List of fatalities at the Berlin Wall

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The list of victims of the Berlin Wall includes all people who died as “ victims ” of the Berlin Wall . According to the criteria of a state-funded research project of the Center for Contemporary History Research (ZZF) in Potsdam and the Berlin Wall Foundation , this applies to at least 140 people. In addition, there are at least 251 mostly elderly people who  died of natural causes - mainly from heart attacks - after or during the controls at the Berlin border crossings . Results of other investigations are presented in the main article Fatalities at the Berlin Wall .

Among the people who lost their lives at the Berlin Wall, including the barriers between the GDR and West Berlin, there are also deaths among GDR border guards while on duty. Persons who perished on the inner-German border are not dealt with here.


Demonstration in Berlin 1986
Demonstration in Berlin 1986

The ZZF developed five case groups to classify individual cases as victims of the Berlin Wall. Such fatalities are:

  • Refugees who were shot by armed organs of the GDR (see: GDR border troops ) or who died of gunshot wounds while attempting to escape (from 1968 onwards, illegal border crossing according to Section 213 of the GDR Criminal Code ) .
  • Refugees who died in the border area without outside interference or who took their own life when their attempt to flee had failed.
  • People from East and West who were shot dead by armed organs of the GDR in the area of ​​the border or who died from gunshot wounds (e.g. climbed over border installations or were mistakenly mistaken for refugees and killed).
  • People from East and West, by action or omission crashed the armed forces and died from his injuries.
  • Border guards killed while serving on the wall.

The cases must either be related to an escape or causally and spatially to the border regime , or they must be traced back directly or indirectly to the cause or failure of the border authorities in the border area.


According to the data of the ZZF research project, 140 people (101 refugees, 31 people with no intention to flee (from East and West) and 8 GDR border guards) died at the Berlin Wall between 1961 and 1989. Only those dead are listed who lost their lives at the Berlin Wall, including the barriers between the GDR and West Berlin. People who died on the inner-German border are not mentioned in the list.

Surname Born Died Age Circumstances of death
Ida Siekmann 23 Aug 1902 22 Aug 1961 58 Fatally injured when jumping out of her apartment at Bernauer Strasse 48 and died before she was hospitalized
Günter Litfin Jan. 19, 1937 Aug 24, 1961 24 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in the Humboldthafen
Roland Hoff March 19, 1934 Aug 29, 1961 27 Shot while trying to escape in the Teltow Canal in front of Lichterfelde , near Wupperstrasse
Rudolf Urban June 6, 1914 17 Sep 1961 47 Crashed on August 19, 1961 on the run from his apartment at Bernauer Strasse 1 and admitted to a West Berlin hospital with a break ; died of pneumonia on September 17, 1961
Olga Sailor July 31, 1881 26 Sep 1961 80 Seriously injured on September 25, 1961 while attempting to escape by jumping out of her apartment at Bernauer Strasse 34, died on September 26 from internal injuries suffered in the process
Bernd Lünser March 11, 1939 Oct. 4, 1961 22nd He fell from the roof of the house at Bernauer Strasse 44 while trying to escape while fighting with border guards and was fatally injured
Udo Düllick Aug 3, 1936 Oct 5, 1961 25th While trying to escape by means of through swimming and (due to fire) by dipping the Spree at the sector boundary between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg drowned
Werner Probst June 18, 1936 Oct 14, 1961 25th Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border on the banks of the Spree in Kreuzberg between Schilling and Oberbaumbrücke
Lothar Lehmann Jan. 28, 1942 Nov 26, 1961 19th Drowned / died as a result of cold shock and circulatory collapse while trying to escape at the outer ring in the Havel near Sacrow (near Potsdam ) near Fährstraße
Dieter Wohlfahrt May 27, 1941 Dec 9, 1961 20th Shot while helping escape in Staaken , near Bergstrasse / corner of Hauptstrasse
Ingo Kruger Jan. 31, 1940 Dec 11, 1961 21st When trying to escape at the sector border in the Spree near the bank of the Reichstag on Kieler Straße, drowned or died of a cold shock due to a defect in the diving device
