Thomas D. Singleton

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Thomas Day Singleton (* near Kingstree , Williamsburg County , South Carolina ; † November 25, 1833 in Raleigh , North Carolina ) was an American politician . In 1833 he represented the state of South Carolina in the US House of Representatives .


Thomas Singleton's date of birth is unknown. He attended the public schools in his home country and then began a political career. Between 1826 and 1833 he was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives . He was of the short-lived, of John C. Calhoun , launched Nullifier Party . This campaigned for the rights of the individual states against the federal government. This party also believed that the State of South Carolina could override federal laws on its territory. That then led to the nullification crisis with the federal government led by President Andrew Jackson .

In the 1832 congressional election, Singleton was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the third constituency of South Carolina . There he took over from Thomas R. Mitchell on March 4, 1833 . Singleton died before the first session of the new Congress on the way to Washington in Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina. He was buried in the Washington Convention Cemetery.

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