Arnaud Montebourg
Arnaud Montebourg (born October 30, 1962 in Clamecy ) is a French politician of the Socialist Party (PS). Montebourg is a trained lawyer . From May 16, 2012 until his resignation on August 25, 2014, he was French Minister of Economic Affairs in the Ayrault I , Ayrault II and Valls I cabinets . Montebourg belonged to the left wing of the French socialists and had made a name for himself as a critic of globalization ; after the election of Emmanuel Macron , Montebourg withdrew from politics in May 2017.
Professional career and first career as a lawyer
Arnaud Montebourg is the son of Michel Montebourg (1933–1998), an employee of the French Ministry of Finance, and Leïla Ould Cadi (* 1939), a professor of Romance studies and literature. His mother has an Algerian father and a mother from Normandy . A rumor, contested by Montebourg, is spreading in the media that he is the illegitimate son of Pierre Joxe , a minister in the government of François Mitterrand .
Montebourg studied law at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and political science at the elite university Sciences Po . As a lawyer, he has appeared in various proceedings that are well known in France. In the so-called Affaire du Carrefour du développement , he became known nationwide as a lawyer. In these proceedings, Christian Nucci (* 1939), a French deputy minister in three cabinets (Cabinet Mauroy II and III and Cabinet Fabius), was accused of misappropriating government development aid worth millions. The co-defendant Michèle Bretin-Naquet, defended by Montebourg, was acquitted. He also worked in proceedings against Alain Juppé for accepting benefits . Juppé had rented a very expensive apartment in Paris from the city for a very low price that was not customary on the market. Montebourg defended Christian Didier , who shot René Bousquet (a high-ranking prominent Vichy official and Holocaust supporter) in 1993. In the Grégory murder case , he defended her mother, Christine Villemin, against allegations of child homicide . The process attracted international attention. The paumés de Marrakech case also caused a stir. In this case, in 1996 Montebourg defended Islamists who, with the help of an Islamist terror network, had carried out a series of bomb attacks in Algeria. Montebourg was now one of the most famous lawyers in France and in 1992 became chairman of the Paris Bar Association.
In 1992 he founded the group TV-Carton jaune (yellow card for television) . The group was founded in response to various press scandals in France and worked to improve journalism. The reason for the establishment were the fake interviews with Fidel Castro by the reporter Patrick Poivre d'Arvor .
Work in politics and political positions
From June 1997 until he took over his ministerial office on May 16, 2012, Montebourg was a member of the Saône-et-Loire department in the National Assembly . He became known nationwide as a critic of Jacques Chirac . He criticized misconduct and bribery scandals by the governments of Chirac and Sarkozy.
One of the central themes of Montebourg's political work is the criticism of the system of the Fifth Republic . He was therefore one of the founders of the Convention pour la sixième République , which advocates a less prominent position for the president , a strengthening of parliament and more decentralization.
Together with Vincent Peillon , he published a critical report on tax evasion and money laundering in Europe in 2000. With Benoît Hamon , Henri Emmanuelli , Vincent Peillon and other members, he founded the Nouveau Parti socialiste in 2005. This was a left collective movement within the Parti Socialiste that wanted to reform the party. Montebourg is considered to be the inventor of the runoff election (Primaire) within the PS. This is a runoff election for the presidential candidate based on the American model.
On August 30, 2006, he was appointed spokesman for the PS presidential candidate Ségolène Royal . During the 2007 presidential election campaign , he criticized the fiscal policy of Luxembourg and Switzerland in a newspaper article. His statement in the current election campaign caused a scandal when asked whether: Segolene Royal is the right woman to be President?
"Ségolène Royal n'a qu'un seul défaut, c'est son compagnon. »
“Ségolène Royal has only one mistake. This is her partner. "
Ségolène Royal's partner at the time was François Hollande , who was also chairman of the party. The statement was scandalous, sparked public debate, and Montebourg was temporarily suspended from his post as Royal spokesman.
After the scandals surrounding Dominique Strauss-Kahn increased in 2011 and made a candidacy for the PS impossible, Montebourg pushed Strauss-Kahn to a public apology to the party.
