Armed Forces of Serbia
![]() |
guide | |||
Commander in Chief : | president | ||
Defense Minister: | Defense Minister | ||
Military Commander: | Lieutenant General | ||
Headquarters: | Belgrade | ||
Military strength | |||
Active soldiers: | 52,000 (2016) | ||
Reservists: | 170,000 (2016) | ||
Conscription: | Volunteer army | ||
Resilient population: | 2,755,000 (2016) | ||
Eligibility for military service: | 18th | ||
household | |||
Military budget: | $ 998 million (2019) | ||
Share of gross domestic product : | 2.1% ( fiscal year 2009; estimate) | ||
history | |||
Founding: | 2006 | ||
Factual foundation: | 1990 |
The armed forces of Serbia ( Serbian : Војска Србије / Vojska Srbije ) (abbreviated: ВС / VS ) emerged from the armed forces of Serbia-Montenegro , which ceased to exist due to the independence referendum of Montenegro . In accordance with the treaty that established the State Union in 2003, Serbia received the common Ministry of Defense, as confirmed by a decree of the Serbian Parliament on June 5th. The funds and facilities awarded to Montenegro were incorporated into the newly established armed forces of Montenegro .
The basic duties of the military include:
- Defense of Serbia from armed foreign threats
- Participation in the process of building and peace in the region and in the world
- Assistance in the event of natural and other disasters
Since 2009 the army has been converted into a professional army . On December 31, 2010, conscription ended in Serbia. Serbia is militarily non-aligned.
The President of Serbia ( Председник Републике Србије ) is the Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces ( Врховни командант Војске Србије ).
The Ministry of Defense ( Министарство одбране Републике Србије ) is the civilian government body in charge of the country's defense policy.
Ministry of Defense ( Министарство одбране Републике Србије ) |
Defense Minister ( Министар ) |
State Secretaries ( Државни секретари ) |
Deputy Minister ( Помоћници министра ) |
Cabinet of the Minister ( Кабинет министра ) |
Defense Policy Sector ( Сектор за политику одбране ) |
Human Resources Sector ( Сектор за људске ресурсе ) |
Material Resources Sector ( Сектор за материјалне ресурсе ) |
Finance and Control Sector ( Сектор за финансије и контролинг ) |
Military News Agency ( Војнообавештајна агенција ) |
Military Security Agency ( Војнобезбедносна агенција ) |
Military News Agency ( Војнообавештајна агенција ) |
Military Health Directorate ( Управа за војно здравство ) |
Public Relations Directorate ( Управа за односе са јавношћу ) |
Defense Inspectorate ( Инспекторат одбране ) |
Defense University ( Универзитет одбране ) |
Secretariat ( Секретаријат ) |
Military Prosecutor's Office ( Војно правобранилаштво ) |
The General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces ( Генералштаб Војске Србије ) is the supreme commanding authority that supports the President (in wartime) and the Minister of Defense (in peacetime) in the strategic management of Воjска Србиje . The Chief of the General Staff ( Начелник Генералштаба Војске Србије ) is the longest-serving Serbian military officer in the rank of Генерал (four-star general). The General Staff is integrated into the Ministry of Defense.
