Administrative division of the Krasnodar Territory

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The Krasnodar region in the Federal District of Southern Russia of the Russian Federation is divided into 37 Rajons and 7 urban districts (as of 2014).

The Rajons are subdivided into a total of 30 municipalities (gorodskoje posselenije) and 352 rural municipalities (selskoje posselenije).

City districts

Urban district Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Other localities Number of
Number of
I. Anapa 147.184 981.86 150 58,990 88.194 Anapskaja , Dschiginka , Gostagajewskaja , Jurowka , Sukko , Supsech , Winogradny , Witjasewo , Zibanobalka 1 51
II Armavir 208.103 279.2 745 188,832 19,271 Krasnaya Polyana , Savetny , Staraya Stanitsa 1 11
III Gelendzhik 91.126 1,227.54 74 54,980 36,146 Archipo-Osipovka , Divnomorskoye , Kabardinka 1 20th
IV Gorjatschi Klyuch 57,289 1,755.55 33 30.126 27.163 Molkin , Saratovskaya 1 30th
V Krasnodar 832,532 841.36 990 744.995 87,537 Belozjorny , Berjosowy , Industrialny , Jelisavetinskaja , Lenina , Znamensky , Starokorsunskaja 1 29
VI Novorossiysk 298.253 834.94 357 241,952 56,301 Abrau-Djurso , Borissowka , Gaiduk , Myshako , Natuchajewskaja , Rajewskaja , Verkhnebakanski 1 24
VII Sochi 420,589 3,506.06 120 347.932 72,657 Krasnaya Polyana (urban-type settlement)
Gornoje Loo , Nizhnyaya Shilovka , Oryol -Isumrud , Vessjoloje , Vysokoye
2 79