During the elections in the PS for the 2012 presidential election, Montebourg promoted its concept of “deglobalization” ( demondialization ), which should focus on the control of financial markets and goods markets and the creation of a “strong Europe”. Montebourg is considered a supporter of the theses of Walden Bello . The French philosopher Emmanuel Todd supported Montebourg's candidacy and wrote the foreword for Montebourg's book critical of globalization: “Votez pour la démondialisation” (Vote for deglobalisation). Prominent PS members such as Christiane Taubira and Jean-Pierre Chevènement supported Montebourg's candidacy.
Montebourg achieved 17 percent of the vote in the first ballot, which means he missed the runoff election. His result was widely regarded as a surprise, and Montebourg was considered the "kingmaker" for the second round of voting. However, he stated that he initially did not want to make any election recommendations, but first wanted to publicly question the two remaining candidates, Martine Aubry and François Hollande. On the Friday before the runoff election, Montebourg announced that he would personally vote for Hollande; each of his followers should decide freely. When Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel appeared together several times during the election campaign in France, he criticized Angela Merkel's policies as imperialist and compared their approach with those of Bismarck . The statement also led to criticism in France.
On May 16, 2012, he was appointed Minister of Industry in the new government under Jean-Marc Ayrault . This period was marked by constant conflicts over economic policy with Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici . Montebourg's first term as minister ended when the Ayrault II cabinet resigned on the evening of March 31, 2014 - after the poor performance of the left-wing government alliance in the local elections in March 2014. Hollande commissioned Manuel Valls to form a government. When he formed a government in April 2014, Valls upgraded the two portfolios; he was faced with the need to stabilize his majority in the National Assembly. Montebourg won the conflict with Moscovici: Moscovici lost his office and Michel Sapin became the new finance minister . Montebourg's Ministry of Industry was assigned wide-ranging tasks and competencies from the Ministry of Finance, which now played a smaller role than before. There were also disputes with Finance Minister Sapin.
Jean-Marie Le Pen sued Montebourg for reputational damage after he declared on a TV show in 2014 that Le Pen had praised the occupation of France in World War II and the Gestapo . The court acquitted Montebourg of the allegation in April 2016 and referred to earlier statements by Le Pen.
Industrial policy

Montebourg justified industrial policy with the main concern of preventing the possible impending deindustrialization of France. In Michel Houellebecq's book Map and Territory , he found the terrible vision that France could become a country that is known exclusively as a tourist location and no longer has any industry. His work was considered interventionist . Montebourg said several times that France had to pursue an economic policy in the tradition of Jean-Baptiste Colbert and Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban in order to survive as an industrial location. A 34-point plan was presented by Montebourg, which should lead to the strengthening of France as an industrial location. For this purpose he published the book: La Bataille du Made in France (The fight for French production).
Montebourg attached great importance to the campaign made in france , which should lead to an increased consumption of French products. Montebourg featured a wide variety of French products on the cover of Le Parisien magazine . The campaign made in France is to be understood as a counter response to the German made in Germany . Montebourg argued that Germany had a sham growth in the economy. Many products would already be prefabricated in countries with low wage costs and in Germany only small, little labor-intensive work would be carried out to create the end product. That is why these products should be described as made by Germany . The French products, on the other hand, are mainly produced in France only. Montebourg wanted to force chain stores and retailers to set up entire areas in their shops for French products only. The response to the campaign was divided: while retailers and representatives of retail chains complained about the interference with their business policy, workers' associations and smaller French manufacturers praised the action. The French economic institute CEPII found that consumers in France would have to pay an average of between € 100 and € 300 more per month if they were to buy only French products and forego imported goods.
In several cases of industrial insolvencies or plant closures, Montebourg publicly intervened in proceedings in order to preserve the jobs affected by the respective insolvency. At the beginning of 2013, President François Hollande announced a law drafted by Montebourg, among others, to make it more difficult for profitable companies to close locations and layoffs. Montebourg prevented takeovers of French companies by non-French investors on several occasions. His dispute with prominent investors in France attracted a lot of attention. Montebourg wrote an open letter in February 2013 to the CEO of a US tire manufacturer who had previously publicly denounced the industrial policies of the French government and the work ethic of French workers. Maurice Taylor, the CEO of Titan Tire Corporation, replied in a letter to Montebourg that he was not “stupid” to invest in a country where workers “only work three hours a day” and “eat and eat” the rest of the day chat ”would spend.
