Radical 46

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45 ⼬ ◄ 46 ► ⼮ 47
Pinyin : shān (= mountain)
Zhuyin : ㄕ ㄢ
Hiragana : や ま yama
Kanji : 山 yama or
山 偏 yamahen
山 冠 yamakanmuri
Hangul :
Sinocorean : 산 san (= mountain)
Trigram : Trigram
Codepoint : U + 5C71
Stroke sequence : 山
Mountains and pine trees in spring , painting by Mi Fei

The radical 46 with the meaning " mountain , mountain " is one of 31 of the 214 traditional radicals in Chinese writing that are written with three lines.

The radical character looks similar to the Cyrillic character Ш (ʃ) .

With 154 character combinations in Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, there are very many characters that can be found under this radical in the lexicon.

In shorthand dictionaries, this radical takes a different position in the radical list. In the New Chinese-German Dictionary, the radical mountain is in 60th position.

The character developed from the pictorial representation of a mountain with three peaks. It is therefore one of the pictograms . As a bearer of meaning, 山 represents geological, mountainous relationships such as:

character Explanation
The character for rocks is made up of the radical 山 (= mountain) and the radical 112石 (= stone).
The character that a "high mountain" (as the Qomolongma is. The Chinese name Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Feng珠穆朗玛峰a phonetic rendition of the Tibetan.) Referred to is made up of the Radical山and the character in the name of Yue Fei found and indicates the pronunciation of the sign.
The character for gorge is made up of the radical 山 and a character that indicates the pronunciation of the character.
The Japanese character ( Kokuji = character developed in Japan) for passport is made up of the radical 山 and the characters for above (上) and below (下).

崇 (= towering) also has something to do with mountains.

Character combinations ruled by radical 46

Strokes character
+ 00

+ 01 乢 屲

+ 02 屳 屹 屺 屻 屼 屽 屾 屿 岀 岁 岂 岃

+ 04 岄 岅 岆 岇 岈 岉 岊 岋 岌 岍 岎 岏 岐 岑 岒 岓 岔 岕 岕 岖 岗 岘 岙 岚 岛 岜

+ 05 岝 岞 岟 岠 岡 岢 岣 岤 岥 岦 岧 岨 岩 岪 岫 岬 岭 岮 岯 岰 岱 岲 岳 岴 岵 岵 岶 岷 岸 岹 岺 岻 岻 岼 岽 岾 岿 峀 峁 峂 峃 峄 峅

+ 06 峆 峇 峈 峉 峊 峋 峌 峍 峎 峏 峐 峑 峒 峓 峔 峕 峖 峗 峘 峙 峚 峛 峜 峝 峝 峞 峟 峠 峡 峢 峣 峤 峥 峦 峧

+ 07 峨 峩 峪 峫 峬 峭 峮 峯 峰 峱 峲 峳 峴 峵 島 峷 峸 峹 峺 峻 峼 峽 峾 峿 崀 崁 崂 崃 崄 崅

+ 08 崆 崇 崈 崉 崊 崋 崌 崍 崎 崏 崐 崑 崒 崓 崔 崕 崖 崗 崘 崙 崚 崛 崜 崝 崞 崟 崟 崠 崡 崢 崣 崤 崥 崥 崦 崧 崨 崩 崪 崫 崬 崭 崮 崯

+ 09 崱 崲 嵟 嵠 嵡 嵢 嵣 嵤 嵥 嵦 嵧 嵨 嵩 嵪 嵫 嵬 嵭 嵮 嵯 嵰 嵱 嵲 嵳 嵴 嵵 嵶 嵷 嵸 嶋

+11 嵹 嵺 嵻 嵼 嵽 嵾 嵿 嶀 嶁 嶂 嶃 嶄 嶅 嶆 嶇 嶈 嶉 嶊 嶌 嶍 嶎

+12 嶏 嶐 嶑 嶒 嶓 嶔 嶕 嶖 嶗 嶘 嶙 嶚 嶛 嶜 嶝 嶞 嶟 嶠 嶡 嶢 嶣 嶤 嶥

+13 嶦 嶧 嶨 嶩 嶪 嶫 嶬 嶭 嶮 嶯 嶰 嶱 嶲 嶳 嶴 嶵 嶶

+14 嶷 嶸 嶹 嶺 嶻 嶼 嶽 嶾 嶿

+16 巀 巁 巂 巃 巄 巅

+17 巆 巇 巈 巉 巊 巋 巌

+18 巍 巎 巏 巐

+19 巑 巒 巓 巔 巕

+20 巖 巗 巘 巙 巚

In the Unicode block Kangxi radicals , radical 46 is coded under the code point number 12.077 (U + 2F2D).


For detailed references, see List of Traditional Radicals: Literature

Web links

Commons : Radikal 46  - Graphic representations of Radikal 46
Wiktionary: 山  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations