The punch

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The punch
City of Gummersbach
Coordinates: 51 ° 0 ′ 30 ″  N , 7 ° 37 ′ 24 ″  E
Height : 204  (200-285)  m
Residents : 3899  (Dec. 31, 2019)
Postal code : 51645
Area code : 02261
Derschlag (Gummersbach)
The punch

Location of Derschlag in Gummersbach

Derschlag is a district of Gummersbach in the Oberbergischer Kreis in southern North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany .


Derschlag extends in the valley of the Agger around the confluence of two of its tributaries. The place is on the B 55 and is connected to the federal motorway 4 via the B 256 crossing here , thus representing one of the two Gummersbach motorway junctions.

The eastern edge of the village is also the border to Gummersbach's neighboring town Bergneustadt .


First mention

The place was mentioned for the first time in 1447, when the Homburg rent master Johann van Flamersfelt reported income of two guilders in his bills for a prisoner at Derßlacht .


The name Dersslacht appears in the first mention of the place in 1447 . On a map from 1554, the W. Engels court files from 1522 a. Taken from 1560 and containing a representation of the Landwehr in the north of the Eckenhagen area , a barrier appears unmistakably at the confluence of Dörspe u. Steinagger (the latter apparently had a slightly different course in contrast to the present time). In contemporary documents and probably also in the language used by local people, this barrier is apparently generally referred to as the battle . On the Mercator map from 1575 by Arnoldus Mercator the names Ober Derßlich , Nider Derßlich and Eulen Hone (now Eulenhof) stand for the three medieval town centers . Gerhard Mercator named the place Durslinck on his map in 1585 . Theodor Braeucker first found the name Derslunck in an old document . Later he established the name Dersslag in a document from 1665 and the Ising Dörsslag family in a register . The place has been called Derschlag since around 1700. It can be assumed with high probability that the prerequisites for the naming of the place only existed with the division of the until then purely Bergisch area into that of Berg und Mark in 1273. Located between the two possessions Landwehr, which up to the village from Ahesiepen hedge was detectable took its course along the Dörspe and was interrupted by a barrier, presumably at the opening of today's Eckenhagener Str. In Cologne Str. Came to rest. Probably a. G. of the high economic importance that the turnpike had at this point, since here in particular the economically important `Eisenstrasse´ crosses the Dörspe and then the Agger, the developing place received the current name` Derschlag´ because of its location on `Dörspe-Schlag´.

Establishing a settlement

The oldest demonstrable settlement in Derschlag was at the confluence of the Agger, Dörspe and Steinagger rivers . This is where Grabenstrasse begins today.

Secure evidence of the settlement of Derschlag was provided by the two fortified castle houses that stood in the village. However, there are no specific indications regarding the establishment of these plants. Since stone fortifications were usually not built until the High Middle Ages, the fact that such structures existed suggests that there was a settlement during this period, but it is more likely that they were built in the late Middle Ages. At the time of the first conquest (7th to 8th centuries), the steep slopes and swamp-covered narrow valley zones in the Oberbergisches Land turned away the seekers. The valley landscape in the area of ​​the confluence of the Agger, Dörspe and Steinagger offered the farmers only very limited economic space. Rather, they saw better opportunities for settlement on the heights. Derschlag was only a peripheral settlement spot of the peasantry Bern Berg . The individual farms of Ober Derßlich , Nider Derßlich and Eulen Hone (now Eulenhof ) were located opposite each other. In 1820 the first of the castle houses was demolished, only the four-sided tower lasted longer. A drawbridge went from the nearby house (now part of the Bohle company) to the tower, from which the workers were called to eat with a horn signal. The upper surface of the tower was also used for another purpose. Since it was covered with smooth stones, it was particularly suitable as a dance floor and served as such until the 1870s.

The location of the second castle house was in the later Wilhelm Dick house. The tower-high masonry was demolished in 1856, the old part next to it was used as a cellar.

middle Ages

Oberderschlag was already a saddlery in the Middle Ages and was of the greatest importance during this period, because in times of war it had to provide horses and riders according to its size and feed troops passing through. Not only the war, but also the Church took its toll. Around 1300 the property became taxable to the Marienhagen church . The residents of Oberderschlag, however, stuck to the church in Gummersbach in later years . There they had the first and best seats and their funerals took place in front of or next to the altar. In the choice of the influential preacher they had the first vote, and next to the main altar they had their own altar . The sermon was read to them by him four times a year . In return, one of the best meadows on the saddle went to the church. The saddle was delimited above and below customs barriers because the Agger formed the border between the territories of the Duchy of Berg and the County of Mark . The income from the customs barriers went equally to the two sovereigns.

