Nekrolog 1711

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1711 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 2nd Ludwig Gebhard von Hoym Privy Councilor, Bergrat, Chamber President and Squire 79
6th January Philipp van Almonde Dutch vice admiral 66
6th January Johann VIII. Hugo von Orsbeck German Roman Catholic clergyman; Bishop of Speyer (1675-1711); Archbishop and Elector of Trier (1676–1711)
January 7th Alexander Caroc German lawyer and state lawyer in Swedish Pomerania 67
13th January Martin Maletius Prussian theologian and pastor 77
January 14th Sophie Eleonore von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern Canon of Gandersheim 36
January 16 Joseph Vaz Indian religious priest, missionary in India and Sri Lanka, Blessed 59
January 19th Johann Heinrich von Börstel Prussian Lieutenant General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 20, Commander of the Magdeburg Fortress 66
January 20th Johann August Olearius German Protestant theologian 66
21th January Friedrich Wilhelm Kettler Duke of Courland 18th
21th January Augustin Terwesten Dutch baroque painter 61
22nd of January Johann von Bacmeister German legal scholar and Reichshofrat 54
January 24th Jean Bérain the Elder French painter, draftsman and engraver
January 27th Antoine de Pas French general and author 62
January Guillijn Peter van der Zeepen Court painter in East Frisia


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Wilhelm von Plettenberg Land Komtur of the Teutonic Order
3 February Francesco Maria de 'Medici Italian cardinal and patron 50
February 5th Wolfgang von Schmettau Minister and Envoy of Brandenburg-Prussia 62
February 7th Ernst Wilhelm von Salisch Dutch and Imperial General 61
14th of February Reimar Peter von Rheder Lübeck canon, royal Danish councilor and civil servant 50
February 15th Marco Antonio Canevalle Italian architect and builder 58
February 17th José de Vaquedano Spanish composer and conductor 68
20. February Alexander Artschilowitsch Imeretinsky Georgian prince of the Kingdom of Imereti
21st of February Joan van Hoorn Governor General of the Dutch East Indies 57
February 28 Giovanni Pietro della Torre Italian royal court stone mason of the baroque era


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2nd March Adam Herold German educator and Lutheran theologian 51
3 March Karl Landgrave of Hessen-Wanfried 61
7th March Hans Georg Asam German church painter of the baroque 61
7th March Johann Nolto German doctor and city physician in Lübeck 72
9th March Vitus Seipel Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General in Prague 60
March 10th Leopold Mathias Sigismund von Lamberg Head stable master of Emperor Joseph I and Landgrave von Leuchtenberg 44
March 11 Karl Schweikard von Sickingen Knight of the Teutonic Order
March 13th Nicolas Boileau French author 74
the 14th of March Johann Friedrich Landsberger German businessman 61
March, 15 Claude de Choiseul-Francières French Marshal 79
March, 15 Daniel Crüger German medic and poet 71
March, 15 Eusebio Francisco cinema South Tyrolean Jesuit missionary, cartographer and astronomer in Latin America 65
March 16 Friedrich Breckling German pastor and author 82
19th March Josef Langer Czech piarist scientist, mathematician and astronomer 60
March, 20th Gotthilf Treuer German poet and poet of the baroque period 79
March 23 Bernhard Michael Mandl Salzburg sculptor


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 14th Louis de Bourbon, Dauphin de Viennois French heir to the throne, son of Louis XIV. 49
17th April Joseph I. Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungary 32
April 24th Johann Werlhof German legal scholar 51
April 27 Hermann Hintze German merchant and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck 74
April 28 Johann Jakob Harder Swiss physicians and natural scientists 54


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
May 9 Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld Prussian lieutenant general
May 14th Beda Weller Abbot of the county monastery 54
May 18 Anthon Günther Pott Royal Danish Brigadier, Chief of the Oldenburg Infantry Regiment and Commander in Chief of the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst 64
May 21 Johann Gottfried Olearius Protestant theologian and hymn poet 75
May 22 Gotthard Heidegger Reformed theologian and author of satirical-critical writings 44
May 27th Franz Alexander Prince of Nassau-Hadamar 37
May 27th Matthäus Gottfried Purmann German surgeon and author 63
31. May Daniel Paschasius von Osterberg Landlord and sponsor of the pilgrimage site Albendorf in the county of Glatz


