Gogreve (Minden-Ravensberg noble family)

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Coat of arms of those of Gogreve

Gogreve (Gogravius, Tribunus) is the name of a Westphalian nobility that was widespread in the Herford and Minden-Ravensberger area.


Herford Gogericht

Gogreve, twelve lay judges and clerks at a court session in the open air (on grass floor), miniature (right) from the law book of the city of Herford, around 1375

The name Gogreve comes from the possession of the Herford Gogericht , which the family owned as an allodial inheritance as early as the 12th century . The Gogreve judged under king's spell over " hand and neck ". The judicial district extended over the old town and new town of Herford. The court of lay judges originally met under the chairmanship of the Gogreven on the old market , at the time of the Kurkölner bailiff since 1360 on the town hall in the Neustadt (uppe deme rathus uppe der nyenstad) and "ungeboten" (unannounced) on fixed dates three times a year as “Genuine Vogt - Thing(voghettyngh) on the town hall of the old town. Seven parishes outside Herford - the outside living (de buten wanet) Feldmärker in the old town, St. Mariae auf dem Berge (with Exter ), Schildesche (with Jöllenbeck ), Heepen (with Bielefeld ), Schötmar (with Salzuflen ), Oerlinghausen and Brackwede - formed the Gogericht Hengeloh (on the Heyenloh , today Heidenloh between Biemsen and Lockhausen ), which was also assigned to the Herford ministerial family Gogreve. Appeals from “non-mandatory” (regular) meetings and “required” things of the Hengeloh Gogerichts were negotiated at the Achter -Goding uppe de wellen (= source) before de renneporten , where the old Saxon court Olden-Hervorde had previously been located. In cases of doubt, the Hengeloher Gogericht went to the Herford court bank "to the main", or the Dortmund lay judges were called as the higher court.

Hermannus plebis tribunus (= " People's Tribune " = Gogreve) is mentioned in 1191 in a document from the convent of Herford Abbey and Ministerial Christina and in an undated document from Abbot Liborius († 1214) from Marienfeld Monastery . He and his brother Heinrich were sons of Reinhard, owners of the Hartum Villication ("Harthem; Hartheim") . At the end of the 13th century, the family sold goods in Dehme to St. Martini Abbey in Minden . Heinrich (Hinrike) Gogreve entrusted the Herford Gogericht to Cologne Archbishop Siegfried von Westerburg ("Sifrid van Runkel ") for a payment of 500 marks . In 1295 Archbishop Siegfried appointed the knight Heinrich Gogreve as a count . Archbishop Heinrich II. Von Virneburg appointed knight Heinrich called Gogreve von Herford (Gogravius ​​de Hervorde) and his son Reiner in 1319 against a pledge of 150 Mark Soester Pfennige as officials in Herford. In 1327/28 Knight Reynerus Gogravius ​​and Abbess Luitgard II of Bicken (r. 1325-1360) fought over taxes on the income from the Officium (district) Hartum (Hartham) .

Fief of the Imperial Abbey of Herford

The family held extensive fiefdoms from the Herford Imperial Abbey : a Gogreven farm at the Steintor in the Radewig district , other goods and rights in Herford, two farms in Bornbrede ( "Borbeke" near Herford), farm, mill and two houses in Diebrock / Diekenbrook, Hof and two houses in Sylbach , Haus zu Aspe , Haus and Hof zu Werl , three houses in Lockhausen , Südbrüntrup ( "Sutbruninktorp" near Talle , now part of Lemgo ), Schiesshof , Uthof , Kotten, a salt house and the Friedeschilling ( Censum arearum ; court fee ) in Salzuflen, Westerenger Office , Mühle and two houses in Edelsen ( Elsterhöfe near Löhne ), Office and one house in Häver , Lindemann House (near Eickum ), Eickhof in Schweicheln ("Sueghelen; Sechselelen") , Meershaus and Another house in Werther , Siekermann zu Heepen, eight farms in Vahrenbrede (near Eickum), four farms in Rauschenbusch (near Diebrock), Kregenbrocke , Acker bei Yshus (in front of the Herford racing gate ), two farms on Gogrevenfeld , seven Höfe an der Wehmühle ( "Wedemolen" on the Werre in front of the Herford Lübbertor ), three courtyards in Milse , a house in Sorenhagen (near Biemsen), a house in Glösinghausen ( Glosinckamp near Westerenger), pasture, field, Hof to den Worden , other lands and all houses on the Aa in front of the Herford Deichtor ("Dikport") - except for two houses near Bexterlau -, two houses in Riessen ("Rettersen; Rotterschen ”) , house to Echolte ( Eickel near Lübbecke ), office and courtyard Hartum, courtyard to Ramsloh (between Ummeln and Senne ), Horenbrede , Wulferkamp (near Diebrock), Schelenbrink , Quadenkamp , Lockhof and dat Goltland in front of the Herford stone gate , the Volkwinschen Haus and the Sanderhaus zu Hillewalsen (near Elverdissen ), fishing in the Aa near Brake , from 1233 to 1334 also the bailiwick of the Hunnebrock Villication .

Already in the oldest Herford fiefdom register , the original from the 11./12. The Gogreve knight family, with 17 mansion courts, is at the forefront of all feudal bearers of the abbey. In 1352 the family had acquired more than 70 individual farms as fiefs, plus a complete villication with a main farm and 24 mansions, 2 mills and 1 salt house in Salzuflen. In addition, so-called Gogreven oats or a Gogreven chicken were obtained from many farms .

