List of critical temperatures of chemical elements

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The list of transition temperatures of chemical elements names the transition temperatures , i.e. the transition temperatures to the superconducting state of chemical elements . Not all elements have such a transition temperature, and in some elements the transition temperature is only reached under certain conditions, such as high pressure or when the element is present as a thin film. The transition temperatures, which are also referred to as transition temperatures, for achieving superfluidity , which can be observed, among other things, with the helium isotopes 3 He and 4 He , are not included in this list .

Overview in the periodic table

H Hey
Li Be B. C. N O F. No
N / A Mg Al Si P S. Cl Ar
K Approx Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mon Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag CD In Sn Sb Te I. Xe
Cs Ba * Hf Ta W. re Os Ir Pt Au Ed Tl Pb Bi Po At Marg
Fr. Ra ** Rf Db Sg Bra Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Above
*  La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho He Tm Yb Lu
**  Ac Th Pa U Np Pooh At the Cm Bk Cf It Fm Md No Lr
Legend for the periodic table
___  with transition temperature (solids, normal pressure)
___  with transition temperature under special conditions
___  without transition temperature
___  unknown

Transition temperatures

element sym
Transition temperature in Kelvin
normal pressure
special note 1
lithium Li 20 , 00(50 GPa)
beryllium Be 0.026 09.5 0(movie)
boron B. 11.2 0(250 GPa)
carbon C. 15 , 00(nanotubes)
oxygen O 00.6 0(120 GPa)
aluminum Al 1.18 03.6 0(movie)
Silicon Si 08.5 0(12 GPa)
phosphorus P 18 , 00(30 GPa)
sulfur S. 17 , 00(160 GPa)
Calcium Approx 15 , 00(150 GPa)
Scandium Sc 00.34 (21 GPa)
titanium Ti 0.5
Vanadium V 5.4 17.2 0(120 GPa)
chrome Cr 03 , 00(film)
iron Fe 02 , 00(21 GPa)
zinc Zn 0.85 01.6 0(movie)
gallium Ga 1.08 08.6 0(movie)
Germanium Ge 05.4 0(11.5 GPa)
arsenic As 02.7 0(24 GPa)
selenium Se 07 , 00(13 GPa)
bromine Br 01.4 0(150 GPa)
strontium Sr 04 , 00(50 GPa)
yttrium Y 02.8 0(15 GPa)
Zirconium Zr 0.6 11 , 00(30 GPa)
niobium Nb 9.25 09.7 0(4.5 GPa)
molybdenum Mon 0.92
Technetium Tc 8.2
Ruthenium Ru 0.5
Rhodium Rh 0.000035
palladium Pd 03.2 0(irradiated)
cadmium CD 0.52
Indium In 3.4 04.2 0(movie)
tin Sn 3.7 04.7 0(movie)
antimony Sb 03.6 0(8.5 GPa)
Tellurium Te 07.4 0(35 GPa)
Iodine I. 01.2 0(25 GPa)
Cesium Cs 01.66 (8 GPa)
barium Ba 05 , 00(20 GPa)
Lanthanum La 6th 12.8 0(20 GPa)
cerium Ce 01.75 (50 GPa)
lutetium Lu 0.1 01.2 0(18 GPa)
hafnium Hf 0.38
Tantalum Ta 4.4 04.5 0(40 GPa)
tungsten W. 0.01 05.5 0(film)
rhenium re 1.7
osmium Os 0.7
iridium Ir 0.1
mercury Ed 4.15
Thallium Tl 2.4
lead Pb 7.2
Bismuth Bi 08.7 0(9 GPa)
Thorium Th 1.4
Protactinium Pa 1.4
uranium U 1.3 02.2 0(1 GPa)
Americium At the 1
Note 1
  • Transition temperature under conditions: transition temperature under special conditions, which are listed in brackets
  • High pressure measurements, unit is GPa in each case
  • Film: Measurements in which the material is present as a thin film
  • Nanotubes: carbon nanotubes
  • irradiated: measurement took place after irradiation with He + ions


  • Christina Buzea, Kevin Robbie: Assembling the puzzle of superconducting elements: a review. In: Superconductor Science and Technology. 18, 2005, pp. R1-R8, doi : 10.1088 / 0953-2048 / 18/1 / R01 .