André Poggenburg

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André Poggenburg (2015)

André Poggenburg (born March 12, 1975 in Weißenfels ) is a German politician (non-party, previously ADPM , AfD ).

From 2014 to 2018 he was chairman of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt . Since 2016 Poggenburg has been a member of the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt , where he was parliamentary group leader of the AfD parliamentary group and thus opposition leader to the Haseloff government until 2018 .

After two warnings from the AfD federal executive board and after his parliamentary group had withdrawn their trust, he announced on March 8, 2018 that he would be withdrawing from both offices at the end of the month. On March 27, 2018, Oliver Kirchner succeeded him as parliamentary group leader. Martin Reichardt became state chairman.

Together with the Thuringian AfD chairman Björn Höcke , in 2015 he wrote the position paper of the folk-nationalist wing of the AfD , the " Erfurt Resolution ".

In January 2019, the party's federal executive board planned to exclude Poggenburg from all party offices for two years. Shortly afterwards he left the AfD and founded the party Awakening German Patriots - Central Germany .

On August 12, 2019, it was announced that Poggenburg would leave the ADPM party he had founded after an application to support the AfD and to dissolve the ADPM was rejected at a party conference the day before.


Training and activity as an entrepreneur

Poggenburg completed commercial training and training as a container and apparatus manufacturer . He took a correspondence course in technical business administration and is a trainer for commercial and technical professions.

Poggenburg ran an apparatus engineering company with his stepfather. In 1996 he founded the André Poggenburg specialist car cooler company in Stoß . In 2008 Poggenburg bought Gut Nöbeditz there and moved his small business there. The specialist company for radiator and tank repairs, soldering and welding work with aluminum and plastic also produced custom-made containers and apparatus. According to its own information, Poggenburg employed several part-time workers, but the credit reporting agency Creditreform only recorded one employee, Poggenburg itself. Credit ratings generally advised against a business relationship and the granting of loans. According to research by the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , Poggenburg did not pay the contributions to the Halle Chamber of Crafts between 2011 and 2015, including dunning fees (as of January 2016). Poggenburg's company did not accept any more orders at the turn of the year 2015/16.

Failure to pay debts and arrest warrants for refusing to take an oath of disclosure; Tax evasion proceedings

Several arrest warrants were issued against Poggenburg after he had failed to pay outstanding debts and repeatedly refused to provide information on assets (“oath of disclosure”), at least seven times by failing to appear. The credit reporting agency Creditreform lists four cases in autumn 2015 in which Poggenburg did not provide the information.

A criminal case for tax evasion was discontinued against payment of a monetary condition .


Poggenburg is unmarried and has no children. He lived in a relationship with Lisa Lehmann, member of the AfD state board, trainee of the AfD parliamentary group and daughter of Mario Lehmann .


Entry into the AfD and unsuccessful candidacy for district administrator

Poggenburg joined the AfD in 2013 and became its chairman after the AfD district association Burgenlandkreis was founded. In the local elections in May 2014, Poggenburg was elected together with his party colleague Carsten Schmidt for the AfD in the district council of the Burgenland district, while he was clearly defeated in the election of the district administrator . During the election campaign, Poggenburg and the AfD called for “mini schools” for rural areas , support for medium- sized companies and better medical care.

During his work in the district council, he was absent from five out of twelve meetings (partly without excuse), three times he was late. In the whole of 2015, no comments from Poggenburg could be found in the minutes.

State chairman in Saxony-Anhalt, Erfurt Resolution and member of the federal executive committee

In 2014, with the support of Frauke Petrys , Poggenburg was elected as the state chairman of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt in place of Arndt Klapproth . The reason for Petry's support was probably that she expected a change in the regional association to support her power struggle with Bernd Lucke . Subsequently, however, Poggenburg did not orientate itself to Petry, but to Björn Höcke .

In January 2015, the state association of Saxony-Anhalt wanted to include two leading protagonists of the New Right , Ellen Kositza and her partner, the publisher Götz Kubitschek , in the AfD. The then federal executive under Bernd Lucke refused admission in the second instance. Poggenburg protested: “The last word has not yet been spoken”, but could not get through with the then federal executive board.

In March 2015 he published the Erfurt resolution with Höcke against the course of the party executive under Bernd Lucke . They named themselves and those around them " The Wing " and refer to the Erfurt resolution on their website as "the founding document" of their party stream. In fact, they succeeded in increasing the AfD's shift to the right.

In May 2015 he took part in a discussion event organized by the Compact magazine in Tröglitz - where there had previously been demonstrations against a home for asylum seekers, on which an arson attack was carried out - where he sat down and discussed the matter with the “Reichsbürger” and right-wing extremist Christian Bärthel . Poggenburg later stated that he did not know who would attend besides himself, his participation was criticized by moderate members of the AfD and contributed to their alienation. A panelist was also a Poggenburg from the district council known NPD member. About NPD members he said elsewhere that, based on his experience with them in the district council, he was of the opinion that not all members of the NPD were extremists.

When, at the federal party conference in Essen in July 2015, the party split into the liberal faction around Bernd Lucke (today LKR ), which then left the AfD, and a right-wing national faction around Frauke Petry , Poggenburg was also elected to the new federal executive committee.

Poggenburg “had promised when he was elected in June 2014 that the party wanted one. In fact, there have been a large number of disputes and disagreements since then, "wrote the MDR in September 2015. At the beginning of September 2015, three district leaders of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt resigned from their posts and resigned from the party. Helmut-Ernst Kaßner (Halle-Saalekreis district), Michael Möller (Harz) and Andreas Hollstein (Burgenlandkreis) fell out with Poggenburg.

Again and again there were rifts between party activities and Poggenburg. Poggenburg's former colleagues Carsten Schmidt and Andreas Hollenstein accused him of abusing his power, disparaging unwelcome members and pursuing his own financial interests as a future representative of the people . Schmidt rated the AfD regional association Saxony-Anhalt in February 2016 as: “[…] private program Poggenburg. The ultimate goal is money. "

When Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the city of Halle at the end of September 2015 , the AfD under Poggenburg called for a counter rally. In October 2015, Poggenburg's company and house were broken into and several items, including a car, were stolen. The perpetrators left an AfD election poster on the scene of the crime, on which Poggenburg's head was marked with a crosshair .

Internal party support after becoming aware of legal difficulties

Poggenburg stuck to his statements in the election campaign that he was a "successful entrepreneur". However, his position as state chairman was in question at the end of January 2016 when his legal difficulties such as the unenforced arrest warrants and his failure to pay his debts were publicly discussed. First he presented himself as the victim of an election campaign tactic of his opponents: "Now of course on the tour," he wrote. He later admitted at a press conference that he had failed to pay a number of claims and that there had been coercive detention threats. Poggenburg saw a " media campaign " against itself. He admitted that although there was a threat of compulsory detention, it was not served on him. As soon as this is available, he will pay his debts. His financial conduct as an entrepreneur does not conflict with a possible activity as parliamentary group chairman after the state election on March 13, 2016 .

The Saxony-Anhalt state board stood behind him in a board meeting and announced that the outstanding “amounts were paid in one sum after the order became known and after consultation with the bailiff”.

Election to the state parliament and parliamentary group chairman

Poggenburg ran as the top AfD candidate in the state elections in Saxony-Anhalt in 2016 . With 31.6 percent of the first votes, he was a direct candidate of his party in the Zeitz constituency (constituency 41) in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt .

At the constituent meeting of the AfD parliamentary group on March 19 and 20, 2016 at a secret venue in Schopsdorf near Genthin , Poggenburg was elected chairman of the parliamentary group with “around 70 percent” of the votes. Subsequently, Poggenburg declared that he did not want to run again in the next election of the state executive, since his new, busy tasks as parliamentary group leader would fully utilize him. Shortly before the state party conference of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt, Poggenburg declared that he wanted to remain the state chairman of his party, for which he was criticized within the party.

At the 8th federal party conference of the AfD in Hanover on December 2, 2017, Poggenburg was defeated by 38.8 percent of the vote in the election for the third deputy federal chairman, so he is no longer a member of the federal executive committee. Was elected Albrecht Glaser .

