 (= clear, clean),
  • 鲭 (= mackerel),
  • 晴 (= cheerful),
  • 情 (= feeling),
  • 氰 (= cyan ),
  • 请 (= ask),
  • 静 (= calm),
  • 倩 (= pretty).

In 靛 (= indigo ), 青 stands for blue as a meaning carrier, the right component 定 in this case is a sound carrier.

In ancient Chinese, qīng 靑 is a generic term for green, blue, (dark) purple or black. According to the local view of the Chinese at the time, the color of the water was rather dark or "black", not a light blue or green. The lake after which the chines. Qinghai Province is named, the Qinghaihu ( Chinese  青海 湖 , Pinyin Qīnghǎihú  - "the green / blue sea") where 靑 stands for the rather dark color.

Compound names are also in use, e.g. B. the term xuánqīng ( 玄青 = dark- ) for "deep black". (See also the article Green and Blue in Different Languages )

Character combinations ruled by radical 174

Satellite image of Lake Qinghai
Strokes character
+ 00 靑 青

+ 04 靓 靔

+ 05 靕 靖 靖

+ 06 靗 靘 静

+ 07

+ 08 靛 靜


In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 174 is coded under the code point number 12.205 (U + 2FAD).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 174  - Graphic representations of Radikal 174