Rajon Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Administrative headquarters Parish seats Number of
Number of
rural communities
1 Abinski 91.909 1,624.1 57 55,028 36,881 Abinsk City: Abinsk, Akhtyrski
Country: Cholmskaya , Fyodorovskaya , Mingrelskaya , Olginsky , Svetlogorskoye , Warnavinskoye
2 6th
2 Apscheronsky 98,891 2,443.24 40 67.110 31,781 Apsheronsk City: Apsheronsk, Khadyzhensk , Neftegorsk
Country: Kabardinskaja , Kubanskaya , Kurinskaja , Mesmai , Nischegorodskaja , Novye Polyany , Otdaljonny , Tschernigowskoje , Tverskaya
3 9
3 Beloglinski 31,303 1,493.99 21st 31,303 Belaya Glina Country: Belaya Glina, Novopawlowka , Uspenskaya , Zentralny 4th
4th Belorechensky 105,788 1,326.58 80 53,892 51,896 Belorechensk City: Belorechensk
Country: Bscheduchowskaja , Druschny , Youzhny , Molodjoschny , Pervomaisky , Pschechskaja , Rjasanskaja , Rodniki , Schkolnoje , Welikowetschnoje
1 10
5 Bryukhovetsky 53,028 1,376.22 39 53,028 Bryukhovetskaya Country: Baturinskaja , Bolshoi Beissug , Brjuchowezkaja, Novodscherelijewskaja , Novoje Selo , Perejaslowskaja , Svobodnoye , Tschepiginskaja 8th
6th Dinskoi 126,871 1,351.96 94 126,871 Dinskaya Country: Agronomist , Dinskaya, Yuzhny , Krasnoselskaya , Novotitarovskaya , Novovelichkovskaya , Pervoretschenskaya , Plastunovskaya , Staromyshastovskaya , Vasyurinskaya 10
7th Gulkevichsky 101,521 1,394.47 73 49,622 51,899 Gulkevichi City: Girei , Gulkewitschi, Krasnoselsky
Country: Komsomolski , Kuban , Nikolenskoje , Novoukrainskoje , Otrado-Kubanskoje , Otrado-Olginskoje , Pushkinskoye , Skobelevskaya , Sokolovskoye , Tschaplygin , Tysyachny , Wenzy
3 12
8th Yeisky 141,245 2,102.9 67 87,769 53,476 Jeisk City: Yeisk
Country: Alexandrowka , Dolschanskaja , Jassenskaja , Oktyabrsky , Kamyschewatskaja , Komsomolets , Kopanskaja , Kuchariwka , Morewka , Sovetsky
1 10
9 Kalininski 50,691 1,499.54 34 50,691 Kalininskaya Country: Boikoponura , Dschumailowka , Gretschanaja Balka , Grischkowskoje , Griwenskaja , kalininskaya, Nowonikolajewskaja , Starowelitschkowskaja 8th
10 Kanevskoi 102,624 2,485.78 41 102,624 Kanevskaya Country: Kanevskaya, Krasnogwardejez , Kubanskaya Step , Nowoderewjankowskaja , Nowominskaja , Pridoroschnaja , Priwolnaja , Staroderewjankowskaja , Tschelbasskaja 9
11 Kawkasski 125.210 1,227.45 102 80,765 44,445 Kropotkin City: Kropotkin
Country: Dmitrijewskaja , imeni M. Gorkowo , Kazanskaja , Kawkasskaja , Lossewo , Mirskoi , Priwolny , Temishbekskaja
1 8th
12 Korenowski 85.264 1,425.93 60 41,166 44,098 Korenovsk City: Korenovsk
Country: Babitsche-Korenowski , Bratkowskoje , Burakowski , Djadkowskaja , Nowoberesanski , Platnirovskaya , Razdolnaya River , Schurawskaja , Sergijewskaja
1 9
13 Krasnoarmeiski 102.508 1,897.73 54 102.508 Poltavskaya Country: Ivanovskaya , Marjanskaja , Nowomyschastowskaja , Oktyabrsky , Poltava, Protitschka , Starodscherelijewskaja , Staronischesteblijewskaja , Trudobelikowski , Tscheburgolskaja 10
14th Krylowski 35,930 1,363.05 26th 35,930 Krylovskaya Country: Krylovskaya, Kugoyeiskaya , Novopashkovskaya , Novosergiyevskaya , Oktyabrskaya , Shevchenkovskaya 6th
15th Krymski 132.143 1,601.25 83 57,382 74,761 Krymsk City: Krymsk
Country: Adagum , Juschny , Kijewskoje , Merchanskoje , Moldavanskoje , Nizhnebakanskaya , Novoukrainski , Pavlovsky , Troitskaya , Varenikovskaya
1 10
16 Kurganinsky 103.036 1,538.85 67 47,970 55,066 Kurganinsk City: Kurganinsk
Country: Konstantinowskaja , Michailowskaja , Novoalexejewskaja , Oktjabrski , Petropavlowskaja , Rodnikowskaja , Stepnoi , Temirgojewskaja , Vozdwischenskaja
1 9
17th Kushchovsky 67.164 2,372.16 28 67.164 Kushchovskaya Country: Glebovka , Ilyinskoye , Kisljakowskaja , Krasnaya Polyana , Krasnoje , Kushchyovskaya, Nowomichailowskoje , Pervomaisky , Poltawtschenskoje , Rasdolnoje , Schkurinskaja , Srednije Tschuburki 12
18th Labinski 101,837 1,870.66 54 62,864 38,973 Labinsk City: Labinsk
Country: Achmetowskaja , Charkowski , Kaladschinskaja , lozenges , Otwaschnaja , Pervaya Sinjucha , Sassowskaja , Sladki , Tschamlykskaja , Upornaja , Vladimirskaya , Wosnessenskaja
1 12
19th Leningradsky 63.505 1,416.16 45 63.505 Leningradskaya Country: Bely , Bitschewy , Korschi , Krylovskaya , Kulikowski , Leningradskaya, Nowoplatnirowskaja , Obraszowy , Oktyabrsky , Pervomaisky , Sapadny , Umanski 12
20th Mostowski 71,178 3,699.01 19th 35,914 35,264 Mostovskoy City: Mostowskoi, Psebai
Country: Andrjuki , Bagowskaja , Benokowo , Beslenejewskaja , Gubskaja , Jaroslawskaja , Kostromskaja , Machoschewskaja , Pereprawnaja , Schedok , Unarokowo , Wostochny
2 12
21st Novokubansky 86,311 1,822.37 47 34,880 51,431 Novokubansk City: Novokubansk