Georg Feldhahn Aug 12, 1941 Dec. 19, 1961 20th GDR border police officer who had been drinking before starting work; drowned while attempting to flee and deserting during his deployment at the sector border in the Spree, found in West Berlin on March 11, 1962
Dorit Schmiel Apr 25, 1941 19 Feb 1962 20th Fatally shot while trying to escape on the sector border to Wittenau , Wilhelmsruher Damm, and died in hospital
Heinz Jercha July 1, 1934 March 27, 1962 27 Shot as an escape helper on the sector border between Treptow and Neukölln in Heidelberger Strasse, died in West Berlin from his injuries
Philipp Held May 2, 1942 Apr. 1962 19th On or after April 8th, according to the autopsy possibly around April 12th, drowned while trying to escape at the sector border while swimming across the Spree ; Body found on April 22nd
Klaus Brueske Sep 14 1938 Apr 18, 1962 23 Attempted escape with a truck breaking through the sector border at the Heinrich-Heine-Straße border crossing point ; suffocated in the accident that brought the truck to a halt on the West Berlin side
Jörgen Schmidtchen June 28, 1941 Apr 18, 1962 20th Border soldier killed in service; shot with the gun of the Berlin Wall victim Peter Böhme at the Gleisdreieck Potsdam - Griebnitzsee opposite Kohlhasenbrück
Peter Boehme Aug 17, 1942 Apr 18, 1962 19th Shot during an exchange of fire at the Gleisdreieck Potsdam - Griebnitzsee across from Kohlhasenbrück , after the border soldier Jörgen Schmidtchen was shot with his weapon - presumably by himself
Horst Frank May 7, 1942 Apr 29, 1962 19th Shot while trying to escape on the sector border between Schönholz and Reinickendorf , on the embankment north of Klemkestrasse
Peter Goering Dec 28, 1940 May 23, 1962 21st Border soldier killed in service; fatally hit by a ricochet from the pistol of a West Berlin police officer at the sector border at the Berlin-Spandau shipping canal / Invalidenfriedhof .
Lutz Haberlandt Apr 29, 1938 May 27, 1962 24 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border south of the Sandkrugbrücke, near the Charité on Alexanderufer
Axel Hannemann Apr. 27, 1945 5th June 1962 17th Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border in the Spree near the Marschallbrücke on the Reichstagufer after the skipper of the boat on which he actually wanted to flee west had called customs
Erna Kelm July 21, 1908 June 11, 1962 53 Drowned while trying to escape in the Havel in Wannsee , near Nikolskoe
Wolfgang Glöde Feb. 1, 1949 June 11, 1962 13 In a conversation with children living there, the border guard showed and loaded his weapon on a patrol on the sector border in Treptow in the “Sorgenfrei” colony, near Karpfenteichstrasse; in the process, a shot accidentally went off and hit Glöde fatally
Reinhold Huhn March 8, 1942 June 18, 1962 20th Border soldier killed in service; Shot by an escape helper on the sector border between the districts of Mitte and Kreuzberg
Siegfried Noffke Dec 9, 1939 June 28, 1962 22nd Shot as an escape helper on the sector border between the districts of Mitte and Kreuzberg at Heinrich-Heine-Straße 49 after the escape tunnel there had been betrayed; died on the way to the East Berlin hospital
Peter Fechter Jan. 14, 1944 Aug 17, 1962 18th Shot while trying to escape in Berlin-Mitte, Zimmerstrasse; Bleeding to death in front of a large crowd of West Berliners on the death strip
Hans-Dieter Wesa Jan. 10, 1943 23 Aug 1962 19th At the sector border in Gesundbrunnen at the Bornholmer Strasse S-Bahn station , he was initially shot while trying to escape and, when he was already on the ground, shot from a short distance
Ernst Mundt Dec. 2, 1921 4th Sep 1962 40 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border, at the Sophienfriedhof, Bernauer corner Bergstrasse
Günter Seling Apr 28, 1940 Sep 30 1962 22nd Border soldier killed in service; Shot by a comrade on the south-western outer ring because, according to various sources, either the submachine gun accidentally triggered or he was mistaken for a GDR refugee
Anton Waltz Apr 27, 1902 Oct 8, 1962 60 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in the Spree near the Oberbaum Bridge
Horst Plischke July 12, 1939 Nov 19, 1962 23 Drowned while trying to escape at the sector border in the Spree; Body found on March 10, 1963