General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces ( Генералштаб Војске Србије ) |
Chief of the General Staff ( Начелник Генералштаба ) |
Cabinet of the Chief of Staff ( Кабинет НГШ ) |
Deputy Chief of the General Staff ( Заменик НГШ ) |
Cabinet of the Minister ( Кабинет министра ) |
Defense Policy Sector ( Сектор за политику одбране ) |
J-1 Human Resource Management ( Ј-1 Управа за људске ресурсе ) |
J-2 Information and Awareness Administration ( Ј-2 Управа за извиђачко-обавештајне послове ) |
J-3 administration for operational matters ( Ј-3 Управа за оперативне послове ) |
J-4 logistics management ( Ј-4 Управа за логистику ) |
J-5 Administration for Planning and Development ( Ј-5 Управа за планирање и развој ) |
J-6 Administration for Telecommunications and Information Technology ( Ј-6 Управа за телекомуникације и информатику ) |
J-7 Administration for Doctrine ( Ј-7 Управа за доктрину ) |
J-8 Finance Department ( Ј-8 Одељење за финансије ) |
J-9 Department of Civil-Military Cooperation ( Ј-9 Одељење за цивилно-војну сарадњу ) |
Military Police Administration ( Управа Војне полиције ) |
Cross-Armed Forces Operations Command ( Здружена оперативна команда ) |
The Serbian army is structured on three levels:
- 1. Strategic - General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces ( Генералштаб Војске Србије ), part of the Ministry of Defense
- 2. Operational - Cross- armed forces operational command ( Здружена оперативна команда ), part of the General Staff
- 3. Tactical - Army brigades, air force brigades, guards, independent units and various centers
and consists of the following structures: General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces ( Генералштаб Војске Србије , GS VS)
- Units directly subordinate to the General Staff ( Jединице Генералштаба Воjске Србиjе )
Land Forces of Serbia ( Копнена воjска Србиjе, KoВ )
Air Force of Serbia ( Ваздухопловство и противваздухопловна одбрана Воjске Србиjе, ВиПВО ВС )
Training command ( Команда за обуку )
Reported directly to the General Staff
The Guard ( Гарда ) of the Serbian Armed Forces is a brigade equivalent , is led by a major general and reports directly to the GS. It fulfills three main tasks: military state ceremonial; the security of the objects of the high command, as well as the state residences, senior military officers and government officials; it is also the garrison brigade of the capital Belgrade .
Guard ( Гарда ) (Belgrade, Topčid district, Dedinjе barracks):
- Staff Battalion ( Командни батаљон )
- Guard battalion ( Гардиjски батаљон )
- Logistics Battalion ( Логистички батаљон )
- Special mission objects ( Обjекти посебне намене )
- Representative objects ( Репрезентативни обjекти )
- 25th Military Police Battalion for Special Missions "The Cobras" ( 25. Батаљон воjне полициjе спецjалне намене "Кобре" ) - this elite unit of the Serbian Armed Forces is directly subordinate to the Military Police Administration ( Упраљон веонцицивео . The battalion is integrated into the guard for purely administrative purposes and is supported by the logistic company of the special forces brigade.
Central logistic base
The Central Logistic Base ( Централна Логистичка База ) is a brigade equivalent run by a brigadier general and reports directly to the GS. He fulfills warehouse, maintenance and commissariat tasks.
Central logistic base ( Централна Логистичка База ) (Belgrade garrison):
- Headquarters company ( Командна чета )
- 1. Logistics center ( 1. Логистички центар )
- 1st Camp Battalion ( 1st Складишни батаљон )
- 2nd Camp Battalion ( 2nd Складишни батаљон )
- 3rd Camp Battalion ( 3rd Складишни батаљон )
- 2. Wholesale Center ( 2. Сабирно-продаjни центар )
Liaison Brigade
The Liaison Brigade ( Бригада Везе ) is the communications association that supports Serbia's higher military command and Serbia's government. The brigade is led by a colonel.
Liaison Brigade ( Бригада Везе ) (Belgrade garrison):
- 1st Liaison Battalion ( 1st Батаљон везе )
- 2nd Liaison Battalion ( 2nd Батаљон везе )
- 3rd Liaison Battalion ( 3rd Батаљон везе )
- 4th Liaison Battalion ( 4th Батаљон везе )
224. Center for Electronic Activities
The 224th Center for Electronic Activities ( 224th Центар за Електронска Деjства ) is the unit charged with electronic surveillance and warfare. It is located in Batajnica, is led by a colonel and reports directly to the GS.
224th Electronic Activities Center ( 224th Центар за Електронска Деjства ) (Belgrade, Batajnica district, Radowan Meditsch barracks)
Institute for Preventive Medical Protection
The Institute for Preventive Medical Protection ( Завод за Превентивно-Медицинску Заштиту ) is the Serbian Higher Authority for Military Medicine. It is run by a doctor in the rank of colonel and is responsible for two main hospitals - in Belgrade and in Niš.
Institute for Preventive Medical Protection ( Завод за Превентивно-Медицинску Заштиту ):
- Center for Preventive Medical Protection Belgrade ( Центар за превантивно-медицинску заштиту Београд )
- Center for Preventative Medical Protection Niš ( Центар за превантивно-медицинску заштиту Ниш )
Center for Peacekeeping Operations
The Center for Peacekeeping Operations ( Центар за Мировне Операциjе ) serves to train and research peace operations in which the Serbian Armed Forces are active within the framework of the United Nations and in cooperation with the European Union. It reports directly to the GS and is run by a colonel.
