Route national 177

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route nationale 177 in France
N 177
Basic data
Overall length: 207.5 / 95.5 + 65 km

Regions :

Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
department Calvados
Street as D 577
crossing D 675 (formerly N 175 )
Locality Jurques
Locality Le Mesnil-Auzouf
Locality Montamy
crossing D 674 (formerly N 174 )
Locality Vire D 524 (formerly N 24bis ) / D 512 (formerly N 812 )
Locality Saint-Germain-de-Tallevende
Department of Manche
Street as D 977
Locality Sourdeval D 911 (formerly N 811 )
Locality Mortain
crossing D 907 (formerly N 807 )
Locality Parigny
Locality Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët D 976 (formerly N 799 & N 808 )
Locality Les Loges-Marchis
crossing D 999 (formerly N 799 )
Department of Ille-et-Vilaine
Street as D 177
Locality Louvigné-du-Désert
Locality Landéan
Locality Fougères (North) D 806 (formerly N 806 )
Locality Fougères N 12 (until 1949 N 155 ) / D 812 (formerly N 12 )
D 155 (formerly N 155 ) / D 179 (formerly N 178 )
D 798 (formerly N 798 )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty until 1949
Street as D 812
Locality Romagné
Locality Saint-Jean-sur-Couesnon
Locality Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier D 794 (formerly N 794 )
Locality Gosne
Locality Liffré
Street than for 4.5 kilometersA84
Locality Thorigné-Fouillard
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from 1949
via N 12
Locality Rennes N 12 / D 812 (formerly N 12 ) / N 24
D 437 & D 837 (formerly N 137 ) / N 157 (before 1949 N 12 )
D 163 (formerly N 163 ) / D 463 (formerly N 163bis )
D 125 (formerly N 164bis ) / D 175 (formerly N 776 )
Locality Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande
Street as D 577
crossing D 776 (formerly N 776 )
Locality Guichen
Street as D 177
Locality Guignen
Locality Lohéac D 772 (formerly N 772 )
crossing D 777 (formerly N 777 )
Locality Renac
Locality Redon D 164 (formerly N 164 ) / D 775 (formerly N 775 )

The N177 was established in 1824 as the French national road between the N175 west of Villers-Bocage and Redon . This route goes back to the route impériale 197. Their length was 207.5 kilometers. In 1949, by reforming the long routes, the N12 took over the section between Fougères and Rennes . This reduced the total length to 160.5 kilometers. In 1973 it was downgraded. In 1978 the section of the N834 between Pont-l'Évêque and Trouville was renumbered to N177. In 2006 this route was phased out.


The N177 E was a branch of the N177 from 1933 to 1973, which connected it to the N137 north of the city center in Rennes. Today it bears the number D677.

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