Three Saxony-Anhalt state parliament members of the AfD left the parliamentary group because of Poggenburg's leadership style and right-wing course. Sarah Sauermann stated that she could no longer agree to further membership in the parliamentary group with her “conscience”, and that constructive work was impossible. Jens Diederichs referred to a lack of demarcation from the Identitarian Movement , the AfD under Poggenburg was not the party he had joined. Gottfried Backhaus accused Poggenburg of internal "cleansing", in addition to restricting the rights of the parliamentary group members, complained about "totalitarian tendencies" in the regional association and condemned "a kind of conformity and the suppression of the courage to truth" through the "harsh and radical approach of the völkisch" towards those who think differently -nationally thinking party members. "

The Börde district association , in which Poggenburg's opponents (e.g. members of the Alternative Center ) hold a strong position, was dissolved by the Poggenburg board at the end of 2017, while the district association defended itself by going to the regional arbitration court, which declared the dissolution null and void. When Poggenburg publicly questioned its impartiality, the regional arbitration court resigned under protest at the state party conference in January 2018.

Accusation of nepotism

In January 2017, an AfD member filed a criminal complaint against state chairman Poggenburg and state treasurer Frank Pasemann for breach of trust . According to the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , there are allegations that the two politicians have embezzled party funds. In the AfD state office, an employee was hired without the prescribed budget. According to Poggenburg, the complainant was of the opinion that this decision should have been made at the state party conference. Observers suspect the background to the internal party disputes over the placement of Poggenburg's candidates for the 2017 federal election .

Poggenburg's partner Lisa Lehmann, who is also a member of the AfD state executive and whose father Mario Lehmann belongs to the AfD state parliamentary group, began vocational training as an office manager in Magdeburg in August 2017 , which Poggenburg did in the run-up to the AfD federal party conference in 2017 brought in the internal party accusation of nepotism .

Resignation as parliamentary group and party chairman, leaving the AfD

After his anti-Turkish speech on political Ash Wednesday of the AfD 2018 ( see below ), Poggenburg drew the consequences under pressure from his parliamentary group and announced that he would resign from his posts as state chairman of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt and as chairman of the AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament at the end of March . According to a member of the AfD, the parliamentary group feared “being placed in the far right corner”. Poggenburg himself justified his step with wanting to “take pressure from the party and parliamentary group”. Although he could have withstood the pressure "without any problems", he wanted to turn it away from "members, parliamentary group colleagues and party friends." At the offer of the parliamentary group, he would remain on the parliamentary group executive board and would be "available for further tasks" in the future. "The whole matter" he sees "now something as temporary", he was "not lost" for the AfD.

Citing AfD circles, Der Spiegel reported that the content of the speech and the public reaction "was not the reason, but only the cause for Poggenburg's fall". Headwind from the "mainstream media" is usually more conducive to an AfD career than a hindrance. At Poggenburg, however, chaotic communication, poor accessibility and, in particular, the accusation of nepotism came together. Even Werner Patzelt says that "it is more the internal party leadership style that has made him unacceptable to many in the group." It was not about an “internal party dispute over the direction”, but about “personal accounts”. In addition, the tone of the speech was noted with consternation even on the radical fringes of the party; Björn Höcke is also said to have been angry about Poggenburg's linguistic level. Poggenburg admitted to having “actually miscalculated”. In retrospect, however, he also cited internal party disputes and power struggles within the state AfD as the main reason for his withdrawal. According to reports from Volksstimme , Poggenburg himself blames his internal party comrade Hans-Thomas Tillschneider , the state chairman of the Junge Alternative Jan Wenzel Schmidt and treasurer Frank Pasemann for his fall.

Poggenburg proposed as his successor Oliver Kirchner , who like him is considered a representative of the right wing of the party. Kirchner was elected parliamentary group leader at the end of March 2018.

Poggenburg also resigned from his position as state party chairman and stated that he no longer wanted to run for a position on the state board, although he said he still had the party behind him. For his criticized Ash Wednesday speech, he received 90% positive responses from the party: "If I ran again, I would get a two-thirds majority". The previous first deputy, Ronny Kumpf, took over the management of the regional association. The current country manager is Martin Reichardt .