Center for Peacekeeping Operations ( Центар за мировне операције ) (Belgrade)
- Human Resources Department ( Одељење за људске ресурсе )
- Department of Operations and Staff Affairs ( Одељење за оперативно-штабне послове )
- Training Department ( Одељење за обуку )
- Support Department ( Одељење за подршку )
The Serbian Army (literally the National Army , or Копнена Воjска ( КоВ )) is the land-based component of the armed forces. The Army Command is located in Niš and is led by a commander with the rank of Lieutenant General (literally "Lieutenant General" or генерал-потпуковник ). The main forces of the army are the four mechanized brigades. The 1st Brigade is stationed in northern Serbia in the autonomous region of Vojvodina . The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Brigades are stationed in central and southern Serbia. After the Kosovo crisis and the secession of this area, the Serbian government set up a security zone along the border. Each of the three brigades has its own border section and provides units for these tasks. The base south ( База Jуг ) next to the city of Bujanovac was set up specifically as a command center for this security operation .
Army Command ( Команда Копнене Воjске ) ( Niš )
- 21st Telecommunications Battalion ( Niš )
- 3. Military Police - Battalion ( Niš )
- 5th Military Police Battalion ( Belgrade )
- 246th NBC Defense Battalion ( Kruševac )
1st Brigade ( Прва Бригада Копнене Воjске - headquarters in Novi Sad , units in Novi Sad, Bačka Topola , Sremska Mitrovica and Šabac )
- 10th Staff Battalion ( 10th Командни батаљон ) ( Novi Sad )
- 11th Infantry Battalion ( 11th Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Pančevo )
- 12th Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion ( 12th Самоходни хаубички артиљеријски батаљон ) ( Bačka Topola )
- 13th Multiple Missile Launcher Battalion ( 13th Дивизион самоходни вишецевни ракетни лансери ) ( Sremska Mitrovica )
- 14th Artillery and guided missile anti-aircraft battalion ( 14th Артиљеријско-ракетни дивизион ПВО ) ( Novi Sad )
- 15th Tank Battalion ( 15. Тенковски батаљон ) ( Sremska Mitrovica )
- 16th Mechanized Battalion ( 16. Механизовани батаљон ) ( Sremska Mitrovica )
- 17th Mechanized Battalion ( 17th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Bačka Topola )
- 18th Engineer Battalion ( 18th Инжењеијски батаљон ) ( Novi Sad )
- 19th Logistics Battalion ( 19th Логистички батаљон ) ( Novi Sad )
2nd Brigade ( Друга Бригада Копнене Воjске - headquarters in Kraljevo , units in Kraljevo, Novi Pazar , Raška and Valjevo )
- 20th Staff Battalion ( 20th Командни батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
- 21st Infantry Battalion ( 21st Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Raška )
- 22nd Infantry Battalion ( 22. Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Valjevo )
- 23rd Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion ( 23rd Самоходни хаубички артиљеријски батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
- 24th Multiple Missile Launcher Battalion ( 24th Дивизион самоходни вишецевни ракетни лансери ) ( Valjevo )
- 25th Artillery and guided missile anti-aircraft battalion ( 25th Артиљеријско-ракетни дивизион ПВО ) ( Kraljevo )
- 26th Panzer Battalion ( 26. Тенковски батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
- 27th Mechanized Battalion ( 27th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
- 28th Mechanized Battalion ( 28th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Novi Pazar )
- 29th Logistics Battalion ( 29th Логистички батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
- 210th Engineer Battalion ( 210th Инжењеријски батаљон ) ( Kraljevo )
3rd Brigade ( Трећа Бригада Копнене Воjске - headquarters in Niš , units in Niš, Prokuplje , Zaječar and Kuršumlija )