Otfried Reck Dec 14, 1944 Nov 27, 1962 17th Shot near the border after a failed attempt to escape while fleeing from the border guards search party who were now pursuing him
Günter Wiedenhöft Feb 14, 1942 5th / 6th December 1962 20th Drowned while trying to escape in the Griebnitzsee in Potsdam , body recovered on March 25, 1963 at Babelsberger Enge
Hans Räwel Dec 11, 1941 Jan. 1, 1963 21st Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in the Spree near the Oberbaum Bridge
Horst Kutscher July 5, 1931 Jan 15, 1963 31 Shot while trying to escape - presumably intoxicated - in Berlin-Treptow , in the Altglienicke / Rudower Chaussee / Rudower Straße area; A first escape was successful in 1956, but Kutscher and his family returned to the GDR after a year
Peter Kreitlow Jan 15, 1943 Jan. 24, 1963 20th Shot while trying to escape in Nieder Neuendorf ; the only dead man who was shot by Soviet soldiers
Wolf-Olaf Muszynski Feb. 1, 1947 Feb / March 1963 16 Drowned trying to escape; Date of death unclear: missing from February 6, 1963 recovered from the Spree in Kreuzberg at Cuvrystraße 51
Peter Mädler July 10, 1943 Apr 26, 1963 19th Shot while trying to escape in the Teltow Canal , opposite Zehlendorf at the level of Kleinmachnower Weg
Siegfried Widera Feb 12, 1941 8 Sep 1963 22nd Border soldier killed in service; seriously injured by refugees on August 23, 1963 at the sector border in Johannisthal near the Massante bridge, died on September 8
Klaus Schröter Feb 21, 1940 Nov 4, 1963 23 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in the Spree between Kronprinzenbrücke and Marschallbrücke and drowned as a result of the gunshot wound
Dietmar Schulz Oct 21, 1939 Nov 25, 1963 24 During an attempt to escape via the tracks north of the Bornholmer Strasse S-Bahn station, he was hit by a train and died a little later in the People's Police Hospital .
Dieter Berger Oct. 27, 1939 Dec 13, 1963 24 He climbed heavily drunk at the sector border in Adlershof on the Teltow Canal , near the Wredebrücke, over the border fence, which he climbed down again after warning shots. As he moved away from the border fence, the border troops opened fire and hit him fatally when he was already on the ground; no intention to flee is assumed
Paul Schultz Oct. 2, 1945 Dec 25, 1963 18th Shot while trying to escape on the sector border between Mitte and Kreuzberg near Melchiorstrasse / Bethaniendamm, died in the West Berlin hospital
Walter Hayn Jan. 31, 1939 Feb. 27, 1964 25th Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in Treptow near the allotment garden "Worry-free"
Adolf Philipp Aug 13, 1943 5th May 1964 20th West Berliner, who was shot in the border area to the Spandau Forest on Oberjägerweg when he threatened two border guards with a gas pistol; had previously viewed or entered borders and border areas and probably wanted to plan escape assistance at a later date
Walter Heike Sep 20 1934 June 22, 1964 29 Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border near the Invalidenfriedhof
Norbert Wolscht Oct. 27, 1943 July 28, 1964 20th Drowned in an attempt to escape with probably self-made diving equipment under unexplained circumstances in the Havel
Rainer Gneiser Nov 10, 1944 July 28, 1964 19th Drowned in an attempt to escape with probably self-made diving equipment under unexplained circumstances in the Havel
Hildegard Trabant June 12, 1927 Aug 18, 1964 37 Discovered and shot during an attempt to escape by two members of the GDR border troops in the area of ​​the disused S-Bahn line between the Schönhauser Allee and Gesundbrunnen stations as they fled back towards East Berlin
Wernhard Mispelhorn Nov 10, 1945 Aug 20, 1964 18th While trying to escape in the garden colony in Schönholz on August 18, 1964 shot and two days later in the hospital of the People's Police died
Egon Schultz Jan. 4, 1943 Oct 5, 1964 21st Border soldier killed in service; Accidentally shot by comrades in a firefight with escape helpers at the sector border in Berlin-Mitte , Strelitzer Strasse 55
Hans-Joachim Wolf Aug 8, 1944 Nov 26, 1964 20th Shot while trying to escape on the sector border in Baumschulenweg, in the Britz branch channel amounting Heidekampgraben
Joachim More Apr 3, 1945 Dec 3, 1964 19th When attempting to escape in Hohen Neuendorf / Bergfelde, he was initially shot and shot when he was already lying on the ground but was still moving
