Chronology of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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This page lists in chronological order the historical events with a significant influence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Middle East conflict .

Prehistory (19th century)

Beginnings (1878–1920)

Mandate period (1920–1948)

  • At the Sanremo Conference on April 25, 1920, it was decided that the Balfour Declaration should be implemented and that Great Britain should receive the appropriate mandate for it. The Balfour Declaration, quoted verbatim in the final memorandum of the San Remo resolution, has changed from a unilateral declaration of intent by Great Britain to binding international law through the acceptance of the victorious nations of the First World War at the conference.
  • 1920: Founding of the Histadrut , the umbrella organization of Israel's trade unions.
  • 1920: A Jewish pogrom carried out by Palestinian Arabs as a result of a Muslim procession leads to the founding of the Hagana .
  • 1921 Foundation of the first moschavim Kfar Jecheskel and Nahalal (see also list of moschavim )
  • 1921: Mohammed Amin al-Husseini is appointed Mufti of Jerusalem.
  • 1922: The League of Nations confirmed the decision negotiated at the Sanremo Conference and created the League of Nations mandate for Palestine over the areas of what is now Jordan , Israel and Palestine to the United Kingdom . The preamble to the text of the mandate speaks of the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the restoration of their national homeland .
  • 1922: Establishment of the Zionist Orthodox Workers' Party of Israel HaPo'el haMisrachi .
  • 1923: The mandate area is divided, the emerging emirate of Transjordan to the east of the Jordan is closed to Jewish settlements. Transjordan is cut off from the League of Nations mandate for Palestine.
  • 1923: Founding of the Communist Party of Palestine .
  • April 1, 1925: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem opens
  • 1926: 1st Islamic Congress chaired by Saudi Arabia's King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud in Mecca .
  • 1928: The Muslim Brotherhood is founded by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt .
  • 1929: At the height of unrest between the Arab and Jewish populations in Palestine, the Jewish community in Hebron falls victim to the Hebron massacre . 67 Jews die, including women and children. The survivors are evacuated.
  • December 6-17, 1931: General Islamic Congress in Jerusalem.
  • 1931-1948: Irgun Zwai Leumi .
  • November 20, 1935: Izz ad-Din al-Qassam dies.
  • 1937: A British commission ( Peel Commission ) proposes dividing Palestine into a smaller Jewish and a larger Arab part. The Jews agree, the Arabs do not.
  • July 15, 1937: Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, is again seeking cooperation with the Nazi regime , this time with success.
  • 1938: Creation of the Neturei Karta .
  • December 11, 1939: The first edition of the daily Jedi'ot Acharonot appears.
  • 1940 Lechi is founded as a spin-off from Irgun .
  • May 19, 1941: Foundation of the Palmach .
  • 1941 - 1945 During the Second World War, the National Socialists systematically exterminate people, mainly Jews, from 1942 also with industrial methods. ( Shoa / Holocaust )
  • 1944-1948: Bricha
  • March 22, 1945: Foundation of the Arab League in Cairo and the beginning of the boycott of Israel by the Arab League .
  • 1946: Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem receives asylum in Egypt and is praised by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood , Hassan al-Banna: “The Mufti is worth as much as an entire nation. The Mufti is Palestine, and Palestine is the Mufti ... "
  • March 22, 1946: Transjordan becomes independent from the United Kingdom .
  • May 25, 1946: Transjordan becomes a kingdom under Abdallah ibn Husain I.
  • July 22, 1946: Zionist Irgun attack the King David Hotel in Jerusalem , the seat of the British General Staff.
  • July 18, 1947: Operation Oasis begins with the repatriation of the Exodus passengers .
  • November 29, 1947: The UN General Assembly resolves with 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions (Res. 181) that the 609,000 Jews of Palestine, 30.6% of the population, receive 55% of the land (three quarters of which, however, from the desert Negev existed), while the 1.38 million Arabs of Palestine, 69.4% of the population, 42% of the land are granted (see UN Partition Plan for Palestine ). The Arab states, the Arab League and the Palestinian “High Arab Committee” then reject the partition.
  • November 30, 1947: The Battle of Jerusalem begins (1948) .
  • February 15, 1948: The first edition of the daily Maariw appears.

State of Israel founded (1948–1966)

Wars (1967–1986)