In January 2019 it was confirmed that Poggenburg was planning to found their own national conservative party together with a few other people, so far he had only talked about the establishment of a corresponding network within the AfD. On January 10, 2019, Poggenburg left the party and founded the party Awakening German Patriots - Central Germany . According to Poggenburg, one of the concerns of the new party is to “work with citizens' initiatives”. Talks with the Islamophobic and xenophobic Pegida organization as well as the Pro Chemnitz citizens' movement , which has been monitored by the Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution since the end of 2018 and which organized the central demonstrations during the riots there in 2018 , are planned. Among the parties, only the AfD is a “possible partner”, while the Republicans were rejected. At the “conservative-patriotic Ash Wednesday” in Nentmannsdorf , Saxony , Poggenburg said at the beginning of March 2019 that he would like the “state pests” in the government to have a “last day of the people's court to render them harmless”, and spoke of “black godless women [n ] ”At the top of the CDU. He defamed the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg as a "snot brat". In August 2019 he resigned from the party Awakening German Patriots - Central Germany .

Political positioning

André Poggenburg belonged to the right wing of the AfD and describes his political stance as nationally conservative . He was one of the initiators of the internal party position paper Erfurt Resolution , which founded the nationalist group Der Flügel in 2015 and contributed significantly to the election defeat of Chairman Bernd Lucke at the 2015 federal party conference . During his time active in party politics within the AfD, Poggenburg was close to the Thuringian AfD state chief Björn Höcke and the patriotic platform of the AfD state parliament member Hans-Thomas Tillschneider from his own regional association.

The state association of Saxony-Anhalt positioned itself under its chairman André Poggenburg as " folk-nationalistic ", with the framework of a "sometimes biologistic-looking leading narrative" that is directed against immigration and sees an existential threat in demographic development a working paper of the Otto Brenner Foundation , which scientists from the University of Göttingen had written in the run-up to the state elections in 2016. It is characterized by an "ethnocentric, chauvinistic basic conviction", which contrasts an ideally understood "own group" as a "people" with the foreign. Poggenburg uses the term Volksgemeinschaft , which was used extensively in the Third Reich and which he sees as "in no way negative", but refers to its use in the Weimar Republic by democratic politicians such as Friedrich Ebert , as well as to a description of the term that was understood positively by the historian Michael Wildt . However, he protested against this unwanted claim and countered Poggenburg that although a democratic and socially conciliatory use of the term had been common before 1933, the use in the Third Reich aimed at the exclusion and persecution of minorities and opponents, however, is now every "innocent" use make impossible. Poggenburg and Höcke are probably not concerned with justifying National Socialism , but rather with “disposing of it” and the renewal of ethnic thinking and the corresponding mechanisms of exclusion.

Poggenburg was considered a close follower of Björn Höckes, who is said to have strategically left him the place on the federal board of the AfD. Höcke may benefit from the fact that Poggenburg's radical and clumsy-looking drive is underestimated in public. Poggenburg was also present at Höcke's speech at the so-called Institute for State Policy , in which Höcke assumed that Africans had a different "type of spread" due to evolutionary reasons, and he "stood up to applaud" him.

Several members left the AfD explicitly because of Poggenburg. “We can no longer be a member of a party whose board of directors, André Poggenburg, has elected at least one member who has appeared as an AfD functionary at events together with neo-Nazis ,” wrote ten AfD members from Baden-Württemberg in the summer of 2015 open letter and resigned. Poggenburg wants to turn the AfD into a “revolutionary combat club”, said the former Baden-Württemberg state chairman Bernd Kölmel . Three AfD members of the state parliament in Saxony-Anhalt also left the parliamentary group, with some clear reference to the right course.

According to the information portal Blick nach Rechts, André Poggenburg often uses the rhetoric of a “ dual world view ” when speaking . He polarized and called on people to demonstrate loudly against “the total state failure ”. "What should be said must finally also be said."