NN Jan. 19, 1965 Was seen drowning while trying to escape in the Spree ; Whereabouts of the corpse and identity of the 30-year-old unknown; possibly identical to an unidentified body of water found in West Berlin on July 8, 1965
Christian Buttkus Feb 21, 1944 March 4, 1965 21st Shot while trying to escape in Kleinmachnow / Dreilinden , near Teerofendamm
Ulrich Krzemien 13 Sep 1940 March 25, 1965 24 Found on April 13, 1965 in the Spree between the Brommy and Schilling bridges; most likely identical with a possibly intoxicated man who, on March 25, 1965, crossed the Spree near the Osthafen on the sector border between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain from West Berlin to East Berlin, due to exhaustion, could not climb the East Berlin bank and despite pleading for help drowned under the eyes of an inactive GDR border guard
Hans-Peter Hauptmann March 20, 1939 May 3, 1965 26th Got into an argument with a border troop in front of his house near the border and grabbed the gun barrel of a border guard; was seriously injured by gunfire on April 24, 1965 at the outer ring in the border area between Potsdam - Babelsberg and West Berlin, whereupon a kidney was removed during an operation; when the other kidney failed, he died on May 3, 1965
Hermann Döbler Oct 28, 1922 June 15, 1965 42 West Berlin motorboat driver who unintentionally crossed the border - believed to be 100 meters further away - on the Teltow Canal near the Dreilinden checkpoint and was then shot by GDR border guards
Klaus Kratzel March 3, 1940 Aug 8, 1965 25th Fatal accident while attempting to escape at the sector border in the S-Bahn tunnel between the Pankow and Schönhauser Allee stations
Klaus garden July 19, 1941 Aug 18, 1965 24 Fatally injured while attempting to escape in Teltow , near Philipp-Müller-Allee and died in the East Berlin hospital
Walter Kittel May 21, 1942 Oct 18, 1965 23 Shot at close range while trying to escape in Kleinmachnow when he tried to surrender to the GDR border guards when asked. The act led to the highest sentence in a wall rifle trial in 1992 .
Heinz Cyrus June 5, 1936 Nov 11, 1965 29 Was discovered while trying to escape on November 10th, fled from the border guards chasing him to the house at Gartenstrasse 85 in Prenzlauer Berg near the border and climbed out of the corridor window on the fourth floor when the surrounded house was searched; fell into the courtyard and died from his injuries in hospital the following morning
Heinz Sokolowski December 17, 1917 Nov 25, 1965 47 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border between the Brandenburg Gate and Clara-Zetkin-Straße
Erich Kühn Feb. 27, 1903 December 3, 1965 62 Shot in the stomach while attempting to escape on November 26, 1965 at the sector border in the area of ​​the Sonnenallee railway embankment , near the "Eintracht" allotment garden; died of peritonitis in hospital on December 3, 1965
Heinz Schöneberger June 7, 1938 Dec 26, 1965 27 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border between Mitte and Kreuzberg at the Heinrich-Heine-Straße border checkpoint
Dieter Brandes Oct 23, 1946 Jan. 11, 1966 19th Shot at while attempting to escape on June 9, 1965 at the sector border in the Nordbahnhof / Gartenstrasse area and killed his severe physical and psychological injuries on January 11, 1966 (circulatory failure)
Willi Block June 5, 1934 Feb 7, 1966 31 Shot while trying to escape in Staaken , near the border crossing point, when he was already lying on the ground because his clothes were caught in the barbed wire
Lothar Schleusener Jan. 14, 1953 March 14, 1966 13 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in Treptow , allotment garden colony "Sorgefrei" near the Plänterwald S-Bahn station
Jörg Hartmann Oct. 27, 1955 March 14, 1966 10 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in Treptow , allotment garden colony "Sorgefrei" near the Plänterwald S-Bahn station; youngest victim who was shot at the wall
Willi Marzahn June 3, 1944 March 19, 1966 21st Shot while trying to escape during an exchange of fire between two refugees and the crews of two border watchtowers near Kohlhasenbrück / Steinstücke
Eberhard Schulz March 11, 1946 March 30, 1966 20th Shot while trying to escape between Kleinmachnow and Königs Wusterhausen ; the fellow refugee was arrested