Country: Besskorbnaja , Gluboki , Kirowa , Kowalewskoje , Lyapino , Prikubanski , Protschnookopskaja , Sovetskaja
1 8th
22nd Nowopokrowski 44,116 2,155.63 20th 44,116 Novopokrovskaya Country: Gorkaja Balka , Iljinskaja , Kalnibolotskaja , Kubanski , Nesamajewski , Nowoiwanowskaja , Novopokrovskaya, Nowopokrowski 8th
23 Otradnensky 64,862 2,453.09 26th 64,862 Otradnaya Country: Besstraschnaja , Blagodarnoje , Gussarowskoje , Mayak , Malotenginskaja , Nadjoschnaja , Otradnaja, Peredowaja , Podgornaja , Podgornaja Sinjucha , Poputnaja , Rud , Spokoinaja , Udobnaja 14th
24 Pavlovsky 67,521 1,788.8 38 67,521 Pavlovskaya Country: Atamanskaja , Nesamajewskaja , Novoleuschkowskaja , Novopetrovskaja , Novoplastunowskaja , Oktjabrski , Pavlovskaja, Severny , Staroleuschkowskaja , Uporny , Wessjolaja 11
25th Primorsko-Akhtarsky 60,327 2,503.63 24 32,257 28,070 Primorsko-Akhtarsk City: Primorsko-Akhtarsk
Country: Achtarski , Borodinskaja , Brinkowskaja , Nowopokrowski , Olginskaja , Priasowskaja , Step Well , Svobodny
1 8th
26th Shcherbinovsky 37,301 1,377.07 27 37,301 Staroshcherbinovskaya Country: Glafirowka , Jeiskoje Ukreplenije , Jekaterinowka , Nikolaevka , Nowoschtscherbinowskaja , Schabelskoje , Schtscherbinowski , Staroshcherbinovskaya 8th
27 Seversky 112,942 2,122.04 53 51,376 61,566 Severskaya City: Afipsky , Ilski , Chernomorski
Country: Asowskaja , Grigorjewskaja , Kaluzhskaya , Lwowskoje , Mikhailovskoye , Nowodmitrijewskaja , Schabanowskoje , Severskaya, Smolenskaya
3 9
28 Slavyansky 129,553 2,198.58 59 63,842 65,711 Slavyansk on the Kuban City: Slavyansk am Kuban
Country: Anastassijewskaja , Achujewo , Baranikowski , Galizyn , Golubaja Niwa , Korschewski , Majewski , Petrowskaja , Prikubanski , Rissowy , Saboiski , Sovchosny , Tschernojerkowskaja , Zelinny
1 14th
29 Starominsky 40,755 1,060.33 38 40,755 Starominskaya Country: Kanelowskaja , Nowojassenskaja , Rassvet , Starominskaya, Vostochny Sossyk 5
30th Tbilissky 48,536 991.65 49 48,536 Tbilisskaya Country: Alexeje-Tenginskaja , Geimanowskaja , Lowlinskaja , Marjinsky , Novowladimirowskaja , Pestschany , Tbilisskaja, Wannowskoje 8th
31 Temrjukski 117.904 1,956.46 60 38,046 79,858 Temryuk City: Temryuk
Country: Achtanisowskaja , Fontalowskaja , Golubizkaja , Kurtschanskaja , Saporoschskaja , Sennoi , Starotitarovskaya , Strelka , Taman , Tamanski , Wyschesteblijewskaja
1 11
32 Tikhorezki 122.401 1,825.46 67 61,823 60,578 Tikhorezk City: Tikhoretsk
Country: Alexejewskaja , Archangelskaja , Bratski , Chopjorskaja , Fastowezkaja , Jeremisino-Borissowskaja , Yugo-Severnaya , Krutoi , Noworoschdestwenskaja , Otradnaja , Parkowy , Ternowskaja
1 12
33 Timaschowski 106.130 1,506.43 70 53,924 52.206 Timashevsk City: Timashevsk
Country: Bednjagina , Dneprowskaja , Leninsky , Medvedovskaya , Nesaimanowski , Nowokorsunskaja , Rogowskaja , Sovetsky , Tanzura Kramarenko
1 9
34 Tuapsinski 126,822 2,399.2 53 78,728 48.094 Tuapse City: Dschubga , Nowomichailowski , Tuapse
Country: Georgijewskoje , Nebug , Oktyabrsky , Shaumyan , Schepsi , Tenginka , Zypka
3 7th
35 Uspensky 41,273 1,129.98 37 41,273 Uspenskoye Country: Konokowo , Kurgokowski , Malamino , Nikolajewskaja , Trjochselskoje , Ubeschenskaja , Urupski , Uspenskoje, Wessyoly , Wolnoje 10
36 Ust-Labinski 112,900 1,510.98 75 43,270 69,630 Ust-Labinsk City: Ust-Labinsk
Country: Alexandrovsky , Beslesny , Bratski , Dwubratski , Kirpilskaja , Ladozhskaya , Nekrassowskaja , Nowolabinskaja , Schelesny , Suworowskoje , Tenginskaja , Wimowez , Woroneschskaja , Vostochnaya
1 14th
37 Wysselkowski 60.271 1,730.88 35 60.271 Wysselki Country: Beissug , Beissuschok Wtoroi , Beresanskaja , Businowskaja , Gasyr , Irklijewskaja , Krupskaja , Novobeissugskaja , Novomalorossijskaja , Vyselki 10

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c According to OKATO and OKTMO ( memento of the original from January 14, 2013 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. As of January 1, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b number on the card
  3. a b c d e f Population figures from October 14, 2010 ( Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , p. 12–209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation))
  4. a b Status: January 1, 2012 ( Krasnodar Krai in the database of indicators of municipal entities on the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  5. Urban-type settlements and rural settlements with at least 3,000 inhabitants
  6. ^ Cities and urban-type settlements
  7. ^ Rural settlements and villages
  8. a b c Complete designation of the urban district with the gorod health resort in front , for example " Kurstadt "
  9. Administrative headquarters of urban (gorodskoje posselenije) and rural communities (selskoje posselenije)