Behind the resigned Bernd Lucke and his transatlantic people - according to Poggenburg in a speech - stood “a lot of money and a lot of power”, although he left it open who he meant by that. After the departure of party chairwoman Frauke Petry in September 2017 and the founding of the Alternative Center , he threatened internal opponents: “In the future we won't let it ferment for so long.” One will “react more quickly to behavior that is harmful to the party.” “Freedom of expression is not limitless. "

Together with Björn Höcke, Poggenburg congratulated the Front National (FN) on its victory in the regional elections in France in 2015 and said: “France and Europe can still hope! […] For our fatherlands , for our common European house, this historic turning point is about to be or not to be. The old domestic and foreign parties are on the side of non-existence. Our allies are on the side of being. "

Like the state election program of his earlier party, Poggenburg advocates “identity-creating culture ”. The AfD Sachsen-Anhalt sees orchestras and theaters as having a “duty” to promote a “positive relationship” with their homeland. German plays should be staged with this aim in mind.

He consistently criticized the ban on AfD politicians from appearing at the Pegida demonstrations and finally managed to lift the ban; the party convention largely followed a motion that he co-signed.

Dealing with the media

After Poggenburg's appearance during an AfD demonstration in Magdeburg in February 2016, journalists were attacked with irritant gas . While the journalists attributed the acts to participants in the demonstration, Poggenburg said that he saw the perpetrators in the anti-fascist environment. The next day, Poggenburg announced that it would provide journalists with a security service employee at future demonstrations .

After the state election that was successful for the AfD, Poggenburg first gave an interview to compact magazine and was only later available to public broadcasters. Later he published together with Götz Kubitschek u. a. a community article. He also gave an interview to the Austrian FPÖ- affiliated Zur Zeit in 2016 .


Comments on the attack in Munich in 2016

In July 2016, Poggenburg caused outrage on social media with tweets about the attack in Munich . During the unclear situation at Tatabend he made on Twitter , the CDU of Chancellor Angela Merkel responsible for the victim. Numerous users accused him of “ misusing the suffering of other people for propaganda and agitation .” Poggenburg was sharply criticized from political circles, such as the CDU MEP Sven Schulze and the SPD internal expert Rüdiger Erben .

Use of NS vocabulary in a speech in the state parliament

At the beginning of February 2017, Poggenburg caused a scandal in the state parliament when he used the metaphor "proliferation on the people's body " in a speech , which, according to the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, was based on the vocabulary of the Third Reich :

“Left-wing extremist rags should and must be banned from German universities and rather be given practical work instead of a university place. [...] Take the left-wing extremist threat seriously and take part in all possible measures to finally get rid of this proliferation of the German national body. "

Later, Poggenburg reiterated his choice of words: “I stand by every word!” Observers rated the speech as another calculated breaking of a taboo by the AfD. The Mitteldeutsche Zeitung pointed out that Poggenburg had smilingly recited the final sentence on the "proliferation of the German national body", which caused great indignation. In addition, for some MPs his call for students to be banned from universities and put into practical work echoed the call for labor camps.

Warning from the AfD federal executive board because the party is back in the "vicinity of right-wing radicalism"

Poggenburg and around 200 AfD supporters in Saxony-Anhalt networked via a WhatsApp group, whose content, which was actually closed , was made known to the public by an insider on the Indymedia portal . Numerous and constant radical slogans and demands were exchanged, for example after a purge of the media after a “ seizure of power ” (“prohibit anti-people media”), supplemented by reflections on necessary training on weapons (“solidarity! With and without weapons” - “me teach yourself "), complaints about partying" southerners "on a motorway (followed by regret not to have been traveling at high speed there) or the suggestion that foreigners who are to be deported should be accommodated in the private and damp (possibly re-moistened) cellar due to a lack of detention places, in addition to a laudatory affirmation of the Identitarian Movement or derogatory statements about testosterone-contaminated, potentially aggressive male refugees (" rabid animals"). After their statements became known, disciplinary proceedings were initiated against a customs officer involved and a federal police officer .

Poggenburg himself complained that "hordes of foreign cultural enrichers" would "grab and abuse our women". He also shared, among other things, the saying " Germany the Germans " - used by the NPD and neo-Nazis . In the conversation he had also inquired about the need for “further training in matters of“ expanding the external borders ”” or suggested appropriate training courses, as well as those about “national defense and counter-terrorism”. Nor did he intervene when the group spoke of a " seizure of power " and the "sifting" of journalists. Poggenburg justified himself with the fact that he was not the moderator of the group and did not know all the contributions, but he stood by his own statements. "Extension of the external borders" did not refer to the borders of Germany, but the unsecured borders of the EU.

