Radical 125

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老 耂 考
124 ⽻ ◄ 125 ► ⽽ 126
Pinyin : lǎo (= old)
Zhuyin : ㄌ ㄠ ˇ
Hiragana : お い oi
Kanji : 老 冠 oikanmuri or
老頭 oigashira (= radical old)
Hangul : 늙을
Sinocorean : 로 ru (= old)
Codepoint : U + 8001 8002 8003
Stroke sequence : 老 耂 考

Radical 125 , meaning “ old ”, is one of 29 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with six strokes. With 7 combinations of characters in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are very few characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

The radical "old" takes only in the traditional characters - list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 125. position. It can be found in a completely different place in modern abbreviation dictionaries.

The oracle bone shape shows a person with long hair and a hunched back, leaning on a stick old. Accordingly, 老 (lao) puts its characters in this meaning field: 耆 (= over 60 years old), 耋 (= 70 or 80 years old), 耄 (mao = 90 years old). Originally, the 老 (lao) very similar looking 考 (kao = to hold or take an exam) meant old. 老師 means teacher and so the synonymous word 教 means to teach / teach. The symbol 孝 (= child's duties towards the parents) contains 老 (= old), but reduced by the lower component 匕, which has been replaced by the child (子): Sons and daughters do good to the old parents.

Character combinations ruled by radical 125

Japanese depiction of an old woman
Strokes character
+ 00 老 耂 考

+ 04 耄 者 耆

+ 05 耇 耈 耉

+ 06 耊 耋

In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , the radical 125 is coded under the code point number 12.156 (U + 2F7C).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 125  - Graphic representations of Radikal 125