Psalm 13

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Psalm 13 in a late medieval manuscript

The 13th Psalm (according to the Greek counting of the twelfth) is a Psalm of David and belongs to the series of " Lamentations of an Individual". Latin fragments were u. a. Discovered in 1832 with the Wiggert psalm fragments .

Text and outline

The psalm can be structured in the following ways:

1 [For the choir master. A psalm by / for David.] heading

Until when, YHWH , will you forget me completely? [God] reproachful action: description of the distress
Until when will you hide your face from me?

Until when do I have pain in my soul [I]
Sorrow in my heart day after day
When will my enemy rise above me? [Environment]

Look here, answer me, YHWH, my God! [God] Request for change
Let my eyes light up
that I do not fall asleep to death [I]

that my enemy does not speak: I have overcome him! [Environment]
My oppressors, they cheer because I am tottering

but I, I trust in your grace. Expression of confidence in salvation
My heart should rejoice at your help: Thanks and vows of praise
I want to sing YHWH because he has done it on me.

Ps 13 shows the typical structure of a lamentation psalm: The description of the need is followed by the plea for redemption (in relation to God, one's own person and the hostile environment) and this is followed by thanks for the help as praise.


  • Hubert Irsigler : Psalm speech as an action, effect and statement process. Speech act theory and psalm interpretation using the example of Psalm 13 . In: Klaus Seyboldt, Erich Zenger (Hrsg.): New ways of psalm research . Freiburg u. a. 1994.


Web links

Commons : Psalm 13  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Gunkel : Die Psalmen , 6 1986, 46.