At the request of Alexander Gauland and Alice Weidel , the AfD federal board decided to warn and reprimand Poggenburg . His statements had " massively damaged the party's reputation in the election year ". "Poggenburg is moving the AfD closer to right-wing radicalism," said the board's complaint, in particular his thinking about the "expansion of the external borders" was incompatible with the AfD's program. Poggenburg was an associate member of the AfD federal board that criticized him. Should he be warned a second time, a party exclusion procedure can in principle follow.

The state board of the AfD Saxony-Anhalt, however, took a unanimous decision “demonstratively” behind Poggenburg and his statements.

Incitement against Turks living in Germany and a second warning from the AfD federal board

In a speech on Political Ash Wednesday on February 14, 2018, which was considered a hate speech , Poggenburg spoke to the Turkish Community in Germany (TGD), which criticized a planned home ministry , of “caraway dealers” who “had committed genocide themselves 1.5 million Armenians on their asses ”and“ camel drivers ”. They should “shear where they belong, far, far, far, beyond the Bosporus to their mud huts and polygamy. They have nothing to look for or report here. ”In addition, Poggenburg said that dual citizenship brings nothing but“ homeless and patriotic rabble ”, which“ we no longer want to have here ”, what listeners call“ deportation, deportation ”. acknowledged. The TGD then examined legal steps and filed a criminal complaint on February 17, 2018 . A private person also filed a criminal complaint against Poggenburg for sedition . The public prosecutor's office thereupon initiated an investigation, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier reprimanded Poggenburg as someone who made "excessive language, ruthlessness and hatred in [the] attitude into a strategy of his own". State Interior Minister Holger Stahlknecht saw after the speech with reference to the AfD as a party "one leg already over the abyss of right-wing extremism". The AfD federal executive unanimously decided to issue a further warning, although the AfD co-chairman, Alexander Gauland , had previously defended him against the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , referring to the generally more hearty language on Ash Wednesday. Jörg Meuthen also criticized Poggenburg's use of language, but did not distance himself in terms of content. Poggenburg himself wanted his statements to be understood as "satire", there were no camels in Turkey, and disregarding other nationalities was "completely far removed" from him. For the journalist Patrick Gensing "this explanation sounds more like satire", because on the one hand there is even so-called camel wrestling in Turkey and on the other hand it does not seem absurd "in view of the aggressive presentation of the Ash Wednesday speech and the other political activities of Poggenburg “That he could belittle and insult other nationalities.

The starting point for Poggenburg's failures was that Gökay Sofuoglu , the chairman of the TGD, had previously rejected the establishment of a German home ministry on the grounds that the term “ home ” describes a “different space of experience and feeling” from person to person and a transference on the political context is "problematic not only because of the German past", but also promotes "exclusion and division".

Due to the Ash Wednesday speech, the parliamentary group withdrew its confidence in Poggenburg on February 27, 2018 in an internal vote. On March 8, he announced his resignation from his posts as parliamentary group and state chairman at the end of the month.

The Dresden public prosecutor's office conducted ex officio investigations and based on 241 criminal charges against Poggenburg. On June 5, 2018, the public prosecutor announced that, following their investigation, there had been no incitement to hatred or insult in the statements , and the investigation closed. The main reason was that the members of the Turkish community were insulted in a polemical manner, but that they were not called for violence or other arbitrary measures.

The "rat hole" comparison

In September 2018, the left website " Indymedia " published the leaked course of an intimate chat Poggenburg with a party friend, including compromising photos. According to Poggenburg, the only possible sources were people from his own political camp. He then published: “I seriously wonder what kind of rat hole a party or faction can be.” Poggenburg's partner, daughter of AfD politician Mario Lehmann , separated from him because of the information that was circulated on the Internet.

