Route national 193b

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route nationale 193 B in France
N 193 B
Basic data
Overall length: 12 km

Regions :


Toulon ... Corse ... Nice (Septembre et octobre 2010) 077.jpg
View of the Tour de la Parata - The former N193 B can be seen at the bottom left
Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
Département Corse-du-Sud
Street as D 111
Locality Ajaccio T 22 (formerly N 193 )
Locality Ariadne
Locality Scudo
Locality Vignola
Locality Pointe de la Parata

The N 193 B was a French national road on Corsica from 1913 to 1973, which branched off from the N193 in Ajaccio and led along the coast to Pointe de la Parata. Their length was 12 kilometers. At the Pointe de la Parata is the Genoese tower Tour de la Parata.

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