- 30th Staff Battalion ( 30. Командни батаљон ) ( Niš )
- 31st Infantry Battalion ( 31st Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Zaječar )
- 32nd Infantry Battalion ( 32nd Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Zaječar )
- 33rd Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion ( 33rd Самоходни хаубички артиљеријски батаљон ) ( Prokuplje )
- 34th Multiple Missile Launcher Battalion ( 34th Дивизион самоходни вишецевни ракетни лансери ) ( Prokuplje )
- 35th Artillery and Missile Anti-aircraft Battalion ( 35th Артиљеријско-ракетни дивизион ПВО ) ( Niš )
- 36th Panzer Battalion ( 36th Тенковски батаљон ) ( Niš )
- 37th Mechanized Battalion ( 37th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Kuršumlija )
- 38th Mechanized Battalion ( 38th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Kuršumlija )
- 39th Logistics Battalion ( 39th Логистички батаљон ) ( Niš )
- 310th Engineer Battalion ( 310th Инжењеијски батаљон ) ( Prokuplje )
4th Brigade ( Четврта Бригада Копнене Воjске - headquarters in Vranje , units in Vranje, Leskovac and Bujanovac )
- 40th Staff Battalion ( 40th Командни батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 41st Infantry Battalion ( 41st Пешадијски батаљон ) (Basa Jug Bujanovac )
- 42nd Infantry Battalion ( 42nd Пешадијски батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 43rd Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion ( 43rd Самоходни хаубички артиљеријски батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 44th Multiple Missile Launcher Battalion ( 44th Дивизион самоходни вишецевни ракетни лансери ) ( Vranje )
- 45th Artillery and Missile Anti-aircraft Battalion ( 45th Артиљеријско-ракетни дивизион ПВО ) ( Leskovac )
- 46th Armored Battalion ( 46th Тенковски батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 47th Mechanized Battalion ( 47th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 48th Mechanized Battalion ( 48th Механизовани батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 49th Logistics Battalion ( 49th Логистички батаљон ) ( Vranje )
- 410th Engineer Battalion ( 410th Инжењеријски батаљон ) ( Vranje )
Mixed Artillery Brigade ( Aleksinac )
- Staff Battalion ( Командни дивизион )
- 1st cannon howitzer artillery battalion (
- 2nd cannon howitzer artillery battalion ( 2nd топовско-хаубички артиљеријски дивизион ) (152 mm М 84 "NORA" cannon howitzer)
- 3rd Cannon Artillery Battalion ( 3rd топовски артиљеријски дивизион ) ( 130-mm cannon M-46 )
- 4th cannon artillery battalion ( 4th топовски артиљеријски дивизион ) ( 130-mm cannon M-46 )
- Mixed missile artillery battalion ( Мешовити ракетноартиљеријски дивизион ) ( M-87 Hurricane and М-77 Oganj multiple rocket launcher systems)
- 69th Logistics Battalion ( 69th Логистички батаљон )

- Staff Battalion ( Командни батаљон )
- Counterterrorism battalion of military police "The Hawks" ( Батаљон за противтерористичка дејства "Соколови" )
- 72nd Reconnaissance and Diversion Battalion ( 72nd Извиђачко-диверзантски батаљон )
- 63rd Paratrooper Battalion ( 63rd Падобрански батаљон ) ( Niš air base, Aerodrom barracks)
- Logistics company ( Логистичка чета )

- Headquarters company (
Air Force
The Serbian Air Force (literally War Aviation and Antiaircraft Defense of the Serbian Armed Forces, or Ратно Ваздухопловство и противваздухопловна одбрана Војске СрВиСие ) ( the Serbian Armed Forces component). They are traditionally organized, like other similar military organizations, in air forces, air defense forces, air surveillance forces and support forces. The air force command is located in the Zemun district of Belgrade and is headed by a major general. The main forces are divided into four brigades, which are led by officers in the rank of colonel.
