List of Spanish coasts

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The coast of mainland Spain is largely divided into named coastal sections. The coast names are not usually historic landscape designations, but neologisms that for reasons of tourism development were devised.

The breakdown from the French - Spanish border on the Mediterranean in a clockwise direction:

Map of Spain with division of the coast into the 17 named coastal sections

Mediterranean coast

The coast of the Iberian Peninsula from the French Mediterranean coast via Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia forms the Spanish east coast, the coasts of Andalusia the south coast, part of which lies east of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean, the other west on the Atlantic .


Valencia and Murcia


South Atlantic coast

This part of the Spanish south coast continues into the Portuguese south coast .


North Atlantic coast

The northern coast of Spain is known collectively as Costa Verde (dt. Green Coast ), there are the wettest areas of Spain. However, there is also a subdivision into named coastal sections. The Galician coast north of Portugal still forms the west coast, while the north coast of Spain stretches from Finisterre ('End of the World') along the Biscaya back to the Atlantic coast of southern France .


The coast of Galicia is strongly fissured by estuaries (Spanish: Rías ), hence the somewhat strange names of the Galician coastline. Collectively , they are also known as the Rías Gallegas .



Basque Country


  1. ^ Breuer, Toni (1982): Spain. 1. A., p. 213.