When the steel company Arcelor Mittal announced that it was closing the Florange steelworks in Alsace, Montebourg threatened to nationalize the plant and stated that “ Mittal is no longer wanted as an investor in France. Mittal would not respect France. “London Mayor Boris Johnson then recommended to Mittal that the UK welcome Indian investors with open arms. Montebourg accused Mittal of blackmail and of lying that he had simply criticized the poor working conditions of Mittal's employees in France. Montebourg's tough demeanor led to falling out with Jean-Marc Ayrault. Ayrault feared the collapse of the French government. Montebourg mocked Ayrault that he would rule France like a councilor from Nantes ( "Tu gères la France comme le conseil municipal de Nantes!" ). Montebourg was praised in public for its attitude, among others François Bayrou , Henri Guaino , Thierry Breton and Jean-Luc Mélenchon also spoke out in favor of nationalization. The French economists André Pineau and Yves Quéré support the nationalization plans, because only such measures could protect the French core industries. The so-called “Florange Law” was subsequently enacted. This law should make future plant closings more difficult. Closing a plant should be punished with high fines.
The establishment of the state-owned mining company Compagnie nationale des mines de France (CMF) was a further project by Montebourg. This group was intended to secure the supply of France and French industry with mineral resources. The focus of the group's activities should be in France itself and in the former French colonies. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster , Montebourg defended nuclear technology as an important part of French industry with good future prospects. The fracking technology supported Montebourg, but could not prevail in the government.
Montebourg prevented the sale of the French company Dailymotion to the American Yahoo group in mid-2013 . Montebourg wanted to limit the overwhelming power of American Internet companies like Google through a European legislative initiative.
He campaigned for the French state to have more say in the Airbus Group . During his tenure, the Chinese group Dongfeng Motor Corporation joined PSA Peugeot Citroën . Montebourg was in favor of the French state owning the same proportion of PSA as Dongfeng's.
A takeover of the Alstom group by General Electric initially prevented Montebourg against the will of the Alstom board of directors. He feared that the sale of Alstom would result in a loss of French sovereignty. Alstom boss Patrick Kron had had sales talks with General Electric without informing the French government.
“What is the ministre de l'Economie doit all installers and detectors de mensonge in the bureau pour les présidents du Cac 40? »
"Does the Minister of Economic Affairs first have to install a polygraph in his office for the chairmen of the CAC 40 (meaning: heads of leading industrial companies)?"
A frontal attack on what he saw as the unauthorized act of Alstom manager Kron. Montebourg justified the state intervention with economic patriotism and issued a decree that no French company can fall into foreign hands without a say by the French government. This decree became known in the media as lex Alstom or lex Montebourg . EU Commissioner Michel Barnier criticized this decree as protectionist . At the request of the French government, Siemens was asked to submit an offer for Alstom as well. Montebourg justified this with the greater proximity of Rhenish capitalism to France compared to Anglo-Saxon capitalism and called for the creation of national champions. So it should come to an exchange of company shares from Siemens and Alstom. Alstom was to receive its turbine technology from Siemens in exchange for the railway division. After Siemens suggested integrating the Mitsubishi group into the takeover alliance, France decided on General Electric as a partner for Alstom. The specific design was seen in France as a great negotiating success for Montebourg. A minimum state stake in the company of 20% had been achieved and extensive labor rights had been enforced for French employees.
Conflicts with the European Commission and criticism of the TTIP
The EU Commission and José Manuel Barroso have been criticized several times by Montebourg. Montebourg's economic policy led to considerable conflicts with the EU Commission and the Commissioner for Competition Joaquín Almunia . The EU Commission's policy would allegedly damage France's economy. Montebourg called for the European markets to be sealed off and for national governments to have more rights of intervention in national industries. Alongside Fiat boss Sergio Marchionne , Montebourg was one of the biggest critics of the EU's free trade agreement with South Korea . He accused the Korean car manufacturers Hyundai and Kia of distorting competition and dumping methods and called for the EU to intervene against the two Korean manufacturers.