In 1334 knight Hinrick de Gogreve and his sons Heinrich, Werner, Johann, Reyneke (Reiner), Otto and Hermann sold the office of Hunnebrock with Hof and Kotten zu Häver, goods to Scheit , Oberbehme (Bevenhem) , Bermbeck (Bernebeke) , Herringhausen (Hederinchussen) ) and Glösinghausen (Glosincheym) to the knight Alhard (Albert) von dem Bussche . In 1341, the childless squire Hermann Gogreve left a pension of 18 schillings from a farm in southern Lengern to the squire Albert von dem Bussche, his mother's brother. "Her Hinrik de Gogreue" (mentioned a generation back in 1362) and "her Reyner de Gogreue" (to the year 1351) are mentioned in the description of legal cases in the law book of the city of Herford . The squire Sweder de Gogreve, son of the late Johann des Gogreven, sold his share in Glösinghausen to Alheid van der Molen, Albert von dem Bussche's wife, in 1369.

1403 Hermann Gogravius received after the death of Elizabeth of Wede the Erbtruchsessenamt (dapiferatus ... hereditario jure) of the pen, were associated with the possession of two houses in Salzuflen, a house in Werl, two houses to Oberbehme and homes and buildings Südlengern. In 1419, Johann von dem Bussche (* before 1366; † around 1438), Drost zu Wittlage , a grandson of Helena von Gogreve, assumed the office of inheritance , and the Ledebur family had held the office since 1438 .

The squire Godert (Godhert) de Gogreve (* before 1400/10; † after 1462), sworn councilor and appointed liege judge of the Herford abbess, sold several of his fiefs, including in 1445 his right to the court at Hartum as well as houses and rights to Bermbeck or In 1455 a farm in Werl, the Hof van Hagen in Herford, where he and his wife kept breeding , the Hof ton Worden and fishing in the Aa. At that time the family no longer held the office of count. Johann Tegeler († after 1482) was the judge of both cities in Herford and Gogreve in Cologne. In 1472 Duke Gerhard von Jülich-Berg acquired the courts in the city of Herford and the Hengeloher Gogericht; the seat of all courts was moved to Bielefeld.

Marienfeld Monastery

In the 13th century, the Herford Gogreven gave the Marienfeld monastery in Harsewinkel (near Gütersloh ) salt pensions from a house in Salzuflen. "Reinerus Gogravius ​​et filius ejus (= and his son)" were added to the monastery necrology . In many documents of the monastery, members of the family act as witnesses: before 1214 "Hervordie ... iudex Heinricus, tribunus Hermannus et fratres sui", 1225 "Hermann Gograf", 1231 "Heinrich and Johann, Brothers Gografen, Johann, dapifer ", 1275 "Gograf Reinhard, Hermann and Hermann, knights, his relatives ”, May 28, 1288“ to Herford, Hermann, Gograf,… Johann, Gograf, Hermann and Werner, brothers, Gogravii and Knappen ”, April 13, 1290“ Johann, Gograf… zu Herford ”, January 31, 1298“ Johann Gograf, knight ... zu Alt-Herford ”, May 12, 1322“ Hermann Gogravius, squire, brother of the knight Heinrich ”, December 20, 1342“ Reyner Gograf, knight ”, March 7, 1346 "Alrad Gogreven, cleric from the department ... at Herford", September 24, 1384 "Sweder von Gogreve, Knappe" (guarantor), December 17, 1404 "Hermann Gogreve".

The feudal lordship over the tithe in Brake (Brac) and Guntenhausen (in the parish of Schildesche), with which knight Heinrich Gograve zu Herford and his late son Ritter Reyner were enfeoffed from Herford Monastery, was granted in 1324 by Abbess Luitgard II von Bicken of the overlord Simon I. zur Lippe sold to the Marienfeld monastery. Likewise, in 1326 the feudal lordship over the tithe in Diebrock, owned by the knight Johann Gogreve zu Herford, changed from Herford Abbey to Marienfeld Monastery. The squire Heinrich, son of the knight Heinrich Gogreve, renounced in 1331 and the squire Johann Gogreve renounced the tithe in Brake in 1345 opposite the Marienfeld monastery. In 1374, knight Johann Gogreve, with the consent of his daughter Gosta, gave the Esdar farm in Großdornberg (Grotendorneberghe) in the parish of Dornberg to the Marienfeld monastery .

Fief of the pen on the mountain in Herford

The monastery on the mountain enfeoffed the Gogreve with shares in the bailiwick over the farms Ekerinchosen (Eggeringhausen = Sattelmeier Meyer-Johann) and Ebinchosen (Ebbinghausen = Sattelmeier Ebmeyer), both today in Oldinghausen .

Another possession

The Gogreve family was founded by the Bishop of Minden with courtyards and slopes in Linne near Barkhausen (Bad Essen) , Haldem , Stemshorn , Arrenkamp , Westrup , Molenhop , Marl , Wehdem , Bäntorf (Bedingdorpe) , Ostscheid ("Scheet") , Babbenhausen , Edelsen and Becksen , Udinghemolen or the Oberhof in Wester-Eisbergen enfeoffed and owned property in Lerbeck , Wede (= Hollwede) = Leverhagen , Lever Teich (Leverdyk) and Balduins- Sundern (all in Stemwede ). With the Bishop of Paderborn she exchanged rights in Mehnen near Lübbecke for the tithe in Elverdissen (Elflysten) , which she then gave him to fiefdom in favor of an altar she had erected in the Herford church . At the beginning of the 14th century, Johannes Gogravius ​​and his son Hermann were enfeoffed with goods from the collegiate monastery St. Petrus and Andreas Busdorf in Paderborn, including rights in Ober- and Nieder-Eickum .