Michael Kollender Feb. 19, 1945 Apr 25, 1966 21st Shot at the escape and (as NVA -Soldat) desertion attempt on the sector border in Johannisthal on Teltowkanal ; the riflemen were acquitted in reunified Germany because deserting was a crime under the GDR military law of 1962
Paul Stretz Feb 28, 1935 Apr 29, 1966 31 West Berlin, the drunk at the sector border in Berlin-Spandau Canal amounting Invalidenfriedhof bathed; shot by GDR border guards who thought he was a refugee
Eduard Wroblewski March 3, 1933 July 26, 1966 33 Shot while trying to escape (under alcohol) on the outer ring in Mahlow on the border with Lichtenrade near the former S-Bahn embankment; He managed to escape for the first time in 1952, but returned to the GDR after nine months
Heinz Schmidt Oct. 26, 1919 Aug 29, 1966 46 West Berliners, who probably swam through the shipping canal north of the Invalidenfriedhof due to mental illness and was shot at and fatally injured by GDR border guards on the way back
Andreas Senk 1960 13 Sep 1966 6th Pushed into the Spree by a playmate on the sector border between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain , near the Oberbaumbrücke , and drowned
Karl-Heinz Kube Apr 10, 1949 Dec 16, 1966 17th Shot while trying to escape in Kleinmachnow near the Teltower harbor; the fellow refugee was arrested
Max Willi Sahmland March 28, 1929 Jan. 27, 1967 37 Shot while trying to escape under the influence of alcohol at the sector border in the Teltow Canal in Berlin-Rudow , near Kanalstrasse at the level of the Eternit company, and sunk; Body recovered by the West Berlin water police on March 8, 1967; two fellow refugees gave up and went undetected
Franciszek Piesik Nov 23, 1942 Oct 17, 1967 24 Drowned while trying to escape in Nieder Neuendorfer See , on the Berlin outer ring between Hennigsdorf (Nauen district) and Berlin-Spandau
Elke Weckeiser Oct. 31, 1945 Feb. 18, 1968 22nd Shot while trying to escape with Dieter Weckeiser at the sector border across from the Reichstag building near the Kronprinzenbrücke
Dieter Weckeiser Feb 15, 1943 Feb. 19, 1968 25th Shot on February 18, 1968 while trying to escape with Elke Weckeiser at the sector border opposite the Reichstag building near the Kronprinzenbrücke, died on February 19, 1968; entered the GDR voluntarily with his first wife in 1962
Herbert Mende Feb 9, 1939 March 10, 1968 29 Was drunk on July 7, 1962 by people's police in Potsdam at the Glienicker Bridge and had no identity papers with him; when he tried to get on the bus that was waiting for him, he was shot; died 5½ years later of the long-term effects
Bernd Lehmann July 31, 1949 May 28, 1968 18th Drowned in an attempt to escape in the Spree between Treptow and Kreuzberg in the underwater barrier at the border (barbed wire)
Siegfried Krug July 22, 1939 July 6, 1968 28 West German who entered the GDR via the Friedrichstrasse border crossing and, for unknown reasons, advanced into the cordoned-off sector border area on Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate; ignored warning shouts and shots at first, then turned around and walked close to one of the three border guards threatening him, who shot him
Rolf Henniger Nov 30, 1941 Nov 15, 1968 26th Border soldier killed in service; shot by the fugitive People's Police Officer Horst Körner in Klein-Glienicke / Babelsberg Palace Park , near the Wasserstraße nursing home; According to relatives, Henniger himself had thoughts of fleeing
Horst Koerner July 12, 1947 Nov 15, 1968 21st Shot while trying to escape in Klein-Glienicke / Babelsberg Palace Park , near the Wasserstraße nursing home; previously the police officer had opened fire on two border guards who discovered him with his service pistol and killed Rolf Henniger in the process
Johannes Lange Dec 17, 1940 Apr 9, 1969 28 Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border in Berlin-Mitte , in the area of ​​Adalbertstrasse / Leuschnerdamm
Klaus-Jürgen Kluge July 25, 1948 13 Sep 1969 21st Shot while trying to escape at the sector border near the Helmut Just Bridge
Leo Lis May 10, 1924 Sep 20 1969 45 Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border near the north station
Eckhard Wehage July 8, 1948 March 10, 1970 21st After a failed attempt to escape from East to West Berlin by hijacking an Interflug plane , he and his wife committed suicide .
Christel Wehage Dec 15, 1946 March 10, 1970 23 After a failed attempt to escape from East to West Berlin by hijacking an Interflug plane, her husband committed suicide.
