Radical 68

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67 ⽂ ◄ 68 ► ⽄ 69
Pinyin : dǒu (= bushel)
Zhuyin : ㄉ ㄡ
Hiragana : と ま す tomasu
Kanji : 斗 tomasu (= ladle)
Hangul :
Sinocorean : 두 you
Codepoint : U + 6597
Stroke sequence : 斗

Radical 68 , meaning " bushel ", is one of the 34 traditional radicals in Chinese writing , which consist of four strokes.

With 8 character combinations in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary , it has a very low frequency.

In the People's Republic of China, 斗 is used as an abbreviation instead of radical 191鬥.

In the compound symbol, 斗 (dou) sometimes also functions as a sound carrier, for example in 蝌蚪 (kedou = tadpole).

As a bearer of meaning, 斗 places characters in the meaning field of measurement as in 料 (= material, originally the two points show grains of rice in a bushel), 斜 (= crooked; originally: take up with a bushel), 斛 (= ten times the amount of a 斗),戽 (= scoop with a bucket), 魁 (= leader: originally a large soup spoon).

Character combinations ruled by radical 68

Strokes character
+ 00

+ 03

+ 06 料 斚 斛

+ 07

+ 08

+ 09 斞 斟

+10 斠 斡



In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 68 is coded under the code point number 12.099 (U + 2F43).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 68  - Graphic representations of Radikal 68