Members of the family were perhaps Osnabrück castle men in Quakenbrück as early as the 13th century . You were in the 14./15. Century as owner of castle houses and judges of the Hunteburg (Himteborck) in the parish of Ostercappeln in the service of the Diocese of Osnabrück and owned Osnabrück fiefs, z. B. the Feldhake farm in the parish of Westerkappeln . Members of the Gogreve family also come across as Counts of Lippe . House Langewiese (Lange Wische) near Ibbenbüren - there the Herford monastery owned manors - and other goods were in the 14th / 15th. Century as a fief of the Counts of Tecklenburg owned by the Gogreve family. At the beginning of the 15th century it had a gradient in Feggendorf in the county of Schaumburg .

Krevet branch line

The branch line called Gogreve Crevet (Krewet; Cancer) originally came from the Herford ministerial family; Werner Gogreve called Krevet († around 1290) was the brother of "Hinricus miles Gogravius Hervordensis ". The Krevet later belonged to the leading families in the Paderborn bishopric with headquarters in Salzkotten (from 1607 Vernaburg Castle in Verne ).

Families with the same name

Probably there is no tribal relationship with the Westphalian - Waldeck noble family of the Gaugreben , which was also enfeoffed in close proximity in Holzhausen ( Hudenbeck , Brüggehof) and in the county of Schaumburg. The family of the Gogreve zu Telgte and Ahlen can also be distinguished.

coat of arms

A red crossbar in a silver field, as it was also used by the city and monastery of Herford and the Oldenhervorde and Quernheim families , or an upright eagle (probably confused with a cancer) similar to the Rietberg coat of arms. The branch line Gogreve called Crevet had a cancer in the coat of arms.

The coat of arms of Chancellor Johann Ghogreff von Jülich-Kleve-Berg contains three (2: 1) golden, overturned horseshoes (or barrel irons , wall anchors , anchors of the wolf tang ) in blue . The crest is decorated with three golden balls with a peacock bump on them. The Quakenbrücker Gogreve - similar to other Burgmann families there - carried a shield that was split three times in the cloud section ( Wolkenfeh ).

Master list of the Gogreve for Hunteburg and Düsseldorf

Giseke (Giso) Gogreve († after 1418), 1377, 1412 owner of a castle fief house of the Hunteburg,

  1. Johann de Ghogreve († after 1421), married to N. N. († after 1418), a relative (moge) of Diderik Amendorp († after 1419), son of the squire Diderikes Amendorp the Elder († after 1384),
  2. Heinrich Gogreve († after 1459), son of Geseke, Knappe, ⚭ Lihse (Lize; Elisabeth) NN. († after 1434),
    1. Gerlach Gogreve († after 1494), squire,
    2. Giesbert (Gisgen) Goegreffe (* before 1430; † 1504/05), bailiff and castle captain of Düsseldorf, ⚭ I. Hilla (Hildegard) N., ⚭ II. Before 1478 Sophia (Fya) von Hammerstein († after 1482), ⚭ III. 1491, Margaretha von der Recke († 1515/25)
      1. (To.) N. N. (* before 1490/95; † before 1523), ⚭ 1509 Wilhelm V. Staël von Holstein († 1535/47), Lord of Sülz and Hammershof,
      2. Margaretha Gogreve (* before 1495/99; † after 1556, maybe † around 1573), ∞ since 1515 with Gerhard von Dobbe zu Lyren († around 1524) in Wattenscheid,
      3. Wilhelm Ghogreff (* around 1495; † 1528/32, probably around 1530), 1525 bailiff zu Mettmann, ⚭ married to Anna Ketteler since 1528,
      4. Martin Ghogref (Goegreve) (* around 1495, † after 1547), cleric,
      5. Johann Ghogreff (* around 1499; † 1554), German humanist and chancellor of Jülich-Kleve-Berg, ⚭ 1531 Agnes von Binsfeld († before 1582)
        1. Maria Ghogreve († 1591 or 1593), married since 1558/63 to Franz II. Von Waldeck-Eisenberg (around 1526–1574), pledge and official of the House of Beyenburg,
        2. Agnes Ghogreve (Gaugrebe) († 1598/1602), ⚭ 1578 Ludolf the Elder L. von Fürstenberg zu Höllinghofen († 1581) from Werl,
        3. Werner Gogreff († 1559) to Hellenbroich, Angerort and Medefort
    3. Pellike Gogreve,
    4. Alveke (read: "Flueke"; Alverada) Gogreve,
    5. Rikeza (Rickze; Ricarda) Gogreve.