Heinz Müller May 16, 1943 June 19, 1970 27 West German who, for unexplained reasons - possibly under the influence of alcohol - got into the barrier on the sector border in Berlin-Friedrichshain near the Schilling Bridge from the West German side and was shot there
Willi Born July 19, 1950 July 7, 1970 19th Suicide during a failed escape attempt when he was caught by border guards
Friedhelm Ehrlich July 11, 1950 Aug 2, 1970 20th To NVA convened and most recently serving in a Grenzkompagnie penetrated Ehrlich intoxicated, unarmed and loudly (and a loud whistling..) In the sector border area near Leipziger Strasse / Staerkstraße on the outer ring in Glienicke / Nordbahn (District Oranienburg) a; was posed, is said to have faked a weapon and ordered the border troops to shoot, whereupon a soldier shot him and u. a. met a leg artery; First aid was not given. Ehrlich bled to death after being admitted to the hospital; Intention to flee unclear
Gerald Thiem 6 Sep 1928 Aug 7, 1970 41 Penetration for unexplained reasons alcoholizes the border from West Berlin to East Berlin; was shot at the sector border between Neukölln and Treptow , Kiefholzstrasse / Höhe Puderstrasse, and died on the way to the East Berlin hospital
Helmut Kliem June 2, 1939 Nov 13, 1970 31 Accidentally approached - involved in a conversation and under the influence of alcohol - a border facility on the outer ring in Falkensee , district Falkenhöh, near Pestalozzistraße, and was shot while moving away from the facility; his passenger was injured but not charged with illegally crossing the border; Incident in the GDR counted as a (covered up) accident
Hans-Joachim Zock Jan. 26, 1940 Nov 1970 30th Drowned during an attempt to escape in the Spree between November 14 and 17, 1970. His body was recovered on December 17, 1970 near the Jannowitzbrücke S-Bahn station .
Christian-Peter Friese Aug 5, 1948 Dec 25, 1970 22nd Shot while attempting to escape at the sector border in Treptow, in the Köllnische Heide / Dammweg area
Rolf-Dieter Kabelitz June 23, 1951 Jan. 30, 1971 19th Discovered on January 7th when entering the border area on the outer ring between Bergfelde (Oranienburg district) and Reinickendorf and shot and seriously injured after being persecuted back towards the GDR; suffered from a spreading internal infection with attacks of fever and impaired consciousness in the hospital; finally died on January 30 of pneumonia diagnosed that morning; Probable intention to flee, but denied during interrogations in hospital
Wolfgang Hoffmann Sep 1 1942 15th July 1971 28 After successfully escaping from the GDR in 1961, tried, presumably intoxicated, to visit her mother, who lived in the GDR, and after being arrested jumped out of a ten meter high window in the police building; Intent to commit suicide unclear, the GDR assumed an accident
Werner Kühl Jan 10, 1949 July 24, 1971 22nd When trying to secretly cross the border from West Berlin to East Berlin with a friend - presumably for the purpose of settling in the GDR - shot at the sector border in Treptow near the Britzer Allee / Baumschulenweg bridge; Freund was captured in the east and deported to the west on August 30th
Dieter Beilig 5th Sep 1941 Oct 2, 1971 30th Arrested while balancing on the wall of the sector border in Berlin-Mitte at the Brandenburg Gate and then jumping down into East Berlin; interrogated in the building of the Academy of Arts (NVA leadership point) and, according to GDR border troops, shot dead at close range while trying to escape from the window; was in April 1964 under mysterious circumstances in Stasi prison fall, but from West Germany in 1964 ransomed been
Horst Kullack Nov 20, 1948 Jan. 21, 1972 23 Shot while trying to escape on January 1, 1972 near Großziethen on the border with Lichtenrade and seriously injured; subsequently declared by the Stasi to be insane for psychiatric reasons and recommended to be admitted to an institution (instead of being charged with illegally crossing the border); died on January 21, 1972 from internal injuries sustained
Manfred Weylandt July 12, 1942 Feb. 14, 1972 29 When trying to escape under the influence of alcohol at the sector border near the Schilling Bridge in the Spree between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg , shot with a head shot and then drowned
Klaus Schulze Oct 13, 1952 March 7, 1972 19th Shot while trying to escape north of Falkensee near Pestalozzistraße, not far from the Eiskeller exclave ; the refugee escaped to the west
Cengaver Katrancı 1963 Oct. 30, 1972 9 While feeding birds on the sector border between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg near the Oberbaumbrücke, she fell into the Spree and drowned
Holger H. 1971 Jan. 22, 1973 1 Choking in the car while fleeing with his parents across the sector border in Berlin
Volker Frommann Apr 23, 1944 March 5th 1973 29 Attempted to escape on a S-Bahn on March 1, 1973, injured himself seriously while jumping off the train and succumbed to the injuries in hospital four days later
Horst Einsiedel Feb 8, 1940 March 15, 1973 33 Shot while trying to escape at the sector border at the Pankow cemetery
Manfred Gertzki May 17, 1942 Apr 27, 1973 30th Shot down at the sector border in Berlin-Mitte , in Reinhardtstrasse near the Reichstag building ; While trying to rescue the lifeless body, a GDR border guard pushed him into the Spree , where he immediately sank due to a jacket that was supposedly bulletproof and reinforced with pieces of metal; it is unclear whether Gertzki died from the shots or only by drowning
Siegfried Kroboth Apr 23, 1968 May 14, 1973 5 Fallen into the Spree and drowned while playing at the sector border on Kreuzberg's Gröbenufer near the Oberbaum Bridge (West Berlin)
Burkhard Niering Sep 1 1950 Jan. 5, 1974 23 Shot while attempting to escape with hostage-taking at the sector border at the Friedrichstrasse / Zimmerstrasse border control point ( Checkpoint Charlie )
Czesław Kukuczka July 23, 1935 March 29, 1974 39 Polish citizen, murdered by a stranger at the Friedrichstrasse railway station border crossing when he was about to leave East Berlin with an exit visa that had been extorted by the representation of Poland in the GDR through a bomb threat.