Montebourg massively criticized the conduct of negotiations by the European Commission on the transatlantic free trade agreement (TTIP). So “the Europeans would be the idiots of the global village if they didn't seal off their markets” . The EU Commissioner Karel De Gucht said in an interview with Le Monde that France is not a country of free trade. He criticized Minister Montebourg for TTIP as too defensive. As a result, Montebourg warned that the wrong policies of the Commission would favor Marine Le Pen's rise . Montebourg said that the policy of the EU Commission “discriminates too much against local companies compared to non-European competitors ”. During the negotiations on the TTIP, Montebourg attached great importance to exemptions for the French cultural industry and openly threatened the agreement to fail. He feared an Anglo-Saxon offensive that would pose a potential threat to French cinema and French culture.
Montebourg called for the European Union to limit the power of the big internet companies. The New York Times portrayed Montebourg to as "Charles de Gaulle de gauche" Charles de Gaulle left hand . Just as de Gaulle once opposed UK admission to the EU, Montebourg is fighting against the free trade agreement with the USA.
Criticism of German European policy and resignation from the government
In the course of the euro crisis , Montebourg criticized Germany's alleged austerity policy several times and called for the euro to be devalued. Montebourg argued that the euro area would hamper the competitiveness of European companies and prevent growth. A devaluation of the euro by ten percent could create around 150,000 jobs in France . The so-called 3 percent limit from the Maastricht Treaty should also be lifted and the states should be given more freedom of action. Jürgen Stark publicly criticized Montebourg's positions and stated that the European policy demanded by Montebourg was not compatible with Germany's ideas about a currency. Montebourg publicly called on Germany several times to introduce a minimum wage . The minimum wage should guarantee equal opportunities in competition between European states.
Montebourg warned several times that the “ German austerity measures ” in France would favor the rise of the Front National . If the right-wing party were to win the election, the European Union would end. The French government was not chosen to follow the excessive obsessions of Germany's conservatives . Germany is caught in an austerity policy that it is imposing on all of Europe . The German austerity policy would mean that the French left would find itself on the "rubbish heap of history".
After the criticism of Germany from Montebourg and other French politicians in August 2014, Prime Minister Manuel Valls reacted. Valls criticized Montebourg's statements that the tone was wrong. The criticism of France's most important partner (Germany) is unacceptable. As a result, Valls submitted the resignation of the Valls I cabinet. In addition to Montebourg, other left-wing ministers like Education Minister Benoît Hamon , who had previously openly criticized the French government's austerity policies, lost their posts. On the same day, Valls was given the task of forming a new government by President Hollande, from which the Valls II cabinet emerged.
In an interview with the newspaper Die Zeit , Montebourg reiterated its criticism of the federal government's European policy and described Wolfgang Schäuble and Jens Weidmann as falcons . France would grow by 230,000 people every year while Germany would shrink by 200,000 people, so Europe would need greater growth and less austerity . The departure of Montebourg and other left-wing ministers was seen as a weakening of the French government. Valls got rid of an important part of the French Socialist Party. It is questionable to what extent the left wing of the socialist party will support the French president in the future.
Heiner Flassbeck described the dismissal of Montebourg as a mistake. Montebourg's criticism of the so-called austerity policy was correct on the merits. As a result, Montebourg appeared more often with Yanis Varoufakis and criticized the German euro position.
The departure of the left ministers represented a difficult challenge for the Valls II government. Around a third of the MPs in the PS supported the left ministers and subsequently refused to follow Valls in various votes. The so-called frondeurs made government work much more difficult; the government had lost its parliamentary majority. Subsequently, reforms of labor and social law could only be enforced through emergency ordinances in accordance with Article 49 (3) of the French Constitution .
Unsuccessful application for the 2017 presidential candidacy
On August 21, 2016, Montebourg declared that he did not want to support François Hollande in the upcoming 2017 presidential election if he wanted to run, but instead wanted to run as a presidential candidate. Hollande, however, decided not to run again. Although Montebourg was the most popular politician in France in polls in January 2017, he was eliminated from the running for the presidential candidacy in the first round of the Socialist Party's primary elections on January 22, 2017 with only 17.5% of the votes. Montebourg then declared its support for the left candidate Benoît Hamon . In Benoit Hamon's election campaign team, Montebourg was responsible for international relations.
Private life
Montebourg has a son (* 2000) and a daughter (* 2002) from his first marriage with Hortense de Labriffe. His relationships with the French presenter Audrey Pulvar and the actress Elsa Zylberstein had or still have a lot of media attention . From the environment of the Front National (FN) there were racist attacks against Montebourg due to his relationship with the colored presenter Audrey Pulvar. From 2014 to 2017 he had a relationship with the former Minister of Culture Aurélie Filippetti , who had a daughter (* 2015).
After leaving the French government in 2014, Montebourg took courses in business and management at Insead Business School. From 2015, Montebourg took on various positions in private companies: he acted as Vice President of the Habitat furniture chain, sits on the supervisory board of the French technology company Talan and supported the wind turbine manufacturer New Wind. For the Haberdasher Smugler he was a popular figure business. After the failure of his presidential candidacy in 2016/17 and the election of Emmanuel Macron, Montebourg largely withdrew from politics and his previous post. He founded and runs the Société d'élevage et de repeuplement des abeilles de France (SERAF), a beekeeping company in Montret, in the Saône-et-Loire department.
- In February 2015, Montebourg was able to catch a large falling mirror (around 2.5 m × 3.00 m) in the New York restaurant Balthazar, thereby protecting several people from serious injuries. Passers-by who were present celebrated this as a hero.
- In the cinema comedy Neuilly sa mère, sa mère! from 2018 Montebourg plays the role of a professor at the Paris Science Po.
- In 2007 Olivier Chevillard and Kevin Bertholet made a documentary about Montebourg under the title 5 Ans avec Montebourg . As part of the documentation, Montebourg was accompanied for five years and was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc.
- La lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux en France: un combat à poursuivre
- Journal officiel , ouvrage numéro 407971038. Les tribunaux de commerce: une justice en faillite?
- 2001 : Proposition de résolution tendant au renvoi de Monsieur Jacques Chirac occupant les fonctions de Président de la République devant la Commission d'instruction de la Haute Cour de Justice , éditions Denoël
- 2002 : La machine à trahir: Rapports sur le délabrement de nos institutions , éditions Denoël
- 2003 : Pour un nouveau parti socialiste (coécrit avec Vincent Peillon ), éditions Denoël
- 2004 : Préface de Vive la République européenne! de Stefan Collignon, édition de la Martinière
- 2004 : Au cœur de la gauche: Éléments pour un projet politique (coécrit avec Vincent Peillon et Benoît Hamon ), éditions Le Bord de l'eau
- 2005 : La Constitution de la 6e République - Réconcilier les Français avec la démocratie (coécrit avec Bastien François), éditions Odile Jacob
- 2010 : Des idées et des Rêves , Éditions Flammarion
- 2011 : Votez pour la démondialisation! - La République plus forte que la mondialisation , Éditions Flammarion , with a foreword by Emmanuel Todd
- 2012 : Antimanuel de Politique , Éditions Bréal
- 2013 : Le Retour de l'État: de l'art de nationaliser en douceur , Éditions Flammarion
- 2013 : La bataille du made in France , Éditions Flammarion
Web links
- Arnaud Montebourg on the website of the French National Assembly for the 13th legislative period (French)
- Personal blog (French)
- ↑ August 25, 2014: Cabinet reshuffle in Paris: Critical Minister Montebourg resigns from posts
- ↑ Closer: "Arnaud Montebourg enfant caché d'un homme politique: il s'amuse de la folle rumeur" of May 23, 2015
- ↑ Le Monde: “Arnaud Montebourg l'accusateur public” of March 27, 2001
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Le Monde: “Cinq choses à savoir sur Arnaud Montebourg” of December 1, 2016
- ^ A. Montebourg [archive sur et TGI Paris, 1e ch., 28-04-1993, obs. "Un téléspectateur et une association peuvent-ils agir en justice pour défendre le droit à une information honnête et exacte?" - Thierry Massis - D. 1995. 263]
- ↑ Le Monde: “Arnaud Montebourg l'accusateur public” of March 27, 2001.
- ↑ Der Standard: "The Grande Nation's emergency doctor sets the tone for Alstom" by Karin Tzschentke from June 24, 2014
- ↑
- ↑ published on January 2, 2007 in the left-liberal French daily Liberation : Johnny, un exil utile? ( Memento from October 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Montebourg: "Ségolène Royal n'a qu'un seul défaut, c'est son compagnon. ». Retrieved September 27, 2019 (French).
- ↑ Montebourg demande of excuses à DSK , from 1 September 2011
- ^ Si Chevènement était socialiste, il soutiendrait Montebourg , blog entry by Chevenement, April 28, 2011
- ↑ Laure Equy: Montebourg va interpeller Aubry et Hollande sur quatre sujets., October 10, 2011, accessed October 11, 2011 (French).
- ^ David Revault d'Allonnes: Arnaud Montebourg: "Je voterai pour Hollande". Le, October 14, 2011, accessed October 16, 2011 (French).
- ↑ Le Figaro: “Merkel comparée à Bismarck? Montebourg persiste ” from December 1, 2011
- ↑ France's new government is in place ( Memento from May 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), Stern from May 16, 2012
- ^ Gesche Wüpper: Government in Paris: Faith War in Hollandes Ministry of Economics. In: . May 15, 2013, accessed October 7, 2018 .
- ↑ ( Günther Nonnenmacher ): France's combat government
- ^ Die Welt: "He insults Germany and is promoted" from April 4, 2014
- ↑ Liberation: quand-montebourg-accuse-le-pen-davoir-fait-leloge-de-la-gestapo-il-dit-vraiQuand Montebourg accuse Le Pen d'avoir fait "l'éloge de la Gestapo", il dit vrai ; April 12, 2016 (French)
- ↑ FRANCE Bonjour Tristesse! in: Der Spiegel from June 3, 2013
- ↑ M. Montebourg-relevant sa "bataille idéologique" en faveur du redressement productif in Le Monde on June 28, 2013
- ↑ Comment Houellebecq est devenu la caution intellectuelle de Montebourg , Lelab 12 August 2012
- ^ Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Industrial Renewal of France, supports "Get Caught Reading"
- ^ "Quand Arnaud Montebourg se pacse avec Colbert et ... Manuel Valls"
- ^ Arnaud Montebourg "La bataille du made in France - La France en avance 'Colbert 2.0'" p. 82
- ↑ So Paris wants to get back into the fast lane. In: Tages-Anzeiger from September 12, 2013.
- ^ Arnaud Montebourg “La bataille du made in France - Les 34 plans industriels de la nouveau France '” p. 155
- ↑ "Minc-Montebourg: deux visions du monde" published in: ( Memento of December 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) of September 25, 2011
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ US manager gossips about work ethic
- ↑ Financial Times "A French mix of exotic high-tech" of April 15, 2014
- ↑ Les Échos: Montebourg promet un 'zèle redoublé' des douanes françaises , Goodyear: Montebourg et les propos "insultants" du patron de Titan ( Memento of April 11, 2013 in the web archive )
- ^ Les Échos February 19, 2013: Goodyear: la lettre de Titan à Montebourg
- ↑ Süddeutsche Zeitung: US manager on investment in France "How stupid do you think we are?" From February 20, 2013
- ↑ Der Spiegel: "Mittal steelworks in Florange: France's government threatens to nationalize" from November 27, 2012
- ↑ November 26, 2012: France threatens to nationalize
- ↑ London Evening Standard: "French fury as Boris Johnson tells India: Choose the UK instead"
- ↑ bfmtv: "Florange: Ayrault raconte sa confrontation avec Montebourg" of March 17, 2015
- ^ Arnaud Montebourg à Jean-Marc Ayrault: "Tu gères la France comme le conseil municipal de Nantes!" in: lelab politique of March 26, 2013
- ↑ Le Huffington Post: “Florange: les coulisses des tensions Montebourg-Ayrault après l'échec de la nationalization dévoilées dans un livre” of March 27, 2013
- ↑ Le Monde: “Florange: Montebourg restera à son 'poste de combat'” of December 1, 2012
- ↑ La tribune “Nationalization de Florange: pourquoi l'idée de Montebourg n'est pas absurde?” Of November 26, 2012
- ^ Die Welt: "France punishes managers for factory closures" of October 2, 2013
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ BFMTV: “Arnaud Montebourg sur BFMTV: 'le nucléaire est une filière d'avenir'” of August 27, 2012
- ↑ Franceinfo: “Un rapport sur le gaz de schiste commandé par Montebourg enterré par Hollande” of 7 April 2015
- ↑ Le Figaro: “Gaz de schiste: le rapport enterré par le gouvernement” of April 6, 2015
- ↑ Die Welt: The French government lets Yahoo go nowhere from May 2, 2013
- ↑ Le Figaro July 23, 2013: Le Figaro Montebourg se réjouit que Dailymotion reste durablement français
- ↑ Concurrence: Arnaud Montebourg exige une loi européenne contre Google from May 20, 2014
- ↑ September 27, 2012: Germany and France supposedly want to have more of a say at EADS
- ↑ December 12, 2013: GM sells its shares - Peugeot-Citroën is working on the Chinese axis
- ^ Alstom et GE dans une course de vitesse. Les Echos, April 25, 2014, accessed April 26, 2014 (French).
- ↑ Patrick Kron, bouc émissaire d'Arnaud Montebourg. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (French).
- ↑ Tagesschau: "Alstom takeover: France has a say" from May 15, 2014 ( Memento from May 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Die Welt “EU angry about France's protectionism trick” from May 15, 2014
- ↑ FAZ: “Economy Minister Montebourg 'Siemens wants an alliance - GE a takeover'” of May 8, 2014
- ↑ June 25, 2014: Le Figaro: "Arnaud Montebourg songe à la suite"
- ↑ (Eric Frey) June 21, 2014: The Standard France cannot abandon state capitalism
- ↑ M. Montebourg-relevant sa "bataille idéologique" en faveur du redressement productif in Le Monde on June 28, 2013
- ↑ February 14, 2014: France would prefer to devalue the euro
- ↑ AUTO INDUSTRY Divided Europe in: Der Spiegel from February 9, 2013
- ^ France Claims Hyundai Dumps Cars in: Wallstreet journal online from August 26, 2012
- ↑ Die Welt: "The Europeans are the idiots of the Global Village" from May 15, 2013
- ^ Karel De Gucht: La France n'est pas un pays libre-échangiste. In: Le Monde . March 6, 2013 (French).
- ↑ Le Parisien August 30, 2013: Arnaud Montebourg se voit président de la République… ou rien
- ↑ The Wall Street Journal Germany “Paris calls for fewer EU requirements” June 27, 2014
- ↑ Die Welt: “EU free trade agreement with the USA is wobbling” from June 13, 2013
- ↑ Will streaming quota make for great art? - BBC News. Retrieved July 24, 2016 (UK English).
- ^ New York Times: "Arnaud Montebourg - Agent Saboteur?" July 9, 2013
- ↑ BBC "1967: De Gaulle says 'non' to Britain - again"
- ↑ Die Welt: “How Montebourg wants to turn France around” of July 10, 2014
- ↑ Handelsblatt: "France's Minister of Industry criticizes Germany" from May 15, 2013
- ↑ Handelsblatt "Montebourg wants minimum wage in Germany" of October 3, 2013
- ^ Die Welt: "France requires minimum wage in Germany" of October 3, 2013
- ↑ Le Huffington Post: “Montebourg craint une victoire du FN si l'Allemagne ne lâche pas du lest sur la rigueur budgetaire” of September 20, 2014
- ^ Montebourg expresses sharp criticism of German austerity policies. (No longer available online.) In: Die Zeit . August 23, 2014, archived from the original on October 6, 2014 ; Retrieved September 19, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ France: Economy Minister Montebourg criticizes German austerity policies. In: Der Spiegel . August 24, 2014, accessed September 19, 2014 .
- ↑ The Huffington Post: "France in Crisis: Germany is to be to blame for the success of the right" from September 19, 2014
- ↑ Berliner Zeitung “Duel of the French Hot Spurs” from August 25, 2014
- ↑ Arnaud Montebourg plaide pour un changement de cap économique du gouvernement of 23 August 2014
- ↑ August 25, 2014: The situation is serious ; (Correspondent Christian Schubert): Does Montebourg turn defeat into triumph?
- ↑ August 25, 2014: Hollande et Valls projetés dans une crise sans précédent
- ↑ see also of August 26, 2014: Montebourg: "Hollande ment tout le temps, c'est pour ça qu'il est à 20%" (in German, for example: 'Hollande always lies; that's why he's in election polls at 20 percent ')
- ↑ Dispute over economic policy French government resigns., August 25, 2014, archived from the original on August 26, 2014 ; Retrieved August 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Die Zeit: “I regard Schäuble and Weidmann as falcons”, p. 26 of September 4, 2014
- ^ Spiegel Online: Government crisis in France: Prime Minister Valls survives the vote of confidence
- ↑ Watson: "Heiner Flassbeck:« The nationalists will give Europe the death blow »from August 26, 2014"
- ^ Montebourg-Varoufakis, deux révoltés de la politique européenne à "Frangy-en-Grèce" in: Le Monde of 23 August 2015
- ↑ Prime Minister Manuel Valls briefly undermines democracy ,, February 19, 2015
- ↑ Power struggle among French socialists Ex-Minister Montebourg wants to become president., August 21, 2016, accessed on August 21, 2016 .
- ↑ Sondage: Arnaud Montebourg bondit à la première place des personnalités , bfmtv, January 17, 2017
- ↑ Le Monde: Montebourg, "Monsieur bis repetita" de l'échec , January 23, 2017; accessed on January 23, 2017 (French)
- ↑ Montebourg et Peillon rejoignent l'équipe de campagne de Hamon , February 26, 2017
- ↑ Le Point: Arnaud Montebourg aurait retrouvé l'amour! from September 15, 2013
- ↑ announced by Le Point on February 14, 2014
- ↑ Arnaud Montebourg poursuivi par le FN pour "defamation" ( Memento of December 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Closer: "Aurélie Filippetti et Arnaud Montebourg parents d'un bébé prématuré:" Les pronostics seraient excellents "" from September 22, 2015
- ↑ September 11, 2014: La provoc 'd'Arnaud Montebourg et d'Aurélie Filippetti
- ↑ NZZ “Tutoring for Montebourg” from November 10, 2014
- ↑ Die Welt "France's biggest populist is leaving - Berlin breathes a sigh" from March 19, 2015
- ↑ Les Echos: "Après Habitat, Montebourg rebondit aussi chez Talan" of March 26, 2015
- ^ New Wind, le nouveau pari d'Arnaud Montebourg in: les echoes of September 13, 2015
- ↑
- ↑ Paris Match: De Montebourg à Fleur Pellerin, leur vie après la politique , June 24, 2018, accessed on July 23, 2018 (French)
- ↑ Eater NY: Heroic Former French Minister Saved Diners From Being Crushed by Balthazar's Falling Mirror dated February 8, 2015
- ↑ Lexpress: Arnaud Montebourg, ce "French superman" héros de l'accident du miroir géant of February 20, 2015
- ↑ Cinéma: Arnaud Montebourg in the suite de «Neuilly sa mère! » In: Le Parisien of November 10, 2017
- ↑
personal data | |
SURNAME | Montebourg, Arnaud |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | French politician (PS), member of the National Assembly |
DATE OF BIRTH | October 30, 1962 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Clamecy |