Radical 173

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172 ⾫ ◄ 173 ► ⾭ 174
Pinyin : yǔ (= rain)
Zhuyin : ㄩ ˇ
Hiragana : あ め ame
Kanji : 雨 冠 amekanmuri
(= radical rain)
Hangul :
Sinocorean : 우 u
Codepoint : U + 96E8
Stroke sequence : 雨

Radical 173 , meaning " rain ", is one of nine of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese script that are written with eight strokes.

With 45 character combinations in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are relatively many characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

Radical rain increases only in the traditional characters - list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 173. position. It can be found in a completely different place in modern abbreviation dictionaries. In the New Chinese-German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, for example, it is in 204th position.

The character developed from a pictogram that shows four drops of water falling from a cloud that hangs in the sky like a container. As a bearer of meaning, 雨 places its symbols in the meaning field of rain and other meteorological phenomena such as 雪 (= snow), 雷 (= thunder, trigram Trigrams2633 ☳.svg ), 雲 (= clouds), 雾 (= fog) and 霜 (= frost). 零 (= zero) originally denoted slowly falling rain, hence 雨 in the head. 霍 (= suddenly) was initially written below with two birds 隹 隹. Birds fly up when it rains, and this fluttering sound should reproduce 霍霍 (huohuo).

The meaning carrier rain 雨 in 霍 results from this connection. 霸 (= tyrant) originally referred to the first two or three days of the month in the lunar calendar when the moon can hardly be seen. The pronunciation of 霸 (ba) was p. The sign therefore consists of the moon 月 (yu) and the pronounced sound carrier components 雨 and 革 (= leather). Xu Shen explained this in his Shuowen Jiezi : Rain soaks the leather. This means that the rain 雨 in the sign 霸 (ba = tyrant) does not appear as such, but only as part of the original sound carrier component made up of 雨 and 革, which is no longer used today.

Character combinations ruled by radical 173

Strokes character
+ 00

+ 03

+ 04 雬 雭 雮 雰 雱雯 靊

+ 05 雳 雴 零 雷 雸 雹 雺 電 雵 雼 雽

+ 06 雾 需 雿

+ 07 霁 霂 霄 霅 霆 震 霈 霉 霊

+ 08 霃 霋 霍 霎 霏 霐 霑 霒 霓 霔 霕 霖 霗 霘

+ 09 霙 霌 霚 霜 霝 霞 霟 霠 霡 霢 霣

+10 霤 霛

+11 霥 霧 霦 霨 霪 霩 霫 霬

+12 霭 霮 霰 霯 霳 霱

+13 露 霴 霵 霶 霸 霹 霷

+14 霻 霺 霽 霾 霼 霿


+16 靂 靃 靄 靅 靆 靇 靈



+19 靋 靌


In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 173 is coded under the code point number 12.204 (U + 2FAC).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 173  - Graphic representations of Radikal 173
Wiktionary: 雨  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations