Pushkino (Kaliningrad, Bagrationovsk, Dolgorukovo)

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Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Bagrationovsk
Founded 1425
Earlier names Posmal (before 1785),
Posmahlen (until 1947)
population 85 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40156
Post Code 238420
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 203 822 007
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 28 '  N , 20 ° 33'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 27 '40 "  N , 20 ° 32' 56"  E
Pushkino (Kaliningrad, Bagrationovsk, Dolgorukovo) (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Pushkino (Kaliningrad, Bagrationovsk, Dolgorukovo) (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Puschkino ( Russian Пушкино , German  Posmahlen , Lithuanian Pasmaliai ) is a place in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad . It belongs to the local government unit Stadtkreis Bagrationowsk in Bagrationovsky District .

Geographical location

Pushkino is located on the Pasmar River (Russian: Maiskaja) and is ten kilometers from Bagrationovsk (Prussian Eylau) . A side road leads through the place, which connects the Rajons capital and former district town with Krasnosnamenskoje (Dollstädt) and Slawskoje (Kreuzburg) and continues to the Russian trunk road R 516 (former Reichsautobahn Berlin-Königsberg "Berlinka" ). There is no train connection.


The place previously called Posmahlen was a small village with a forestry before 1945 . 1874 place in the newly built was District Wogau incorporated, to which he belonged until 1945th The district was in the district of Preußisch Eylau in the administrative district of Königsberg in the Prussian province of East Prussia .

At that time Posmahlen consisted of two rural communities, which only merged on April 20, 1881: Posmahlen zu Waldkeim and Posmahlen zu Wogau .

In 1910 Posmahlen had 253 inhabitants. On September 30, 1928, the municipality expanded through the incorporation of the Sophienberg manor district (Russian: Severjanka, no longer existent). In 1933 395 and 1939 still 329 inhabitants lived in Posmahlen.

In 1945 Posmahlen came to the Soviet Union as a result of World War II and in 1947 was given the name Puschkino, which is very common in today's Russia . Until about 1970, the place was the administrative seat of the village council Pushkinski selski Sowet in Bagrationovsk Raion . After it was moved to Slavskoje , Pushkino continued to give this village soviet or district its name. From 2008 to 2016 the place belonged to the rural community Dolgorukowskoje selskoje posselenije and since then to the urban district of Bagrationovsk.

Pushkinski selski Sowet / okrug 1947–2008

The village soviet Pushkinski selski sovet (ru. Пушкинский сельский Совет) was established in June 1947. Its administrative seat was initially the place Pushkino. In the early 1950s, the Perwomaiski selski Sowet (cavern) was apparently connected to the Pushkinski selski Sowet. In 1954 (at least) the northern part of the dissolved Oktjabrski selski Sowet (Moritten) was attached. Before 1975 the administrative headquarters of the village soviet was relocated to Slavskoye . After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the administrative unit existed as the village district of Pushkinski selski okrug (ru. Пушкинский сельский округ). In 2008 the remaining seven places in the village district were incorporated into the newly formed rural community Dolgorukowskoje selskoje posselenije .

Place name Name until 1947/50 Remarks
Grigoryevo (Григорьево) Kissitten The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Oktyabrsky village soviet. Before 1975 it was connected to the Pobereschje area.
Grushevka (Грушевка) Seeben The place was renamed in 1947. After the place Podgornoje was connected to Gruschewka before 1975, in 1997 the entire place was renamed Podgornoje.
Jenino (Енино) Kreuzburg and Pasmarshof The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Oktyabrsky village soviet. It was connected to Slavskoye in 1965.
Krasnoarmeiskoje (Красноармейское) Sollau The place was renamed in 1947.
Krasnosnamenskoje (Краснознаменское) Dollstädt and Vogelsang The place was renamed in 1947.
Lermontowo (Лермонтово) Boggentin and Wogau The place was renamed in 1947.
Lugowoje (Луговое) Klein Park and Zwangshof The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Malinovka (Малиновка) Glauthiene The place was renamed in 1947, initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet and was abandoned before 1975.
Oktyabrskoje (Октябрское) Moritten The place was renamed in 1947 and was initially the administrative seat of the village council of Oktyabrsky. The place was abandoned before 1988.
Pervomaiskoe (Первомайское) Caverns The place was renamed in 1947 and was initially the administrative seat of the village soviet Pervomaiski. The place was abandoned before 1975.
Pobereschje (Побережье) Schnakeinen and Neu Schnakeinen The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Oktyabrsky village soviet.
Podgornoje (Подгорное) Kattlack and Penken The place was renamed in 1947. After it was connected to Grushevka before 1976, in 1997 the entire place was renamed Podgornoje.
Pugachyovo (Пугачёво) Wilmsdorf The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet. It was abandoned before 1975.
Pushkino (Пушкино) Posmahlen Administrative headquarters before 1975.
Zalessye (Залесье) New Sollau The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Zarechye (Заречье) Kilgis The place was renamed in 1947 and connected to the place Krasnoarmeiskoje before 1975.
Severyanka (Северянка) New Posmahlen and Sophienberg The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Sidorowo (Сидоровo) Porschkeim The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Oktyabrsky village soviet. Before 1975 it was connected to the Pobereschje area.
Slavskoye (Славское) Kreuzburg The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Oktyabrsky village soviet. Administrative headquarters since before 1975.
Sosnovka (Сосновка) Big lab tendons The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet. It was abandoned before 1975.
Woinowo (Воиново) Barslack, Groß Döbnicken and Klein Döbnicken The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet. It was abandoned before 1975.
Wolschskoje (Волжское) Schmerkstein and Steinhof The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet. It was abandoned before 1975.
Vysokoye (Высокое) Tiefenthal The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pervomaiski village soviet.

The place renamed in 1947 Kamenka (crutches) , which was initially classified in the Pushkinski selski Sowet, then (before 1975) came to the Tschapajewski selski Sowet .


The majority Protestant population of Posmahlens was parish in the parish of Dollstädt (today Russian: Krasnosnamenskoje) before 1945 . It belonged to the church district Preußisch Eylau (Bagrationowsk) in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union . The last German clergyman was Pastor Herbert Wensky (August 2, 1891 - September 10, 1978), who was also temporarily the East Prussian head of the Reich Chamber of Literature .

Today Puschkino is in the catchment area of ​​the Protestant village church Gwardeiskoje (Mühlhausen) , which was newly founded in the 1990s . It is a subsidiary of the Church of the Resurrection in Kaliningrad (Königsberg) and belongs to the Kaliningrad provost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia (ELKER).

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. Location information-picture archive East Prussia: Posmahlen
  3. ^ Rolf Jehke, Wogau district
  4. Uli Schubert, community directory, Prussian Eylau district
  5. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. District Preussisch Eylau (Russian Bagrationowsk). (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  6. a b The Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 17 июня 1947 г. "Об образовании сельских советов, городов и рабочих поселков в Калининградской области" (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of 17 June 1947: On the Formation of village Soviets , Cities and workers' settlements in Kaliningrad Oblast)
  7. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 16 июня 1954 г. № 744/54 «Об объединении сельских советов Калининградской области» (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of June 16, 1954, No. 744/54: About the Kalovradet Oblast Association)
  8. According to the Административно-территориальное деление Калининградской области 1975 (The administrative-territorial division of the Kaliningrad 1975 published by Soviet the Kaliningrad) on http://www.soldat.ru/ (rar file). On a map from 1972, Pushkino is still marked as the administrative center.
  9. According to the renaming decree of 1947. Since Kreuzburg was renamed Slawskoje at the same time, Kreuzburg was either divided at that time or Jenino stood (only) for the Pasmarshof additionally mentioned in the Kaliningrad list of places from 1976.
  10. Ernst Wiechert in conversation: Encounters and insights into his work, 2010, page 63, ISBN 978-3-11-020062-1
  11. Evangelical Lutheran Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.propstei-kaliningrad.info

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