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 7th Andreas Ingolstetter German merchant and hymn poet
June 9th Humbertus Guilelmus de Precipiano Roman Catholic theologian, bishop and Spanish-Dutch government official 83
June 10th Heinrich X. Count Reuss von Lobenstein zu Ebersdorf 48
June 10th Johannes Munnicks Dutch medic 58
June 16 Amalia of Courland German-Baltic princess of Courland from the Ketteler family and, by marriage, Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel 58
June 22 Julius Ernst von Tettau Feldzeugmeister General and Infantry General in the service of the States General 66
June 24th Agnes Heinold Swabian poet 69
June 28th Gerard de Lairesse Dutch painter 70


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 6th James Douglas, 2nd Duke of Queensberry Scottish nobleman 38
July 14th Johann Wilhelm Friso Prince of Nassau-Dietz, titular Prince of Orange 23
17th July Adam Wilhelm von Sydow Prussian major general 61
21 July Avetik from Tokat Armenian patriarch 54
July 28th Balthasar Koepke German Protestant theologian 65


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 2nd Christoph Pfautz German mathematician, astronomer, geographer and librarian 65
3rd August Tobias Holländer Mayor of Schaffhausen and diplomat 74
20th of August Louis-François de Boufflers French general and marshal of France 67
August 21 Caspar Hopf Saxon violin maker, co-founder of Klingenthal violin making


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th September Elisabeth Sophie Chéron French painter, engraver, poet and translator 62
September 11 Detlev Reusch royal Danish colonel and most recently head of the Ribestift National Infantry Regiment
September 20th Jakob Daniel Tepser Austrian politician; Mayor of Vienna (1696–1699, 1704–1707) 58
September 27th Christian spirit German composer and organist
September 28th Nicolaus Gürtler Swiss reformed theologian and university professor 56
September John Lawson English explorer, adventurer and writer 36


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th October Christian Friedrich Richter Protestant pastor, hymn poet and doctor at the Francke Foundations 35
15th October Saif ibn Sultan I. Imam of Oman
15th October Carl Christian von Sommerfeldt Braunschweig-Lüneburg general field witness 61
October 21 Christoph von Barner Imperial General Feldzeugmeister, supreme commander of the Austro-Hungarian artillery 78
30th of October Wilhelmus à Brakel Dutch Reformed clergyman 76


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 1st Christian Demelius German composer 68
November 3rd Johannes Ernst grave German Lutheran, later Anglican theologian 45
November 4th Abraham von Schönberg Saxon reformer of mining and metallurgy 71
November 5th Adam Christoph von Wallenrodt Prussian minister and court master, knight of the Black Eagle Order, colonel of the cavalry and chief of a regiment on horseback. 67
November 18 Christoph Albrecht von Kanitz Prussian Major General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 14 58
November 18 Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg Prince-Bishop of Lavant, Prince-Bishop of Chiemsee 52
20th November Gerrit Roosen Hamburg merchant and preacher of the Mennonite congregation in Altona 99


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
11th December Giambattista Morea Italian Roman Catholic bishop 71
December 17th Johann Caspar Albrecht German clergyman
19. December Đorđe Branković Transylvanian envoy and count
19. December Philipp Wilhelm Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt 42
23rd of December Friedrich Matthias von Syberg German nobleman
25 December Johann Nicolaus Hanff German organist and composer 48

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov Russian explorer
Lorenz Dohmsen Head of the building yard in Hamburg
Franco Ferrari Italian Cistercian, abbot, theologian, librarian and scholar
Lewin Werner von Görne German nobleman
Herman Niklas Grim Doctor, naturalist, traveler to India, author of important works on plants and medicinal products in Asia
Adam Anton Grundemann von Falkenberg Lower Austrian sub-marshal
Mary Rowlandson English settler in New England and writer
Peter Schenk the Elder German engraver and cartographer
Christoph Vitzthum from Eckstädt Herr auf Tiefensee, chamberlain from the Electorate of Saxony, captain and governor in Bautzen
Johann Gottfried Zeidler German Protestant theologian and satirical writer