Other members

  • Hermann (Harmen) Gogreve († 1481) from Lübbecke, son of Alhard de Gogreve († after 1431) and Alheyd de Gogrevesche († 1426/31), brother of the squire Rabod de Gogreve († after 1469), 1436 Canon, 1438, 1465 Sangmeister (cathedral choirmaster), 1471, 1474 cathedral sexton at the Minden cathedral St. Gorgonius and St. Petrus
  • Alheidis (Aleke) Gogreve († 1482), 1453 conventual, 1457, 1475 chamberlain, since 1478 prioress of the Abbey of Quernheim
  • Jutta Gogreve († after 1494), mentioned in 1478, 1483 as "Kammersche" (chamberwoman) of the Quernheim monastery
  • Jobst Gogreve (* around 1560, † around 1615), Mayor of Paderborn
  • Heinrich Gogreve († 1683), dean of St. Andreas in Lübbecke in 1658 , deposed in 1681, acquired the Gogrevenhof (later Lückerscher Freihof , then Gerlachscher Posthof ) in Lübbecke in 1664


  • Roger Wilmans ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201–1300 , booklet I. The documents from the years 1201–1240 . (Westphalian document book 4.1). Regensberg, Münster 1874 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Roger Wilmans ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , Book II. The documents from the years 1241-1250 . (Westphalian document book 4.2). Regensberg, Münster 1880 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Heinrich Finke ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , booklet III. The documents from the years 1251–1300 . (Westphalian document book 4.3). Regensberg, Münster 1890 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Friedrich Philippi , Max Bär (arrangement): Osnabrücker Urkundenbuch , Vol. III The documents of the years 1251–1280 . Rackhorst, Osnabrück 1899, No. 59, p. 46f, No. 110, p. 83f, No. 158, p. 115f, No. 177, p. 128f, No. 185, p. 133f, No. 318, p . 221, No. 636, p. 451f, and No. 642, p. 454f ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Documents from September 22, 1266, January 8, 1279, April 6, 1346 and October 21, 1372. In: Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Contributions to the genealogy and history of the extinct Counts of Sternberg in Westphalia . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 9 (1846), pp. 44-138, esp. No. V, p. 73f, No. VII, p. 75f, No. XXVII, p. 97f, and No. XLVIII, P. 120f ( Google Books )
  • Max Bär ( arrangement ): Osnabrücker Urkundenbuch , Vol. IV The documents of the years 1281–1300 . Rackhorst, Osnabrück 1902, No. 155, pp. 105–107 ( Google Books ; limited preview)
  • Existence of the marshal office in Westphalia , 1293-1300; Johann Suibert Seibertz (arrangement): Document book on the regional and legal history of the Duchy of Westphalia , vol. I. Ritter, Arnsberg 1839, no. 484, pp. 598–644, esp. P. 636f ( digitized version of the University and State Library of Münster )
  • Otto Preuß , August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , Vol. II. From 1301 to 1400 . Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1863 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich), ( Google Books ); Vol. III. From 1401 to 1475 and supplements . Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1866 ( Google Books )
  • Manfred Wolf (arrangement): The documents of the Cologne Westphalia , volume II. 1311-1320 (Westphalian document book 11.2). Aschendorff, Münster 2000
  • Document from May 12, 1322. In: Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Basic features of the oldest history and genealogy of the Vincke family . With certificates . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 9 (1846), pp. 233–347, esp. No. XVII, p. 318f, No. XX, p. 321, cf. Pp. 335 and 338 ( Google Books )
  • Wilhelm von Hodenberg (arrangement): Diepholzer document book . Hahn, Hanover 1842 ( Google Books )
  • Bernhard Vollmer (ed.): Document book of the city and the Bielefeld monastery . Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld 1937 ( digitized version of the University and State Library of Münster)
  • Franz Darpe (edit.): Income and feudal register of the prince abbey of Herford as well as levellers of the monastery on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892 ( digitized version of the University and State Library Düsseldorf)
  • Paul Wigand (edit.): Legal book of the city of Herford. (From the 14th century) . In: Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Westphalens 2 (1828), pp. 7–53, esp. Pp. 24–26, 27f, 31f u. a. ( Digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich), ( Google Books )
    • Julius Normann (edit.): Legal book of the city of Herford from the 14th century. Original text with translation and notes . Eßmann, Herford 1905, esp. Pp. 36-38, 40f, 48f and a. ( Digitized version of the University and State Library of Münster)
    • Theodor Helmert-Corvey (ed.): Law book of the city of Herford . Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 1989 ( PDF (text transcription) of Bielefeld University)
  • Ernst Friedrich Mooyer ( arrangement ): Regesta de nobilium dominorum de Monte seu de Scalkesberge . In: Westphälische Provinzial-Blätter 2,4 (1839), S. 3–231 ( Google-Books )
  • Franz Herberhold (ed.): The land register of the Grafschaft Ravensberg from 1556 , Vol. I: Text , Vol. II Register (publications of the Historical Commission of Westphalia 29 / 1–2). Aschendorff, Münster 1960/1981 ( PDF ; 93.3 MB, and PDF ; 34.3 MB of the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association )


  • Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen to the history of Herford 9. The family of Gogreve . In: Journal for patriotic history and antiquity 5 (1842), pp. 60–85 ( Google Books )
  • August Wilhelm Viktor Rose: On the history of the city of Herford , part II. In: Westphälische Provinzial-Blätter 3 / I (1843), pp. 113–156; 3 / IV (1846), pp. 1–42, especially pp. 38–42 ( Google Books )
  • Theodor Ilgen : On the Herford city and court constitution In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 49 (1891), pp. 1–58, especially p. 45 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Karl Nitzsch: The Ravensberg territorial constitution in the Middle Ages (until 1535) . (diss. phil.). Halle 1902 ( Google Books ; limited preview) = Annual report of the Historical Association for the County of Ravensberg 17 (1903), pp. 1–120 ( PDF of the Bielefeld City Archives)
  • Rainer Pape: Sancta Herfordia. History of Herford from the beginning to the present . Busse, Herford 1979
  • Ulrike Lade-Messerschmied: The miniatures of the law book of the city of Herford . In: Theodor Helmert-Corvey (Hrsg.): Rechtsbuch der Stadt Herford . (Herford historical sources 2). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 1989, pp. 198–207
  • Gustav Engel : Contributions to the economic history of Herford Abbey in the Middle Ages . In: Annual report of the Historical Association for the County of Ravensberg 79 (1991), pp. 27–140 ( PDF of the Bielefeld City Archives)
  • Birgit Meineke : The place names of the Lippe district . (Westphalian Place Name Book 2). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2010 ( PDF of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences)
  • Birgit Meineke: The place names of the Herford district . (Westphalian place name book 4). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2011 ( PDF of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences)
  • Birgit Meineke: The place names of the city of Bielefeld . (Westphalian place name book 5). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2013 ( PDF of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences)
  • Birgit Meineke: The place names of the Minden-Lübbecke district . (Westphalian place name book 7). 2nd edition. Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2016