Air Force Command ( Команда Ратног Ваздухопловства и Противваздухопловне Одбране ) ( Zemun - Belgrade )
- 210th Liaison Battalion ( 210th Батаљон Везе ) ( Belgrade )
- Air Force Military Police ( Вод војне полиције ВиПВО ) ( Belgrade )
- Department of Airspace Control, Defense and Allocation ( Одељење за Контролу, Заштиту и Алокациjу Ваздушног Простора ) ( Belgrade )
- 333rd Engineer Battalion ( 333rd Инжињериjски Батаљон ) ( Pančevo )
204th Air Brigade ( 204th Ваздухопловна Бригада ) ( Batajnica Air Base - ( Belgrade ))
- 101st fighter squadron "Die Knechte" "( 101. ловачка авијацијска ескадрила" Витезови " )
- 252nd teaching and training flight squadron "The wolves from the river mouth" ( 252. школско тренажна авијацијска ескадрила "Курјаци са Ушћа" )
- 138th Transport Fliegerstaffel ( 138th транспортна авијацијска ескадрила )
- 890th Mixed Helicopter Squadron ( 890th мешовита хеликоптерска ескадрила )
- 24th Aviation Technical Battalion ( 24th ваздухопловно-технички батаљон )
- 117th Artillery and Guided Missile Anti-aircraft Battalion ( 117th артиљеријско ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране )
- 17th Air Base Security Battalion ( 17th батаљон за обезбеђење аеродрома )
98th Air Brigade ( 98th Ваздухопловна Бригада ) (Ladschjewci Air Base - ( Kraljevo ))
- 241st fighter -bomber squadron "The Tigers" ( 241st ловачко-бомбардерска авијацијска ескадрила "Тигрови" )
- 714. Anti-tank helicopter squadron "The Shadows" ( 714. противоклопна хеликоптерска ескадрила "Сенке" )
- 119th Mixed Helicopter Squadron ( 119th мешовита хеликоптерска ескадрила ) ( Niš Air Base)
- 98th Aviation Technical Battalion ( 98th ваздухопловно-технички батаљон )
- 98th Artillery and guided missile anti-aircraft battalion ( 98th артиљеријско ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране )
- 98th Air Base Security Battalion ( 98th батаљон за обезбеђење аеродрома )
- 161st Air Base Security Battalion ( 161st батаљон за обезбеђење аеродрома ) ( Niš Air Base)
250th anti-aircraft guided missile brigade ( 250th Ракетна бригада за Противваздухопловна Деjства ) (Belgrade, Banjica barracks) (4 fire batteries per battalion)
- Stick battery (
- 1st anti-aircraft guided missile battalion ( 1st ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране ) (Suce - Belgrade )
- 2nd anti-aircraft guided missile battalion ( 2nd ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране ) (Jakovo - Belgrade )
- 230th self-propelled anti-aircraft guided missile battalion ( 230th самоходни ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране ) ( Niš )
- 240th Self-Propelled Anti- Aircraft Missile Battalion ( 240th самоходни ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране ) ( Novi Sad )
- 310th self-propelled anti-aircraft guided missile battalion ( 310th самоходни ракетни дивизион противваздухопловне одбране ) ( Kragujevac )
- Headquarters company ( Командна чета )
- 20th VOJIN Battalion ( 20th батаљон ВОЈИН )
- 31st VOJIN Battalion ( 31st батаљон ВОЈИН )
- Aviation and Technical Maintenance and Supply Company ( Versorgungета за ваздухопловно-техничко и техничко одржавање и снабдевање )
Training command
The training command ( Командa за обуку ) was founded on April 23, 2007. The operational ground and air forces of the Serbian armed forces are divided into the army and the air forces. The training command is responsible for the basic and specialized training of the military as well as for the mobilization of the reserves. To this end, in addition to the training centers, it also contains four cadre army brigades that can be mobilized. The command also includes the military training areas and the target training areas. It is led by a lieutenant general ( генерал-потпуковник ).
