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Lutopecny coat of arms
Lutopecny (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Zlínský kraj
District : Kroměříž
Area : 488 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 18 '  N , 17 ° 21'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 18 '2 "  N , 17 ° 20' 38"  E
Height: 214  m nm
Residents : 590 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 767 01
License plate : Z
Street: Kroměříž - Zlobice
Status: local community
Districts: 2
Mayor : Petr Navrátil (as of 2011)
Address: Lutopecny 1
767 01 Kroměříž 1
Municipality number: 588733
Website :

Lutopecny (German Lutopetz , formerly Luttopetz ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located four kilometers west of Kroměříž and belongs to the Okres Kroměříž .


Lutopecny is located at the foot of the northeastern foothills of the Litentschitzer hill country in the Upper Moravian Basin ( Hornomoravský úval ). The village lies on the right side over the valley of the brook Věžecký potok. To the east rises the Barbořina ( St. Barbara Mountain , 256 m) and in the southwest of the Troják (396 m). The D 1 motorway runs one kilometer north of the town .

Neighboring towns are Bezměrov , Hradisko and Postoupky in the north, Miňůvky, Straz and Horni Zahrady in the Northeast, Štěchovice and Kroměříž in the east, Vážany and Jarohněvice the southeast, Sobělice and Popovice in the south, Věžky in the southwest, Zlobice the west and Bojanovice and Měrůtky in northwest .


The village was probably formed shortly after Kroměříž was founded . From time immemorial it consisted of a princely side and the feudal side belonging to the Kovalovice estate. The princely side probably came to the Diocese of Olomouc in 1110 or later , when Bishop John II bought Kroměříž. Lutopecz was first mentioned in writing in 1290, when Bishop Theoderich von Neuhaus unsuccessfully derived legal claims for the entire village. In 1320 the place was called Luthopecen . Other forms of the name were Lithopeczen (1389), Lytopeczen (1406), Litopecz (1413), Luthopeczny (1456), Lythopeczny (1461), Litopecen (1517) and Litopeczny (1649). Each of the two sides had its own judge. The bureau's office was connected to property no. 14 on the princely side and was exercised by the Navrátil family for centuries. The feudal court was probably located in house no. 37, the feudal judge was elected by the residents of the feudal side and was subordinate to the testator. During the Thirty Years War the Swedes devastated the entire village in 1643. The place was still deserted in 1650 and the Kovalovicer Lehnschreiber reported at that time that in Litopeczny only two farmers and one widow without possessions lived. Both sides formed competing communities using their own seals. In 1788, a seasonal branch of the Hradisko parish school was established in Lutopecny, where children from Lutopecny and Měrůtky were educated during the winter months. Until the middle of the 19th century, the village remained partially subject to the Lords Kremsier and Kovalovice.

After the abolition of patrimonial, Lutopec / Luttopetz officially formed a municipality in the Kremsier District Commission from 1850. Regardless of this, the princely side was able to maintain its autonomy. Only after the death of the last emperor Josef Navrátil did the mayor Jan Klapil receive sovereignty over the entire village in 1883. From 1872 onwards the parish had the names Lutopecny and Lutopec and from 1890 to 1924 Lutopecny and Litopecny . Due to the increased number of pupils, a new schoolhouse was inaugurated in Lutopecny in 1886, in which the 68 school-age children from the village and 48 from Měrůtky also started school. The Lutopecny windmill was destroyed by a windpipe in 1892. At the beginning of 1961 Měrůtky was incorporated into Lutopecny. The school was later closed due to the decline in the number of students; the currently 69 school-age children from both districts are educated in Kroměříž. On December 31, 2000 the community had 557 inhabitants, of which 369 lived in the district of Lutopecny and 188 in Měrůtky. Ethnographically the village belongs to Hanna .

Community structure

The municipality of Lutopecny consists of the districts Lutopecny ( Lutopetz ) and Měrůtky ( Merutek ).


  • Brick bell tower on the village green
  • Brick bell tower on the way from Měrůtky to Lutopecny
  • Stone crosses in Lutopecny, Měrůtky and on the road to Zlobice
  • Fallen memorial
  • Reservoir Stráž, northeast of the village at Věžecký potok

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)