Online Film Critics Society Awards / Best Original Screenplay

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The OFCSA for the best original screenplay has been awarded every year since 1998 (exception: 2000).

Most frequently honored author Wes Anderson , Charlie Kaufman (2 wins each)
Most frequently nominated author with a win Quentin Tarantino (4 nominations)
Most nominated author without a win Paul Thomas Anderson , Noah Baumbach (4 nominations each)

Winners and nominees

All nominees for a year are listed, the winner is always on top.

1998 to 1999


The Truman Show - Andrew Niccol

Happiness - Todd Solondz
Shakespeare in Love - Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard


Being John Malkovich - Charlie Kaufman

American Beauty - Alan Ball
Magnolia - Paul Thomas Anderson
The Sixth Sense - M. Night Shyamalan
Toy Story 2 - Andrew Stanton , Rita Hsiao , Doug Chamberlain, and Chris Webb

2001 to 2009


The Others - Alejandro Amenábar
Mulholland Drive - David Lynch

The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson
The Man Who Wasn't There - Ethan and Joel Coen
Gosford Park - Julian Fellowes


So far from heaven - Todd Haynes

Demonic (Frailty) - Brett Hanley
Punch-Drunk Love - Paul Thomas Anderson
Sex for Beginners - Dylan Kidd
Signs - Signs - M. Night Shyamalan


Lost in Translation - Sofia Coppola

21 grams - Guillermo Arriaga
In America - Jim Sheridan , Kirsten Sheridan and Naomi Sheridan
Kill Bill - Volume 1 - Quentin Tarantino
Station Agent - Tom McCarthy


Forget Me Not! - Charlie Kaufman , Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth

Garden State - Zach Braff
The Incredibles - Brad Bird
Kill Bill - Volume 2 - Quentin Tarantino
Shaun of the Dead - Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright


Good Night, and Good Luck - George Clooney and Grant Heslov

Match Point - Woody Allen
The squid and the whale - Noah Baumbach
LA Crash - Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco
Broken Flowers - Jim Jarmusch


Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro

Babel - Guillermo Arriaga
Little Miss Sunshine - Michael Arndt
The Queen - Peter Morgan
Flight 93 - Paul Greengrass


Juno - Diablo Cody

Deadly Decision - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - Kelly Masterson
Michael Clayton - Tony Gilroy
Ratatouille - Brad Bird
Deadly Promises - Eastern Promises - Steven Knight


WALL · E - The last one is cleaning up the earth - Andrew Stanton and Jim Reardon

See Bruges ... and die? - Martin McDonagh
Milk - Dustin Lance Black
Synecdoche, New York - Charlie Kaufman
The Wrestler - Fame, Love, Pain - Robert D. Siegel


Inglourious Basterds - Quentin Tarantino

(500) Days of Summer - Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber
A Serious Man - Ethan and Joel Coen
Above - Bob Peterson
Deadly Command - The Hurt Locker - Mark Boal

2010 to 2019


Inception - Christopher Nolan

Black Swan - Mark Heyman , Andres Heinz and John McLaughlin
Greenberg - Noah Baumbach
The Kids Are All Right - Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Blumberg
The King's Speech - David Seidler


Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen

The Tree of Life - Terrence Malick
Martha Marcy May Marlene - Sean Durkin
Win Win - Tom McCarthy
Nader and Simin - A Separation - Asghar Farhadi


Moonrise Kingdom - Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola

The Cabin in the Woods - Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard
Looper - Rian Johnson
The Master - Paul Thomas Anderson
Zero Dark Thirty - Mark Boal


Her - Spike Jonze

American Hustle - Eric Warren Singer and David O. Russell
Blue Jasmine - Woody Allen
Inside Llewyn Davis - Joel and Ethan Coen
Museum Hours - Jem Cohen


The Grand Budapest Hotel - Wes Anderson and Hugo Guinness

Boyhood - Richard Linklater
Selma - Paul Webb
Two days, one night - Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
Whiplash - Damien Chazelle


Spotlight - Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer

Ex Machina - Alex Garland
Everything is upside down - Pete Docter , Meg LeFauve and Josh Cooley
Mistress America - Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig
Sicario - Taylor Sheridan


Hell or High Water - Taylor Sheridan

Jackie: The First Lady - Noah Oppenheim
La La Land - Damien Chazelle
The Lobster - Giorgos Lanthimos and Efthymis Filippou
Manchester by the Sea - Kenneth Lonergan


Get Out - Jordan Peele

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri - Martin McDonagh
The silk thread - Paul Thomas Anderson
Shape of Water - The whisper of the water - Guillermo del Toro and Vanessa Taylor
Lady Bird - Greta Gerwig


First Reformed - Paul Schrader

Eighth Grade - Bo Burnham
The Favorite - Intrigue and Insanity - Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara
Roma - Alfonso Cuarón
Sorry to Bother You - Boots Riley


Parasite - Bong Joon-ho and Han Jin-won

Knives Out - Murder is a family matter - Rian Johnson
Marriage Story - Noah Baumbach
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino
We - Jordan Peele