Radical 10

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9 ⼈ ◄ 10 ► ⼊ 11
Pinyin : rén (= human)
Zhuyin : ㄖ ㄣ ˊ
Hiragana : に ん に ょ う ninnyô
Kanji : 人 繞 ninnyô
人 足 hitoashi (= human foot )
Hangul : 어진 사람 eojin saram
Sinocorean : 인 in
Codepoint : U + 513F
Stroke sequence : 儿

The radical 10 meaning " feet " is one of 23 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with two strokes.

With 20 character combinations in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary , it is relatively rare in the lexicon. The radical has in common with the radical 9 , human, not only the pronunciation, but also the meaning. The Kangxi dictionary stipulated that the character for human 人 must take different forms in different positions:

  • on the left: 亻
  • below: 儿
  • above: 人

The radical originally showed a child sliding down on his knees and trying to sit up. In the older form, the fontanelles are also indicated and showed a head that was open at the top. In the simplified form, only the legs are left.

Character combinations ruled by radical 10

Strokes character
+ 00

+ 01

+ 02 允 兂 元

+ 03

+ 04 兇 先兊 尧

+ 05 克 兌 兎 兏 児 兑

+ 06 免 兒 兓 兔 兕 兖

+ 07 兗 兘 兙

+ 08 党 兛

+ 09 兜 兝 兞

+10 兟 兠





In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 10 is coded under the code point number 12.041 (U + 2F09).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 10  - Graphic representations of Radikal 10
Wiktionary: 儿  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations