Diocese of Palencia

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Diocese of Palencia

Map of the diocese of Palencia
Basic data
Country Spain
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Burgos
Diocesan bishop Manuel Herrero Fernández OSA
Emeritus diocesan bishop Nicolás Antonio Castellanos Franco OSA
surface 8,052 km²
Parishes 456 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Residents 170,000 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics 162,000 (2016 / AP 2017 )
proportion of 95.3%
Diocesan priest 221 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious priest 65 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics per priest 566
Permanent deacons 1 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Friars 165 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious sisters 580 (2016 / AP 2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish
cathedral San Juan Bautista
address Apartado 63
Mayor Antigua 22
34005 Palencia
Website www.diocesispalencia.org
Ecclesiastical province
Map of the ecclesiastical province {{{ecclesiastical province}}}

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Palencia ( lat. : Dioecesis Palentina , . Span diócesis de Palencia ) of the Roman Catholic Church , based in Palencia belongs to the dioceses of Bilbao , Osma-Soria and Vitoria to ecclesiastical province of Burgos . It was founded back in the 3rd century.


The territory of the diocese coincides with that of the Province of Palencia and is part of the Autonomous Community of Castile and León , ( Spain ). Its seat is in the provincial capital Palencia .


The diocese was founded in the 3rd century and had its most influential period during the Visigothic monarchy with its bishops Toribio, Murilla, Conancio, Ascarico and Concordio y Basualdo, who signed the acts of the eleven councils of Toledo between 589 and 693.

After the province was under the rule of Muslims for more than three centuries, the diocese was in 1034 by King Sancho III. of Navarre and Bermudo III. restored by León . It stayed alive to our day.

The origins of the Palentine Seat

Pope Leo I.
Cathedral in Palencia

The Palentine seat is mentioned in the 3rd Council of Toledo (527), in the 5th year of Amalrich's reign . Two letters in particular relate to the seat. The first of them is a letter from Bishop Montano of the Archdiocese of Toledo “to the most beloved brothers and sons of the Palentine territory”, to whom “eternal well-being in the Lord God” is desired, a letter that points to the fear of the consequences of Priscillianism and to the mediation of St. Toribio , Bishop of the Diocese of Astorga, reminds Pope Leo the Great of this heresy through various documents and books . The second letter indicates that the Palentine seat in 527 was vacant and was temporarily presided over by a college of presbyters , all or some of whom were members of the cathedral's clergy .

The first bishops

Toribio - first known bishop of Palencia
His signature appears in the 2nd Council of Toledo (527, in the 5th year of Amalrich's reign). He is also mentioned in two letters. One is the above mentioned by the Bishop of Toledo, Montano, where reference is made to the books of the most blessed and most devout man and Bishop Toribio, sent to Pope Leo of Rome, in which he explained the filthy heresy (of Priscillianism). And another letter with a completely different omen from the same Montano, "to the outstanding and great Christian, Mr. and Son Toribio", to his involvement in business, to the irregularities in the consecration of chrism , to the invitation of bishops of other nations to the initiation Palentine basilicas and reminded of some dubious episcopal privilege regarding the appointment of bishops. Toribio is threatened with being denounced before King Amalrich, who is an avowed Arian , and before the secular court for introducing foreigners into the empire .

Murilla - second famous bishop of Palencia
His signature is recorded in the historic 3rd Council of Toledo (589), where the conversion of Rekkared and the Arian bishops among whom he was took place.

Conancio - third known bishop of Palencia.His
signature appears in four councils that took place between 610 and 638:

  • In the Synod of Gundemar (610, 1st year of Gundemar's reign)
  • In the 4th Council of Toledo (633, 3rd year of Sisenand's reign )
  • In the 5th Council of Toledo (636, 1st year of Chintila's reign )
  • In the 6th Council of Toledo (638, 2nd year of Chintila's reign)

Ascario - fourth known bishop of Palencia (639-673?)
He signs the 8th Council of Toledo (653, 5th year of reign of Rekkeswinth ). His name no longer appears until the year 672. Nothing is known about the years in between. No bishop represented the diocese of Palencia in the councils that took place in the 7th to 18th year of Rekkeswind's reign. Between these years there were two national councils: the 9th Council of Toledo (655) and the 10th Council of Toledo (656). Although the Palentine seat could be vacant for a time, the local tradition places Ascario 672 on the side of Wamba and assumes that Ascario was still bishop at that time. But this hypothesis is not without its problematic, because the question arises why he was absent from Toledo and its councils. It is possible that Ascario had fallen out of favor before Rekkewind, or that some other very special circumstance prevented him from attending the councils.

Concordio - fifth well-known bishop of Palencia.He
appears in five councils, whereby his taking of the bishopric can be fixed from the years 675 to 688:

  • In the 11th Council of Toledo (675, 4th year of Wamba's reign )
  • In the 12th Council of Toledo (681, 1st year of Erwig's reign )
  • In the 13th Council of Toledo (683, Erwig's 4th year of reign)
  • In the 14th Council of Toledo (684, Erwig's 5th year of reign), represented by his deacon Gravidio, the only one of the Palentine deacons of whom we have notice.
  • In the 15th Council of Toledo (688, 1st year of Egica's reign )

Basualdo - sixth known bishop of Palencia.
He appears in the 16th Council of Toledo (693, 6th year of Egica's reign).

Curia and bodies

Former Bishop of Palencia José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre in the episcopal chapel
  • Curia and organization of the diocese
  • Consultative bodies of the bishop
    • Diocesan Commission for Cultural Heritage
    • Diocesan Council of the Laity
    • Diocesan Council for Economic Affairs
    • Council of priests
    • Council of Religious
    • Council Chamber
    • Government Council

Religious communities in Palencia

Congregation Lifestyle / gender House work Locality
Augustinians active / men
  • Small seminar in San Agustín of Palencia
Benedictine active / men
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts active / men
  • School and boarding school from the Sacred Heart
Marists active / men
  • Marist School
  • Marist seminary
  • Palencia
  • Venta de Baños
Nazareth sisters active / women
  • Kindergarten in the house of the Nazareth Sisters
  • Palencia
School brothers active / men
  • School of La Salle
  • Palencia
School sisters active / women
  • school
  • Palencia
Sisters of the Holy Guardian Angel active / women
  • school
  • Palencia
Sisters of St. Dorothea from Frassinetti active / women
  • Former school, currently only in name
  • Venta de Baños
Trappists contemplative / men
Cistercians contemplative / women

See also

Web links

Commons : Diocese of Palencia  - Collection of images, videos and audio files