See also

Web links

Commons : André Poggenburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Poggenburg resigns from AfD
  2. André Poggenburg leaves the AfD
  4. Board of Directors | AfD Saxony-Anhalt. Retrieved September 24, 2018 .
  5. ^ AfD exit: Poggenburg's new party is called "Awakening German Patriots". On: from January 11, 2019 .
  6. Another U-turn: Poggenburg leaves the ADPM. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  7. About the person: With its own business at Gut Nöbeditz in Stoß . In: Naumburger Tageblatt . May 13, 2014.
  8. ^ Hendrik Kranert-Rydzy: André Poggenburg: AfD chief of Saxony-Anhalt holds out believers . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . ( [accessed on March 6, 2018]).
  9. ^ Marcel Pauly: AfD Saxony-Anhalt: André Poggenburg and his financial disaster . In: THE WORLD . January 31, 2016 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  10. ^ Hendrik Kranert-Rydzy: André Poggenburg: AfD chief of Saxony-Anhalt holds out believers . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . ( [accessed on March 6, 2018]).
  11. Hendrik Kranert-Rydzy: Arrest warrant against André Poggenburg issued AfD boss did not comply with the demand for the oath of disclosure. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . January 25, 2016, accessed March 12, 2016 .
  12. ^ Marcel Pauly: AfD Saxony-Anhalt: André Poggenburg and his financial disaster . In: THE WORLD . January 31, 2016 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  13. a b c Reinhard Bingener: arrest warrant for AfD top candidate Andre Poggenburg still exists. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 28, 2016, accessed March 12, 2016 .
  14. ^ Reinhard Bingener, Halberstadt: AfD in Saxony-Anhalt: A legal interpreter . In: FAZ.NET . March 11, 2016, ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed March 5, 2018]).
  15. Despite arrest warrants: AfD is sticking to Poggenburg . In: FAZ.NET . February 1, 2016, ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed March 5, 2018]).
  16. ^ Hagen Eichler: MZ summer interview: AfD boss André Poggenburg praises the GDR . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . ( [accessed on March 8, 2018]).
  17. ^ Marcel Pauly: AfD Saxony-Anhalt : André Poggenburg and his financial disaster . In: THE WORLD . January 31, 2016 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  18. ^ AfD: With a neo-Nazi on the podium . In: The time . January 29, 2016, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  19. ^ Steffen Könau: AfD Saxony-Anhalt: Power struggle for Germany . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . ( [accessed on March 6, 2018]).
  20. ^ AfD: With a neo-Nazi on the podium . In: The time . January 29, 2016, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  21. ^ A b c Rainer Roeser: Saxony-Anhalt's AfD on a clear course to the right. In: look to the right. January 8, 2016, accessed March 12, 2016 .
  22. Lucke defends himself against a shift to the right. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 21, 2015, accessed March 22, 2015 .
  24. ^ Right AfD "wing" collects its battalions from Rainer Roeser look to the right November 11, 2016
  26. Hagen Eichler: Proximity to the NPD brings AfD into crisis. In: May 16, 2015, accessed March 6, 2018 .
  27. Hagen Eichler: Proximity to the NPD brings AfD into crisis. In: May 16, 2016, accessed March 6, 2018 .
  28. ^ Christian Jakob: Right-wing movement of the AfD: Poggenburg in the best company . In: The daily newspaper: taz . May 13, 2015, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed March 6, 2018]).
  29. Hagen Eichler: Proximity to the NPD brings AfD into crisis. In: May 16, 1015, accessed March 6, 2018 .
  30. a b dissatisfaction with state chief Poggenburg. In: September 25, 2015, archived from the original ; Retrieved August 25, 2017 .
  31. ^ Christopher Richter: Mobbing, denouncing, insults. In: Deutschlandfunk , February 11, 2016, accessed on March 20, 2016.
  32. ↑ Arson attack and burglary among AfD officials . In: . October 25, 2015, accessed August 10, 2016.
  33. ^ Andreas Speit: Blue and Brown in Saxony-Anhalt: Struggle for those concerned. In: the daily newspaper . February 27, 2016, accessed March 19, 2016 .
  34. .
  35. Jan Schumann: Secret meeting of the AfD: Poggenburg leads faction in the state parliament .
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