Public institutions and industry

In 1720 the first school was built in the Eulenhof . Later a one-story school building was built in the school garden on Kölner Straße and in 1857 the Protestant elementary school was built. The school development is inseparably connected with the name Theodor Braeucker . His scientific botanical work and contributions to local history will also remain unforgettable. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, every congregation was finally able to build its own church. The Protestant church bought the garden property from the innkeeper Carl August Huland as well as smaller pieces of land and built the Protestant church (today: Emmauskirche ), which was consecrated in 1891. The Catholic Church bought a building site from the Torlei family. A Baptist church was also formed.

Industrialization began in the middle of the 19th century. As early as 1856, August Hörder founded a hosiery factory in Derschlag, and in 1869 Martin Baldus established the M. & W. Baldus shredded wool factory on the Dümmlinghauser mill. An important event for the place was the completion of the railway line. From 1887 to 1896 Derschlag was the end point of rail traffic. An important stopping point was set up in Oberderschlag to continue the route to Bergneustadt and Olpe , but a dam had to be built to continue the route, so that the stone excavator that had previously flowed directly into the "Sammelpuhl" above and below had to be diverted. Hundreds of construction workers were recruited and the stone excavators were carried along the Aggerberg.

But the flowing waters not only meant a great deal of additional work in construction work, they became more and more useful for the economy with their hydropower. A mill ditch was laid from the Mumicke up to the later Bleichert sawmill. Here the water was used to run the mill and later supplied all of Oberderschlag with electricity. Ultimately, a swimming and bathing establishment was built there, which is unique in the whole area, in which many students from Derschlag and Bergneustadt learned to swim. In 1926 Oberderschlag was incorporated by Gummersbach and the power supply was taken over by RWE .

Before the world wars

Up until the First World War , Oberderschlag spoke a different dialect than Unterderschlag. This is an example of how language-critical the Saxon-Franconian border was in the Upper Bergisch region. Because they belonged to the own Eckenhagen , the down-to-earth population in Oberderschlag spoke the Saxon ("ecken hun'sche" (= Eckenhagener)), while the Unterderschlag , which belonged to the county of Gimborn-Neustadt , always spoke the Franconian (" Schwarzenberg ") dialect.

Another term for upper Derschlag was "the wood quarter", with the three sawmills Becker, Bleichert and Lepperhoff which Kistenfabrik Bleichert, the wheelwright Fast Roth Woodworking, Edelhagen and Thomas with the three Joiner Barth, Heitmann and Kriegeskotte and the long timber transport Puhl, certainly a applicable designation. After a branch of the municipal savings bank and the cooperative of the savings and loan association also settled here, Derschlag enjoyed a brisk upswing. Many workers from the surrounding area could be employed in the now flourishing industry. Local life also benefited from it. People went to Derschlag to dance and (at Torlei) to the cinema; During the breaks the workers poured into the place. Retailers and innkeepers made happy faces. Large celebrations in the "Eckenhagener Hof" restaurant, rifle festivals , Elisabeth festivals , song festivals and the well-known Gauturn festivals promoted the community spirit in the place. At the end of the 1920s, the branch of the Remscheid household appliance manufacturer Alexanderwerk, located in the Auf dem Kloster district, was destroyed by fire. The site was then initially used as a soccer field for FC Borussia Derschlag and expanded into a residential area in the 1930s.

Second World War

Then in 1939 the war years began . Fathers and sons disappeared from the townscape. Their places in the factories have been replaced by women and increasingly by Poles and Russians who are obliged to work. Finally, boys and girls were called to the West Wall deployment, and one gradually suspected that the belief in “victory” was an illusion. At the beginning of the war, the Bleichert sawmill fell into flames. Reconstruction soon began here. On November 19, 1943, the Bleichert box factory and the Lepperhoff sawmill were destroyed by incendiary bombs. On April 11, 1945, the second battalion of the US 310 Infantry Regiment stood before Derschlag. During the night the places in the Aggertal were under artillery fire. The Dörspebrücke was blown up by pioneers, which only partially succeeded. Fortunately, the Agger Bridge was spared after an objection by the Agger Association.

post war period

After the war ended, the old party comrades were obliged to take an active part in the restoration of the Dörspebrücke. In the Derschlager area, the British military government handed over the monitoring task to the 2nd Belgian Infantry Brigade. Their tasks were democratization and decentralization . Soon, especially from Silesia, numerous expellees came to Derschlag, who were initially housed in emergency shelters. Food cards ensured the most essential food requirements. Companies gave deputations , they went on a hamster tour , and bartering flourished. The station became known as the “wool exchange”. It became a meeting point for those interested in barter, who traveled from far away, because tobacco, coffee and groceries could be redeemed for wool here.

