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Zădăreni does not have a coat of arms
Zădăreni (Romania)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : RomaniaRomania Romania
Historical region : Banat
Circle : Arad
Coordinates : 46 ° 8 '  N , 21 ° 13'  E Coordinates: 46 ° 7 '56 "  N , 21 ° 13' 8"  E
Time zone : EET ( UTC +2)
Height : 120  m
Area : 21.45  km²
Residents : 2,495 (October 20, 2011)
Population density : 116 inhabitants per km²
Postal code : 317130
Telephone code : (+40) 02 57
License plate : AR
Structure and administration (as of 2016)
Community type : local community
Structure : Zădăreni, Bodrogu Nou
Mayor : Doina Petri ( PNL )
Postal address : Str. Principală, no. 28
loc. Zădăreni, jud. Arad, RO-317130
Website :

Zădăreni ( German  Saderlach , Hungarian Zádorlac ) is a municipality in the Arad district in the Banat ( Romania ). The village of Bodrogu Nou belongs to the municipality of Zădăreni .

Geographical location

Zădăreni is located on the left bank of the Marosch, in the north of the Banat, in the west of Romania, on the district road (Drum județean) DJ 692 and on the railway line New Arad - Great Saint Nicholas , eight kilometers from the district capital Arad . The Hodoș-Bodrog Greek Orthodox Monastery , a place of pilgrimage from the Middle Ages , is located in the parish of the municipality, four kilometers west of Zădăreni .

Neighboring places

Pecica Marosch New Arad
Bodrogu Nou Neighboring communities Fântânele
Felnac Vinga Șagu


The place name Zádorlac indicates an owner named "Zádor" and the Hungarian epilogue "lak" for place of residence.


Saderlach monument in Görwihl

The oldest mention of the settlement “Zadarlaka” comes from the papal tithe lists from 1332 to 1337. In 1514 the “Zadorlak Castle” was plundered by the Dózsas rebels and all feudal deeds were destroyed. In the summer of 1551 the castle was taken by Sokollu Mehmed Pascha . During the Turkish rule, only a small settlement "Szallas" (Praedium) of around 30 people near today's "Sallaschberg" is mentioned.

After the Banat became Habsburg crown land as a result of the Peace of Passarowitz (1718) , the state-controlled, planned settlement of this largely depopulated area began. The Saderlach settlers came as a closed group between the first and second Schwabenzug (1740–1780). According to the Banat historian Leo Hoffmann, the first Hotzen came to the area in 1737 . The majority of the Saderlach settlers came from the southern Black Forest , namely from the compulsory and ban of the St. Blasien monastery , from the county of Hauenstein (which included the Hotzenwald ), the county of Bonndorf , the county of Stühlingen , the county of Klettgau and the Principality of Fürstenberg ; These were also joined by emigrants from the Fricktal on the left bank of the Rhine . Assumptions that families of the deported saltpeterers were also settled in Saderlach under Maria Theresa in 1755 could already be refuted in the 1920s through research by Jakob Ebner on the history of the saltpeterers. Until recently, when the vast majority of the “Saxons” and “Swabians” left Romania, Saderlach was the only German-speaking settlement in Southeastern Europe with a highly Alemannic dialect.

Zădăreni became an independent municipality in 2004 when it broke away from Felnac (Fellnack) .


The Hodoș-Bodrog Monastery is a major tourist attraction. The monastery, which dates back to the 12th century, has a collection of icons from the 15th to 18th centuries, as well as books, manuscripts, silver vessels and artefacts from Roman times that were uncovered during excavations between 1976 and 1977.


census Ethnicity
year Residents Romanians Hungary German Other
1880 2192 160 45 1985 2
1910 2127 176 82 1860 9
1930 1727 180 14th 1529 4th
1977 2223 1383 42 786 12
2002 2104 2006 58 21st 19th
2011 2495 2297 49 13 136


  • Andreas Porfetye (1927–2011), composer, pedagogue and cathedral music director

See also


  • Johann Burger, Franz Eisele, Peter Kleemann: Saderlacher family book: 1737–2012. Hometown community Saderlach, 2012.
  • Johann Burger: Saderlach 1737–1987. Festschrift for the 250th anniversary. VMM, Emmendingen 1987.
  • Hildegard Frey: The vocabulary of the dialect of Saderlach. Thesis. Timișoara 1965.
  • Elke Hoffmann, Peter-Dietmar Leber and Walter Wolf : The Banat and the Banat Swabians. Volume 5: Cities and Villages. Mediengruppe Universal Grafische Betriebe München GmbH, Munich 2011, ISBN 3-922979-63-7 .
  • Leo Hoffmann: Brief history of the Banat Germans: from 1717 to 1848. Printed by the Schwäbische Verlags-Aktien-Gesellschaft, 1925.
  • Karl Kraushaar : Brief history of the Banat and the German settlements. Vienna 1923.
  • Johannes Künzig : Saderlach 1737–1937, an Alemannic farming community in the Romanian Banat. Karlsruhe 1937.
  • Theresia Schelb: Manners and customs and their reflection in the vocabulary of the Alemannic dialect of Saderlach. Thesis. Timișoara 1979.

Web links

Commons : Zădăreni  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b 2011 census in Romania ( MS Excel ; 1.3 MB)
  2. Joh. Heinr. Schwicker: History of the Temesian Banat. Historical pictures and sketches. Bettelheim, Grosz-Becskerek 1861. p. 154 ( online ).
  3. a b c saderlach.de , Saderlach
  4. John Künzig: Saderlach 1737-1937, a alemannische farming community in the Romanian Banat. Karlsruhe 1937, p. 39.
  5. For the language see Hildegard Frey: The vocabulary of the dialect of Saderlach. Thesis. Timișoara 1965; Theresia Schelb: Manners and customs and their reflection in the vocabulary of the Alemannic dialect of Saderlach. Thesis. Timișoara 1979.
  6. Information from the Romanian Parliament , accessed on September 9, 2018 (Romanian).
  7. Atractii turistice , Comuna Zădăreni
  8. kia.hu (PDF; 784 kB), E. Varga: Statistics of the number of inhabitants by ethnic group in the Arad district according to censuses 1880–2002 (in Hungarian).