  • June 5-10, 1967: Six Day War : Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, moves troops to Israel's border and warns UN troops of an imminent attack. Israel responds with a pre-emptive strike, repulses the Arab troops and occupies the Jordan-administered West Bank , the Syrian Golan Heights , the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and the Egypt-administered Gaza Strip . In the years that followed, Israel began to systematically colonize the areas. The UN - Resolution 242 of the UN Security Council declares the acquisition of territories by war inadmissible and calls on Israel to withdraw from occupied (not all or the ) territories. It also calls for the political independence of every state in the region and the right to live within safe and recognized borders free from threats or acts of violence. The complete defeat in the Six-Day War as well as expulsions and perceived humiliations (such as the Suez crisis) favor Islamism , as Muslims reflect more strongly on their religion and radicalize them.
  • December 11, 1967: Foundation of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • 1969: Fatah and PLO unite during the 5th National Palestinian Congress
  • September 25, 1969: Foundation of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation in Rabat ( Morocco )
  • 1970: The PLO is expelled from Jordan in " Black September " and goes to Lebanon .
  • February 10, 1970: Fatah terrorists tried to hijack an aircraft belonging to the Israeli company El Al at Munich-Riem Airport . The Israeli Arie Katzenstein was killed, five others were injured, including the actress Hanna Maron , who lost a leg.
  • May 30, 1972: The massacre at Lod Airport , carried out by Japanese terrorists, kills 26 people
  • September 5, 1972: The Munich Olympic attack by the terrorist organization Black September .
  • October 6-24, 1973: Yom Kippur War . The oil export stop leads to an oil crisis . Sadat succeeds in containing Islamism by demonstrating Arab strength.
  • 1974: Abu Nidal founds the Abu Nidal terrorist organization , a spin-off from the PLO.
  • 1974: Foundation of the extra-parliamentary Jewish national religious organization Gush Emunim .
  • 1974: Founding of the Zionist, secular and liberal party in Israel Shinui .
  • 1975: Founding of the Palestinian University Bir Zait in Bir Zait north of Ramallah in the West Bank.
  • November 10, 1975: Resolution 3379 of the UN General Assembly . She identified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. It also placed Israel on a par with South Africa and Rhodesia .
  • 1975 - 1990: Lebanese Civil War
  • 1976: Soil Day was born .
  • June 27, 1976 Air France flight 139 was hijacked and was supposed to run from Tel Aviv via Athens to Paris via Benghazi in Libya to Entebbe in Uganda. On July 4, 1976 Israeli special forces liberation operation see Operation Entebbe .
  • 1977: Foundation of the list association of socialist parties in Israel Chadash .
  • 1977: Anwar as-Sadat , from a position of relative political strength, proposes a meeting with Menachem Begin , which takes place from November 19-21 and prepares the 1978 Camp David peace agreement .
  • 1977 - 1981: Front of Steadfastness - a de facto only informal front of opposition from some Arab states and the PLO to a policy of rapprochement between Egypt and the USA and Israel.
  • March 11, 1978: The coastal road attack kills 37 Israeli civilians.
  • March 14, 1978: The Israeli army invades southern Lebanon with Operation Litani .
  • 1978: Menachem Begin and Anwar as-Sadat sign a peace agreement at Camp David that was negotiated by Jimmy Carter . The Palestinian side pledges to renounce violence, while the Israeli side promises to end the construction of settlements and to withdraw from the occupied territories . The agreement is rejected by numerous Arab states.
  • 1978: Foundation of the extra-parliamentary peace movement in Israel Shalom Achschaw / Peace Now .
  • 1978: First World Conference against Racism in Geneva
  • 1979: Islamic Revolution in Iran , August 8, 1979 Declaration by the Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini , which led to the first al-Quds day on August 17, 1979 , with around 3.5 million participants in Tehran alone.
  • March 26, 1979: Israel-Egypt peace treaty
  • 1980: In July, Israel annexed East Jerusalem , conquered in the Six Day War , by law and declared Jerusalem the “eternal” and “undivided” capital, which was met with protests, especially in the Arab world.
  • Mal 1981: Islamic Jihad in Palestine appears for the first time in its current form.
  • October 6, 1981: Anwar as-Sadat is murdered by Islamists in Cairo because of the Camp David peace agreement .
  • 1982: Israel withdraws from the Sinai Peninsula as agreed in the Camp David Agreement of Sadat and Begin.
  • June 6, 1982: Beginning of the Lebanon War (Operation Peace for Galilee).
  • 1982: Siege and capture of Beirut . Expulsion of the PLO to Tunisia . Massacre of the civilian population ( Sabra and Shatila ) by the Christian Lebanese Falange militias .
  • 1982: Hezbollah was founded .
  • August 1983: Second World Conference against Racism in Geneva
1984: Founding of the Shas party.

Intifadas (1987-2005)

Separation plan and decoupling (2005 – ongoing)

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Deutschlandfunk calendar sheet July 5, 2020: Law for 70 years The right of every Jew to return to Israel
  2. ^ Background First world conference against racism ended in scandal , FAZ August 27, 2001
  3. ^ Background First world conference against racism ended in scandal , FAZ August 27, 2001
  4. Kölner Stadtanzeiger from September 1, 2004, page 1
  5. Debate with Peres Gaza scandal in Davos - Erdogan storms off the podium , Der Spiegel January 29, 2009
  6. (Ed.): Israel: Arab Israeli will light a torch for the first time . April 22, 2015 ( [accessed January 4, 2020]).
  7. ^ OIC special summit on the Jerusalem crisis The Islamic world is looking for answers , by Christian Buttkereit, Deutschlandfunk December 13, 2017
  8. ^ Mass rally in Istanbul Erdoğan, the Palestinian protector , by Wolf Wittenfeld, TAZ May 18, 2018
  9. OIC Erdoğan's special summit accuses Israel of Nazi methods , Die Zeit , May 19, 2018
  10. ^ Special OIC summit in Istanbul Low point for the Turkish-Israeli relationship , by Christian Buttkereit, Deutschlandfunk Kultur May 18, 2018
  11. Abu al-Ata purposefully killed in the Gaza Strip
  12. Israel's air force bombs positions of militant Palestinians