Dálnice 0

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / CZ-D
Dálnice D0 in the Czech Republic
Dálnice 0
 Dálnice 0 Dálnice 0 Dálnice 0
Dálnice 0
Basic data
Operator: Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR
Overall length: 83 km
  of which in operation: 40 km
  of which under construction: 0 km
  of which in planning: 46 km

Kraj ( region ):

Development condition: 2 × 2 or 2 × 3 lanes
Course of the road
node (1)  Jesenice D3
Junction (3)  Vestec 603
Junction (5)  Písnice
tunnel Komořanský tunel
tunnel Sabatka
flow Moldova
node (10)  Zbraslav 101 102S4
node (10)  Zbraslav 101 102D4
flow Berounka
bridge Radotínský most
tunnel Lochkovský tunel
bridge Slavičí most
bridge Lochkovský most
Junction (15)  Lochkov 599
Junction (16)  Slivenec
Junction (19)  Ořech
Junction (21)  Jinočany
node (23)  Třebonice D5 E50
node (26)  Řepy D6 E48
Junction (28)  Ruzyně D7 S4
node (29)  Ruzyně D7
Junction (34)  Horoměřice 240
Junction (36)  Výhledy 241
Junction (38)  Rybářka
Junction (41)  Čimice
Junction (43)  Ústecká 608
node (45)  Březiněves D8 E55
Junction (48)  Třeboradice
Junction (52)  Přezletice
Junction (54)  Praha- Vinoř 610
node (58)  Satalice D10 E65
Junction (59)  Černý Most 611
node (60)  Horní Počernice D11 E67
Junction (62)  Běchovice S12
Junction (67)  Uhříněves
Junction (71)  Říčany S2
Junction (73)  Lipany
node (76)  Modletice D1 E50 E55
Junction (82)  Jesenice 603 105
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The Dálnice 0 ( Czech for "Highway 0"), and Prague ring (Czech for "Prague Ring"), one is highway in the Czech Republic and as the outer ring road of Prague designed. The highways D1 , D3 , D4 , D5 , D6 , D7 , D8 , D10 and D11 branch off from it .

    The D0 currently consists of a 36 km long southern arc between the D7 in the north-west and the D1 in the south-east of Prague and a short section between the D10 and the Silnice I / 12 in the east.

    Until December 31, 2015, the Prague ring road had the status of an expressway and was called Rychlostní silnice 1 (R1).



    In 1977 the construction of the first 7.4 km long section Slivenec - Třebonice in the west of Prague began, which was opened in 1983.

    In 1984, the Satalice - Počernice section followed in the east, followed by the Počernice - Běchovice section in 1993 .

    The extension in the west of Prague from Třebonice via Řepy to Ruzyně was opened in 2000/2001.


    2006-2010 a total of 23 km long contiguous section was built in the south. This now establishes the connection between the D1 at Modletice and the western section from Slivenec . The D1 - Vestec section had been under construction since September 2008 and was completed in late summer 2010. It covers 8.75 km and should cost 3.326 billion CZK (approx. 130 million euros). The Vestec – Lahovice section covers 8.34 km and was started in December 2006. It includes a 1.9 km long tunnel. This 4.52 billion CZK (approx. 180 million euros) section was also completed in late summer 2010. At the junction of the D4, this section meets the section to Slivenec. This is 6.03 km long and includes a 1.62 km long tunnel. Construction of this 7.51 billion CZK (approx. 300 million euros) section began in June 2006. These three construction sections were opened on September 20, 2010.

    With the completion of these three construction phases, the D0 will have a length of 40 km. Six of the nine motorways around Prague are now connected to the motorway ring. The D8, D11 and D10 are not yet connected to the main part of the outer ring.


    From 2019 to 2022, the 13 km long connection between the D1 near Modletice and the I / 12 near Běchovice is to be built.

    Closing the gap in the north is planned from 2020–2025 between the D7 ( Ruzyně ) and the D8 ( Březiněves ) and ultimately not before 2030 until the D10 ( Satalice ).

    Web links

    Commons : Prager Autobahnring  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

    Individual evidence

    1. Construction information from the Czech Motorway Administration for D0 (Czech) ( Memento of the original from March 31, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 2.4 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rsd.cz