Petit Col Ferret

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Petit Col Ferret
Compass direction west east
Pass height 2486  m above sea level M.
Aosta Valley , Italy Valais , Switzerland
Valley locations Courmayeur Orsières
expansion Mule track
Petit Col Ferret (Canton of Valais)
Petit Col Ferret
Coordinates , ( CH ) 45 ° 53 '54 "  N , 7 ° 4' 5"  O ( 571 236  /  83051 ) coordinates: 45 ° 53 '54 "  N , 7 ° 4' 5"  O ; CH1903:  571,236  /  83051



The Petit Col Ferret is a 2486  m above sea level. M. high Saumpass on the border between the Italian Aosta Valley in the west and the Swiss canton of Valais in the east. The pass connects the Italian Val Ferret with the Swiss Val Ferret . The pass lies on the main Alpine ridge and separates the Mont Blanc massif from the Valais Alps . South of the pass, separated by the Tête de Ferret, is the more famous 2536  m above sea level. M. high Grand Col Ferret .

The pass is located on the access path to Bivacco Fiorio , an unmanaged bivouac hut belonging to the Club Alpino Accademico Italiano CAAI, which can be used as a base for ascents and hikes around the Pré de Bar glacier . Both the approaches from Italy and Switzerland are more demanding than those to the Grand Col Ferret.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Swiss national map