33-as főút

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / HU-F
33-as főút in Hungary
Course of the F 33
Basic data
Operator: Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
Start of the street: Füzesabony F3
End of street: Debrecen F4
Overall length: 111 km

Megyék ( counties ):

33-as főút, Hortobágy 01.JPG
The street in Hortobágy
Course of the road
Heves county
Füzesabony district
Roundabout (0)  Gyöngyös , Miskolc F3 or Eger
Motorway junction Füzesabony -észak
Railroad Crossing Budapest – Miskolc – Sátoraljaújhely railway line
Motorway junction Füzesabony -dél
Junction Budapest , Nyíregyháza M3 E71
Locality Dormánd
Motorway junction Budapest, Jászberény F31
Locality Besenyőtelek
Motorway junction Kömlő , Tiszanána
Motorway junction Mezőtárkány
Locality Symbol: tourist Poroszló
Motorway junction Sarud , Tiszanána
Motorway junction Borsodivánka , Egerlövő
flow Tisza
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county
Tiszafüred district
Locality Tiszafured
Railroad Crossing Karcag – Tiszafüred railway line
Motorway junction Tiszaszőlős , Abádszalók
crossing Kunhegyes , Fegyvernek F34
crossing Egyek , Tiszacsege
Motorway junction Nagyiván
Locality Kócsújfalu
Hajdú-Bihar county
Balmazújváros district
Motorway junction Telekháza
crossing Szásztelek
flow Hortobágy
Locality Symbol: tourist Hortobágy
Hajdúszoboszló district
Motorway junction Nádudvar
flow Keleti főcsatona
crossing Balmazújváros , Nagyhegyes , Hajdúszoboszló
Debrecen district
crossing Hajdúböszörmény , Hajdúszoboszló
Motorway junction Balmazújváros
Railroad Crossing Debrecen – Füzesabony railway line
Locality Debrecen-Kismacs
Junction Budapest, Berettyóújfalu M35 E79
Locality Debrecen
Railroad Crossing Debrecen – Tiszalök railway line
crossing Polgár , Miskolc F35
crossing Szolnok , Nyíregyháza F4

33-as főút ( Hungarian for 'Main Street 33') is a Hungarian main street . It branches in Füzesabony southeast direction from the 3-as főút from, crosses the highway Autópálya M3 ( Europastraße 71 ) at the terminal 113, takes in Dormánd the 31-főút it and bends in Besenyötelek off after the east-southeast. Before Tiszafüred , it crosses the Hortobágyi National Park and crosses the Tisza (Tisza). She reaches Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. In Tiszafüred the 34-es főút branches off to the south. The road continues east through Hortobágy , north past Nagyhegyes and shortly before Debrecen crosses the Autópálya M35 motorway and, in the western part of this city, the 35-ös főút . Two kilometers further east it ends at 4-es főút ( European route 573 ). The total length of the road is 111 kilometers.

The nine-arch bridge ( Kilenclyukú híd ) near Hortobágy

See also

Web links

Commons : 33-as főút  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Magyarország, autóatlasz 1: 200,000, Honvédelmi Minisztérium Térképészeti Kht., ISBN 978-963-257-087-7 .