June 20, 1948 was a turning point in the life of the population, because the currency reform brought the long-awaited turning point. The ration cards became superfluous and finally we went uphill again. The first new settlement was built on the Mühlhelle as early as 1949/50 . The Sienhardt soon followed, and finally the Epelberg . A secondary school was built here in 1953, a gymnasium in 1955, and after the expansion in 1971, a new secondary school was completed on August 14, 1978, which in 1987 was converted into a six-class comprehensive school with upper secondary school.

Culture and sport

Schools and educational institutions

  • Astrid Lindgren School
  • Municipal comprehensive school Derschlag



  • Derschlag lookout tower on the Dorner Kopf (south of the village on the left Aggerhöhen), built in 1904 by Otto Bubenzer in the style of an artificial ruin . 63 steps lead up to the viewing platform of the listed tower.

Hiking and bike paths

The following hiking trails are offered by the Sauerland Mountain Association from the Derschlag hiking car park :

  • T (6.5 km) - diamond (5.8 km)

sports clubs

  • The TuS Derschlag considered the second most successful handball team of the city of Gummersbach, which also briefly played in the 1970s in the 1st League and currently plays in the Oberliga Mittelrhein. In addition to handball, TuS also has a gymnastics and a successful swimming department.
  • FC Borussia Derschlag is the local football club. He separated from TuS Derschlag in 2004 and is now playing again under his original name in the district league A.

Transport (bus and train)

Station building of the former Aggertalbahn, 2010
Railway station area, 2010

The stops Großenohl, Raiffeisen-Genossenschaft, Derschlag Mitte and Derschlag Busbahnhof are via bus line 301 (Gummersbach - Bergneustadt / Olpe ), the stops Lindenstraße, Vereinshaus, D. Busbahnhof, Oberderschlag and Baldenberg Abzw. Bus line 303 (Gummersbach - Eckenhagen / Waldbröl ) and the stops Baldenberg Abzw., Oberderschlag and D.-Busbahnhof are connected via the bus line 348 ( Dieringhausen - Merkausen - Derschlag).

Derschlag used to have two train stations: a small train freight yard for Gummersbacher Kleinbahnen on the square where the bus station is today, and the Derschlag train station on the Siegburg – Olpe railway line . The latter still exists today, tracks were there until March 2013 and the Raiffeisengenossenschaft is based there. In Oberderschlag there was another stop on the railway line from Dieringhausen to Olpe at the driveway to Heerstraße . The tracks at the level crossing there over Eckenhagener Strasse were removed a few years ago. The Gummersbacher Kleinbahnen (standard gauge) in the direction of Niederseßmar and Dümmlinghausen was shut down and dismantled in the 1950s. It was located in this area on old tracks on the Dieringhausen-Olpe line after it had been relocated to the slope. The line to Olpe lost its passenger traffic in 1979 and was completely shut down in the 1990s and only exists in fragments. Originally planned was a branch line of the railway to Eckenhagen , as well as an extension of the tram (small train) to Bergneustadt. Both projects were never realized. After the tram was shut down, a trolleybus ran to Bergneustadt for a few years, which was then replaced by the buses that still run today . The connection between the two railway lines was behind the “Holländer Diele” restaurant until 1953, and a metal bridge connecting the two still exists there today.

Literature / individual references

  1. ^ Klaus Pampus: First documentary naming of Oberbergischer places (= contributions to Oberbergischen history. Sonderbd. 1). Oberbergische Department 1924 eV of the Bergisches Geschichtsverein, Gummersbach 1998, ISBN 3-88265-206-3 .
  2. Manfred Klimpel: Considerations on the development of the place name "Derschlag". In: Contributions to the history of Oberberg. Vol. 8, 2004, ZDB -ID 1113566-9 , pp. 33-51.
  3. ^ Information on the municipality's website , read on March 29, 2010.
  4. Information on the Derschlag observation tower in the knowledge card media workshop
  5. Table of the Oberliga Mittelrhein

Web links

Commons : Derschlag  - collection of images, videos and audio files