Radical 115

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114 ⽱ ◄ 115 ► ⽳ 116
Pinyin : hé (= grain)
禾木 旁 hémùpáng
(= radical grain-tree)
Zhuyin : ㄏ ㄜ ˊ
Hiragana : の ぎ nogi
Kanji : ノ 木 偏 nogihen
Hangul :
Sinocorean :
Codepoint : U + 79BE
Stroke sequence : 禾

Radical 115 with the meaning “ grain , ear ” is one of 23 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with five strokes.

With 79 combinations of characters in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are many characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

The radical "cereals" takes only in the traditional characters - list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 115. position. It can be found in a completely different place in modern abbreviation dictionaries. In the New Chinese-German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, for example, it is in 149th position.


The seal form of this character clearly shows a stalk of grain with two leaves to the right and left and the ear hanging down at the top.


In the left position in the compound character, the last line (bottom right) becomes a dot line as in 称 (= fit). In this position the radical is usually described as 禾木 旁 (tree component).

As a bearer of meaning, 禾 places its signs in the context of agriculture, for example in 种 (zhong = seed), 秧 (= germ), 稻 (= rice), 香 (xiang = scent), 秋 (qiu = autumn, harvest time), 私(si = private) and 利 (li = advantage; 禾 grain + 刂 knife = cut off grain = advantage).

秦 ( Qin ) is the name of the state from which China emerged (in the area of ​​today's provinces 陕西Shaanxi and West Gansu甘肃), in which a lot of grain was grown, hence daher in the sign 秦 (Qin).

In only a few cases, 禾 acts as a sound carrier, the best known is the conjunction和 (and, with).


character Pīnyīn translation
xiù elegant
qiū autumn

Character compounds ruled by radical 115

Ears of wheat (rice)
Strokes character
+ 00

+ 02 禿 秀 私 秂 秃

+ 03 秄 秅 秆 秇 秈 秉 秊

+ 04 秌 种 秎 秏 秐 科 秒 秓 秔 秕 秖 秗

+ 05 秘 秙 秚 秛 秜 秝 秞 租 秠 秡 秢 秣 秤 秥 秦 秧 秨 秩 秩 秪 秫 秬 秭 秮 积 称

+ 06 秱 秲 秳 秴 秵 秶 秷 秸 秹 秺 移 秼 秽 秾

+ 07 秿 稀 稁 稂 稃 稄 稅 稆 稇 稈 稉 稊 程 稌 稍 税

+ 08 稏 稐 稑 稒 稓 稔 稕 稖 稗 稘 稙 稚 稛 稜 稝 稞 稟 稠 稡 稢 稣 稤 稥

+ 09 稦 稧 稨 稩 稪 稫 稬 稭 種 稯 稰 稱 稲 稳 穀

+10 稴 稵 稶 稷 稸 稹 稺 稻 稼 稽 稾 稿 穁 穂 穃

+11 穄 穅 穆 穇 穈 穊 穋 穌 積 穎 穏 穐 穑 穒

+12 穉 穓 穔 穕 穖 穗 穘 穙 穚 穛 穜 穝 穞

+13 穟 穠 穡 穢 穣

+14 穤 穥 穦 穧 穨 穩 穪 穫

+15 穬 穭 穮 穯


+17 穰 穳



In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , the radical 115 is coded under the code point number 12.146 (U + 2F72).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 115  - Graphic representations of Radikal 115