Radical 102

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由 甲 申 甴 电
101 ⽤ ◄ 102 ► ⽦ 103
Pinyin : tián (= rice field)
Zhuyin : ㄊ ㄧ ㄢ
Hiragana : ta
Kanji : ta (= rice field)
Hangul : jeon
Sinocorean :
Codepoint : U + 7530 - 7535
Stroke sequence : 田

Radical 102 , meaning " rice field ", is one of 23 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with five strokes. There are several variants of the radical, which can also have other meanings.

With 49 combinations of characters in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are relatively many characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

The radical "field" accepts only in the traditional characters - list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 102. position. It can be found in a completely different place in modern abbreviation dictionaries. In the New Chinese-German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, for example, it is in 142nd position.

The character developed from the pictorial representation of a rice field seen from above, bordered by small dams that separate the irrigated beds and serve as a field path for the farmers. In all writing forms from the oracle bones to the bronze script and seal script to the chancellery script and the normal script used today, an almost unchanged character.

Rice is represented by the radical 119米.

The symbols governed by this radical as a bearer of meaning belong in agriculture, such as 亩 (mu = area measure), 町 (ting = field border), 甸 (dian = area outside a border). The sign for man 男 (nan) is the combination of field (田 tian) and strength (力 li), so it describes someone who works physically with the use of force in the field. The field also appears as a bearer of meaning in 畜 (= cattle) and ursprünglich (lü = scarce, short, but originally: manage soil).

However, 田 (tian) can also be a sound carrier, as in 钿 (tian coin, money), 畋 (tian go hunting). The head component of the characters 畏 (white = fear) and 禺 (yu = monkey in classical scripts) emerged from a similar component. 田 (tian) in 胃 (wei = stomach) was created from a picture that shows food in a stomach and also has nothing to do with the field. This also applies to 番 (fen = a counting word), which originally referred to the claws of a wild animal. The head part of the sign was a 爪 (zhua = claw) with the palm 掌 (zhang) underneath.

Character compounds ruled by radical 102

Rice fields in china
Strokes character
+ 00 田 由 甲 申 甴 电

+ 01

+ 02 男 甸 甹 町 甼

+ 03 甽 甾 甿 畀 畁 畂 畃 畄 畅

+ 04 畆 畇 畈 畉 畊 畋 界 畍 畎 畏 畐 畑 畒 畓

+ 05 畔 畕 畖 畗 畘 留 畚 畛 畜 畝 畞 畟 畠

+ 06 畡 畢 畣 畤 略 畦 畧 畨 畩 異

+ 07 番 畫 畬 畭 畮 畯 畱 畲 畳 畴

+ 08 畵 當 畷 畸 畹 畺

+ 09 畻 畼 畽

+10 畾 畿

+11 疀 疁 疂

+12 疃 疄


+14 疆 疇


+17 疉 疊

In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 102 is coded under the code point number 12.133 (U + 2F65).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 102  - Graphic representations of Radikal 102
  • Xiù cai.oai.de (PDF; 1.72 MB) Explanation of Radikal 102 on pages 54 and 92