Johannes Sprenger December 3, 1905 May 10, 1974 68 Shot while entering the sector border area in Berlin-Altglienicke , near Hornkleepfad, between Treptow and Neukölln . Intention to flee is unlikely because the pensioner was legally allowed to travel to West Germany and had already done so twice. He had health problems due to lung cancer (but did not know the exact diagnosis). Because of this and because of the farewell words to his wife, the MfS and, after reunification, the Berlin district court ( wall rifle trials ) assumed suicide.
Giuseppe Savoca Apr 22, 1968 June 15, 1974 6th Fallen into the Spree and drowned while playing at the sector border on Gröbenufer in Kreuzberg (West Berlin)
Herbert Halli Nov 24, 1953 Apr 3, 1975 21st Shot while trying to escape under the influence of alcohol at the sector border in Berlin-Mitte , Zimmer- / Otto-Grotewohl-Straße ; walked back towards the GDR after a warning shot, shot dead by a border guard; succumbed to the injuries in hospital
Çetin Mert May 11, 1970 May 11, 1975 5 Fallen into the Spree and drowned while playing at the sector border on Gröbenufer in Kreuzberg (West Berlin)
Herbert Kiebler March 24, 1952 June 27, 1975 23 Shot while trying to escape at the outer ring in Mahlow on the border with Lichtenrade , west of trunk road 96
Lothar Hennig June 30, 1954 Nov 5, 1975 21st Shot on November 4, 1975 in Potsdam / Sacrow , Weinmeisterweg, when he ran home from the bus stop near the border and, according to the rifle's testimony, ignored warning calls and a warning shot; died on November 5, 1975 in the Potsdam-Drewitz army hospital ; the shooter was assigned as a special item to search for a GDR refugee (not related to Hennig)
Dietmar Schwietzer Feb 21, 1958 Feb 16, 1977 18th Shot while trying to escape in Schönwalde, Berliner Allee
Henri way July 13, 1954 May 1977 22nd Probably drowned in the Spree under unexplained circumstances on May 17, 1977 and found on July 27, 1977; Previous applications to leave the country and wishes to leave the country suggest an attempt to escape
Vladimir Odintsov 1960 Feb. 2, 1979 18th Deserter Soviet soldier shot dead while trying to escape to the village road in Seeburg on the outer ring between Seeburg (Dallgow) and Spandau
Ulrich Steinhauer March 13, 1956 Nov 4, 1980 24 Border soldier killed in service; Shot by a fleeing comrade in Schönwalde / Nauen district
Marienetta Jirkowsky Aug 25, 1962 Nov 22, 1980 18th Shot while trying to escape in Hohen Neuendorf , near the Invalidensiedlung / Florastraße; two fellow refugees managed to escape
Hans-Peter Grohganz 25 Sep 1948 Feb 9, 1981 32 Car driver from Premnitz . After his application to leave the country was rejected and he was imprisoned, he tried to cross the Spree to West Berlin. His lifeless body was discovered 800 meters west of the Elsen Bridge .