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b document from 1191 as an attachment to a document from 1217; Roger Wilmans (arr.): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 . (Westphalian document book 4.1). Regensberg, Münster 1874, note 1 to no. 72, p. 50f; see. No. 73, p. 51 ( Google Books ).
  2. Cf. Karl Nitzsch: The Ravensberg Territorial Constitution in the Middle Ages (until 1535) . (diss. phil.). Halle 1902, pp. 42 and 44, note 1 ( Google Books ).
  3. ^ Legal book of the city of Herford , p. 24.
  4. a b c Cf. Karl Nitzsch: The Ravensberg territorial constitution in the Middle Ages (until 1535) . (diss. phil.). Halle 1902, pp. 43–45 and 113f.
  5. ^ Rainer Pape: From the Roten Wik to the Old Market, the meeting place of the Heinrichsburg Herford with the Roland . In: Wolfgang Otto (ed.): From three millennia. Contributions to the history of the city of Herford . (Free and Hanseatic City of Herford 17). Bad Oeynhausen 2001, pp. 63-100, u. a.
  6. ^ Legal book of the city of Herford , pp. 17, 22, 23.
  7. ^ Legal book of the city of Herford , p. 26.
  8. Rainer Pape: Sancta Herfordia. History of Herford from the beginning to the present . Busse, Herford 1979, p. 111.
  9. a b cf. in detail August Theodor Holscher: The older diocese of Paderborn, according to its borders, archdeaconates, districts and old courts . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 37 II (1879), pp. 3-90, esp. Pp. 98f ( digitized version in the Internet Archive).
  10. a b Law book of the city of Herford , p. 27f.
  11. On the translation, cf. the documents of Abbess Pinnosa of February 3, 1265 ("Reinardus et Hermannus senior Gogravii Hervordenses") and April 3, 1268 ("Reynardus, Hermanus et Hermannus Tribuni"); Roger Wilmans ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , Book II. (Westphalian document book 4.2). Regensberg, Münster 1880, No. 1022 and 1135, pp. 515 and 562 ( digitized in the Internet Archive); see. also nos. 334, 349, 427, 478, 557, 880, 1135.
  12. ^ A b Roger Wilmans, Ludwig Perger (arr.): The documents of the diocese of Münster from 1201-1300 . (Westphalian document book 3). Regensberg, Münster 1871, no. 1709, p. 894f, dated “around 1219” ( Google Books ).
  13. a b Hof Meyer zu Hartum, Diebrock No. 2, southwest of Herford.
  14. Cf. Hermann Aubin : The administrative organization of the Principality of Paderborn in the Middle Ages . (Treatises on Middle and Modern History 26). Berlin 1911, p. 18.
  15. See documents of April 30, 1276 and April 23, 1277; Heinrich Finke ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , booklet III. (Westphalian document book 4.3). Regensberg, Münster 1890, No. 1434 and 1435, p. 687f, and No. 1467, p. 702 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  16. a b Also "Gogreve called Krebs (Crevet, Cancer) ", bailiff zu Vlotho ; see. Document dated June 3, 1285, issued in Wiedenbrück; Heinrich Finke ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , booklet III. (Westphalian document book 4.3). Regensberg, Münster 1890, No. 1840, p. 851 ( digitized in the Internet Archive) = Max Bär ( arrangement ): Osnabrücker Urkundenbuch , Vol. IV The documents of the years 1281–1300 . Rackhorst, Osnabrück 1902, No. 155, pp. 105-107 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  17. ^ Inventory of the Marshal Office in Westphalia , p. 637; Law book of the city of Herford , p. 31; Theodor Ilgen: On the Herford city and court constitution In: Journal for patriotic history and antiquity 49 (1891), pp. 1–58, especially p. 45 ( digitized in the Internet archive).
  18. ^ Certificate dated July 30, 1295, issued in Bonn; Heinrich Finke ( arrangement ): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , Book III (= Westphalian document book 4.3). Regensberg, Münster 1890, No. 2350, pp. 1065f.
  19. ^ Certificate of May 18, 1319, issued in Godesberg; Manfred Wolf (arrangement): The documents of the Cologne Westphalia , Book II. (Westphalian document book 11.2). Aschendorff, Münster 2000, p. 902.
  20. Documents of January 24, 1327 and February 28, 1328; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, state archive, documents 189 and 197).
  21. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia department (Herford abbey, Lehen - Akten, no. 57).
  22. See e.g. B. Entries from 1324-1360, 1488 or 1494; Franz Darpe (edit.): Income and feudal register of the prince abbey of Herford as well as levellers of the monastery on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892, pp. 157f, 160, 187f, 197, 219, 223, 231, 269, 282f. u. ö.
  23. ^ Entry from 1484; Franz Darpe (edit.): Income and feudal register of the prince abbey of Herford as well as levellers of the monastery on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892, p. 265 ( digitized version of the University and State Library Düsseldorf).
  24. Cf. regest of the documents of November 12 and December 13, 1324, June 27, 1327 and June 6, 1328; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , Vol. II. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1863, No. 697–698a, 710 and 717, pp. 111–113, 118f and 121f ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich) .
  25. a b cf. documents from 1224 (Gographer Hermann von Herford) and from March 17, 1281 (Gographer Heinrich zu Herford and his brothers Hermann, Werner and Reyner, dapifer ); Landesarchiv NRW Westphalia department (Marienfeld monastery, documents 37 and 225).
  26. ^ Regest of a document dated April 7, 1336; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , Vol. II. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1863, No. 780, p. 148.
  27. Vfelen had to deliver "dat Gogreuen solt (= Gogreven salt)" ; Legal book of the city of Herford , p. 19.
  28. Not to be confused with Glösinghausen near Preußisch Oldendorf .
  29. In fiefdom since 1233, sold to Count Bernhard von Ravensberg in 1334 , who enfeoffed the von dem Bussche family; see. Friedhelm Biermann: The Weser area in the high and late Middle Ages (= publications by the Institute for Historical Research at the University of Göttingen 49). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2007, pp. 435, 495.
  30. ^ Gustav Engel: Contributions to the economic history of Herford Abbey in the Middle Ages . In: Annual report of the historical association for the Grafschaft Ravensberg 79 (1991), pp. 27–140, esp. Pp. 64–66.
  31. ^ Law book of the city of Herford , p. 19; Franz Herberhold (Ed.): The land register of the Grafschaft Ravensberg from 1556 , Vol. I: Text , Vol. II Register (publications of the Historical Commission of Westphalia 29 / 1-2). Aschendorff, Münster 1960, pp. 40, 42, 44f., 47, 55f., 100-104.
  32. Otto Gogreve was a priest; see. Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen to the history of Herford 9. The family of Gogreve . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. Pp. 69, 74. A namesake (Knappe) comes across in an advertised document from 1364; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Abbey, documents 978).
