List of members of the Burgenland Landtag (XXII legislative period)

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Allocation of seats in the Burgenland Landtag at the beginning of the 2020 legislative period
19th 11 4th 
A total of 36 seats

This list of the members of the Burgenland Landtag (XXII. Legislative period) lists all members of the Burgenland Landtag in the XXII. Legislative period (from 2020).


In the state elections on January 26, 2020 , the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) won 19 out of 36 seats, compared to the 2015 state election , it won four seats. The ÖVP Burgenland remained unchanged with eleven mandates compared to 2015, as did Die Grünen Burgenland , which again achieved two mandates. The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) lost two seats compared to 2015. The Burgenland List (LBL), which was previously represented with two mandates in the Landtag, did not manage to return.

The constituent meeting with the election and inauguration of the state government Doskozil II took place on February 17, 2020.

In May 2020, the SPÖ, ÖVP and the Greens agreed on a reform of the state constitution and the state parliament's rules of procedure. Among other things, there should be club status for one party again from two mandataries. The Greens, who have two seats in the state parliament, will benefit from the change in club status and will receive more money, equipment and parliamentary rights. The change was decided in early July 2020 in the state parliament.


Landtag President

Kurt Maczek (SPÖ) was elected as the successor to Ilse Benkö (FPÖ) as third state parliament president, Verena Dunst (also SPÖ) remained state parliament president . The ÖVP nominated the mayor of Oberwart, Georg Rosner, to succeed Rudolf Strommer for the office of second president of the state parliament. Verena Dunst was unanimously re-elected as First President of the State Parliament, Georg Rosner received 11 votes, Kurt Maczek was elected with 19 votes.

Club chairmen

After the state election, Johann Tschürtz announced his resignation as FPÖ state party leader. Alexander Petschnig succeeded him in this position . Tschürtz stayed as a member of parliament and succeeded Géza Molnár as club chairman.

On February 6, 2020, Robert Hergovich , who had held this position from 2015 to the end of 2017, was elected SPÖ club chairman. From 2018, Ingrid Salamon was the SPÖ club chairwoman. The sole state managing director was Roland Fürst , who until then had been one of the two state managing directors alongside Christian Dax .

At the ÖVP, Markus Ulram succeeded Christian Sagartz as club chairman . Sagartz succeeded Thomas Steiner as the ÖVP state party chairman, while Patrik Fazekas took over the state management from Christoph Wolf .

Federal Councilors

Until the state election in 2020 in the XXVII. Legislative period with Marianne Hackl (ÖVP), Günter Kovacs (SPÖ) and Jürgen Schabhüttl (SPÖ) three members of the Federal Council . Instead of Marianne Hackl, Bernhard Hirczy moved into the Federal Council for the ÖVP. In the SPÖ, the northern mandate remained with Günter Kovacs, the second moved from the Güssing district to the Oberpullendorf district, from Jürgen Schabhüttl to Sandra Gerdenitsch .

Member of the state parliament

The table contains the following information:

Surname: Last name and first name of the member of the state parliament
Fraction: Member of Parliament's club (official party code)
Constituency: Constituency through which the MP received the mandate. State constituency = remaining vote mandate
Annotation: Notes if a member of parliament resigned or was newly sworn in during the legislative period, as well as any change of parliamentary group
Surname image fraction Constituency annotation
Bachmann Gerhard Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Regional constituency
Benkö Ilse Placeholder staff photo.svg FPÖ Regional constituency
Boehm Elisabeth Neusiedl am See - Mayor Elisabeth Böhm (01) .jpg SPÖ Constituency 1 (Neusiedl am See)
Brandstatter Kilian Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 1 (Neusiedl am See)
Dax Christian Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 5 (Oberwart)
Haze Verena SPÖ Presidium & Board of Directors May 17, 2016 (26795249150) (cropped) .jpg SPÖ Constituency 6 (Güssing)
Eckhardt Melanie Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Regional constituency
Fazekas Patrik Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Constituency 4 (Oberpullendorf)
Prince Roland Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Regional constituency
Handy Gerald Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Constituency 1 (Neusiedl am See)
Hergovich Robert Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 2 (Eisenstadt)
Hutter Gerhard Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Regional constituency
Kainrath novel Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 4 (Oberpullendorf)
Laschober-Luif Carina Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Regional constituency
Maczek Kurt Kurt Maczek 201702.jpg SPÖ Constituency 5 (Oberwart)
Mezgolits Johannes Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Constituency 2 (Eisenstadt)
Molnár Géza Placeholder staff photo.svg FPÖ Regional constituency
Petrik Regina Placeholder staff photo.svg GREEN Regional constituency
Petschnig Alexander Placeholder staff photo.svg FPÖ Regional constituency
Posch Dieter 2012 Dieter Posch (8260731073) (cropped) .jpg SPÖ Constituency 3 (Mattersburg)
Preiner Erwin Erwin Preiner (14503098665) .jpg SPÖ Constituency 1 (Neusiedl am See)
Prohaska Doris Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 5 (Oberwart)
Rosner Georg Oberwart military cemetery 201621.jpg ÖVP Constituency 5 (Oberwart)
Schlager Claudia Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 3 (Mattersburg)
Schmid Thomas Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 2 (Eisenstadt) Successor for Harald Neumayer after his resignation
Schnecker Ewald Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 7 (Jennersdorf)
Sodl Wolfgang Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Regional constituency
Spitzmüller Wolfgang Placeholder staff photo.svg GREEN Regional constituency
Steiner Thomas Thomas Steiner Eisenstadt.jpg ÖVP Regional constituency
Rigorous Rita Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 2 (Eisenstadt)
Temmel Walter Walter Temmel 201701.jpg ÖVP Constituency 6 (Güssing)
Trummer Elisabeth Placeholder staff photo.svg SPÖ Constituency 4 (Oberpullendorf)
Tschürtz Johann State fire brigade youth performance competition 2016 Großpetersdorf 34.jpg FPÖ Regional constituency
Ulram Markus Markus Ulram - Mayor Halbturn.jpg ÖVP Constituency 1 (Neusiedl am See)
Wagentristl Julia Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Constituency 3 (Mattersburg) Successor for Christian Sagartz , who moved to the EU Parliament
Wolf Christoph Placeholder staff photo.svg ÖVP Constituency 2 (Eisenstadt)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ÖVP presents the newly elected club. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  2. Results of the state elections in Burgenland: percentages, mandates, community results and voter flows. In: . January 26, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  3. a b Doskozil elected by all parties to the LH. In: . February 17, 2020, accessed February 17, 2020 .
  4. No changes in the SPÖ government team. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  5. ^ Agreement on reform: Constitution & LT rules of procedure will be amended. In: . May 25, 2020, accessed May 26, 2020 .
  6. Constitutional reform: Greens benefit. In: . May 25, 2020, accessed May 26, 2020 .
  7. ^ Changes in club status: Parliament decided to reform the state constitution. In: . July 2, 2020, accessed July 2, 2020 .
  8. Landtag: Constitutional reform is decided. In: . July 2, 2020, accessed July 2, 2020 .
  9. a b Eisenkopf becomes LH deputy. In: . January 30, 2020, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  10. a b ÖVP team after state election complete. In: . February 7, 2020, accessed February 7, 2020 .
  11. ^ FPÖ Burgenland chief Tschürtz resigns. In: . January 28, 2020, accessed January 28, 2020 .
  12. Landtag: Hergovich elected as the new SPÖ club chairman. In: Burgenland People's Newspaper . February 6, 2020, accessed February 6, 2020 .
  13. Thomas Orovits: Burgenland: Hergovich gets preference over Dax as SPÖ club boss . In: . January 29, 2020, accessed January 29, 2020 .
  14. ^ Burgenland: Dax resigns as SPÖ regional manager. In: The press . February 3, 2020, accessed February 9, 2020 .
  15. christian sagartz new ÖVP chairman. In: . February 20, 2020, accessed February 20, 2020 .
  16. Wolfgang Millendorfer and Markus Wagentristl: Everything new at the ÖVP: Sagartz and Fazekas instead of Steiner and Wolf. In: Burgenland People's Newspaper . February 20, 2020, accessed February 20, 2020 .
  17. Carina Fenz: Jennersdorf district: Schnecker creates sensation. In: Burgenland People's Newspaper . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  18. ^ A b c d e Wolfgang Millendorfer: Astrid Eisenkopf becomes regional vice-president. In: Burgenland People's Newspaper . January 30, 2020, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  19. Landesamtsblatt für das Burgenland, 85th year, 25th issue, issued and dispatched on June 19, 2015
  20. Burgenland, choice points calculation and mandates preferential votes in the constituency
  21. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Thomas Orovits: Who will sit in the Burgenland state parliament in the future. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  22. a b c d e f State election 2020: Gerald Handig (ÖVP) surprisingly creates a mandate. In: Burgenland People's Newspaper . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  23. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Almost 57,000 preferred votes for Doskozil. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  24. a b c d e ÖVP presents the newly elected club. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .
  25. State elections Burgenland 2020: Three new faces from the Eisenstadt district in the country house. January 30, 2020, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  26. Burgenland: There are teachers, police officers and many mayors in the state parliament. In: . February 5, 2020, accessed February 5, 2020 .
  27. SPÖ sole government with the same team in Burgenland. In: . January 27, 2020, accessed January 27, 2020 .