Hroznová Lhota

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Hroznová Lhota
Coat of arms of Hroznová Lhota
Hroznová Lhota (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihomoravský kraj
District : Hodonín
Area : 904 ha
Geographic location : 48 ° 54 '  N , 17 ° 25'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 54 '28 "  N , 17 ° 25' 0"  E
Height: 203  m nm
Residents : 1,229 (Jan 1, 2019)
Postal code : 696 63
License plate : B.
Street: Louka - Kozojídky
Status: local community
Districts: 1
Mayor : Petr Hanák (as of 2010)
Address: Hroznová Lhota 170
696 63 Hroznová Lhota
Municipality number: 586188
Website :
Church of John the Baptist

Hroznová Lhota (German Hrozna Lhotta , 1939–45: grapes Lhota ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located six kilometers southeast of Veselí nad Moravou and belongs to the Okres Hodonín .


Hroznová Lhota extends to the right of the Velička river in the Dolnomoravský úval ( southern March basin ). The Mlýnský náhon ( Mühlbach ) runs through the village . The village is located at the northwestern foot of the White Carpathians and lies on the edge of the protected landscape area Bílé Karpaty. The Radošov (244 m) rises to the north, the Hájová (354 m) and the Vrchy (340 m) in the southeast, the Výzkum (439 m) and the Dolní Kopec to the south and the Drážky (227 m) in the northwest. The railway line Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Veselí nad Moravou runs northeast of Hroznová Lhota , the next station is Lipov .

Neighboring towns are Milokošť, Ostrožské Předměstí and Chylice in the north, Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem in the north-east, Tasov in the east, Velká nad Veličkou , Hrubá Vrbka and Malá Vrbka in the south-east, Kněždub in the south-west and Žavelídad in the north-west, as well as Morzojídky and Žavelídad in the north-west.


The first written mention of Lhota took place in 1371. In 1447 Zdenko von Sternberg sold the Veselí estate with all its accessories, including the village of Lhota with the farm, the toll and two mills, to Mikuláš von Vojslavice. After his death, between 1480 and 1498 his sons Mikuláš and Václav and their brother-in-law Mikuláš von Zástřizl waged protracted feuds against each other and against their neighbors Pertold von Leipa and Johann the Elder. Ä. from Zierotin to Strážnice , Vratislav from Pernstein and Čeněk from Žeravice to Bánov . In 1500 the rule fell due to the lack of direct descendants Jan Duchek von Bydžov, whose uncle Johann Filipec helped him to be ennobled with the title of Kunowitz . Jan von Kunowitz became the founder of the extensive Ostroh rule . To distinguish it from the other village of Lhota , which belonged to the same rule , the place was called Veselská Lhota from 1503 due to its earlier belonging to the Veselí rule . At the request of Jan von Kunowitz, King Ferdinand I raised Veselská Lhota to a market town on July 15, 1560. Because of its importance as the center of viticulture in the Ostroh estate, the village was also known as Hrozná Lhota since 1595 . Other forms of the name were Lhota Hrozna , Groß Lhota and Welika Lhota . Because of his participation in the class uprising of 1618, the possessions of Jan Bernhard von Kunowitz were confiscated by Ferdinand II after the battle of the White Mountain and given away in 1625 to the imperial henchman Gundaker von Liechtenstein . After the re-Catholicization, the Church of the Moravian Brothers in Tasov was razed in 1654 and used as building material for the construction of the Catholic Church in Hroznová Lhota. The locality Hroznová Lhota, established in 1751, included the villages Žeraviny, Tasov and Kozojídky, whose children were also educated here. In 1807 a large fire destroyed large parts of the village, including the school and the rectory, in rubble and ashes. In 1834 Hroznová Lhota consisted of 140 houses and had 890 inhabitants. Until the middle of the 19th century, Hroznová Lhota always remained subservient to Ostroh.

After the abolition of patrimonial formed hrozna Lhota / hrozna Lhotta from 1850, a market town in the district administration Göding and the judicial district of Strážnice . The new school was inaugurated in 1878. The painter Joža Uprka lived in Hrozná Lhota from the end of the 19th century. Around 1900, the cultural workers Zdenka Braunerová and Vilém and Alois Mrštík were guests. In 1902 Auguste Rodin visited Uprka in Hrozná Lhota. The place name Hroznová Lhota has been used since the beginning of the 20th century . In 1927 the Myjava – Veselí nad Moravou railway started operating. During the German occupation in 1939 the place was given the new Germanized name Trauben Lhota in addition to the Czech name . On the day of the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia , the leaders of the Národopisná Morava , the painter Jan Uprka and the teacher Josef Vávra made a declaration on March 15, 1939 in Hroznová Lhota about the membership of the Moravian Slovaks to the Slovak people . On the following day Jan Uprka, Josef Vávra and Jan Ryba asked Hitler to allow the Moravian Slovaks to join the Slovak Republic . After the end of the Second World War, the Národopisná Morava was regarded as a collaborative organization. In 1951 the school moved into a newly built building, at the same time Hroznová Lhota became the school location for the four surrounding villages of Tasov, Žeraviny, Kněždub and Kozojídky. Between 1949 and 1960 Hroznová Lhota belonged to the Okres Veselí nad Moravou and came back to the Okres Hodonín after its dissolution . Between 1980 and 1990 Kozojídky was incorporated into Hroznová Lhota. Since 1999 the community has had a coat of arms and a banner. At the Village of the Year competition , Hroznová Lhota won the 2001 Jihomoravský kraj and came in third place nationwide.

Community structure

No districts are designated for the municipality of Hroznová Lhota.


  • Church of John the Baptist, which was built in 1654 at the instigation of the Liechtensteiners, was given its current shape in the style of historicism during the renovation in 1902. The furnishings were modernized between 1986 and 1989 by the Brno artist Ludvík Kolek.
  • The studio house of the painter Joža Uprka, designed in 1904 according to plans by Dušan Jurkovič . It is privately owned and is not accessible.
  • CHKO Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area
  • Cross-shaped avenue of lime trees, planted in 1905 at the instigation of the mayor and member of the state parliament Josef Pavlica on the occasion of his award in 1899 with the Golden Cross of Merit


Sons and daughters of the church

  • František Šantavý (1915–1983), chemist
  • Jan Uprka (1900–1975), painter and leader of the Národopisná Morava ethnographic association

Lived and worked in Hroznová Lhota

  • Joža Uprka (1861–1940), the Slovak painter, lived and worked in Hroznová Lhota since 1897, father of Jan Uprka
  • Leopold Velan (1906–1989), sculptor

Web links

Commons : Hroznová Lhota  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)