  33. memo for the year 1334; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Minden-Ravensberg, Government, No. 416, Bl. 1); Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen to the history of Herford 9. The family of Gogreve . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. Pp. 69f.
  34. Today the street name Bussen Hof in Kirchlengern (Südlengern-Dorf) .
  35. ^ Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen for the history of Herford 9. The family of Gogreve . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. P. 71.
  36. ^ Legal book of the city of Herford , p. 17 (twice) and 22.
  37. ^ Document of January 10, 1363; Adolf Brennecke, Ernst Müller (edit.): Inventories of the non-state archives of the Warendorf district . (Inventories of the non-state archives of the Province of Westphalia II, 2.2). Aschendorff, Münster 1908, Haus Bevern , No. 26, p. 14 = 102 * ( Google Books ; limited preview); see. No. 59, p. 21.
  38. daughter of Engelmodis (gels) Knigge and Gerhard von Wede.
  39. Franz Darpe (edit.): Income and feudal register of the Herford abbey as well as levers of the monastery on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892, pp. 219, 223, 231; see. Pp. 164, 192, 195f., 203, 206.
  40. Franz Darpe (edit.): Income and feudal register of the Herford abbey as well as levers of the monastery on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892, p. 233.
  41. Probably identical with Hermann's son, brother of the squires Alhart (Albert) and Hinrik Gogreven; see. Documents dated August 23, February 14, 1424; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, Landesarchiv, documents no. 601 and 627).
  42. ↑ In 1403 Hermann de Gogreve, the son of the judge Johann, was a fiefdom judge in Herford; see. Document dated February 20, 1403; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Johanniterkommende Herford, document 32-b).
  43. Documents of November 3, 1434, October 12, 1437, September 13, 1449 and November 2, 1461 u. a .; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, state archive, documents No. 700, 726, 851 and 940).
  44. Document of June 15, 1445; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, state archive, document no. 803; see no. 498).
  45. Documents dated June 15, 1445; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, state archive, documents No. 801 and 802).
  46. ^ Document from 1455; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Association for the History and Archeology of Westphalia, Münster department (Dep.), Certificate no. 260).
  47. Cf. Franz Darpe (arrangement): Income and feudal register of the Herford abbey as well as levers of the pen on the mountain near Herford (= Codex Traditionum Westfalicarum, 4). Theissing, Münster 1892, p. 269.
  48. Cf. Regest of a document from the city council of Minden in the Lemgo city archive from December 24, 1442: "Godehard der Gogreve and his wife Ilseke"; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , Vol. III. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1866, No. 2008, p. 242 ( Google Books ).
  49. Document dated July 23, 1455; State archive NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, state archive, document no. 851).
  50. Also Teygheler or similar; Herford councilor; probably son of the Herford count (1439) Ludeke Tegeler.
  51. ^ Documents of September 13, 1449 and October 8, 1452; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Herford abbey, regional archive, document no. 851; Lübbecke monastery, document no. 91); Document dated November 26, 1462; Princely Archives Burgsteinfurt (feudal matters, documents and files, document no. 131).
  52. ^ Karl Nitzsch: The Ravensberg territorial constitution in the Middle Ages (until 1535). (diss. phil.) . Hall 1902, p. 47.
  53. ^ Leopold von Ledebur (arrangement): Necrologium Marienfeldense . In: Monuments of ancient language and art 2 (1827), pp. 123–232, especially p. 147 ( Google Books ).
  54. Cf. document from 1358: "Alrad gogreue capelle sancte Katharine heruordensis rector" (Chapel of the Katharinenhospital on the Stifts Freiheit) by Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen on the history of Herford 9. The Gogreve family . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. P. 68.
  55. ^ Landesarchiv NRW Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Abbey, documents 61a, 195, 275, 289, 335, 501, 649, 661, 724 and 846).
  56. Documents of March 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 and October 9, 1324; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Abbey, documents 519–523 and 529).
  57. ^ Documents of July 6th, 8th, 11th and 13th, 1326; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Abbey, documents 541–547).
  58. ^ Documents of July 1, 1331, September 20, 1338, May 5, 1344 and September 17, 1345; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Monastery, documents 575, 628, 657 and 660).
  59. ^ Notarial instrument of the Herford city judge Herbord de Russel (Rusle) from June 15 and document from September 1, 1374; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Marienfeld Abbey, documents 758 and 759).
  60. Cf. Regest of the documents of 1229, of November 11, 1245, April 7, 1265 and June 28, 1280; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (pin on the mountain, documents 4, 5, 8 and 15); Birgit Meineke: The place names of the Herford district . (Westphalian place name book 4). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2011, pp. 83 and 195f.
  61. Leopold von Ledebur : About the limits of the forest ban given by Carl the Great to the Osnabrück Church . In: Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Westphalens 1 (1825), pp. 76–89, esp. Pp. 87f ( Google Books ).
  62. See also document of August 3, 1487: Giseke Gogreve, Knappe, bailiff in Dusseldorpe, announces the solution of the Frundeshof in the Lintorp peasantry (near Barkhausen), which was relocated to his grandfather Giseke Gogreve von St. Mauritz and Simeon ; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (St. Mauritz and Simeon Monastery, Minden, No. 244).
  63. Perhaps the Mühlenhöfe at Porta Westfalica -Eisbergen or the Mühlenhof at Rahden .
  64. ^ A b Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen on the history of Herford 9th The family of Gogreve . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. P. 76.
  65. Documents of June 15, 1310, February 4, 1320 and January 10, 1351; Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen to the history of Herford 9. The family of Gogreve . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 5 (1842), pp. 60–85, esp. Pp. 81–84 ( Google Books ).
  66. Cf. Hugo Kemkes: The Lehnregister der Bishops von Minden up to 1324 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia 28.4). Aschendorff, Münster 2010, pp. 114, 153.
  67. See documents of July 27, 1428 and April 18, 1429; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (St. Mauritz and Simeon Monastery, Minden, No. 145 and 146).
  68. See document of May 12, 1340; State archive NRW Westphalia Münster department (Levern Abbey, document 154).
