Diocese of Fondi

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The diocese of Fondi is a former diocese in the Italian region of Lazio .

When it was dissolved, it included the towns of Fondi , Campodimele , Lenola , Monticelli and Pastena . The church of San Pietro in Fonti served as the cathedral. It was built in the 16th century and served as the election site of antipope Clement VII .


The diocese was first reported in a biography of Pope Anterus (235-236).

On June 27, 1818, Pope Pius VII dissolved the diocese with the Bull De utiliori and the area was added to the Diocese of Gaeta . In 1968 it was rebuilt as the titular diocese of Fundi .


  • Anonimo  ? (at the time of Pope Anterus )
  • Vitale (before 487 - after 502 )
  • Andrea (late 6th century)
  • Agnello I. (before 592 - after 598 )
  • Palombo (mentioned in 649 )
  • Agnello II. (Mentioned 680 )
  • Formoso (at the time of Pope Leo III )
  • Aliperto (Alberto?) (Mentioned 853 )
  • Ariperto (or Alpertus ) (mentioned 861 )
  • Simeone (mentioned in 995 )
  • Rainerio (mentioned in 998 )
  • Oliviero (mentioned 1000 )
  • Giovanni I. (before 1015 - after 1017 )
  • Marino (or Martino) (mentioned 1059 )
  • Contardo (mentioned 1098 and 1099 )
  • Benedetto I., OSB (mentioned 1100 )
  • Pietro I (mentioned 1131 )
  • Giovanni II (before 1172 - after March 1179 )
  • Daniele ( 1180 - after 1194 )
  • Benedetto II (October 1199 -?)
  • Roberto, OCist ( 1210 - circa 1227 )
  • Anonimi (mentioned 1229 , 1234 , 1239 , 1257 , 1263 )
  • Biagio I (May 6, 1268 - December 1288 )
  • Alberto da Terracina, OP ( 1289 -?)
  • Leone (1300-1304)
  • Giacomo (March 13, 1307-1316)
  • Biagio II (February 9, 1317-1336)
  • Pietro II., OP (November 18, 1336 -?)
  • Francesco Giovanni Bartolomei (April 4, 1343–1343)
  • Lombardo Andrei (October 27, 1343-1348)
  • Leonardo Tacconi (July 10, 1348-1363)
  • Giacomo Annibaldi, OFM (August 11, 1363 - January 24, 1368 )
  • Raimondo, OFM (January 24, 1368 -?)
  • Stefano Sardi (1391-1399)
  • Domenico Astalli (February 18, 1400 - May 2, 1414 )
  • Marcello (mentioned 1416 )
  • Benedetto III. (February 14, 1418 - April 4, 1422 )
  • Marino de Paolis (October 19, 1422 - September 4, 1444 )
  • Nicola de Faciis (January 27, 1445 -?)
  • Pietro Gaetani (May 31, 1476–1500)
  • Nicola Pellegrini (January 29, 1500–1520)
  • Giacomo Pellegrini (October 1, 1520–1537)
  • Giovanni Angelo Pellegrini (March 14, 1537 - December 14, 1552 )
  • Giovanni Andrea Caffarelli (December 14, 1552–1555)
  • Fausto Caffarelli (July 17, 1555–1566)
  • Matteo Guerra (January 24, 1567 - January 30, 1576 )
  • Pio Loterio, OSB (February 27, 1576–1591)
  • Giovanni Battista Comparini (April 5, 1591-1616)
  • Lelio Veterano (December 5, 1616–1619)
  • Giovanni Agostino Gandolfo (January 28, 1619 - December 3, 1635 )
  • Maurizio Ragano (April 7, 1636-1640)
  • Pietro Paolo Pinto, OFM (13 August 1640 - September 1661 )
  • Simone Oliverio (March 13, 1662 - November 1, 1668 )
  • Filippo Alferio Ossorio (April 1, 1669 - February 24, 1693 )
  • Matteo Gagliani (July 20, 1693 - January 15, 1703 )
  • Vittore Felice Conci (February 12, 1703 - July 1715 )
    • Sedevakanz (1715-1719)
  • Conone Luchini dal Verme (February 8, 1719 - December 16, 1720 )
  • Antonio Carrara (January 20, 1721 - March 21, 1757 )
  • Onofrio Rossi (September 26, 1757 - April 9, 1764 )
  • Giovanni Calcagnini (April 9, 1764 - December 24, 1775 )
  • Raffaele Tosti (January 29, 1776 - circa 1781 )
    • Sedevakanz (1781–1792)
  • Gennaro Vincenzo Tortora (February 27, 1792–1814?)
    • Sedevakanz (1814-1818)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Liber pontificalis , ed. Duchesne, vol. I, p. 147
  2. ^ Bishop is mentioned in Dialoghi by Gregory the Great
  3. 592 was also appointed bishop of Terracina .
  4. Lanzoni, Le diocesi d'Italia dalle origini al principio del secolo VII , pp. 159-160.
  5. Monumenta Germaniae Historica , The Councils of the Carolingian Partys 843-859 , edited by Wilfried Hartmann, Hannover 1984, p. 336, 12.
  6. Monumenta Germaniae Historica , The Councils of the Carolingian Partys 86-874 , edited by Wilfried Hartmann, Hannover 1998, p. 66
  7. ^ Kehr, Italia pontificia , VIII, SX
  8. a b c d Kamp, Church and Monarchy… , I, pp. 76–80.