Training command ( Командa за обуку ):
- Staff battalion ( Командни батаљон ) (Belgrade garrison, Topčider barracks)
- Military Police of the Training Command ( Вод војне полиције команде за обуку ) (Belgrade garrison, Topčider barracks)
- Recruitment centers run by a lieutenant colonel or a colonel:
- 1. Training center ( Певи Центар за Обуку ) ( Sombor garrison , Aerodrom barracks)
- 2. Training center ( Други Центар за Обуку ) (Garrison Valjevo , Vojvoda Schivojin Mischič barracks)
- 3. Training center ( Тређи Центар за Обуку ) (Garrison Leskovac , Vojvoda Petar Bojovič barracks), each:
- Headquarters company ( Командна чета )
- Training Battalion ( Батаљон за обуку )
- Logistics company ( Логистичка чета )
- Armed Forces Training Centers, run by a lieutenant colonel or a colonel:
- Army Training Center ( Центар за Обуку Копнене Воjске ) ( Pozarevac Garrison , General Pavle Jurisič-Sturm Kaserne)
- Headquarters company (
- Training Battalion ( Батаљон за обуку )
- Logistics company ( Логистичка чета )
- Army Training Center ( Центар за Обуку Копнене Воjске ) ( Pozarevac Garrison , General Pavle Jurisič-Sturm Kaserne)
- Air Force and Air Defense Training Center ( Центар за Обуку Ваздухопловства и ПВО ) ( Batajnica Air Base)
- Staff group ( Командо отдељење )
- Anti-aircraft guided missile battery "Neva-M" (
- Self-propelled anti-aircraft guided missile battery "Kub-M" ( Самоходна ракетна батериjа за противваздухопловна деjства "Куб-М" )
- Short -range artillery and guided missile anti-aircraft battery ( Артиљеријско-ракетна батериja за противваздухопловна деjства малог домета )
- Air surveillance, detection and command company ( Чета ваздушног осмотрања, jављања и навођења )
- Training company for aeronautical specialists ( Чета за обуку ваздухопловнотехничке специjалности )
- Training center for telecommunications, IT and EloKa troops ( Центар за Обуку Везе, Информатике и Електронских Деjстава ) (Garrison Gornji Milanovac , Vojvoda Radomir )
- Staff Train ( Командни вод )
- 1. Training company ( 1. Чета за обуку )
- 2. Training company ( 2. Чета за обуку )
- Object security train ( Вод за обезбеђење обjеката )
- Logistics train ( Вод логистички )
- Medical group ( Одељење за здравствену заштиту )
- NBC Defense Center ( Центар АБХО ) ( Kruševac )
- NBC Defense Training, Development and Evaluation Company ( Чета АБХО за обуку, усавршавање и евалуациjу )
- Mixed NBC defense company ( Мешовита чета АБХО )
- Logistics training center ( Центар за Обуку Логистике ) ( Kruševac garrison , Prince Lazar barracks )
- Headquarters company ( Командна чета )
- Training company for technical services ( Чета за обуку техничке службе )
- Training company for the directorate ( Чета за обуку интендантске службе )
- Training company for medical and veterinary services ( Чета за обуку санитетске и ветеринарске службе )
- Training battalion for the transport services ( Батаљон за обуку саобраћајне службе )
- Training company for dog handlers ( Чета за обуку водича паса, узгоj и дресуру паса )
- Training and further education center for NCOs ( Центар за Обуку и Усавршавање Подофицира ) (Garrison Pančevo , folk hero Stevica Jovanovič barracks)
- Staff Train ( Командни вод )
- Company for main courses ( Чета за основне курсеве )
- Further training company ( Чета за усавршавање )
- Development Command for the Banat Brigade ( Команда за Развоj Банатске Бригаде ) ( Zrenjanin , popular hero Svetosar Marković Tosa barracks)
- Development Command for the Belgrade Brigade ( Команда за Развоj Београдске Бригаде ) (Belgrade Garrison, Milan Tepić Barracks ( Surčin ))
- Development command for the Rasinabrigade ( Команда за Развоj Расинске Бригаде ) (Garrison Kruševac , Prince Lazar barracks )
- Development Command for the Timok Brigade ( Команда за Развоj Тимоћке Бригаде ) (Garrison Zaječar , Nikola Pašić barracks), each:
- Headquarters company (
- Logistics company ( Логистичка чета )
- Logistics train ( Логистички вод )
- Training support train ( Вод за обезбеђење обуке )
- Object support train ( Вод за обезбеђење обjеката )
Badges & ranks
On February 15, 2007 the new coats of arms and badges of the armed forces of Serbia were presented in the command center in Belgrade . Since then, this day has been known as the “Day of the Serbian Army” and is also the national holiday of Serbia ( First Serbian Uprising ).
Current situation of the Navy
Because Serbia was the larger part of the State Union , it kept most of the army and air force . With the fall of Montenegro, Serbia became a landlocked country . The only area of application for a navy would be the Danube . No decision has yet been made about the future of a larger Serbian Navy. A river fleet is already in place.