  69. Baldwin was the guiding name of the Stemweder fiefdoms "von Rusle"; see. 1344 pledging of half the court at Wede by Balduin von Rusle to Johann Gogreve; Karl Adolf von der Horst: The knightly seats of the county Ravensberg and the principality of Minden . Stargardt, Berlin 1894, p. 108.
  70. See document of September 9, 1466; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Levern Abbey, document 232); Karl Adolf von der Horst: The knightly seats of the county Ravensberg and the principality of Minden . Stargardt, Berlin 1894, pp. 107–111 ( digitized version of the University and State Library of Münster).
  71. ^ Document of June 29, 1316; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Prince Diocese of Paderborn, certificate 440).
  72. Johannes Meier: The income directory of the Busdorf Stift zu Paderborn from the beginning of the 13th century . In: Westfälische Zeitschrift 119 (1969), pp. 315–352, esp. Pp. 340 and 349 ( PDF of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe).
  73. Documents dated November 24, 1278 and from the beginning of 1279, cf. Document from Bishop Bruno von Isenberg from Osnabrück dated November 29, 1257; Johannes Itelius Sandhoff (edit.): Antistitum Osnabrugensis Ecclesiae , Bd. II. Anton Wilhelm Aschendorf, Münster i. W. 1785, No. CXXIII, S. clxviii f; see. No. LXXXIX, S. cxxxii f ( Google-Books ) = Friedrich Philippi, Max Bär ( arrangement ): Osnabrücker Urkundenbuch , Vol. III. Osnabrück 1899, No. 185, P. 133f, No. 636, P. 451f, and No. 642, P. 454f.
  74. The heirs of Agnes von Fürstenberg († 1598/1602), daughter of Johann Ghogreff, still owned farms in the Osnabrück area near Ostercappeln in 1605; see. Trial Records, 1594-1614; State archive NRW Rhineland Duisburg department (Ref. 504 - B 1233/4299).
  75. ^ Documents of November 23, 1377 and May 1, 1386 (both: Gyzeke de Gogreve); Lower Saxony State Archives Osnabrück (Rep 3 Osnabrück Main Archives, No. 434; Dep 12 a Marienkirche zu Osnabrück, No. 5); Documents of December 27, 1421 (Heinrich and Johann Gogreve, brothers) and May 25, 1459 (Heinrich Gogreve); Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Levern Abbey, documents 197 and 223).
  76. Rudolf vom Bruch : The knight seats of the Principality of Osnabrück . Wenner, Osnabrück 1965, p. 231f.
  77. ^ Registrum Feudorum de a. 1350 ad. a. 1361 of Bishop Johann II hat ; Justus Friedrich August Lodtmann: Acta Osnabrugensia , Bd. I. Kißling, Osnabrück 1778, p. 191 ( Google Books ) and a.
  78. See documents of June 23, 1363, October 5, 1398 and ö .; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arr.): Lippische Regesten , Vol. II. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1863, No. 1197, 1455 a. ö., pp. 331, 448 and ö.
  79. ^ Document dated November 11, 1381; Adolf Brennecke, Ernst Müller (edit.): Inventories of the non-state archives of the Warendorf district . (Inventories of the non-state archives of the Province of Westphalia II, 2.2). Aschendorff, Münster 1908, Bevern House, No. 47, p. 19 = 107 *.
  80. Albert Ludorff: The architectural and art monuments of the district of Tecklenburg . Schönigh, Münster 1907, p. 53; see. Christiane Kathe: De geystlik begvenen Juncfrowen to Quernhem. Investigations into the Abbey and Abbey of Quernheim (from its foundation to 1532) . (diss. phil.). Münster 1994, p. 59.
  81. ^ Document dated November 11, 1438; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Principality and Minden Cathedral Chapter, No. 273 a).
  82. See documents from December 3rd and 4th 1290, issued in Herford, u. a .; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , Vol. III. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1866, No. 1506, p. 10 = Heinrich Finke (edit.): The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn from the year 1201-1300 , Book III (= Westphalian document book 4.3). Regensberg, Münster 1890, No. 2112 and 2113, pp. 973f .; Rainer Decker: Mayor and councilors in Paderborn from the 13th to the 17th century (= studies and sources on Westphalian history, 16). Bonifacius, Paderborn 1977, p. 173f.
  83. Coat of arms: Three black stakes in silver.
  84. Schaumburg fiefdom of the v. Gogreve , 1558–1768, and Hesse-Kassel and Schaumburg fiefdoms of the v. Gogreve (by Gaugrebe), u. a. zu Rinteln , 1650-1709; Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (holdings 17 c Landgravial Hessian Government Kassel: Lehnhof, no. 3977 and no. 6699) u. a.
  85. ^ Leopold von Ledebur: Dynastische Forschungen , Vol. II. Ludwig Rauh, Berlin 1855, p. 17.
  86. See document of March 24, 1338; Otto Preuß, August Falkmann (arrangement): Lippische Regesten , vol. II. Meyer, Lemgo / Detmold 1863, no. 793, p. 153; Document from 1483; Landesarchiv NRW, Westphalia Münster department (Recke zu Obernfelde, von der family, certificate no. 71).
  87. Ernst Friedrich Mooyer: Miscellen for the history of Herford 2. The family of Quernheim . In: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 4 (1841), pp. 55–78, esp. P. 55, note 41 ( Google Books ).
  88. called Sun Reyner Crevet (1322) and Johann Gogreve Crevet (1340), son of Knight † Reynherus called Crevet; Deeds of April 5, 1322 and September 1, 1340; LWL archive office for Westphalia Münster (Abbenburg, Old Archive, documents no. 3 and 5).
  89. Cf. Gogreff, Gogreve I. In: Max von Spießen (Ed.): Wappenbuch des Westfälischen Adels. Volume II, Starke, Görlitz 1901, plate 140, there 3 (2: 1) black, overturned horseshoes in silver.
  90. Jürgen Arndt (arrangement): The coat of arms book of the Reichsherold Caspar Sturm . Bauer & Raspe, Neustadt an der Aisch 1984, p. 112.
  91. Otto Gruber: The coats of arms of the South Oldenburg nobility . In: Jahrbuch für das Oldenburger Münsterland 20 (1971), pp. 11–32, esp. P. 14.
  92. ^ A b Christiane Kathe: De geystlik begvenen Juncfrowen to Quernhem. Investigations into the Abbey and Abbey of Quernheim (from its foundation to 1532). (diss. phil.). Münster 1994, p. 59f.
  93. See Karl Adolf von der Horst: Der Gogrevenhof . In: Addendum to the knight seats of the County of Ravensberg and the Principality of Minden . In: Vierteljahrsschrift für Wappen-, Siegel- und Familienkunde 27 (1899), pp. 1–158, esp. Pp. 103f. ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  94. Herford City Archives (Msc. 1 saec. Xiv ex.), Around 1375.
  95. ^ By Eckhard Freise: Biographical information on the author of the Herford legal book . In: Theodor Helmert-Corvey (Hrsg.): Rechtsbuch der Stadt Herford . Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, Gütersloh 1989, pp. 226–250, attributed to the notaries Johannes Walburgis de Waltbergh (1365; first version) and Siffridus Hanteloye (1370; final version) as compilers.
  96. Excerpt, annotated print of the Herford “ Schöpffen-Buck …, qui circa annum 1350… concriptus” also in: Hermann Adolph Meinders : Dissertatio de iudiciis centenariis et centumviralibus sive de criminalibus… veterum Germanorum, inprimis Francorum et Saxonum . Meyer, Lemgo 1715, pp. 269-298 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).