Thomas Pluch Screenplay Award

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The Thomas Pluch Script Award has been awarded annually by the Austrian Script Association since 1993 with the aim of honoring scriptwriters and promoting the next generation. The award sponsor is the Austrian Federal Chancellery , Art and Culture Section. The award is named after the screenwriter and co-founder of the Screenwriting Association Thomas Pluch (1934–1992).

The price

The prize has been awarded in three categories since 2014:

  • Thomas Pluch main prize for the best script for a full-length feature film or a full-length television film of 70 minutes or more
  • Thomas Pluch Special prize of the jury for a script with particularly outstanding aspects, for full-length feature films or full-length television films, whereby the jury is free to determine the category.
  • Thomas Pluch Prize for short or medium-length feature films

In 2017, the main prize is endowed with 12,000 euros, the special prize with 7,000 euros and the prize for short or medium-length feature films with 3000 euros. A national jury awards the prize for short or medium-length feature films and nominates the books for the main and special prizes. The main and special prizes will then be awarded from the nominated books by an international jury. The award ceremony takes place together with the Carl Mayer Script Award as part of the Diagonale .

From 2011 to 2013, in addition to the main prize, appreciation prizes were awarded, up to 2010 the main prize was promoted, and since 2014 there has been a special jury prize and the prize for short or medium-length feature films in addition to the main prize .

Award winners and nominees (selection)

Thomas Pluch main prize

Note: All nominees for the year are listed, with the winner (s) always on top.

Thomas Pluch Special Jury Prize (since 2014)

Thomas Pluch sponsorship awards (until 2010)

  • 1993
    • Michael Cencig for Giulia Super
    • David Rühm for Escape
  • 1995
    • Regine Aster for Ticket to Ride
    • Christiane Madsen-Julen and Walter Bretscher for Tschäss

Appreciation Awards (2011-2013)

Thomas Pluch Prize for short or medium-length feature films (since 2014)

  • 2014: Vanessa Gräfingholt, Clara Trischler and Jakob Pretterhofer for Tuppern
  • 2015: Rafael Haider for donkey
  • 2016: Maria Luz Olivares Chapel for Forest of Echoes
  • 2017: Nora Friedel for mimicry
  • 2018: Timothy Bidwell for Der Ausflug , based on an idea by Jürgen Karasek
  • 2019: Albert Meisl for Die Schwingen des Geist
  • 2020: Stefan Langthaler for Fabiu

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Films: Previous screenplay awards . Retrieved March 16, 2017.
  2. Thomas Pluch Script Award 2018: Nominations / Jury / Award Ceremony . Retrieved March 2, 2018.
  3. Thomas Pluch Screenplay Awards 2018 ( Memento from March 16, 2018 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved March 16, 2018.
  4. Thomas Pluch Script Award 2019 - Nominations ( Memento from May 18, 2019 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  5. Thomas Pluch Script Awards 2019 . Retrieved March 22, 2019.
  6. ^ A b c Diagonale screenplay prices to Kleindienst and Moder. In: Upper Austrian Volksblatt . April 29, 2020, accessed April 29, 2020 .