Land Forces
Main battle tank
- M- 84-212 M-84 / A
- T-72 - 13 (61 T-72M in reserve)
After the conversion, the Serbian army will comprise four tank battalions (53 tanks each) and 8 mechanized battalions (40 armored personnel carriers each).
- Armored personnel carriers / transport tanks
- mortar
- M69 (81/82 mm mortar) - 385
- M74 (120mm) - 41
- M75 (120mm) - 205
- Multiple rocket launchers
- M-63 Plamen - 18
- M-77 Oganj - 60
- M87 LRSV - 4th
- Anti-aircraft missile systems
- 9K32 Strela-2 - 108
- 9K31 Strela-1 - 54
- 9K35 Strela-10 - 18th
- 9K34 Igla-1
- 9K38 Igla
- 9M14 Malyutka
- 9K111 bassoon
- Recoilless cannon M-60 - 1500 (to be replaced by the Bumbar)
- M79 OSA bazooka
- M84 Zolja bazooka
- Polo M83 (9M14 Maljutka on BOV) - 48
- Bumbar
- M21 - assault rifle
- M70 - assault rifle
- Steyr AUG - assault rifle
- Heckler & Koch G36 - assault rifle
- Heckler & Koch HK416 - assault rifle
- Heckler & Koch UMP - submachine gun
- HK MP5 - submachine gun
- M92 - submachine gun
- M76 - sniper rifle
- M93 - sniper rifle
- M72 - light machine gun
- M84 - universal machine gun
- M87 - heavy machine gun
- Zastava BGA-30 - automatic grenade launcher , AGS-17 license
- 2 transport boats for equipment or soldiers type 411
- 1 command ship and minelayer RPB-30 "Kozara"
- 4 mine clearance boats type RML - Nestin class
Air defense / air force
- MIG 29 (20)
- MIG 21 (28)
Modernization plans
The modernization plans of the Serbian Armed Forces currently include a. the renewal of the transport fleet by purchasing new trucks of the type FAP -1118, FAP-3240 and ZK NTV, the purchase of wheeled armored vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance drones of the type Vrabac and Pegaz, the replacement of recoilless guns by the anti-tank guided weapon Bumbar as well as new combat aircraft, transport helicopters . The procurement of new modular multiple rocket launchers of the LVRSM type and upgrading the combat value of the M-84 main battle tanks to the M-2001 version are also being considered.
As part of the modernization of the armed forces, Serbia bought two Mi-17 transport helicopters in 2016 . Another two Mi-17 machines, six H145Ms and four Mi-35M attack helicopters followed in 2019 . The first H145M was handed over to the Air Force in June and two more in November 2019 . In December, the Air Force received four Mi-35M machines from Russia.
The armed forces of Serbia thus received their first deliveries of modern weapons systems in 36 years.
At the end of February 2020, the first tranche of the short-range anti-aircraft missile system 96K6 Panzir was delivered from Russia. By the end of 2020, Serbia should receive a total of six of these modern defense systems.
Assignments abroad
Units of the Serbian Armed Forces are deployed for peacekeeping and peacekeeping measures within the framework of the United Nations in:
- UNMIL in Liberia (UNMIL - United Nations Mission in Liberia)
- MONUC in Congo (MONUC - United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo)
Future areas of application:
- ISAF in Afghanistan (ISAF - International Security Assistance Force)
- UNMIS in Sudan (UNMIS - United Nations Mission in Sudan)
See also
Web links
- Official website of the Armed Forces of Serbia
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia
- Austria's Armed Forces / Military International
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d Military power comparison results for Serbia vs. Algeria. January 21, 2016, accessed January 7, 2017 .
- ↑
- ^ New Airbus H145M helicopter delivered to Serbian armed forces. Retrieved December 5, 2019 (American English).
- ↑ Tanjug: PONOS SRPSKE VOJSKE Na aerodrom u Batajnici sleteli helikopteri Erbas. Retrieved December 5, 2019 (Serbian).
- ↑ RTS, Radio televizija Srbije, Radio Television of Serbia: Хеликоптери Ми-35М стигли у Србију. Retrieved December 5, 2019 .
- ↑ На Батајницу стигао први део система "Панцир С1". Retrieved February 22, 2020 .