Johannes Muschol May 31, 1949 March 16, 1981 31 West German who most likely jumped into the death strip on the sector border between Wilhelmsruh and Schönholz because of mental confusion and tried to flee towards the GDR; Shot from close range when he was unable to climb a three meter high wall
Hans-Jürgen Starrost June 24, 1954 Apr 16, 1981 26th Shot while attempting to escape early in the morning of April 14, 1981 in Teltow-Sigridshorst and seriously injured in the abdomen; was first interrogated, then taken to an army hospital in Potsdam without an intensive care unit; finally transferred to the district hospital, death there on April 16
Thomas Taubmann July 22, 1955 Dec 12, 1981 26th Tried to escape by train and had a fatal accident while jumping off the train
Lothar Fritz Freie Feb 8, 1955 June 6, 1982 27 West Berliners who, for unexplained reasons, ran bare-chested on the GDR border area in Prenzlauer Berg between Bornholmer Strasse / Behmstrasse, near the Helmut Just Bridge; when he fled west after a phone call, shot on June 4, 1982, died on June 6, 1982
Silvio Proksch March 3, 1962 Dec 25, 1983 21st Shot at the sector border in Pankow am Bürgerpark near Leonhard-Frank-Straße while trying to escape spontaneously under the influence of alcohol
Michael-Horst Schmidt Oct. 20, 1964 Dec. 1, 1984 20th Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in Pankow , Wollankstrasse / Schulzestrasse 23–24 and bleeding to death in the hospital
Rainer Liebeke Sep 11 1951 3rd Sep 1986 34 Drowned while trying to escape in the Sacrower See on the outer ring between Groß Glienicke (Potsdam-Land) and Berlin-Spandau; the body was found by students a week later
Manfred Mäder 23 Aug 1948 Nov 21, 1986 38 Shot while trying to escape with René Gross at the sector border in Treptow , in the Karpfenteichstraße area
René Gross May 1, 1964 Nov 21, 1986 22nd Shot while trying to escape with Manfred Mäder at the sector border in Treptow , in the Karpfenteichstraße area
Michael Bittner Aug 31, 1961 Nov 24, 1986 25th Shot while trying to escape in Glienicke / Nordbahn, Nohlstrasse
Lutz Schmidt July 8, 1962 Feb 12, 1987 24 Shot while trying to escape on the Berlin sector border between Treptow and Berlin-Neukölln , in the Rheingoldstrasse / Rehpfuhl settlement area, near the Rudower Chaussee border crossing point
Ingolf Diederichs Apr 13, 1964 Jan. 13, 1989 24 Fatal accident at the sector border in the area of Bösebrücke / Bornholmer Strasse border crossing point while attempting to escape by jumping out of an S-Bahn
Chris Gueffroy June 21, 1968 Feb. 5, 1989 20th Shot while trying to escape in Berlin-Treptow, near the "Harmonie" allotment garden colony on the Britzer Zweigkanal
Winfried Freudenberg Aug 29, 1956 March 8, 1989 32 Perished in a balloon crash over West Berlin

Source: Chronicle of the Wall - published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education , Deutschlandradio and the Center for Contemporary History Research in Potsdam.


There are various statistics that not only try to determine the number of deaths at the wall, but also particularly endeavor to document the life stories and circumstances of all those who died at the wall, as well as other specifics of the deaths, etc. a. through various case group formations.

Overview of the deaths in the period from August 13, 1961 to 1989 by year:

Overview of the number of refugees in the period from August 13, 1961 to 1989 by year (no figures are available for the years without a value):


Web links

Commons : Fatalities at the Berlin Wall  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Fatalities at the Berlin Wall 1961–1989. Berlin Wall Memorial , accessed on November 17, 2018 . It is an update of the list published in 2009 by Hans-Hermann Hertle , Maria Nooke: Die Todopfer an der Berliner Mauer 1961–1989. A biographical manual. Links, Berlin 2009, ISBN 3-86153-517-3 .
  2. Hans-Hermann Hertle: The Fatalities on the Berlin Wall 1961–1989 . 2009, p. 18 f.
  3. Hans-Hermann Hertle , Maria Nooke : The victims of the Berlin Wall 1961-1989. A biographical manual. Links, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86153-517-1 , p. 15.
  4. ^ Fatality Hans-Joachim Zock .
  5. ^ Czesław Jan Kukuczka died .
  6. Fatality Vladimir Ivanovich Odintsov .
  7. Chronicle of the Wall . Center for Contemporary History Potsdam e. V., Federal Agency for Civic Education , Deutschlandradio . Retrieved July 18, 2019.
  8. cf. also chronicle of the wall
  9. See Hans-Hermann Hertle , Maria Nooke : Die Todopfer an der Berliner Mauer 1961–1989 . Results of a research project by the Center for Contemporary History Potsdam and the Berlin Wall Foundation, p. 4; Link to Chronicle of the Wall
  10. ↑ Building the Berlin Wall: Dying to the End . Spiegel Online .