303rd Division (German Empire)

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The 303rd Infantry Division was a major unit of the German Army in the First World War .


Division of War of February 20, 1918

  • 1st Cavalry Brigade
    • Landsturm Battalion I. 25, Bavaria. I 25, Bavarian I. 26, XI. 35, XIX. 27.
  • 33rd Cavalry Brigade
    • Landsturm Battalion III. 50, III. 51, XVII. 12, XVIII. 54, XX. 22nd
    • Division News Commander # 303


The large unit was originally formed from Division Command 303 and budgeted as the 303rd Infantry Division in September 1917. With the exception of the march in and out, she was used exclusively in the Romanian theater of war.

Battle calendar


  • July 26 to December 9 - trench warfare on the Siret and Susita
    • August 6th to September 3rd - breakthrough battle against Putna and Susita
  • from December 10th - Armistice on the Romanian front




Rank Surname date
Lieutenant General Karl Kreyenberg September 26, 1917 to January 1918
Colonel Erich Boehme August 1918 to January 1919


  • Hall of Fame of our Old Army. Published on the basis of official material from the Reichsarchiv , Militär-Verlag, Berlin 1927, pp. 77, 174.

Individual evidence

  1. Curt Jany (Ed.), Hermann Cron: History of the Prussian Army and the German Reichsheeres. Volume V: History of the German Army in the World War 1914–1918. P. 105.
  2. Dermot Bradley (ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815–1939. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1990, ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 , p. 163.