Bretten constituency

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Constituency 30: Bretten
Landtag constituencies BW 2011 WK30.svg
Country Germany
state Baden-Württemberg
Constituency number 30th
Eligible voters 113.901
voter turnout 72.1%
Election date March 13, 2016
Constituency representative
Political party Green
Voting share 27.5%

The constituency of Bretten (constituency 30) is a state electoral district in Baden-Württemberg . In the 2016 state elections, it comprised the communities of Bretten , Dettenheim , Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen , Gondelsheim , Graben-Neudorf , Kraichtal , Kürnbach , Linkenheim-Hochstetten , Oberderdingen , Stutensee , Sulzfeld , Walzbachtal, as well as Weingarten and Zaisenhausen in the Karlsruhe district .

Election 2016

State election 2016
Constituency 30 Bretten
Gains and losses
compared to 2011
 % p
+ 6.0  % p
-13.2  % p
+ 18.5  % p
-12.0  % p
+ 3.0  % p
± 0.0  % p
-2.3  % p

The 2016 state elections had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party Votes in% State election 2011
votes in%
Andrea Black Green 27.5 21.5
Joachim Kößler CDU 27.2 40.4
Jörg Meuthen AfD 18.5 -
Anton Schaaf SPD 12.1 24.1
Carolin Holzmüller FDP 08.3 05.3
Valery Kalashnikov THE LEFT 02.2 02.2
Lars Hannemann The party 01.0 -
Uta Reisser ALFA 01.0 -
Michael Schwiebert PIRATES 00.9 02.7
Dirk Uehlein ödp 00.5 00.7
Karl Däschner NPD 00.4 01.1
Stefan Schramm REP 00.3 01.2
Oscar Fernbacher right 00.1 -

Election 2011

The 2011 state election had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party Votes in% State election 2006
votes in%
State election 2001
votes in%
Joachim Kößler CDU 40.4 43.6 44.6
Wolfgang Wehowsky SPD 24.1 31.4 35.8
Andrea Black Green 21.5 07.9 06.1
Otto Hertäg FDP 05.3 09.8 08.1
Heinz Peter Schwertges THE LEFT 02.2 WASG : 3.2 -
Christoph Scheel ON 00.9 - -
Rudolf Werle REP 01.2 01.9 03.6
Daniel Prions NPD 01.1 00.9 00.4
Oliver Goerke ödp 00.7 - 00.5
Sven Krohlas PIRATES 02.7 - -
- Others - 01.4 00.9

Member of Parliament since 1976

In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg, each voter has one vote, with which both the direct candidate and the total number of seats of a party in the state parliament are determined. There are no state or district lists; instead, in order to establish the equalization of proportions, inferior constituency applicants are assigned second mandates .

The following members of parliament have represented the constituency of Bretten since 1976:

Political party Type of mandate MPs
CDU First mandate Helmut Wirth 1976, 1980, 1984
Franz Wieser 1988, 1992, 1996, 2001
Joachim Kößler 2006, 2011
Second mandate Joachim Kößler 2016
Green First mandate Andrea Schwarz 2016
SPD Second mandate Peter Wintruff 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2001
Ute Vogt 2006
Wolfgang Wehowsky moved up in 2009
REP Second mandate Bernhard Amann moved up in 1993
AfD Second mandate Jörg Meuthen 2016

Individual evidence

  1. Annex to Section 5, Paragraph 1, Clause 2 (division of the state into constituencies for the elections to the Baden-Württemberg state parliament)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the State Election Act (Landtagswahlgesetz - LWG) in the version of April 15, 2005 (PDF, 182 kB, accessed on October 11, 2010).@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. Final result of the state elections on March 13, 2016, constituency 30 Bretten . State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg. Retrieved April 6, 2016.
  3. Nominations for the state elections on March 13, 2016 . Retrieved April 6, 2016.
  4. Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg : constituency results ( memento of the original from April 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed April 1, 2011) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg: Nominations for the state election in Baden-Württemberg on March 27, 2011.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. P. 33. (PDF, 180 kB, accessed April 1, 2011)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /